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  • Showing only topics with the tag "ask". Back to normal view
    1. Question about how votes affect comment placement

      Sorry if this has been discussed already, I wasn't sure how to find it. I'm curious if votes on child comments affect the placement of their parent comments. Imagine this scenario: Comment 1 (25...

      Sorry if this has been discussed already, I wasn't sure how to find it. I'm curious if votes on child comments affect the placement of their parent comments. Imagine this scenario:

      • Comment 1 (25 votes)
      • Comment 2 (2 votes)
        • Comment 3 (150 votes)

      In this example, would the popularity of #3 cause #2 to be positioned above #1?

      Edit: Oh the nested list formatting looks weird. Comment 3 is meant to be a child of Comment 2, if that wasn't clear.

      8 votes
    2. What have you been listening to this week?

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something! Feel free to give recs or discuss anything about each others'...

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something!

      Feel free to give recs or discuss anything about each others' listening habits.

      You can make a chart if you use last.fm:


      Remember that linking directly to your image will update with your future listening, make sure to reupload to somewhere like imgur if you'd like it to remain what you have at the time of posting.

      14 votes
    3. What are some of your favorite albums that have less than a 3.00 on rateyourmusic?

      I don't put a ton of stock in rateyourmusic's numbers, but I do think it's fun to check in every once in a while to see how my tastes line up with the votes from the userbase. Occasionally I'll...

      I don't put a ton of stock in rateyourmusic's numbers, but I do think it's fun to check in every once in a while to see how my tastes line up with the votes from the userbase. Occasionally I'll find an album I love that, for whatever reason, has a particularly low score.

      For example, I was listening to Something to Die For by The Sounds and was surprised to see that it has a 2.88 rating. I love pretty much all of The Sounds' output, and everything else of theirs was well-received by the site. This album, however, was not.

      The same goes for Glasvegas's Euphoric Heartbreak which sits at 2.93. Granted, the title is terrible (it has unnecessary slashes that I couldn't figure out how to format right), and it strays from their debut, but I still thoroughly enjoy it.

      What are some of your low-rated favorites?

      EDIT: If you've never used rym, you can search for any artist in the search field on the top right. That will pull up a list of all artists with that name (or a similar name). Select your desired artist from the list and you'll be taken to their discography page which will show the average rating for each release, as well as the number of ratings and reviews.

      11 votes
    4. What have you been watching/reading this week?

      My reminder didn't go off and I didn't realize until today, berate me for being late. Anyway, what have you been watching/reading this week? Feel free to talk about something you saw that was...

      My reminder didn't go off and I didn't realize until today, berate me for being late.

      Anyway, what have you been watching/reading this week?

      Feel free to talk about something you saw that was cool, something that was bad, ask for recommendations, or anything else you can think of.

      If you want to, feel free to find the thing you're talking about and link to its Anilist, MAL, or any other anime/manga database you use!

      6 votes
    5. By what metric do you evalute your life?

      I'm about ~25% through with my life, and I'm realizing that I'm not happy with what I've done with it so far. I don't want to waste my life. In thinking about this, I've realized that I don't have...

      I'm about ~25% through with my life, and I'm realizing that I'm not happy with what I've done with it so far. I don't want to waste my life. In thinking about this, I've realized that I don't have a good way to evaluate what does and doesn't matter. What metric do you measure success by? Money? Happiness? Prestige? None of those options sound great to me. How do you measure success?

      24 votes
    6. Culinary Theory?

      Is there a "theory of cooking"? I'm interested in learning to cook (but could not spend much time learning it unfortunately), but I don't like the general ad-hoc and very subjective nature of...

      Is there a "theory of cooking"? I'm interested in learning to cook (but could not spend much time learning it unfortunately), but I don't like the general ad-hoc and very subjective nature of recipes. Also, information is very disorganised, it's dispersed in many resources, most hardly accessible. I always thought that there should be a general set of theories when preparing food, like what sort of ingredient does what, how things react when mixed together at different times, and what processes like heating, freezing or kneading do to food. Indeed generally it's possible to find detailed and nearly objective information, sometimes even physical and/or chemical explanations to certain stuff, but then it's always ad-hoc, i.e. related to the particular food item or recipe I'm looking for. I've been searching for a resource that aims to be a comprehensive and scientific (as much as possible) intro to cooking that gives the sort of culinary theory I want, but I've been unable to find such a thing so far. Does anybody here know of such a resource?

      16 votes
    7. What's in a name? Patience Phillips' Catwoman

      For anyone who doesn't recognize Patience Phillips, she was Halle Berry's Catwoman in the most terrible superhero film - Catwoman (2004)...that I really enjoyed it. Probably because it wasn't...

      For anyone who doesn't recognize Patience Phillips, she was Halle Berry's Catwoman in the most terrible superhero film - Catwoman (2004)...that I really enjoyed it. Probably because it wasn't well-received, it's often overlooked when talking about things like "the first female hero on screen" or "the first black hero..." sort of things. And technically, Catwoman's not a superhero.

      Spoilers ahead. I'm also going to keep my points to the story and characters themselves. I honestly had no issues with any of the actors.

      The good

      • The theme and social commentary on make-up, beauty products, self-harm/addiction and image issues woman do face. The added layer of cooperate greed. The idea of what you see in the mirror vs. what others see (and if they're right), alongside what you want to present to the world or to specific people - honestly this movie has probably one of the best takes on "the cost of beauty" that I've seen in a while, and since.
      • The scene where Tom thinks he's saving a jumper, but Patience is actually trying to save a cat. This random scene turns out to be a great storytelling scene when brought up again after Tom arrests Patience for murder and she asks him what he first saw the first time they met.
      • Laurel is probably the most interesting character in this movie. There's a really well-framed shot of her photos being removed from her company lobby in favour of a younger model. I think it's one of the best scenes in the movie. Laurel is capable, powerful, rich and very accomplished, but somehow her relevance still fades as her beauty does. (I can honestly say I generally can't stand the evil step-mother wrestling with her fading beauty and taking out her bitterness on some young snow white-y girl, but this one worked for me.)
      • I loved that Batman wasn't in it (but didn't really like that a love interest still had to be introduced).

      The bad

      • That she's call Patience Phillips...but honestly this is the warning to divorce this from any Catwoman or female superheros (or anti-heros) you know.
      • Patience doesn't earn her "powers" - Selina Kyle (Catwoman in basically all other versions) works obsessively to perfect all her abilities. She's an insanely good cat burglar, not a magic cat.
      • Patience doesn't earn or drive her own growth. There is basically no growth as a character. A magic cat ghost could have simply possessed Patience's body and the story would be the same.
      • Oversexualization of Catwoman...which I didn't even know could be a thing until this movie. Black leather for a sexy Catwoman - awesome. Whatever the belt thing was - grossly missed the point while trying to copy Pfeiffer's patched up catsuit.
      • I'm also not the biggest fan of make-over tropes in general.

      The ugly

      • The basketball scene - just everything about it.
      • The hate that surrounded the movie because Catwoman wasn't blonde (or Michelle Pfeiffer), and that Batman's not in it.
      • The physical punch-them-out fight scene between Laurel and Catwoman in the end - just why? This isn't a movie at all about physical strength, and having a "face like marble" isn't a real power. (To be fair, I don't like this showdown in really any superhero movie, with the exception of The Death of Superman.)

      The cheesy

      • The crazy cat-lady Patience goes too, and her tossing a cat toy at her
      • The sushi eating scene
      • The in case of date emergency kit her friends gave her.
      • Laurel seeing her cracked beauty in the moment of a showdown fight
      • The cat scratches on Tom
      • Her best friend hooking up with her doctor
      • The comparing signatures on the coffee cups
      • Her Marvel-like comic book name

      Final thoughts

      So yeah...I would recommend this movie, and really hope that when they do make another Catwoman film that it might share some themes. Have you seen this movie? Did you hate it? Who's your favourite Catwoman? What would you like to see in a Catwoman movie?

      10 votes
    8. Death Note - Anime... Good or Bad?

      Alright, so I'd like to get some opinions going here and see what others think. Full disclosure, I have not finished the Death Note series... I have tried and failed on 3 separate occasions...

      Alright, so I'd like to get some opinions going here and see what others think.

      Full disclosure, I have not finished the Death Note series... I have tried and failed on 3 separate occasions because I can't stand the writing. I love the premise, but L's character is just too frustrating for me. He knows way more than he should at any given point with no explanation except he's a genius (at least, up until the point that I stopped watching. Episode 7 I think). It feels lazy to me. And everybody I talk to in person has felt the same.

      BUT! I know that there are a lot of avid Death Note fans out there and there seem to be a few here on tildes, so I'd like you guys to weigh in. As a fan of the show, did you also feel this way about the writing? If so, what other redeeming qualities were there for you in this show? What about it do you love? What about it do you not like so much? It's a long series, should I push through until a certain episode? Have I just not gotten there yet?

      6 votes
    9. Topic tags - tagging the domain?

      I've noticed that some people are adding topic tags to identify the domain of an article. For example, if it's from the New York Times, they'll add a "nyt" tag, or if it's from The Guardian,...

      I've noticed that some people are adding topic tags to identify the domain of an article. For example, if it's from the New York Times, they'll add a "nyt" tag, or if it's from The Guardian, they'll add a "the guardian" tag.

      Why? What's the purpose of these tags? Do people really filter in or out topics based on what website they come from? "Show me all articles from the New York Times." "Show me all articles except if they're from The Guardian."

      Is this really a thing that people do?

      6 votes
    10. What artists do you wish would go back to their roots/an older sound of theirs?

      What band that you like/used to like makes you wish they would go back to what they used to do? Personally, I wish Maroon 5 would put out more stuff like Songs About Jane. They had a really chill,...

      What band that you like/used to like makes you wish they would go back to what they used to do? Personally, I wish Maroon 5 would put out more stuff like Songs About Jane. They had a really chill, jazz-y, very Jamiroquai-esque sound that I dig the hell out of but now Levine's dedicated to pop music full time.

      Hardmode: No Weezer

      24 votes
    11. Has anyone used FreeCAD, Kicad and other foss software?

      The recent post on foss software got me thinking about viable foss alternatives, particularly non programming related. I just came across FreeCAD and am wondering if anyone has experience using...

      The recent post on foss software got me thinking about viable foss alternatives, particularly non programming related.

      I just came across FreeCAD and am wondering if anyone has experience using it, how it compares to Solidworks, Autodesk, Rhino or Catia?

      I was shown Kicad at uni by a ladtech and was very impressed, way easier and more flexible then whatever microchip software they where teaching.

      On a broader level what other professional ffos alternatives do you guys know about?

      Is anyone using this stuff on a professional level or is it more hobby at the moment?

      15 votes
    12. Favorite recent fighting game that is not well known?

      I really like the "idea" of fighting games, as I like playing against others and outplaying them, guessing their moves and the mind games etc. But the only fighting game ive legitimately enjoyed...

      I really like the "idea" of fighting games, as I like playing against others and outplaying them, guessing their moves and the mind games etc. But the only fighting game ive legitimately enjoyed was Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, and id like to play something more recent.

      It had alot of personality, each character felt different enough despite the size of the roster, and it was easy enough for a casual like me to get into while still not feeling too easy. Out of the new fighting games ive tried Fighterz, but it doesnt have enough character variety (not a dbz fan), the new MvC has a bad roster, Street fighter was too technical and idk boring? MK is very clunky, ive tried tekken but it didnt really grab me, and skullgirls hasn't either.
      I want a game I can stick with and get good at, but the mainstream titles don't really appeal to me, does anyone have a suggestion?

      10 votes
    13. Is there anyway to redirect to compact reddit on iOS?

      I dislike reddit's mobile site, as it is slow, filled with app popups, and my content blocker ends up creating software gore situations. On the other hand, i.reddit.com is faster, simpler, and the...

      I dislike reddit's mobile site, as it is slow, filled with app popups, and my content blocker ends up creating software gore situations.

      On the other hand, i.reddit.com is faster, simpler, and the one popup it has is easy to block with element hiding.

      Unfortunately, tapping on a username or subreddit link automatically redirects me to the newer mobile site, and I have to add /.compact to the end of the url.

      On Android, this is easily fixed by installing an Firefox extension to always use i.reddit, but iOS Firefox doesn't support addons.

      So is there anyway to avoid going to reddit's new mobile site? Maybe use a pi-hole to redirect www.reddit.com?

      5 votes
    14. Dragon Quest 11 (PC) and Spiderman (ps4) has absolutely consumed my life the past week and a half

      The games are masterpieces in their own right. DQ11 probably the best jrpg I've played in a very long time (dq8 ps2) . Spiderman is just a very fun game. It's light hearted enough and has some...

      The games are masterpieces in their own right. DQ11 probably the best jrpg I've played in a very long time (dq8 ps2) . Spiderman is just a very fun game. It's light hearted enough and has some intense moments. I'm level 41 I think right now and I have a lot of my abilities unlocked and I just destroy the dudes even if I'm out matched 11 to 1. Very satisfying.

      Back to dragon quest. They made huge strides in quality of life with book shelves that actually show you that yes, you can read a book from it. The visible enemies is something that is sort of a relief for me because by my second playthrough of DQ8 I was so sick of random battles I almost just threw in the towel. I can explore and fight if I want. I would neglect exploring in DQ8 because of the random battles. Anyway what are your guys' thoughts on the games?

      edit: emulating DQ8 on pcsx2 is very very cool. You can make the graphics look almost exactly like DQ11. The textures work wonderfully with interneral resolution increase. Plus you can trigger "fast mode" when runs the game at like 3x speed, which makes the random battles not so monotonous

      6 votes
    15. Any homeserver operators out there?

      I am a long time homeserver operator and was just wondering if there was anyone else around that is into server hosting and system administration like me. if you do, feel free to share any stories...

      I am a long time homeserver operator and was just wondering if there was anyone else around that is into server hosting and system administration like me.
      if you do, feel free to share any stories you may have about being a homeserver operator.

      If anyone is wondering I own a dell poweredge r410 and a few HP workstations

      25 votes
    16. Looking for artists/bands/albums that feature a piano

      I just love good piano, whether alone, with vocals, or with other instruments. Two of my all-time favorite artists are Vienna Teng and Regina Spektor, both of whom use it to great effect in their...

      I just love good piano, whether alone, with vocals, or with other instruments. Two of my all-time favorite artists are Vienna Teng and Regina Spektor, both of whom use it to great effect in their music. Anyone have any good recommendations? I'm open to any genre.

      Edit: Awesome suggestions, everyone! I've got quite the playlist right now that I plan to explore over the coming week. Thanks all!

      14 votes
    17. What have you been listening to this week?

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something! Feel free to give recs or discuss anything about each others'...

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something!

      Feel free to give recs or discuss anything about each others' listening habits.

      You can make a chart if you use last.fm:


      Remember that linking directly to your image will update with your future listening, make sure to reupload to somewhere like imgur if you'd like it to remain what you have at the time of posting.

      14 votes
    18. I'm new to Tildes. What must I know ?

      I come from reddit and I'd like to know what is basically different in the way I should post and comment. Are there any private jokes or slang I should know to understand everything ? (like...

      I come from reddit and I'd like to know what is basically different in the way I should post and comment.

      • Are there any private jokes or slang I should know to understand everything ? (like reddit's "/s", "FBI open up" or the verb "lurk")
      • Are "mods" uncompromising ?
      • Every single post I saw is intelligent. Is this required ?
      • There's no downvote. Do I need to make a thoughtful comment every time I disagree ?
      25 votes
    19. How long does it take you to read an academic journal article?

      I feel like I'm a bit slow, though I'm gaining practice. I cannot read two moderate or long-ish papers in one day. I guess part of that reason is that the field I'm mostly reading in is a field...

      I feel like I'm a bit slow, though I'm gaining practice. I cannot read two moderate or long-ish papers in one day. I guess part of that reason is that the field I'm mostly reading in is a field I'm new to, though in accordance with that what I'm reading often is kindo-of introductory material (linguistics, and Linguistics Handbook ed. Aronoff, 2017). A chapter is around the size of an average paper (around 25-30 pages). Another factor may be that I'm not a native speaker of English, but I think I do have a quite decent command of it especially when reading, enough to read through ~60 A4 pages in five-six hours, but I just can't do it.

      So I wonder if I'm too slow or maybe exaggerating it a bit? How long does it take for you, and how many can you read, without skimming/skipping, in a "day"?

      11 votes
    20. What if app stores were federated?

      I've been thinking a lot lately about the future of software and where native apps and the web will reconcile and I had the idea that what if "the next OS" had a OSS federated app store that...

      I've been thinking a lot lately about the future of software and where native apps and the web will reconcile and I had the idea that what if "the next OS" had a OSS federated app store that people and organizations could host themselves, but the system still used the app store model that pull app/program listings from all the installations online? This could apply to mobile or desktop computing, or even any of the other platforms (see windows store system compatibility).

      11 votes
    21. Did you ever listen to an album so much that, even though you still love it, you can't play it anymore?

      I listened to Crack the Skye by Mastodon on repeat for 3 months, about 10 years ago. To this day, I still think it's a great album, but have no interest in ever listening to it again. This isn't...

      I listened to Crack the Skye by Mastodon on repeat for 3 months, about 10 years ago. To this day, I still think it's a great album, but have no interest in ever listening to it again. This isn't the only album I can say this about, either.

      Did this ever happen to you? What album was it?

      7 votes
    22. What are some of your favorite RSS feeds to subscribe to?

      I am always looking for quality RSS feeds to add to my reader but they seem to be getting harder and harder to find. I've been looking for a good one for movie trailers for a long time. Apple has...

      I am always looking for quality RSS feeds to add to my reader but they seem to be getting harder and harder to find. I've been looking for a good one for movie trailers for a long time. Apple has one but the trailers are published sporadically. I'm especially interested in any full-article feeds.

      I've been following GRRM's Not A Blog and XKCD's webcomics via RSS. My favorite though is a very niche webcomic about older gamers sitting around playing a RPG:


      28 votes
    23. Has anyone been following Mycroft AI (open source digital assistant)?

      Video pitch: The world’s first open source AI | Mycroft AI | HT Summit 2017 Fast Company article: Can Mycroft’s Privacy-Centric Voice Assistant Take On Alexa And Google? Kingscrowd review: Top...

      Video pitch: The world’s first open source AI | Mycroft AI | HT Summit 2017

      Fast Company article: Can Mycroft’s Privacy-Centric Voice Assistant Take On Alexa And Google?

      Kingscrowd review: Top Deal: The Secure Open Source Voice Assistant Of The Future

      I'm not a techie by any means, but I stumbled across Mycroft AI some time last year, and I'm keeping half an eye on its progress. If ever I get myself a digital assistant, I think it's likely to be Mycroft. (I also love the name!)

      I wondered if anyone else had any thoughts about this.

      11 votes
    24. How do I move past nihilistic depression?

      Nothing really matters and I can't enjoy anything anymore knowing that. Games are not that fun anymore, talking to people is boring, we are basically waiting for death and I can't enjoy myself or...

      Nothing really matters and I can't enjoy anything anymore knowing that. Games are not that fun anymore, talking to people is boring, we are basically waiting for death and I can't enjoy myself or will myself to work on anything anymore... How do I move past that?

      26 votes
    25. How do you prevent burnout?

      Heyo guys, Long story short, I'm a college student in his final semester right now. I've gone through many different phases of my college life between not being sure of my future, wanting to take...

      Heyo guys,

      Long story short, I'm a college student in his final semester right now. I've gone through many different phases of my college life between not being sure of my future, wanting to take advantage of my last point in life of youth, trying to grow up and learn to be a competent adult at home, trying to grow up and learn to be a competent adult in the workforce, and everything else in between. Right now, I'm coming off of a summer where I took 9 credits and managed to get As in all three classes while also feeling very accomplished that I felt I've taken many valuable skills and lessons away from those classes.

      At the moment, I am taking 18 credits for this Fall semester, sitting at six classes and I'm finally happy that I'm able to be taking a lot of productive and worthwhile classes in my major. I love all of my classes and professors so far and I'm very eager to learn and continue developing myself to be the person I want to be. However, my concern is the heavy burnout that I feel is imminent within a few weeks to a month, as I'm already beginning to feel it come on within the last two weeks.

      How do I deal with this or prevent it? How do you personally handle situations where you uphold a lot of responsibility to yourself and you want to keep in top form? Personal stories, experiences, advice, and all of the above are welcome.

      24 votes
    26. What are the "scents of your people?"

      Hello dear people, This post was inspired by @wise's post "What are the sounds of your people" But I'd like to hear you describe the scent, aroma, fragrance, or any kind of smell that you...

      Hello dear people,

      This post was inspired by @wise's post "What are the sounds of your people"

      But I'd like to hear you describe the scent, aroma, fragrance, or any kind of smell that you associate with yours. Maybe there's some overlap with ~food, but it's not just limited to foods and drinks. I think pretty much anything deep in our memories might be tied to the impressions of scents. Maybe it's the soil after night rain, the interior of a car, the book aroma of a library, or a pet, a person... let me know.

      I'll be posting mine as a comment.

      16 votes
    27. Need help formatting on Tildes

      I have just posted on ~sports the last results of the major European soccer leagues, but it does not show as I'd want to. I read the Formatting help page, but I did not find an aswer to my...

      I have just posted on ~sports the last results of the major European soccer leagues, but it does not show as I'd want to. I read the Formatting help page, but I did not find an aswer to my question, so if someone would like to help I'd appreciate it.

      Basically I would like the post to look like this: Imgur link, but in the end it looks like the spaces I put in there do not show as you can see here: Imgur link.

      Is there any way to make the post looks like what I want? I read about the Tables section in the Formatting help page, but I do not need a bold header row, which looks like a requirement for a table.

      Thanks in advance for the help

      7 votes
    28. What have you been watching/reading this week?

      Remembering to post this on time edition. Anyway, what have you been watching/reading this week? Feel free to talk about something you saw that was cool, something that was bad, ask for...

      Remembering to post this on time edition.

      Anyway, what have you been watching/reading this week?

      Feel free to talk about something you saw that was cool, something that was bad, ask for recommendations, or anything else you can think of.

      If you want to, feel free to find the thing you're talking about and link to its Anilist, MAL, or any other anime/manga database you use!

      7 votes
    29. Do any of you have blogs?

      If you do, link them in this thread! A bit of writing's always fun, (and selfishly, I've got a new RSS reader to break-in,) and Tildes is built around the transfer of ideas, so why not share?

      28 votes
    30. Advice for those who want a computer science career?

      Those that have pursued a career that deals with any type of computer science, what advice would you give to students before they get a job in it? What do you do on a daily basis? What would you...

      Those that have pursued a career that deals with any type of computer science, what advice would you give to students before they get a job in it? What do you do on a daily basis? What would you have wanted to know before you started?

      17 votes
    31. What is a lesser known upcoming game you're excited about?

      Everybody's talking about Fallout 76, Smash, Mario Party, Spider-man... What are some games out there that you're excited about and haven't gotten a whole lot of spotlight that you think others...

      Everybody's talking about Fallout 76, Smash, Mario Party, Spider-man... What are some games out there that you're excited about and haven't gotten a whole lot of spotlight that you think others should really know about?

      I'm personally really excited about Dreams (which is made by the same team that created Little Big Planet) and this weird indie farming/exploration game I found on kickstarter called Garden Paws.

      39 votes
    32. Hey tilda swintons - what would you do if you were awarded $130,000,000 in post-tax lottery money?

      you head to the gas station to catch a 6-pack and maybe a bag of chips or some rillos. you pass the cashier a twenty, and they mention your change will get you a couple lottery tickets. you're in...

      you head to the gas station to catch a 6-pack and maybe a bag of chips or some rillos. you pass the cashier a twenty, and they mention your change will get you a couple lottery tickets. you're in a good mood and we all hate coins, so you just tell 'em you're down and to choose random numbers.

      a week later, you wake up and see the winning lottery numbers on the news.

      hopeful curiosity turns into a flooring disbelief as you pause the tv and check the numbers four times over.

      you scramble to find and unlock your phone, heading straight to google.

      "winning lottery numbers"

      "how to tell if you won the lottery"

      "lottery number checker"

      everything checks out.

      "how to claim lottery winnings"

      you go to claim your prize, and you can choose between $130,000,000 in post-tax cash now, or $210,000,000 spread equally over the next 30 years.

      which do you choose? what do you do with it?

      25 votes
    33. Best new Destiny 2 Forsaken feature?

      My vote is for bounties god damn near everywhere. The Rider adventure is cool and I really enjoy Gambit so far. Not a huge fan of the weapon mod perk reworking, the grind feels longer than ever...

      My vote is for bounties god damn near everywhere. The Rider adventure is cool and I really enjoy Gambit so far.

      Not a huge fan of the weapon mod perk reworking, the grind feels longer than ever before.

      5 votes
    34. Can a company lie in their privacy policy?

      Maybe I'm just not very well versed in this sort of thing but I couldn't find anything online. I've always been sort of paranoid that a company might not be truthful in their privacy policy. Is...

      Maybe I'm just not very well versed in this sort of thing but I couldn't find anything online. I've always been sort of paranoid that a company might not be truthful in their privacy policy. Is there any sort of law to keep them honest or do we just have to take their word on it?

      11 votes
    35. What have you been listening to this week?

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something! Feel free to give recs or discuss anything about each others'...

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something!

      Feel free to give recs or discuss anything about each others' listening habits.

      You can make a chart if you use last.fm:


      Remember that linking directly to your image will update with your future listening, make sure to reupload to somewhere like imgur if you'd like it to remain what you have at the time of posting.

      15 votes
    36. What steps do you take to secure your online use and privacy?

      I do the following: Use a VPN (NordVPN) Use Firefox with a tweaked about:config and the following security extensions: uBlock Origin NoScript HTTPS Everywhere Privacy Badger Decentraleyes Cookie...

      I do the following:

      • Use a VPN (NordVPN)
      • Use Firefox with a tweaked about:config and the following security extensions:
        • uBlock Origin
        • NoScript
        • HTTPS Everywhere
        • Privacy Badger
        • Decentraleyes
        • Cookie Autodelete
        • Skip Redirect
        • CanvasBlocker
      • Run Linux Mint (I know, Ubuntu-based distros aren't ideal but I'm a Linux beginner)
      • Don't have any social media as of a year ago
      • Don't use any Google services, including YouTube, Google Search, or Gmail
      • Use a password manager (KeePassXC)

      The next step would be for me to switch from iPhone to Android running Lineage OS, but money is a bit tight right now. As for day-to-day lifestyle choices, I try to use cash whenever possible and never sign up for things like store rewards programs.

      What's your setup? Do you consider yourself a privacy-minded individual? Are you more concerned with protecting yourself from corporate or government entities?

      46 votes
    37. Linux gaming: GOG vs. Steam?

      I started prioritizing GOG a couple of years ago, buying most of my games there because I love their DRM-free stance. I have an entire backup of my GOG gaming library on my hard drive, so even if...

      I started prioritizing GOG a couple of years ago, buying most of my games there because I love their DRM-free stance. I have an entire backup of my GOG gaming library on my hard drive, so even if something happened to my account I'd still have everything I've bought from them over the years. On the other hand, their Linux support isn't great. For example, GOG Galaxy, their all-in-one frontend, is still not available on Linux despite being out for other platforms for years.

      Steam, on the other hand, is DRM-agnostic, and there isn't an easy way to separate my games from the service. I worry about what would happen if I somehow lost access to my account. When a game is available on Steam and GOG, I opt for GOG each time because I'd rather have a DRM-free copy that I can control. Nevertheless, Valve has done a lot to support Linux gaming, especially with their recent debut of SteamPlay and Proton. Right now, Steam gives a much better user experience to Linux users and supporting Valve helps move Linux gaming forward. It also helps that their selection is much greater than GOG's, (though that's less of a pull for me as I do appreciate GOG's heavier-handed curation).

      I'm torn because I want a little of column A and a little of column B. I keep hoping that GOG will eventually catch up with Steam with regards to Linux support, but that's already been the dream for a while (and a lot of people are done holding their breath). At this point I'm wondering whether I should just hop on the SteamPlay train and start putting my eggs back in that basket. Anyone have any thoughts? Who do you choose to buy from, and why?

      31 votes
    38. What is beautiful to you?

      What do you find to be beautiful? Is there anything so beautiful it can bring you to tears? Anything so beautiful that just thinking about it brings you to tears? Please share that beauty with the...

      What do you find to be beautiful? Is there anything so beautiful it can bring you to tears? Anything so beautiful that just thinking about it brings you to tears?

      Please share that beauty with the rest of us!

      26 votes
    39. What have you been watching/reading this week?

      Day and a half late edition. Anyway, what have you been watching/reading this week? Feel free to talk about something you saw that was cool, something that was bad, ask for recommendations, or...

      Day and a half late edition.

      Anyway, what have you been watching/reading this week?

      Feel free to talk about something you saw that was cool, something that was bad, ask for recommendations, or anything else you can think of.

      If you want to, feel free to find the thing you're talking about and link to its Anilist, MAL, or any other anime/manga database you use!

      16 votes
    40. Secure, open-source alternative to Google Keep

      I was looking to maybe cut down on my Googleness and replacing Keep seemed like a good start. I need something that has a simple interface and most (if not all) of the same features as Keep. Any...

      I was looking to maybe cut down on my Googleness and replacing Keep seemed like a good start. I need something that has a simple interface and most (if not all) of the same features as Keep. Any suggestions? Also I'm on Android btw.

      42 votes