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  • Showing only topics with the tag "survey". Back to normal view
    1. What have you made using an AI tool?

      I'm curious what people have made with the assistance of any of the new AI tools. Let's skip low-effort things like asking ChatGPT to generate an essay and posting it as-is. But besides that, if...

      I'm curious what people have made with the assistance of any of the new AI tools.

      Let's skip low-effort things like asking ChatGPT to generate an essay and posting it as-is. But besides that, if you made something you think is cool, post it here.

      45 votes
    2. Any fans here of "Bee And Puppycat", the original series on YouTube and the sorta reboot on Netflix?

      I absolutely adore both, it has such a relaxing animation style and soundtrack. Kind of an embarrassing guilty pleasure as a guy. The soundtrack is partially by the artist Baths who is also...

      I absolutely adore both, it has such a relaxing animation style and soundtrack. Kind of an embarrassing guilty pleasure as a guy.
      The soundtrack is partially by the artist Baths who is also incredible. And I just saw its been released sometime recently!
      Anyways please leave your thoughts about the show, I hope it gets another season, which is likely since they were partially acquired by Toho studios

      33 votes
    3. What would you like to see in your dream food blog?

      I am in the process of starting up my own food blog. I have no hopes or aspirations of being huge or making money, it will solely be a labor of love and an outlet for my love of food to share with...

      I am in the process of starting up my own food blog. I have no hopes or aspirations of being huge or making money, it will solely be a labor of love and an outlet for my love of food to share with the world.

      Unfortunately, I don’t have a specific niche that will be targeting and was looking to crowd source opinions on what people would feel they would like in a food blog. I’m hoping to avoid suggestions like “less convoluted stories about your grandmothers tablecloth for 3 pages before the recipe” since I think we can all agree on that front.

      Some of you may be thinking the world needs another blog like you need another asshole, and that may be true. However, part of my impetus was that many of the recipe blogs I find online have the same generic 30-40 recipes with minimal variation. Others of higher quality are moving behind paywalls. My goal is to try to include slightly more obscure recipes from all over the world, tried/tested/optimized for simplicity in cooking and flavor, or more unique variations on more common recipes. I also aspire to do some articles a bit more experimental / scientific in nature in the vein of some of J Kenji Lopez Alts articles a la serious eats but that is a larger aspiration for down the road.

      I welcome any suggestions or sharing of your current favorite food blogs. I know the current social media trend is YouTube, TikTok, and the like. However as I find myself here with you all, you may understand my preference for sticking with the written word (and occasional photos). Cheers!

      13 votes
    4. What creative projects have you been working on?

      This topic is part of a series. It is meant to be a place for users to discuss creative projects they have been working on. Projects can be personal, professional, physical, digital, or even just...

      This topic is part of a series. It is meant to be a place for users to discuss creative projects they have been working on.

      Projects can be personal, professional, physical, digital, or even just ideas.

      If you have any creative projects that you have been working on or want to eventually work on, this is a place for discussing those.

      27 votes
    5. What have you been listening to this week?

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something! If you've just picked up some music, please update on that as...

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something! If you've just picked up some music, please update on that as well, we'd love to see your hauls :)

      Feel free to give recs or discuss anything about each others' listening habits.

      You can make a chart if you use last.fm:


      Remember that linking directly to your image will update with your future listening, make sure to reupload to somewhere like imgur if you'd like it to remain what you have at the time of posting.

      19 votes
    6. What is your favorite live album?

      Share your favorite live records with us! Here are some questions for discussion: What performances really stand out for you? What is unique about the way the band performs live? What draws you to...

      Share your favorite live records with us!

      Here are some questions for discussion:

      What performances really stand out for you? What is unique about the way the band performs live? What draws you to the live performance? Do you prefer a live version of a song over the recording? Why?

      38 votes
    7. TV Tuesdays Free Talk

      Have you watched any TV shows recently you want to discuss? Any shows you want to recommend or are hyped about? Feel free to discuss anything here. Please just try to provide fair warning of...

      Have you watched any TV shows recently you want to discuss? Any shows you want to recommend or are hyped about? Feel free to discuss anything here.

      Please just try to provide fair warning of spoilers if you can.

      7 votes
    8. What did you do this week (and weekend)?

      As part of a weekly series, these topics are a place for users to casually discuss the things they did — or didn't do — during their week. Did you accomplish any goals? Suffer a failure? Do...

      As part of a weekly series, these topics are a place for users to casually discuss the things they did — or didn't do — during their week. Did you accomplish any goals? Suffer a failure? Do nothing at all? Tell us about it!

      20 votes
    9. Anyone diagnosed with osteoporosis?

      I was just diagnosed with osteoporosis which doesn't come as any surprise given that I've lived with severe arthritis all my life. I have some treatments in process including an infusion...

      I was just diagnosed with osteoporosis which doesn't come as any surprise given that I've lived with severe arthritis all my life.
      I have some treatments in process including an infusion (reclast?)
      I am 65 and have a history of some significant accidents including being hit by a car as a small child which likely accelerated the condition.
      I've also been on opioid pain meds for many years. I have been in the process of stopping these in an effort to see how much pain I can handle. My life is a lot less active in the last 15 years so it seems quite doable at this stage. My entire family died around 2008 and I don't have near the responsibilities that I had in the past.
      I have read that these drugs can also accelerate the condition.
      But they were necessary and I have no regrets.
      It's just depressing and just wanted to share.

      18 votes
    10. What browser extensions do you absolutely love to use?

      I have two that I will highly recommend: Vimium has completely changed the way that I use my browsers. They have extensions for firefox and safari as well, but the link I provided is for chrome....

      I have two that I will highly recommend:

      Vimium has completely changed the way that I use my browsers. They have extensions for firefox and safari as well, but the link I provided is for chrome. If you are used to vim keybindings, it makes websites almost completely navigable using only your keyboard! Here's a video demonstration of it in case you're interested.

      My other is SponsorBlock for youtube. This one makes using youtube a little more bearable by automatically skipping the baked-in sponsorships and advertisements. It has literally cut down my viewing times of some channels by like 20%.

      Are there any other extensions that you absolutely love?

      110 votes
    11. Musicians of Tildes, how do you promote your music?

      My band are releasing a new single on the 5th August, another later in the year, and a third early next year. We've released a few tracks already, but we never seem to get much traction when...

      My band are releasing a new single on the 5th August, another later in the year, and a third early next year. We've released a few tracks already, but we never seem to get much traction when trying to promote them. The band has agreed that a different approach is probably needed, and so we're open to a bit of experimentation. So, musos of Tildes: how do you go about promoting the music you release?

      21 votes
    12. Memories of "Launch" magazine

      Hi, I'm asking here in the hopes that someone remembers a music magazine of yore. "Launch" magazine was mailed to subscribers on a CD in the mid-90s. It was like... Pitchfork, edgy but with...


      I'm asking here in the hopes that someone remembers a music magazine of yore. "Launch" magazine was mailed to subscribers on a CD in the mid-90s. It was like... Pitchfork, edgy but with broader appeal. I honestly don't remember much of the music that was on there. It had these sort of Dilbert-esqe comics about being a programmer in a start up. Back then, I had no idea, really, what they were talking about, but I thought the comics were hilarious.

      Anyway, I can't find it anymore. The name is really generic and nothing I find in searches seems to resemble what I remember. It might be the kind of thing that someone like a Tildes user who browses the music group might remember. Does anyone have a memory of this? Seeing those little comics again would be nostalgia gold.

      7 votes
    13. Life changing weight-loss

      This is a thread for everyone to share their personal story. But I'll start with mine. I was never an obese child. I was always borderline overweight, but I was never at risk for being unhealthy....

      This is a thread for everyone to share their personal story. But I'll start with mine.

      I was never an obese child. I was always borderline overweight, but I was never at risk for being unhealthy. At 15 I even managed to lose some weight when I did go into the overweight category. And then I graduated high school. I ended up gaining thirty pounds before starting college, and the weight just kept on piling up. Ending with me gaining over 120 pounds, and being over 300 pounds. I was 17 during this time period. I ended up losing quite a bit of weight, down to 218 during the summer following my first year. But I ended up gaining it back and could not go back down.

      By the time I graduated college I was back up almost to my original weight. Unfortunately for me, I graduated in Spring of 2020. Right when the pandemic started. This just caused my weight to climb up even more. Even worse, I finally looked in the mirror and realized that my hair was thinning. This was an easier fix: Dutasteride. Got on that pill and that started growing my hair. You can read more about my struggle with that here. My eating was another ball game.

      In late 2021, after being diagnosed with pre-diabetes, I decided to lose some weight. I did Keto, not because I felt like that was the only way to lose weight, but because I had read that was the best diet to reverse pre-diabetes. I did that for three months and it did indeed crushed my A1C number, and I lost a fair amount of weight. The problem was that when I got off the diet I gained a lot of weight back. Not all of it, but enough to make a difference. Keto was not a sustainable diet, but on top of that my thought process was "when this ends I'm gonna eat this I'm gonna eat that."

      One day I take a pretty hardcore edible. Weed has an anxious effect on me and constantly makes me reflect on my own life and how unhappy I am with it. But this one time it made me realize how much of what was wrong with my life, or how much of what I did not like about my life was connected to my weight. And how many insecurities me being obese gave me. And how it was holding me back from doing what I wanted to do. It also made me realize why I used food as a coping mechanism, and it made me come to terms with the fact that on some level I had an addiction to food.

      So that was actually very helpful, and I was able to move on, and actually commit. It helped me to recognize the signs of overeating, and made me pause whenever I would grab something to eat. I would eventually also start lifting weights and focusing on eating a lot of protein. And that helped me lose fat more than Keto ever did. Just the consistency of that was a lot better and honestly easier than the incredibly restrictive diet Keto is. I still struggle with food. I can't really eat chips, or popcorn, because I will finish the whole bag whether I want to or not. But it's gotten slightly easier, at the very least I've gotten better at trying to avoid things like that.

      It's completely altered the way that I look. I just recently saw some family that hadn't seen me in a while, and they did not recognize me. My face is much more visible now. When I would get high I would look in the mirror and not recognize myself but now I do. Part of that problem is that I hadn't actually seen myself properly in a mirror since high school until this recent weight loss. So I was just completely delusional, by choice, about what I looked like. I look at old pictures and go "damn that's how I really was huh."

      Now that I'm close to being the same weight I was back in high school, I feel more like me. I feel like I look more like how I perceived myself. I'm not scared to look in the mirror anymore. I'm not scared to take pictures anymore. I'm not scared to try on clothes anymore.

      What's really been a trip is the fact that people find me attractive again. I don't want to sound conceited, but I am in fact not ugly. But my face was hidden under the weight. So for years nobody really found me attractive, and that's fair now that I've seen pictures of myself from that time (on top of me having no confidence back then). But now they do again. And it's going to take a little bit of getting used to, but damn it feels good. It feels good to finally date, to have the confidence to go out. It feels good for people to think that I'm 19 instead of thinking that I'm 30.

      And I feel so much younger. I'm still in my early 20s, but before now I felt old. Like I felt like my body was falling apart. With how much my hips hurt, with how much my knees hurt, how slow I was. I remember when I was 20 my ankle hurt so much. There was like so much pressure on it and it would not pop. And then when I finally did pop it I had to continually pop it to feel relief. That's gone now. My joints pop a normal amount now rather than the excessive amount. I can crouch, I can get up from the floor, I can walk longer easily. Stuff that I should have been doing this entire time that felt almost impossible to do.

      It's like I've been rejuvenated. Like I've been given a second chance to enjoy my youth.

      And I really really don't want to mess it up again.

      18 votes
    14. Where do you stand on climate change?

      I'm intrigued to ask Tildes this because people are from all walks of life and from all over the world. Right now, Europe is being hit with a heatwave that's breaking all records. Last year the UK...

      I'm intrigued to ask Tildes this because people are from all walks of life and from all over the world.

      Right now, Europe is being hit with a heatwave that's breaking all records. Last year the UK had it's hottest day ever recorded too. It's pretty crazy and it's messing with crops, animals and humans alike. It's changing our way of life.

      The question is: do you believe we're the cause and humans have caused global warming?


      We're in a climate cycle the world naturally takes going from ice age to extreme heat and back again?

      I ask because I'm of the belief that science is right, humans are causing this. However, a few friends, some of who I believe to be fairly intelligent, are firmly sticking to it being a planet cycle and it's purely natural.

      Your views please?

      83 votes
    15. What are the origins of your favorite comic book in your collection?

      I have been a big X-Men fan since I was very small, and I have been ever-so-slowly collecting the Volume 1 Uncanny X-Men series (1963) since the late 1980's. I was surprised with a graded (6.5)...

      I have been a big X-Men fan since I was very small, and I have been ever-so-slowly collecting the Volume 1 Uncanny X-Men series (1963) since the late 1980's. I was surprised with a graded (6.5) copy of Uncanny X-Men #94 by my wife for my birthday a few years ago. I've always wanted a copy, but it's a fairly expensive book and one I never thought I would own.

      In the issue, the original X-Men quit the team except Cyclops, and are replaced by Colossus, Wolverine, Storm, Nightcrawler, and Banshee while Sunfire returns to Japan. It's their first appearance in the Uncanny series and their second appearance outside of Giant Size X-Men #1.

      I'm looking forward to an opportunity to get it signed, if Christ Clairmont does another CGC signing.

      Fun fact about the issue from Wikipedia: There are no issues of Uncanny X-Men #94 that rate higher than a 9.8 on the Comic Guaranty LLC grading scale, so if you have an ungraded copy in pristine condition, you might have an extremely rare piece of comic book history.

      So, How did you come across your favorite comic book in your collection? Was it a lucky find at a local comic book store or a treasured gift from a friend? Did you stumble upon it while exploring the crazy world of online auctions or conventions? I'm eager to hear the tales of how you obtained your cherished piece of comic book history.

      11 votes
    16. What's your planning process for big group trips?

      My university friends and I (and everyone's significant others, so about ~15 people) are planning a big catch-up trip, which will also be the first time to the country where I live for all of...

      My university friends and I (and everyone's significant others, so about ~15 people) are planning a big catch-up trip, which will also be the first time to the country where I live for all of them. Planning has been a little higher friction than I expected, because we want to coordinate travel times to specific cities ("let's spend 4 days in City A, then all go to City B" etc), but people also have specific activities only they want to do (scuba, theme parks, etc) within each city. However, there's way too much to choose from and there's no way we'll do everything that everyone wants to do.

      So right now to gauge interest in specific cities and attractions within them, we are just using a private Facebook group where people just make an idea as a post and people vote by liking it, and people can discuss the place in the comments. Things that we have fully decided are just placed on a spreadsheet. This process works but it doesn't feel great.

      I've also explored Wanderlog, and I really like the fact that you can easily search for stuff and then place it on a map, but unfortunately its UI doesn't really support "branching" trips where some people will do different things on a given day.

      What tools/processes have you had success with when trying to coordinate a big group trip?

      9 votes
    17. What is your favorite type of horror movie antagonist?

      Zombies, aliens, kaiju, regular humans (like ghostface), super humans (like Freddie or Jason) demons, vampires, ghosts, or something else I haven't mentioned. What's your favorite type of villian...

      Zombies, aliens, kaiju, regular humans (like ghostface), super humans (like Freddie or Jason) demons, vampires, ghosts, or something else I haven't mentioned. What's your favorite type of villian for horror movies?

      I've always been partial to zombies, as I think they're the perfect mix of horrifying and unstoppable yet benign enough to not make the main characters feel hopelessly unable to do anything. I guess I find the idea that given the right choices I can make it out alive more interesting than the idea of a ghost/demon where you're just entirely at the mercy of magical powers that you can't do anything against.

      But maybe that feeling of complete powerlessness is what some people are looking for in a horror movie.

      23 votes
    18. If you went to a game-type fantasy world and could take one skill back to Earth, what would you choose?

      I wish there was a more concise way to phrase that question. I've asked it a couple times and always get some interesting answers. This is inspired by all the "isekai" stories in anime and manga...

      I wish there was a more concise way to phrase that question. I've asked it a couple times and always get some interesting answers.

      This is inspired by all the "isekai" stories in anime and manga where a hero is summoned to help fight the demon king, along with the LitRPG genre. They use game-like interfaces to track stats and skills. Not just the typical combat ones like magic or weapons, but mundane skills like cooking, cleaning, walking, resting, drawing, lying, etc. Naturally, higher level skills tend to surpass basic physical limitations found on Earth. You could run faster than a train if your speed is high enough, or sculpt an exact replica of Michaelangelo's David in just a few days with a sculpting skill.

      So imagine you got summoned to such a world and went through the whole "defeat the demon king" quest, and could choose one skill to take back to Earth. This includes anything from some specific magic ability like weather control and invisibility, to trained skills like archery and blacksmithing, to even basic stats like strength and stealth. Anything is fair game, but you can pick only one.

      So, what skill would you choose and why?

      19 votes
    19. What's your favorite read of 2023 so far?

      We're halfway through 2023, and I thought I'd check in and ask if anyone has a favorite book they've read this year. Doesn't have to be released this year, just a book that wow'd you in 2023 up to...

      We're halfway through 2023, and I thought I'd check in and ask if anyone has a favorite book they've read this year. Doesn't have to be released this year, just a book that wow'd you in 2023 up to this point.

      My contribution I read this year is Three Day Road by Joseph Boyden. Two boys with Cree upbringing find themselves enlisting in World War I. A hard book to read that doesn't pull punches, with descriptions that put you right there with them. Broke my heart several times.

      How about you?

      52 votes
    20. What's your favorite theme to see explored in art?

      I haven't really seen this question asked often (not just here, in general), but what are your favorite themes to see explored in art and media, and why? Personally, I really like art that...

      I haven't really seen this question asked often (not just here, in general), but what are your favorite themes to see explored in art and media, and why?

      Personally, I really like art that explores concepts of "decay as a positive". I find it very intertesting when decay is portrayed as a positive force that prevents stagnation, as a sign of incoming change, rather than the common "decay is a sign of neglect".

      11 votes
    21. Bags and backpacks! What do you look for, what do you use?

      Recently I've found myself with my previous backpack running through its life, and its not something I'm confident I could repair myself. As such, I'm on the search for a new daily bag. I'm...

      Recently I've found myself with my previous backpack running through its life, and its not something I'm confident I could repair myself. As such, I'm on the search for a new daily bag. I'm curious what others look for in a daily bag for work or school, and what options people like right now.

      58 votes
    22. Which board games have you been playing (to 9th July)?

      Tabletildians, Which games have you all been playing this week? Time to share and compare. Personally, my group and I played a game of Racoon Tycoon, a simple but enjoyable little trading, auction...


      Which games have you all been playing this week? Time to share and compare.

      Personally, my group and I played a game of Racoon Tycoon, a simple but enjoyable little trading, auction and set collection game. We didn't do any auctions for quite some time at the beginning and I was starting to think the game was going to be a bit dull, but the auction really transformed it, and it was actually really quite enjoyable.

      After that we played Iberian Railways. I wasn't too impressed with the board, as it looked bleached out like it had been left in the window of a shop. But the game was fun, marking routes with cubes, taking loans and claiming business contracts. Interestingly you're trying to earn money to buy the routes but you're measured equally on other criteria, like longest route, most cities, &c. It amusingly (read: disappointingly) ended in a three-way tie, with no tie-breakers. Don't think I can recommend this one, due mainly to the scoring.

      Finally we played a few games of Cat in the Box. Absolutely fantastic trick-taking game where your cards have numbers but no suits and you decide the suit of each card as you play it, marking off that colour and suit combination on a board. Thus the gamut of possibilities for your remaining cards shrinks as cards are played. Really recommend this one, it was great fun.

      16 votes
    23. What programming/technical projects have you been working on?

      This is a recurring post to discuss programming or other technical projects that we've been working on. Tell us about one of your recent projects, either at work or personal projects. What's...

      This is a recurring post to discuss programming or other technical projects that we've been working on. Tell us about one of your recent projects, either at work or personal projects. What's interesting about it? Are you having trouble with anything?

      12 votes
    24. Which recreational and/or illegal drugs have you tried? Why and how did it happen?

      This topic allows no mention of means to obtain drugs or endorses the use of it. It only asks for people who have experiences they are willing to share. I'm referring to recreational and/or...

      This topic allows no mention of means to obtain drugs or endorses the use of it. It only asks for people who have experiences they are willing to share.

      I'm referring to recreational and/or illegal substances.

      43 votes
    25. What have you been listening to this week?

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something! If you've just picked up some music, please update on that as...

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something! If you've just picked up some music, please update on that as well, we'd love to see your hauls :)

      Feel free to give recs or discuss anything about each others' listening habits.

      You can make a chart if you use last.fm:


      Remember that linking directly to your image will update with your future listening, make sure to reupload to somewhere like imgur if you'd like it to remain what you have at the time of posting.

      31 votes
    26. Anyone here like e-scooters?

      The cost keeps dropping and the specs keep getting better and better, but they seem pretty dangerous, mainly because you have to share the road with cars. Still, for the price of an ultra cheap...

      The cost keeps dropping and the specs keep getting better and better, but they seem pretty dangerous, mainly because you have to share the road with cars. Still, for the price of an ultra cheap beater car, less than $2000, you can get an electric vehicle with 50+ miles of range and 30+ mph speeds, that you can fold and carry with one arm (if you're kinda strong).

      I've got a basic one and its great. My only gripe is that I don't feel comfortable locking it up on a public street due to theft, so if I want to scoot to a store, I have to bring the scooter in with me. Would be great to see this mode of travel widely adopted, with some decent infrastructure like rentable lockers and more bike paths that aren't just the shoulder of a street full of cars.

      14 votes
    27. TV Tuesdays Free Talk

      Have you watched any TV shows recently you want to discuss? Any shows you want to recommend or are hyped about? Feel free to discuss anything here. Please just try to provide fair warning of...

      Have you watched any TV shows recently you want to discuss? Any shows you want to recommend or are hyped about? Feel free to discuss anything here.

      Please just try to provide fair warning of spoilers if you can.

      9 votes
    28. Fitness Weekly Discussion

      What have you been doing lately for your own fitness? Try out any new programs or exercises? Have any questions for others about your training? Want to vent about poor behavior in the gym? Started...

      What have you been doing lately for your own fitness? Try out any new programs or exercises? Have any questions for others about your training? Want to vent about poor behavior in the gym? Started a new diet or have a new recipe you want to share? Anything else health and wellness related?

      11 votes
    29. What consumeristic and somewhat pointless hobby do you have?

      The one thing that I personally really got into was mechanical keyboards. It all started with one cheap secondhand Corsair RGB mechanical gaming keyboard that I got when I was 15. I thought it was...

      The one thing that I personally really got into was mechanical keyboards. It all started with one cheap secondhand Corsair RGB mechanical gaming keyboard that I got when I was 15. I thought it was the coolest thing ever because it was shiny and loud. That led to many different keyboards and keyboard accessories. Notable ones include:

      • GMMK Pro 70% keyboard with a metal chassis
      • Anne Pro Bluetooth 60% keyboard
      • A set of keycaps, which alone cost more than multiple non-fancy keyboards
      • A couple of hand-soldered macropads that I never got around to using

      ... The list goes on. It was fun, but after buying the keycaps, I realized that, for the sake of my bank account and financial stability, I had probably acquired enough keyboards for the time being.

      What is your costly and somewhat pointless hobby/obsession?

      126 votes
    30. Unexpected, but great mashups

      So I just encountered this mashup of Britney Spears' "Toxic" and Deftones' "Change (In the house of flies)" and it just works so well. Same with ABBA's "Dancing Queen" over Linkin' Park's "Numb"...

      So I just encountered this mashup of Britney Spears' "Toxic" and Deftones' "Change (In the house of flies)" and it just works so well.

      Same with ABBA's "Dancing Queen" over Linkin' Park's "Numb" by Manuel of Zeal & Ardor.

      What are some mashups you think work surprisingly well? (Please link them!)

      25 votes
    31. Have you or anyone in your family ever won anything?

      Seems like people in my family are pretty lucky. My brother won a $250,000 hospital fundraiser lottery a few years ago. And my daughter won $123,000 charity fundraiser a year after that. What they...

      Seems like people in my family are pretty lucky. My brother won a $250,000 hospital fundraiser lottery a few years ago. And my daughter won $123,000 charity fundraiser a year after that.

      What they say about lottery wins seems to be true. Both of them blew through their winnings in fairly short order. Easy come, easy go I guess.

      29 votes
    32. Favorite out of bounds experience?

      Currently going down a rabbit hole of out of bound areas in games. I’ve always loved seeing what we aren’t supposed to and how the devs make it work. I was curious on what you guys thought were...

      Currently going down a rabbit hole of out of bound areas in games. I’ve always loved seeing what we aren’t supposed to and how the devs make it work.

      I was curious on what you guys thought were some fun experiences you’ve had out of of bounds? Share below!

      30 votes
    33. What films did you love in your late teens to mid twenties? What makes a good young adult film?

      Is it simply as simple as having young protagonists? I don't think so. On the one hand, I love Remains of the Day but I wouldn't suggest it to younger family members. On the other hand,...

      Is it simply as simple as having young protagonists? I don't think so. On the one hand, I love Remains of the Day but I wouldn't suggest it to younger family members. On the other hand, Schindler's List released when I was in college and I loved/suffered through that film.

      17 votes
    34. What is your favorite TV show that you rewatch often?

      Almost everyone has one, a TV show that they love so much that they rewatch it every once in a while. For me, it has to be Band of Brothers. In my humble opinion this is the very best miniseries...

      Almost everyone has one, a TV show that they love so much that they rewatch it every once in a while. For me, it has to be Band of Brothers. In my humble opinion this is the very best miniseries mankind has ever produced. I love every scene of every episode and by now I know the entire show by memory. I still rewatch it once a year. People call me insane and don't understand why and to be honest neither do I. Whenever I come across a post about this show or hear a piece of the music I just have to watch it again.

      I was 13 when the show first aired on TV and I watched it every week with my father. We're both WW2 buffs and consume every piece of media that has anything to do with it. Band of Brothers was right up our alley. Not only have I watched the show more times than I can keep track of, I also read all the books written by the men of Easy Company just to learn more and find out about what the show got wrong. The show has some errors but I still love it.

      Enough about me, what is your favorite show to rewatch? How often do you rewatch it? What triggers your need to rewatch it? :)

      Edit: thanks for all the cool replies guys. It's my first day on Tildes and I'm really liking it here so far. I just want to reply to everyone but the site is telling me to slow down!

      94 votes
    35. How do you manage your time? What tools do you use and what philosophies do you follow?

      Apologies for the vague title, but the topic itself is really open, and I was having trouble cutting down on its scope. Here’s some background: Recently, I’ve been going through several...

      Apologies for the vague title, but the topic itself is really open, and I was having trouble cutting down on its scope.

      Here’s some background: Recently, I’ve been going through several transitions in life: moving and switching jobs somehow were not the most stressful among them. During this period I’ve been trying to keep all of the various tasks, events, reminders, alarms, etc. organized for myself. This process of organizing my time has been extremely overwhelming for me. I’ve been trying to take it one step at a time, only adding tasks as they come up. This still has lead to my problem of figuring out whether or not an event should be added to my calendar, or a task added to my todo list, or even an alarm added to my phone. If I add everything, then it becomes tough to see what is important, and if I don’t then I risk not remembering one of them.

      My question is kind of two fold: what tools do you use to keep track of your day/tasks/events, and what philosophy do you have regarding adding or omitting items?

      For me right now, I am using google calendar to keep track of major events and birthdays, and for everything else I use a physical notepad. In my calendar, I have birthdays and any event that has a time set in stone. This lets me see whether or not I am actually free when I’m invited to things or asked if I can help someone out.

      For everything else, I use my notepad and attempt to keep track of anything that could be considered a task. At the end of each day I try to organize my list of tasks based on how immediately they need to be completed or how important they are to complete.

      My system has two pitfalls: occasionally I over extend myself, because an event (stored on my calendar) will coincide with a day where many of my tasks (stored in my notepad) are due. For example, I had a day where I worked in the office (9 hours plus commute), had another event (4 hours plus commute), 1 task that took me two hours, 3 different tasks (each one ending up taking over an hour), and several other tasks that I didn’t even get to before falling asleep.

      What tools/systems/philosophies do you use? And semi-related, how does one keep from falling into the trap of spending more time planning than actually living?

      25 votes
    36. Horse riding: Any equine fans?

      I've recently (around a year ago) taken up horse riding as a hobby. Although, at this point it's crossing the boundary into sport, I still think there's plenty of hobby to discuss. Have you ridden...

      I've recently (around a year ago) taken up horse riding as a hobby.
      Although, at this point it's crossing the boundary into sport, I still think there's plenty of hobby to discuss.

      Have you ridden before? If so how long? If not what's stopping you?
      Do you have horses or ponies? Please share!

      11 votes
    37. What pedals are y'all rockin?

      Alright, first post. Let's do it. I have seen this post from 3 years ago asking about guitar pedals and the like. But that's old, and I wanna start a new discussion post. With that out of the...

      Alright, first post. Let's do it.

      I have seen this post from 3 years ago asking about guitar pedals and the like. But that's old, and I wanna start a new discussion post. With that out of the way...

      What are the pedals y'all rockin? What's your setup? Do you have any pedals currently in your possession or those you are gunning for? Also, if you have any stories about pedals, which ones are your favourites or smth else, I would love to hear! I figure we've already had the discussion about buying your dream guitar so anything about dream pedals are cool too!

      You can find my answer here.

      17 votes
    38. Howdy, motorsport fans! What series are we all watching at the moment? What’s your favorite?

      Surprised there wasn’t a topic already posted! What kind of motorsports do you all watch? What is your favorite? Personally, I dabble in nearly everything four wheeled (two is not for me)....

      Surprised there wasn’t a topic already posted! What kind of motorsports do you all watch? What is your favorite?

      Personally, I dabble in nearly everything four wheeled (two is not for me). However, my mains are F1, Indycar, IMSA, and WEC.

      I got into F1 in 2018 and been a religious follower ever since. I became a Max fan as he was able to fight the Mercedes, kind of funny that now he’s in the annoyingly winning spot. I also pull for McLaren and the wife Williams, so we have a nice time watching the midfield with some banter every week.

      I was very much casual Indycar, but making an effort this year. Palou seems to be just running off in the sunset Max style but I’m really hoping Grosjean can pull a win out. It looked so promising to start the year.

      The endurance series are fun to watch too. I started to watch last year and it seems like I picked a perfect time with the Hypercar class coming into its own. Very excited to see who all comes into the class as time goes on!

      26 votes
    39. Anyone here a fan of Kdramas?

      A few years ago, I came across a light, romantic Korean show called Oh, My Ghost. It had good writing, acting and plot, and even a slightly darker undertone. I was hooked and I've been watching...

      A few years ago, I came across a light, romantic Korean show called Oh, My Ghost. It had good writing, acting and plot, and even a slightly darker undertone. I was hooked and I've been watching Kdramas ever since.

      My favorites are those that don't involve the powerful, rich elites in Korea. Stories like Weight Lifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo, and Just Between Lovers are more to my taste. Other, truly fine shows include Goblin, Extraordinary Attorney Woo, Hotel Del Luna and It's OK to not be OK. Those last three have strong female characters, which I find a little surprising for Korean shows.

      There are a lot of Korean shows available these days on Netflix. Squid Games and The Glory made an impact worldwide. Squid Games pushed me to the limit, but I managed to make it through that series. Season 2 is coming, so that will be interesting too.

      This year hasn't been a great one for my tastes in Kdramas, so I'm still looking for an outstanding series to watch. The Glory lost me at some point. Revenge isn't a compelling plot line for me. Right now, I'm watching Delightfully Deceitful, and it's different enough to keep me watching. I'm on episode 4, so there's a long way to go yet.

      Any favorites I've missed?

      Edit: Oops, did I get one of those titles wrong! I've corrected it to Weight Lifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo.

      30 votes