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    1. Question about a bug encountered while transferring photo and video files between devices

      This is my first Tildes post and I'll remove it if needed! I recently dumped some photos from an old cell phone on to an old windows 10 laptop to be stored on an external hard drive. The phone is...

      This is my first Tildes post and I'll remove it if needed!

      I recently dumped some photos from an old cell phone on to an old windows 10 laptop to be stored on an external hard drive.

      The phone is a 4 year old Galaxy with 128g onboard storage.

      The laptop is an HP running windows 10 and is a notebook-like machine with about 30g total hard drive, the max usable is like 4 or 5 gigs after the OS etc.

      At the time of transferring files, I found it quicker to use the available 2.5 gigs I had to put pictures directly on the laptop and then transfer them from there to the external hard drive.

      Here is my problem:

      2 folders, from separate camping trips, totalling about 380 photos and a few videos are stuck on the desktop and are claiming to take up 4.02 terabytes and thus cannot be moved.

      I did notice the file type .heic is not recognized by windows 10, but all my other photos (several thousand,) are the same file type and take up a normal amount of space.

      These individual photos in question are claiming to be around 7 to 8 gigs each.

      There's not 4 TB between the phone(128g,) laptop(30g,) and the external drive(3tb.)

      So the pictures are stuck on this laptop which is only acting as a surrogate computer while I'm building a real desktop PC.

      I can keep this laptop forever, even though I'd rather donate it or something, but one of these folders has pictures from the last camping trip with my brother before he took his own life last year, I'd really like to keep them archived and backed up.

      Any ideas? Anyone have a similar experience? Thank you for reading and thanks in advance for any suggestions!

      Again, I'll delete this post if it's inappropriate.


      EDIT: I just realized while proof reading this, that if I can update the codecs where windows can view the files, I could screenshot the photos, but that still leaves me at a loss for the videos.
      I miss his goofy laugh, and want to preserve it for his son also.

      23 votes
    2. Best FOSS app for Lemmy?

      I tried out Sync for Lemmy. Loved it, but I was not a fan of the tracking for ads and the price to get rid of that being $20. Anyone tried the free open source Lemmy apps? I used to use RedReader...

      I tried out Sync for Lemmy. Loved it, but I was not a fan of the tracking for ads and the price to get rid of that being $20. Anyone tried the free open source Lemmy apps? I used to use RedReader for Reddit, so I don't mind it being a bit worse than something like Sync.

      27 votes
    3. What do you recommend for sunscreen?

      This thread can be used for general recommendations for anyone, but I'm specifically looking for a daily sunscreen I can wear on my face and neck. I'm looking for a holy grail sunscreen that might...

      This thread can be used for general recommendations for anyone, but I'm specifically looking for a daily sunscreen I can wear on my face and neck.

      I'm looking for a holy grail sunscreen that might not even exist (in the US, but I'm willing to import if needed). Here are my preferences:

      • Not greasy
      • No whitecast
      • I'm not allergic to it (this I won't know until I try it -- I'm allergic to "fragrance" which is a relatively useless thing to know -- it just means that any scented product is a roll of the die as to whether or not I react with it because there are thousands of different things that can constitute "fragrance" in a product)

      I found what I thought was it: this imported sunscreen. Went on easy, smelled great (green apple!), and legitimately worked.

      Unfortunately, I'm allergic to it.

      I've since replaced it with this Sun Bum face stick which is similar, but it doesn't go on nearly as easily and the synthetic banana smell is offputting. Nevertheless, I put up with it because 1) it doesn't activate my allergies (yay!) and 2) the banana smell is actually better to me than "regular" sunscreen smell.

      Sun Bum actually has a fragrance free mineral sunscreen, but it still smells like sunscreen (which I hate) and it has a really strong whitecast, so it's out.

      The Sun Bum I'm using now technically "works" for what I want, but I don't love it. I'm looking to see if there's something out there that I can actually love wearing, especially because I'm going to be doing it daily.

      If anyone has any recommendations, please let me know!

      51 votes
    4. Best method to get rid of mealybugs (and maybe scale too)?

      I've got an indoor stephanotis which got an infestation of mealybugs (bad soil I think). I gave it a spray of Safer 5118-6 insecticidal soap (49.something% potassium salts of fatty acids) and have...

      I've got an indoor stephanotis which got an infestation of mealybugs (bad soil I think). I gave it a spray of Safer 5118-6 insecticidal soap (49.something% potassium salts of fatty acids) and have been going around (and around and around) the plant with an alcohol soaked pad to pick them off. It's a pretty thick mess of vines, and after several days of hunting I've found a lot, but of course it needs to be zero. It's had a problem with scale as well in the past, but this seems to be pretty minor right now. I've encountered just 2-3 leaves with that, and alcohol-wiped them too.

      So my question is, is this insecticidal soap the most suitable thing to use (it does specify it targets mealybugs) or is there something better? I plan to give it a good saturation in a couple more days, really try to hit every spot.

      15 votes
    5. Researchers, how do you take notes on the papers which you read?

      I've been struggling with finding a good workflow for taking notes on the journal articles which I read. I collate articles using Zotero, yet its in-built notetaking features (and comment scraping...

      I've been struggling with finding a good workflow for taking notes on the journal articles which I read. I collate articles using Zotero, yet its in-built notetaking features (and comment scraping from PDFs) is quite poor. So, my alternative so far has been to write up notes by hand, but this is pretty cumbersome and makes it take some time to refer to my notes. My approach is clearly not effective!

      How do you take notes on the papers which you read? Do you prefer to use written notes, or do you type your notes? In any case, what is your preferred means of storing and categorising your notes? And are there particular software which you use, if you opt for typed notes? (At present, I use an A5 notebook. Yet, this is not alphabetised or organised by topic, which compounds my struggles.)

      25 votes
    6. Starter tool set for someone starting out

      Basic Household Tool List (Edited to add suggestions from the comments and the general philosophy of this list) Tool bag (at least 15 inches long) Hammer (12 or 16 oz) Rubber mallet (white head...

      Basic Household Tool List

      (Edited to add suggestions from the comments and the general philosophy of this list)

      • Tool bag (at least 15 inches long)
      • Hammer (12 or 16 oz)
      • Rubber mallet (white head preferred, non-marking)
      • 6 inch Needlenose Pliers
      • 8 inch Slip Joint Pliers
      • 8 inch Crescent/adjustable wrench
      • 10 inch Slip groove (large jaw) pliers
      • Box cutter (optionally folding) + set of replacement blades
      • Hacksaw + spare blades
      • Scissors
      • 25' Tape Measure
      • Set of precision (small) screwdrivers
      • #1 and #2 Phillips head screwdrivers
      • Small and large straight blade screwdrivers
      • Multi screwdriver with torx/phillips/straight blade heads
      • half-round file (h/t @patience_limited)
      • a metal putty knife or a 5-in-1 combination paint scraper (h/t @patience_limited)
      • roll of twine
      • roll of blue masking tape
      • roll of Gorilla tape
      • roll of black electrical tape
      • super glue
      • small bottle of wood glue
      • 2" paint brush
      • torpedo level
      • small flashlight
      • a strong neodynium magnet - to use as a stud finder and for many other things (h/t @the_man)
      • 9v batteries
      • AA batteries
      • AAA batteries
      • 50 1" #6 wood screws (zinc/steel, not brass)
      • 50 2" #8 wood screws (zinc/steel, not brass)
      • small box of 1.5" finishing nails
      • light and heavy duty drywall anchors
      • course and fine foam sanding blocks (h/t @patience_limited)
      • 5 gallon bucket
      • safety glasses
      • N95 masks
      • leather work gloves
      • foam ear plus (h/t @the_man)

      Bonus list (things that are more expensive or nice-to-have upgrades):

      • a stud finder - the cheap ones are worthless, buy a good one or not at all (h/t @DeaconBlue)
      • a battery powered drill + bit set (h/t @patience_limited)
      • a set of metric and imperial allen keys (h/t @sublime_aenima)
      • a basic socket set with a mix of metric and imperial sockets (h/t @auk)

      The philosophy of this list:

      A good starter set should include tools and supplies someone will be glad they had that they didn't know they needed. Even if they aren't "handy", a handier friend might use them (and they learn something in the process). It doesn't include very specialized things like demolition, electrical, or plumbing tools. If you're going to undertake projects in those areas, you should know a little about what you're doing, and you'll be able to buy the right tools for the specific project. As as electrical engineer, I particularly don't include a multimeter because I don't want to encourage someone to mess around with electricity if they don't understand how it might hurt them.

      This list specifically does not suggest brands (except where the brand is the thing, like Gorilla tape). Opinions on what brand is best vary widely, but my general suggestion is this. Don't break the bank buying high end tools for someone who may never use them. A $2 hammer is going to be fine for someone who uses it once a year. If they are using them often enough to want something better, they can buy something better (or you can buy it for them).

      42 votes
    7. Thinning hair suggestions?

      So I've recently noticed that the hair on the top/back of my head is starting to thin. It's enough now that if my hair isn't brushed perfectly back you can see scalp through the thinner hair. My...

      So I've recently noticed that the hair on the top/back of my head is starting to thin. It's enough now that if my hair isn't brushed perfectly back you can see scalp through the thinner hair.

      My dad went bald, so if I do too so be it -- but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for good shampoo/products to delay and or repair.


      43 votes
    8. How did you become a baseball fan?

      Good afternoon, I hope all of my fellow baseball enjoyers are having the best days you can. I am a new account holder here on Tildes but I've been lurking for a bit, and would like to hear from...

      Good afternoon, I hope all of my fellow baseball enjoyers are having the best days you can. I am a new account holder here on Tildes but I've been lurking for a bit, and would like to hear from folks on how and why you first started to get into baseball.

      To get things started, my story may be a little different than some. Today baseball is the only sport I follow, but I didn't really grow up with it like many people do when they first become fans. I think I played one season of little league and my only real memories of that experience as a young person were sitting out in right field during practice and hoping no balls got hit my way, and sitting on a hot metal bench and chewing gum. I'm not sure that I ever got a hit.

      Somewhat later on in life, when I was in grad school, I wanted to get back into following a sport solely for the reason of having something to talk about with folks in the mindless office jobs I was working in at the time to pay the bills. I settled on baseball because there were games every day for much of the year, and it seemed pretty intuitive to me to read a box score and get a sense of what happened in a game even if I didn't have time to watch.

      But what team to follow, where I had no real allegiance to any growing up? I didn't want to be a fan of the Yankees or Mets, which would have been the logical choice given where my school and work were, because it felt like people who had been fans of those teams their whole lives would run circles around me, a baseball novice. So I essentially ran the 30 teams through a random number generator and ended up settling on the Texas Rangers by chance. Fortunately for me this was just prior to the Rangers' two world series teams in 2010 and 2011, and I've been hooked ever since (even if I might have some misgivings about franchise ownership... and the leadership of the state of Texas as a whole).

      I would love to hear other folks' stories, and look forwards to the rest of the season. Thanks for your time.

      13 votes
    9. Recommendations for learning how to think and reason

      So, I had this chat with a friend about verious topics. It made me realize how much I love engaging in discussions, but I also noticed that I struggle to articulate my thoughts logically and...

      So, I had this chat with a friend about verious topics. It made me realize how much I love engaging in discussions, but I also noticed that I struggle to articulate my thoughts logically and effectively frame my arguments. I want to improve my reasoning and argument skills so that I can confidently present my ideas in such conversations. So I'm seeking a book recommendation that can help me develop my logical thinking and persuasive abilities. I'm looking for a book that explains things in a straightforward way, with fun examples to practice with, covering diverse topics to make logical thinking enjoyable. If you have any suggestions, I'd be super grateful

      51 votes
    10. Looking for ideas for wholesome bachelor party fun

      My husband and I have a bachelor party weekend coming up for two of our friends (they’re a gay couple). Rather than having the kind of raucous, adult adventure that people commonly associate with...

      My husband and I have a bachelor party weekend coming up for two of our friends (they’re a gay couple). Rather than having the kind of raucous, adult adventure that people commonly associate with “bachelor party”, we’re looking for more wholesome, nerdy stuff.

      For example: we’ve already got an escape room lined up, and I’ll be bringing the full set of Jackbox games. What I’m looking for is other recommendations for party games and activities, especially ones that work with people who aren’t super familiar with one another. Everyone there will know the grooms, but we don’t all know each other.

      Also, games/activities should be relatively simple to learn and play. There will be drinking.

      Recommendations don’t have to be entirely clean or family-friendly by the way (we’re not opposed to something like Cards Against Humanity, for example), but we’re not a group that likes particularly raunchy stuff.

      23 votes
    11. Vertical carousel to storage tools - DIY??

      Hi, I have a weird cubic space in my garage wall due to the location of the chimney and stairs to the basement. The lower edge of that cubic hole is at 41 inches (104 cm) from the floor. Its deep...

      Hi, I have a weird cubic space in my garage wall due to the location of the chimney and stairs to the basement.
      The lower edge of that cubic hole is at 41 inches (104 cm) from the floor. Its deep is 40 inches (101 cm). Width 39 inches (99 cm). Height 46 inches (117 cm).
      Too deep for static shelves, I cannot reach the end. Too tall for sliding shelves (kind of drawer thing), I am 5'7'' (172 cm). In its current form, it is too much of a space for its practical use.
      I thought that a carousel that moves shelves up and down (like in this design for shoes https://storagemotion.com/shoeselect/) but for heavier weights would be practical... I have no idea how to even name the parts to buy them, if they exist.
      Also, I will appreciate suggestions for an alternative solution.
      PS: located in Massachusetts, US.

      7 votes
    12. Two short films about potters

      These two videos about potters are lovely. They're long (well, 20 minutes and 30 minutes) so the people get a chance to speak. There's no jump cuts, no weird edits. You get to spend some time with...

      These two videos about potters are lovely. They're long (well, 20 minutes and 30 minutes) so the people get a chance to speak. There's no jump cuts, no weird edits. You get to spend some time with these quiet, reserved, people as they go about their craft.

      Everything in Batterham's studio is covered in clay. Including, sadly, probably his lungs by the sound of him.

      Anne Mette Hjortshøj - Paying honest attention

      "Danish potter, Anne Mette Hjortshøj lives and works on the small island of Bornholm, situated in the Baltic Sea. ...

      Our documentary gives a gentle and revealing insight into one of Denmark's leading potters. It follows Hjortshøj's daily life; collecting clay from the local beach for her glazes, throwing and making pots in her studio, and talking about the firing of her two chamber wood-fired salt kiln and its role in producing the decorative aspects of her work. We learn of her influences both within and outside of the Danish potting tradition and the inspiration she takes from the nature of the island.

      Her pots are characterised by a quiet dignity, entirely in tune with her surroundings and with the greatest respect for both beauty and function."

      Richard Batterham - Independent Potter

      A 30-minute documentary about one of the UK's finest potters. ... Batterham's domestic stoneware is highly collectible - but made for everyday use. Here he shares his philosophy and demonstrates his art, from mixing the clay to glazing the finished item and much in-between. Batterham died on 8th September 2021

      (I tried to tag this with Anne Mette Hjortshøj's name but tags didn't like the unicode.)

      10 votes
    13. Do you look up words while reading a novel?

      What's your general philosophy around this? In theory, we learn all our fundamental vocabulary from context. But at the same time, it may be important to know the precise meaning. When do you look...

      What's your general philosophy around this? In theory, we learn all our fundamental vocabulary from context. But at the same time, it may be important to know the precise meaning. When do you look it up? When do you make an educated guess and keep going?

      56 votes
    14. Request: Ideas and tips for creating a portfolio to get a web developer job

      Hi everyone — I am trying to get a job in web development after a decade in a mostly unrelated field. I am looking for ideas and tips to create a portfolio to send with applications. All of the...

      Hi everyone — I am trying to get a job in web development after a decade in a mostly unrelated field.

      I am looking for ideas and tips to create a portfolio to send with applications. All of the websites I worked on ages ago have been taken offline or redesigned by someone else. I do have a website I created for my music, but it’s just vanilla HTML. I also have a personal website which is really the only thing I have to show.

      I know HTML/CSS quite well, but that’s basically it. I’ve worked with WordPress for years but only just recently began learning enough PHP to do anything custom. I don’t really know Javascript much at all.

      I have quite a few paid courses through Udemy for all these different areas but even as I have completed them, I don’t feel confident in knowledge of the different languages. These courses nearly always come with projects that the students create with the instructor. Should I use these as part of my portfolio? For some reason I never felt right doing that, since I didn’t build it myself.

      So I guess I’m curious (if any of you are web developers) if you have suggestions for how to fill out a portfolio without any previous work examples.

      Side note: I wasn’t sure how to word the title or my question particularly well so please edit it more clearly, Those Who Can Edit.

      edit: thank you to everyone who took the time to reply to this. it’s all been very helpful and i appreciate everyone’s input immensely!

      23 votes
    15. Does anyone have experience transforming their boring lawns into more eco-friendly alternatives?

      One of the things I want to do when I purchase a home is not subscribe to the whole lawn culture, not just because I hate lawn care, but because I think they're ugly and boring. I want something a...

      One of the things I want to do when I purchase a home is not subscribe to the whole lawn culture, not just because I hate lawn care, but because I think they're ugly and boring. I want something a little more eco-friendly and more comfortable to be in. I'm thinking fast growing trees, bushes, tall plants, etc.

      Has anyone on Tildes attempted such a conversion? What are some tips you'd recommend?

      76 votes
    16. Black Mirror: Favorite episodes

      Just finished Season 6. I get the derision and have read plenty about it, so I’d like to hear about which episodes you liked - whether from this season or ones past. I ended up deeply enjoying...

      Just finished Season 6. I get the derision and have read plenty about it, so I’d like to hear about which episodes you liked - whether from this season or ones past. I ended up deeply enjoying Demon 79, which has been termed “Red Mirror” instead of “Black Mirror”. The performances, the filming style, the soundtrack all made this a treat for me. How about you all?

      22 votes
    17. State fairs!

      So I'm currently at my local state fair getting lunch, so I figured this might be a fun topic. Let's talk about state fairs! What are your favorite memories? Favorite activities to do? Go-to snack...

      So I'm currently at my local state fair getting lunch, so I figured this might be a fun topic. Let's talk about state fairs! What are your favorite memories? Favorite activities to do? Go-to snack foods? Weirdest deep fried food booths you've seen?

      For me, I'm looking forward to getting kettle corn and soft serve ice cream later. The kettle corn I love is only sold at fairs, and I haven't had it in years. Otherwise we're just going to walk around and see what's going on, going wherever our feet take us.

      31 votes
    18. What programming/technical projects have you been working on?

      This is a recurring post to discuss programming or other technical projects that we've been working on. Tell us about one of your recent projects, either at work or personal projects. What's...

      This is a recurring post to discuss programming or other technical projects that we've been working on. Tell us about one of your recent projects, either at work or personal projects. What's interesting about it? Are you having trouble with anything?

      28 votes