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    1. Anyone interested in learning a bit more about the Catalan situation? AMA.

      Hey all, I'm Catalan (expat) and many of my friends in the USA or other countries in Europe tend to ask me a lot about the Catalan situation: independence, Puigdemont's extradition, political...

      Hey all,

      I'm Catalan (expat) and many of my friends in the USA or other countries in Europe tend to ask me a lot about the Catalan situation: independence, Puigdemont's extradition, political prisoners, police brutality, etc. I figured maybe some users here will be interested too?

      I consider myself equidistant to both the independentist nationalist, and the centralist nationalist movements (I'm more anti-borders than pro-borders, and I don't recognize the authority of any state), so I figure many of my responses will annoy everybody in Spain equally :-) . That said I would appreciate it if we all keep the discussion civil and as soon as I see flame wars I will stop answering questions.

      To my fellow Spaniards/Catalans. Feel free to chime in, contradict me with facts and opinions (I will probably not argue with you, I'm actually eager to learn more about other points of view in this matter), answer questions that I haven't answered for lack of knowledge, etc. Hell even if you are not from Spain but you know about it feel free to give me your two cents.

      Hope we get interesting discussions and we all learn from this!

      16 votes
    2. Advice on how to make a personal website

      Hi, I want to make a personal website, as basic as possible (I don't even want SEO or stuff like that). This is totally a personal project, I don't want to generate revenue from it or anything...


      I want to make a personal website, as basic as possible (I don't even want SEO or stuff like that).

      This is totally a personal project, I don't want to generate revenue from it or anything like that (at least for now), I just want an old school website to link it to possible employers and contacts. I have about 12 years of coding experience but mostly low-level (DSP, ASM, C, C++) and scientific code (Python, R, Julia). So I'm not scared of doing it from scratch (even though it will be much uglier in the beginning than pre-generated websites) or using some basic lightweight libraries.

      Until now I have been using github pages but I want to put some projects that require server side work, so I'll probably have to host somewhere else. I really like tildes' technical goals, but I don't know if the stack it uses is overkill for a personal website (I know I will need some database for some of the projects though).

      My questions are:

      • Is Pyramid a good choice or is it more appropriate for huge multiuser platforms? I do need some level of interaction between users (some of my more artsy projects are related to NLP) as well as interaction between user-server (some projects include simulations with parameters etc.).
      • How does hosting/DNS work? How much should I expect to spend per year? I know there exist hosting services and also places like Heroku, I don't really know the difference between them or what should I be looking for.
      • How much should I worry about security? In other words, what is the threat level? I don't plan to have confidential info in the website, or information about the users (other than a hash value). But should I be worried about other kind of threats?
      • Is making a website as basic as possible and then keep on improving it as time goes a sound plan for a long-term personal project? With this I mean, will it be fun or will it be 100% frustrating and I should just go to (whatever hosting service that has premade web applications) and make my website there even though it will be bloated with scripts and stuff?
      • Is there something I'm not asking that I should be asking? As I said I know how to code but it feels like web development is a completely different beast sometimes.
      • Is there any compelling reason for me to use google analytics, SEO, all that stuff that big websites use? I have never understood the point for it in, for example, github pages.

      Thanks for your help! Feel free to correct me on any stupid thing I may have said, I definitely speak from ignorance.

      Edit: My biggest issue with this kind of format for conversations is that I cannot thank everybody at the same time, and responding to everyone with a thanks is definitely not contributing anything to the conversation. So I'll put it in an edit. Thanks for all your help! I'll probably be coming for more advice soon...

      22 votes
    3. What are your experiences with working full time and going to college?

      Hello everyone, I plan on going back to college in the Spring while working full time. I think taking two online courses or a 1-1 split of online / in-person courses per semester would be more...

      Hello everyone,

      I plan on going back to college in the Spring while working full time. I think taking two online courses or a 1-1 split of online / in-person courses per semester would be more than manageable while working full time but my particular job is so slow (office environment) and I'm allowed to study during downtime that I'm considering taking at least three courses per semester. What do you guys think is a non-overwhelming amount of classes to take while working full time and have any of you been in this position as well?

      15 votes
    4. (Yet another what are your favorite) and must-watch TV series?

      My list would probably be: Better Call Saul Black Mirror Black Sails Fargo Edit: Everything else that comes to mind: Rick and Morty, How It's Made, Trailer Park Boys, Breaking Bad, Parcs and...

      My list would probably be:

      • Better Call Saul
      • Black Mirror
      • Black Sails
      • Fargo

      Edit: Everything else that comes to mind: Rick and Morty, How It's Made, Trailer Park Boys, Breaking Bad, Parcs and Recreation, The Office, Berserk, Cosmos (Original), Planet Earth, Blue Planet.

      17 votes
    5. Discussion about the future of this group, specifically non-link discussion threads

      Not sure if anyone will remember by now, but a few months ago I made a philosophical discussion thread in ~talk since a group like ~humanities didn't exist yet. I was super excited by all of the...

      Not sure if anyone will remember by now, but a few months ago I made a philosophical discussion thread in ~talk since a group like ~humanities didn't exist yet. I was super excited by all of the great discussion that I was able to join in, and now that we have ~humanities (thanks @Deimos!), I'm wondering how people would feel about some threads for more general discussion of various questions as opposed to the mostly link-based discussion that's gone on here so far.

      Would anyone else be interested in that sort of thing? I'd be more than happy to start a few threads up over the next few days if people are interested.

      10 votes
    6. Casual gaming group?

      TRS80 gaming is a group for casuals. Back in the day I could play TF2, CSGO and PlanetSide 2 for 4-6 hrs a night (yes I've done the all-nighters, and done an all-nighter with Civilization too)....

      TRS80 gaming is a group for casuals. Back in the day I could play TF2, CSGO and PlanetSide 2 for 4-6 hrs a night (yes I've done the all-nighters, and done an all-nighter with Civilization too). But as I've grown older, I've been more busy with work.

      So I, with some friends, wanted to create a gaming group that's basically for casuals.

      The games we play are:

      • Destiny 2 (we have a clan)
      • Guild Wars 2 (we have a guild)
      • WarFrame (no guild yet)

      Mobile games we're playing:

      • Idle Heroes (we have a guild)
      • Brawl Stars (no guild right now)
      • Clash Royale (no guild right now)

      Some of us stream on Twitch (twitch.tv/condenasty80) and I can auto-host channels.

      It'd be cool to get other casual players on Tildes on the Discord chat to coordinate some games for Destiny 2, Guild Wars and Warframe (and to group up on mobile games too!)

      Reply if you're interested!

      edit: forgot to mention, we have a blog, twitter and facebook page so if you want to write a game review or just make comment about recent game news, I'm open to scheduling/publishing posts

      15 votes
    7. pillo.

      alright so much to my dismay, no, not currently day drunk (though a mimosa does not sound half bad right now!) so in place of my standard late-night drunk poetry, have some...

      alright so much to my dismay, no, not currently day drunk (though a mimosa does not sound half bad right now!)

      so in place of my standard late-night drunk poetry, have some mid-morning-havent-slept-in-36-hours-poetry.



      remember wanting what i got now
      didn't think it'd be a let down
      guess back then i wasnt thinking sound
      deadly quiet with you not around

      got me so down im
      making lots of pillows
      taking heavy shots and smoking
      off a lot of rillos
      now my mind is gone, am i okay
      i cannot think so
      falling down from heaven hitting
      every branch like plinko

      like you're yoko ono and
      i'm every single beatle.
      warring with myself and every
      general's in fetal
      got my world all fucked but
      i lay here with no libido
      sorry if i fucked it up, i
      swear i did not mean to

      but at least i saw a palm tree
      caught a little of the ocean breeze
      heavy sand where you buried me
      for the forest couldn't hear the screams.

      got me so down im
      making lots of pillows
      taking heavy shots and smoking
      off a lot of rillos
      think my mind is gone, am i okay
      i cannot think so
      falling down from heaven hitting
      every branch like plinko

      no quiero recordar nada
      que ella ha dicho
      Como el tiempo cuando
      ella me ha prometido
      que nosotros siempre
      quedaríamos amigos
      He querido solo estar
      perfecto contigo.

      loved our movie, but you said
      you didn't want a sequel
      got my head up in the clouds
      now i cannot see through
      if you were perfection,
      how can i trust other people
      to take my hand and guide me
      past all of the shit we been through


      got me so down im
      making lots of pillows
      taking heavy shots and smoking
      off a lot of rillos
      think my mind is gone, am i okay
      i cannot think so
      falling down from heaven hitting
      every branch like plinko

      5 votes
    8. ~music Listening Club 4 - Weather Systems

      Welcome to week four! This week we focus on another user-voted record: Weather Systems by Anathema. Puling @deciduous' original pitch : Weather Systems is an interesting album to me because it is...

      Welcome to week four! This week we focus on another user-voted record: Weather Systems by Anathema.

      Puling @deciduous' original pitch :

      Weather Systems is an interesting album to me because it is both immediately catchy, but also very dense. It was specifically created to be an emotional experience that required engagement by the listener and bot does it deliver on that front. Each song flows well into the next and has a different a unique emotional resonance. "Lightning Song" is intense in a way few other songs are and "The Beginning and the End" is one of my favorite tracks ever for its fantastic piano riff that carries throughout the song. If you're at all into post or prog rock, this album is perfect for you.

      Here's the place to discuss your thoughts on the record, your history with it or the band, and basically talk about whatever you want to that goes along with Weather Systems. Remember that this is intended to be a slow moving thing, feel free to take your time and listen / comment at any point in the week!

      If you'd like to stream or buy the album, it can be found on most platforms here.

      7 votes
    9. ~music Listening Club 6 - Postcards

      Week six it is! This week we focus on another user-voted record: Postcards by Meadowlark. Pulling @Gyrfalcon's original nomination: I'm going to suggest Postcards by Meadowlark again. I'm not...

      Week six it is! This week we focus on another user-voted record: Postcards by Meadowlark.

      Pulling @Gyrfalcon's original nomination:

      I'm going to suggest Postcards by Meadowlark again. I'm not great at describing why music is good, so I will just leave the music video of the title track.

      Here's the place to discuss your thoughts on the record, your history with it or the band, and basically talk about whatever you want to that goes along with Postcards. Remember that this is intended to be a slow moving thing, feel free to take your time and listen / comment at any point in the week!

      If you'd like to stream or buy the album, it can be found on most platforms here.

      4 votes
    10. Artifact (Valve's Dota 2 card game) will release Nov 28, 2018 for $20 USD on PC/Mac/Linux

      Here's the tweet the release date info came from: https://twitter.com/wykrhm/status/1024704897218883584 And an article from March that had some of the first actual gameplay info:...

      Here's the tweet the release date info came from: https://twitter.com/wykrhm/status/1024704897218883584

      And an article from March that had some of the first actual gameplay info: https://www.pcgamer.com/artifact-guide/

      10 votes
    11. Idea that could change Tildes - Agree/Disagree buttons

      At first I didn't want to post this idea, because its pretty big change, but I think I'll post my idea here, thanks to @kiyoshigawa. Here is my comment that pretty much sums up my idea. My idea...

      At first I didn't want to post this idea, because its pretty big change, but I think I'll post my idea here, thanks to @kiyoshigawa. Here is my comment that pretty much sums up my idea.

      My idea is, that when people read something, and they agree/disagree with it, they want to express their agreement/disagreement (this is covered in this thread). When you want to express disagreement, you have to, because it's no downvote here, comment to disagree with some opinon. But when you want express agreement, and you don't want to comment (or simple 'I agree' wouldn't add anything to the debate), you just hit the upvote button. And that's problem, as the Vote button should serve as "quality content here" indicator, not "popular content" indicator. We've seen it on Reddit, where the effect is even larger because of the downvote button.

      So my idea is - Add agree/disagree buttons. These buttons doesn't have to do something - I even think, that it'll be better if they didn't do anything. But they'll help users express themselves, so when someone agrees with me, but doesn't want to simply say "I agree", he can hit the 'I agree' button - and he won't hit the vote button. This way, popularity won't affect the "quality" score of the post.

      Edit: As @Kat, @Kijafa, and others said, maybe add only agree button - not the disagree one. I think they might be right, disagree button might have negative effect, as now users have to express disagreement via comments.

      Edit 2: Thank you all for discussion. You made me change my mind about disagree buttons, you are right - it'd be used as downvote and would probably suppress discussion. However, I'm still curios about the "I agree" button and if it would decrease of usage Vote button to express agreement.

      28 votes
    12. The ~ character is not in my keyboard. Can you see Tildes expanding when most people can't write the URLs?

      Even if Tildes is an English-only community, I can see how it been "US keyboard layout"-only might stop other users from using the site. I understand that the character is even in the site's icon...

      Even if Tildes is an English-only community, I can see how it been "US keyboard layout"-only might stop other users from using the site. I understand that the character is even in the site's icon and name, and it feels pretty aesthetically and brand-crucial, but I don't think it is related to the main idea of the site/community or its functionality; and being still in alpha is not too late to make a change that could help it expand and get more users (or at the very least, not limite it).

      What do you think?

      28 votes
    13. Quotes should have more contrast (default light theme)

      Quotes serve two purposes: 1) Replying to a specific part of someone else's comment, and 2) introducing new information from an external source. Replying to a specific part When replying to...

      Quotes serve two purposes: 1) Replying to a specific part of someone else's comment, and 2) introducing new information from an external source.

      Replying to a specific part

      When replying to someone, the current low-contrast black-on-gray style makes sense because it's redundant info.

      However, when quoting an external source, my eyes tend to gloss over the quote, which is unfortunate. Current workarounds are: mild editorializing by bolding certain words; or paraphrasing the source, which is often a waste of time or can be misleading if someone misread the original.

      In summary, my inner thoughts say:

      I suggest we make quotes higher contrast, so that the ones introducing new info can add to the conversation, rather than be ignored due to visual de-emphasis.

      Quotes from external sources often imply authority and that their author has given a topic a lot of thought. Therefore they are valuable to include in a conversation and should carry the same weight as text written by any random user.

      Edit: Screenshot of this post using light theme: https://i.imgtc.com/wVdoFN6.png

      3 votes
    14. Storyboards, outlines and concept art for unproduced Adventure Time episodes

      The first few seasons of Adventure Time are very dear to my heart, I watched them as a teenager when they first aired and I still revisit them from time to time when I'm bored or am having a bad...

      The first few seasons of Adventure Time are very dear to my heart, I watched them as a teenager when they first aired and I still revisit them from time to time when I'm bored or am having a bad day and need a pick-me-up. I recently came across a bunch of outlines and concepts for unproduced episodes from season 1, and some of them are really good!

      Full Storyboards:


      BROTHERS IN INSOMNIA (This one's good)


      BOXCARS & BINDLES (I really like this one)

      HAND (It's a board artist's worst nightmare!)






      TREE PROBLEM (This is an outline for "Brothers in Insomnia")

      Story Notes:




      Adventure Time series presentation

      3 votes