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  • Showing only topics with the tag "ask". Back to normal view
    1. [SOLVED] How is the inbox sorted?

      I'm here staring at my inbox for the third time trying to figure out how the hell the sorting in it works. It isn't alphabetically by subject or user, it isn't the recency of the first message...

      I'm here staring at my inbox for the third time trying to figure out how the hell the sorting in it works. It isn't alphabetically by subject or user, it isn't the recency of the first message (nor is it the recency of the latest message), and it isn't the number of messages. Testing it now, it also isn't the most recent you've opened, so I have no idea how this works or how to look for anything, not that it's big enough to matter much yet.

      Am I missing something obvious? I feel so lost.

      7 votes
    2. How to view subgroups?

      Is there a way to view all the subgroups in a group? Right now I don't see any way to access them without someone directly linking a subgroup. I think it would be helpful if there was a list of...

      Is there a way to view all the subgroups in a group? Right now I don't see any way to access them without someone directly linking a subgroup. I think it would be helpful if there was a list of subgroups in each group sidebar, or a link to a page of them.

      I just got here, so sorry if this has been covered elsewhere.

      4 votes
    3. Would you consider it unhealthy to smoke pot twice a day recreationally?

      i just started getting into drugs and have found that it's more comfortable to smoke around two bowls a day after lunch and after dinner, i only smoke after i've finished all my tasks for the next...

      i just started getting into drugs and have found that it's more comfortable to smoke around two bowls a day after lunch and after dinner, i only smoke after i've finished all my tasks for the next few hours, and i don't let it drain my wallet. opinons? also if anybody here is starchy against legalization please give me your reasons i want to understand both sides of the issue.

      19 votes
    4. What have you been listening to this week?

      Hi, I'm filling in for @Whom, since she told me she wouldn't be around to post this and asked that I make sure to post it. What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000...

      Hi, I'm filling in for @Whom, since she told me she wouldn't be around to post this and asked that I make sure to post it.

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something!

      Feel free to give recs or discuss anything about each others' listening habits.

      You can make a chart if you use last.fm:


      Remember that linking directly to your image will update with your future listening, make sure to reupload to somewhere like imgur if you'd like it to remain what you have at the time of posting.

      14 votes
    5. Did anyone here watch HBO's Sharp Objects?

      From start to finish I found the show totally engrossing, tense, and mysterious. It was excellently shot and written, and the twists in episodes 7 and 8 were hard hitting, even if you had an idea...

      From start to finish I found the show totally engrossing, tense, and mysterious. It was excellently shot and written, and the twists in episodes 7 and 8 were hard hitting, even if you had an idea that they were possible as early as episode 4 or 5. Plus, those post creditn scenes were haunting. What did you guys think?

      I'm currently reading the book so please, no spoilers for the novel! TV show discussion only

      11 votes
    6. Now that Ubuntu 18.04.1 is out, have you upgraded from 16.04 LTS?

      The first point release came out July 26, and enables upgrades from 16.04 LTS. https://blog.ubuntu.com/2018/07/26/first-point-release-of-18-04-lts-available-today Have you upgraded your desktop?...

      The first point release came out July 26, and enables upgrades from 16.04 LTS.


      Have you upgraded your desktop? Server?

      Happy with it? Any pitfalls?

      20 votes
    7. What have you been listening to this week?

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something! Feel free to give recs or discuss anything about each others'...

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something!

      Feel free to give recs or discuss anything about each others' listening habits.

      You can make a chart if you use last.fm:


      Remember that linking directly to your image will update with your future listening, make sure to reupload to somewhere like imgur if you'd like it to remain what you have at the time of posting.

      23 votes
    8. What have been your favourite threads on Tildes so far?

      They don't have to be significant in any way; just threads you personally enjoyed. The ones that immediately come to mind for me are: Chasing the American dream has got me jaded - started by...

      They don't have to be significant in any way; just threads you personally enjoyed.

      The ones that immediately come to mind for me are:

      Chasing the American dream has got me jaded - started by @dodger.



      grab some tea baby, it's midnight. this is today's slam thread. - led by the fantastic @earlgreytea.


      Neither of them had hundreds of comments, and neither of them were particularly active; I just find myself particularly fond of them for whatever reason.

      25 votes
    9. What're you drinking this week?

      We've had a what're you listening to?, a what are you doing, etc... I am interested in what you're drinking this week. I've discovered a fascination for Whiskey. I've been drinking an odd...

      We've had a what're you listening to?, a what are you doing, etc...
      I am interested in what you're drinking this week.
      I've discovered a fascination for Whiskey. I've been drinking an odd collection of Whiskey drinks, a couple of Scotch's (Glenfiddich, Monkey Shoulder) and some cheap Bourbon (Evan Williams, Ezra Brooks). I tried Irish (Jameson, Tulamore dew) too, but I can't get into it.
      Not all this week, obviously.
      This week it's been pretty much just Ezra Brooks. It's pretty good for a cheap Bourbon. Pretty heavy Oak flavor that I quite enjoy, not much complexity, but you know. It was 20 bucks.

      Are there any fellow Alcohol hobbyists? What're you into this week?

      17 votes
    10. What fun examples of cultural differences have you experienced?

      When I was in high school I went to China through an education program. On the plane there I was seated next to an elderly Chinese woman on my left and a mother and daughter to my right. While...

      When I was in high school I went to China through an education program. On the plane there I was seated next to an elderly Chinese woman on my left and a mother and daughter to my right.

      While talking with the daughter and mother at some point the elderly woman became involved. She spoke cantonese and my mandarin was limited so the mother helped to translate.

      The elderly woman took out paper and pen from her bag and began to have me write me characters. Some time after, she put her hands on my face and began to massage it in circular motions. It was strange but pleasant because clearly her intentions were good. I looked over to the man who was leading my fellow students, and got a thumbs up as he mouthed "just go with it".

      I'd never experienced such caring from a complete stranger. It was a lovely introduction into their culture and genuine happiness to share it.

      23 votes
    11. Fun, relaxing, singleplayer games

      Hello, I am fairly new to the gaming world and I am looking for just some fun and relaxing games to play by myself. I play almost exclusively FPS and action games and I want to branch out....

      Hello, I am fairly new to the gaming world and I am looking for just some fun and relaxing games to play by myself. I play almost exclusively FPS and action games and I want to branch out. Although, I found Civ V which is super addicting and I love it.

      Anyways, thank you!

      26 votes
    12. Learning to Program

      Hi folks, I figured this would be a good place to ask a rather simple question. Where do I start to learn to code? I'm in high school, so I have (some) time to dedicate to it, and it seems there...

      Hi folks,

      I figured this would be a good place to ask a rather simple question.

      Where do I start to learn to code?

      I'm in high school, so I have (some) time to dedicate to it, and it seems there are a plethora of websites/resources out there, so I ask: what do you recommend, and why has it worked for you? I have no prior experience. I believe that this would really help out in the long run, as I will graduate high school with an Associate's Degree in Business. Thank you!

      EDIT: Thank you for all your responses! I'll start with Python and move on from there. You guys have been a great help, and I'll vote you up or reply.

      26 votes
    13. BlacKkKlansman

      Anyone seen this? I heard about this movie on NPR and decided to check it out. Wow! It's a great, well told story that pulls a lot of discreet threads together. As an aside from the main story of...

      Anyone seen this? I heard about this movie on NPR and decided to check it out. Wow! It's a great, well told story that pulls a lot of discreet threads together. As an aside from the main story of a black cop infiltrating the Ku Klux Klan it also references racist media of yesteryear like Gone With the Wind and Birth of a Nation. There are several moments that wink at Donald Trump's talking points and policies. There was a lot of reaction from the predominantly black crowd I was in, the connection was certainly noticed.

      And the end! Wow. Almost had me in tears, really brought me back to a year ago when I saw the Vice News on Charlottesville. I was in a theater in Richmond, VA about an hour from Charlottesville. You could have heard a pin drop right when the movie ended. I've never seen so many people get gut punched like that all at once. The timing of this movie was absolutely well thought out.

      12 votes
    14. What's the Best Horror book you've read in the past year?

      I finished The Little Stranger last week. While I found the pacing very compelling, I felt some pretty palpable dissatisfaction in how everything ended. I can't quite put my finger on it...

      I finished The Little Stranger last week. While I found the pacing very compelling, I felt some pretty palpable dissatisfaction in how everything ended. I can't quite put my finger on it...

      9 votes
    15. Which character from a tv show do you admire and want to be more like?

      I'll go first. I'm currently rewatching Veronica Mars right now and find myself really admiring many of her traits. She is witty, sarcastic, intelligent, and capable. I think what sets her apart...

      I'll go first.

      I'm currently rewatching Veronica Mars right now and find myself really admiring many of her traits. She is witty, sarcastic, intelligent, and capable. I think what sets her apart from many other female protagonists is that she is not a martyr. If someone wrongs her, she will stand up for herself and in most cases get even. Her need to "get even" probably isn't actually a great personality trait, but I find it kind of refreshing.

      Does anyone else wish they were more like a certain character on tv?

      20 votes
    16. When is euthanasia acceptable? Where do we draw the line ethically?

      I recall recently seeing an article posted that was related to euthanasia, and I started thinking about the subject. I see both potential pros and potential cons associated with it. For example,...

      I recall recently seeing an article posted that was related to euthanasia, and I started thinking about the subject. I see both potential pros and potential cons associated with it. For example, there's the concern about family members or authority pressuring an ill person to opt for doctor-assisted suicide to ease financial burdens, for instance. There's also the benefit, on the other hand, of allowing someone who is terminally ill or guaranteed to live the rest of their life in excruciating pain the option to go out on their own terms. With proper oversight and ethical considerations, it generally seems to be an all-around ideal to provide an "opt-out" for those who would only continue to suffer and would rather not prolong it, as a merciful alternative to forcing them to live it out.

      But then there are some trickier questions.

      As a disclaimer, I spent nearly a couple of decades struggling through depression and have been surrounded (and still am surrounded) by people who struggle with their own mental illnesses. Because of this, I'm perfectly aware of the stigma and subpar treatment of mental illness in general. With that in mind, I completely recognize that there are certain conditions which are, at this time, completely untreatable and result in peoples' quality of life deteriorating to the point that they become perpetually miserable, particularly with certain neurodegenerative diseases.

      Thus, the question occurred to me: wouldn't such a condition be the mental health equivalent of a terminal illness? Would it not be unethical to force someone to continue living under conditions in which their quality of life will only diminish? Shouldn't someone who has such a condition, and is either of sound enough mind or with a written statement of their wishes from a time when they were of sound enough mind, be able to make the same decision about whether or not to opt to go out on their own terms?

      And yet, as reasonable as it sounds, for some reason the thought of it feels wrong.

      Is there something fundamentally more wrong about euthanasia for mental health vs. euthanasia for physical health? Is it just a culturally-learned ideal?

      More importantly, what makes euthanasia acceptable in some cases and not others? Which cases do you think exemplify the divide? Is there something more fundamental that we can latch onto? Is there a clear line we can draw? Is psychology itself just too young a field for us to be drawing that ethical line?

      I'm genuinely not sure how to feel about this subject. I would be interested in hearing some other thoughts on the subject. The questions above don't necessarily have to be answered, but I thought they could be good priming points.

      24 votes
    17. What aspect of the LGBT community do you feel like is least discussed?

      I've been thinking about this lately and I always go back to feeling so ignorant for doing things like using the word gay to mean something bad or negative when I was younger. And it gets me to...

      I've been thinking about this lately and I always go back to feeling so ignorant for doing things like using the word gay to mean something bad or negative when I was younger. And it gets me to thinking about if things like that are discussed or if people even think that far into it. Which got me to thinking about what other aspects aren't being discussed or acknowledged widely enough.

      20 votes
    18. What are some good short-form episodic anime series? (Usually less than 10 minutes per episode)

      Short episodes can be great because they pack a lot of content into a short amount of time. Good for when you're in a hurry or have a short attention span. The ones that come to mind for me are:...

      Short episodes can be great because they pack a lot of content into a short amount of time. Good for when you're in a hurry or have a short attention span.

      The ones that come to mind for me are:

      10 votes
    19. Benefit of not having downvotes: I can say that I enjoy The Phantom Menace

      while its not the best star wars movie, it isn't the abomination that people make it out to be. its legitimately fun to watch and comfy with all its bad CGI. Favorite star wars movies in order:...

      while its not the best star wars movie, it isn't the abomination that people make it out to be. its legitimately fun to watch and comfy with all its bad CGI.

      Favorite star wars movies in order: IV, V, Solo, VII, I, VIII, VI, Rogue One, III, II

      37 votes
    20. Lets talk about audio connectors (TRRS 4-Pole, OMTP, CTIA)

      To summarize, I am annoyed that there are two different standard for 4-pole audio connectors. For those curious I mean this. You have OMTP and CTIA, the difference is they swap the mic and ground...

      To summarize, I am annoyed that there are two different standard for 4-pole audio connectors. For those curious I mean this.

      You have OMTP and CTIA, the difference is they swap the mic and ground pins. This is irritating because Apple vs Android use them differently. This becomes especially annoying when you want a feature like an inline mic mute switch (one designed for CTIA for example will disconnect the ground pin on OMTP instead of mic)

      This has been an ongoing frustration for me for a while. I really enjoy a good pair of headphones because I use Discord and I work from home which necessitates using headphones for extended periods of time to listen to music, take calls, chat on discord.

      I just want there to be a device that does OMTP/CTIA swapping AND include the ability to physically mute the mic. Like this but with something that will break the mic pin. Im currently designing something in fritzing that will allow both direction switching as well as selective muting.


      Has anyone else had any similar experience or frustration with this problem?

      4 votes
    21. What are your opinions on BR games?

      I've been reading on various forums like NeoGaf, ResetEra and reddit. Every time a new BR game is announced (even if it's a fresh new take on it) the threads usually end up just bashing it for...

      I've been reading on various forums like NeoGaf, ResetEra and reddit. Every time a new BR game is announced (even if it's a fresh new take on it) the threads usually end up just bashing it for being a BR game. When really there are only about 2 good popular BR games out right now, sure other games are adding in modes but those titles are not out yet.

      Why can't BR as a genre exist in multiple visions? We have a lot of FPS/RPG/Sport etc games that are "more of the same" with different visions.

      Is there room in the gaming world for multiple BR games?

      16 votes
    22. Personal Wikis

      I have been looking for some software where I can brain dump all the things I need to remember on a constant basis so I can easily find it again in the future. A personal wiki basically. I am...

      I have been looking for some software where I can brain dump all the things I need to remember on a constant basis so I can easily find it again in the future. A personal wiki basically. I am wondering what any of you tilderians are using?

      The things I am looking for:

      Absolute requirements:

      • Open Source: I want to be in control of the data myself, and I want to be able to hack on it myself as the need arises.
      • Self Hostable: Goes hand-in-hand with with open sourceness, I want the data to live on the server in my apartment, under my own control.
      • An API of some sort so I can programmatically add/read/modify data.

      Nice to haves:

      • Revision history of some sort.
      • Common/simple data format for easy backup and longevity.
      • Web interface, with mobile compatibility.
      • Lightweight as possible, so I can run it on a low powered server.

      Does anything know anything like that?

      Options I have heard of:

      Here is a previous discussion on the topic @ Lobste.rs

      25 votes
    23. How do you get better at being creative?

      I'm starting a new phase in my life and with that, quite a few shifts in personality/hobbies. The big hobby that I've started to get into is filmmaking. I feel really comfortable and confident in...

      I'm starting a new phase in my life and with that, quite a few shifts in personality/hobbies. The big hobby that I've started to get into is filmmaking. I feel really comfortable and confident in the technical aspect, such as cameras and all the equipment used to make good films.

      The huge part that I've struggled with and continue to struggle with though is writing and creativity in general. I feel like I'm in some sort of restraint when it comes to my personal creativity since I suppressed a lot of my emotions when I was younger and now that's coming back to haunt me. I don't know how to "break free" from said restraints to become more creative again. Sometimes there have been little bursts of creativity that I've had sometimes after waking up as a remnant from dreams or potentially just the recovery of sleep but I don't know how to capitalize on it.

      Do y'all have any recommendations on how to become more creative or just to be able to come up with ideas more easily?

      9 votes
    24. No Man's Sky NEXT: Your experiences, or lack thereof

      So recently, No Man's Sky has put out probably their biggest update yet. Prominently featuring Multiplayer, Cargo Freighters, and many QoL changes, Hello Games is determined not to drop their baby...

      So recently, No Man's Sky has put out probably their biggest update yet. Prominently featuring Multiplayer, Cargo Freighters, and many QoL changes, Hello Games is determined not to drop their baby just yet. Has anyone been having more fun since the update? Less fun? Did anyone pick it up because of the update? How are your guys' adventures going?

      14 votes
    25. Which Patreons do you support and why?

      According to Graphtreon, there are some crazy popular Patreon campaigns. The top creator has over 37,000 patrons and the runner-up creator has over 23,000 patrons. They're making over $100k per...

      According to Graphtreon, there are some crazy popular Patreon campaigns. The top creator has over 37,000 patrons and the runner-up creator has over 23,000 patrons. They're making over $100k per month from crowdfunding alone. Insane!

      So I'm curious: Do you guys support any Patreons yourself? Which ones and why?

      26 votes
    26. We need a loveable mascot

      Reddit has the snoo, we need to have a cute mascot that can represent us. Any suggestions? What do you think @Deimos? Edit: maybe we should organize a drawing contest for someone to make the mascot

      34 votes
    27. Interest in a weekly discussion thread?

      This idea came to me last night when I was reading the post over on ~movies asking a similar question. I'm an avid user of ~music and I like to participate in the weekly "what have you been...

      This idea came to me last night when I was reading the post over on ~movies asking a similar question. I'm an avid user of ~music and I like to participate in the weekly "what have you been listening to" threads along with the Listening Club when possible, and I was wondering if something similar could be applied to another media group, and since I love anime and manga, my first thought was this one.

      Basically my questions here are:

      Would a weekly "what have you been reading/watching" thread be something you would participate in?


      Would you prefer it be something more casual-based, or would you prefer it to be people writing reviews for things they've been viewing?

      I think that one of the ways to spur more interest in media groups is weekly/monthly/whatever interval discussion threads and I'd also just personally like to see what other people here are thinking of the things they're currently watching or reading.

      11 votes
    28. Thoughts on agile and scrum

      When I started working with development teams 3 years ago, I started learning all about agile and scrum. I'm currently a product manager working with two dev teams that loosely follow scrum. Since...

      When I started working with development teams 3 years ago, I started learning all about agile and scrum. I'm currently a product manager working with two dev teams that loosely follow scrum. Since we don't have an official scrum master, I somewhat fill that role too. I've done my best to learn as much as I can about it and so far I'm a big fan. However I feel like most of the things I hear about it are from the scrum and agile community, which means I don't hear too many negatives. What's your experience with these been and if you were in the right position, how would you try to structure people to produce software?

      8 votes
    29. Proposal: Weekly neologism thread

      I'm a terrible writer, in part because I've got that epistemophiliac adoration for obscure, archaic or onomatopoeic words, word-play, and more pedantry than most audiences can bear. That being...

      I'm a terrible writer, in part because I've got that epistemophiliac adoration for obscure, archaic or onomatopoeic words, word-play, and more pedantry than most audiences can bear.

      That being said, I think it would be a fun exercise to create and justify new words. A broad range of examples can be found here.

      I'm suggesting this both to give serious writers new tools, and as a light-hearted lower-but-not-low effort community-building exercise to include those who don't consider themselves writers yet.


      1. Any subject matter, though I'd prefer we kept this SFW.
      2. The "logos", or rationale, of the neologism should need little explanation, or be presented in the context of usage, e.g. "asshat", "we're not leaving town, we're staycationing this year."
      3. English language is not required - if you can make a logical creole word and provide English justification, that's fine.
      4. Please Google to ensure originality.
      5. Puns are going to happen. If that's a problem for you, please refrain from complaint unless you feel there's unnecessary cruelty outside the bounds of Tildes' terms of use.

      Here's a starter:

      mortlifting - abusing the occasion of a celebrity's death to make an unrelated political point.

      7 votes
    30. Advice on Google's OKR Framework

      I've hard a lot of great results using Google's OKR (Objectives and Key Results) framework in my roles leading technical and product teams. I've been tasked with bringing this framework across my...

      I've hard a lot of great results using Google's OKR (Objectives and Key Results) framework in my roles leading technical and product teams. I've been tasked with bringing this framework across my organization, including to teams like marketing and business development.

      My main issue recently has been around defining the key results of the projects that our teams are going to be pursuing. All of the advice I've gotten in the past has been to ensure that KRs are quantitative, NOT qualitative. This has been at odds with some of the projects the marketing and business teams are planning on working on. These are projects like...

      • create a new marketing plan given the new budget constraints
      • audit the distribution process to increase our information about the retail sales process

      The push back I am getting is along the lines of "when I create the new marketing plan, the project will be complete, and therefore it's just whether or not I finished the plan that matters." i.e. if the objective is finished then the project is a success. My point of view is that ALL projects should have metrics attached to them, and if we can't measure the progress then we cannot show the added value to the business as a result of our effort.

      The natural response is: what metrics would you attribute to projects like these? And THAT'S where I could use help. Coming from a product/tech background, my understanding of marketing, biz, and operations leaves something to be desired.

      For the marketing plan, I suggested a metric could be to reduce the monthly marketing budget from $current to $future. For the distribution audit, I suggest we track the # of insights/recommendations we produced as a result of the audit. The pushback was that these metrics "didn't really matter" and that "how can we set a goal on insights - even one good insight could be worth a lot, but I could come up with 4 crappy insights just to achieve a numerical goal."

      I'm a bit at a loss. I understand their point of view, and I really feel in my heart that we need to be pursuing measurable KRs. Do you have any advice?

      6 votes
    31. Which headphones do you recommend below 100€?

      I'm looking into the ATH-M40X, which seems to be the best below 100€, but i would like to know other tilders opinion :) EDIT: preference to over ear and portable (portable is not a key feature...

      I'm looking into the ATH-M40X, which seems to be the best below 100€, but i would like to know other tilders opinion :)

      EDIT: preference to over ear and portable (portable is not a key feature that i'm looking, but it would be nice to be easy to carry around)

      17 votes
    32. What operating system do you use?

      I'd imagine that this website probably has an above average linux user percentage, considering that one of the main principles of tildes is to respect your privacy. Personally I use fedora. I...

      I'd imagine that this website probably has an above average linux user percentage, considering that one of the main principles of tildes is to respect your privacy.

      Personally I use fedora. I started with windows, than moved to ubuntu when windows 10 came out. I tried a few others and settled on fedora because I wanted an operating system with a quicker package update cycle than debian, but I wanted it to "just work".

      42 votes
    33. What little-known online co-op games do you enjoy and why?

      I'm a huge fan of co-op games and have played over 100 by now, sometimes I stumble on a little co-op game I had never heard of and give it a go, I'm curious to hear about them. I'm going to throw...

      I'm a huge fan of co-op games and have played over 100 by now, sometimes I stumble on a little co-op game I had never heard of and give it a go, I'm curious to hear about them.

      I'm going to throw in Clandestine, which is an asymmetric infiltration game where one player is a field operative in a 3rd person stealth shooter, and the other player is a hacker that has to control a little avatar on the network, manage CCTV cameras so the field operative isn't spotted, crack door key codes, direct the field operative to mission objectives, disable guards by overloading power and water utilities, and even call in for body cleanup and ammo/health drops.

      I love the asymmetric cooperative nature of the game and Hacktag appears to be similar, though I've never tried it. I'm played through the whole campaign as a field operative and now I'm going through as the hacker and finding myself enjoying a whole new way to play the game, which has been challenging.

      20 votes
    34. Has anyone else found it progressively harder to get into new music?

      In the past, I used to find something like twelve new bands a month that I loved; then I'd go through bands they'd tour with and pick up a few bands from that, bands that were on whatever...

      In the past, I used to find something like twelve new bands a month that I loved; then I'd go through bands they'd tour with and pick up a few bands from that, bands that were on whatever compilations they were on (think the old Fat Wreck comps that used to come out a few times a year), and however else.

      Nowadays, it's more like twenty-four new bands a year that I find myself enjoying. It's so frustrating, because there's no shortage of new music coming out! I just...can't get myself to like much of it.

      Any of you guys experiencing something similar?

      23 votes