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  • Showing only topics with the tag "ask". Back to normal view
    1. Does anybody actually revisit url/page that bookmarked?

      I myself is a pinboard user since 2011 and have since bookmarked 4 274 links. But I find it funny that I never visit those URL or page ever again. When I bookmark something I thought it was useful...

      I myself is a pinboard user since 2011 and have since bookmarked 4 274 links. But I find it funny that I never visit those URL or page ever again.

      When I bookmark something I thought it was useful or important. But often it turns out not the case.

      Am I the only one? What do you guys do with thousands of stuff you bookmarked?

      17 votes
    2. On social media what filters do you have to block content? Any motivation beyond "not interested"?

      On Tildes I don't have any filtered tags yet but I did unsubscribe from ~anime, ~books, ~food, ~games, ~movies, ~sports, and ~tv. Wow I just made that list and realized I cut out most of the fun...

      On Tildes I don't have any filtered tags yet but I did unsubscribe from ~anime, ~books, ~food, ~games, ~movies, ~sports, and ~tv. Wow I just made that list and realized I cut out most of the fun groups... I'm not sure what that says about me haha. I unsubscribed from all of those because I either don't enjoy those things or if I do, I know what I like and don't have any inclination to discuss them.

      Reddit is where I have the most things filtered out. Mostly entire subs from r/all but I have some users blocked too. Like poem_for_your_sprog. Don't get me wrong I like poems in the right context but it throws me off too much when I'm reading an askreddit thread and suddenly find myself reading a poem. A dumb pet peeve.

      Facebook it's just random people blocked from showing on the newsfeed.

      I have said "not interested" to videos on youtube more times than I would ever care to count. I'm not sure why but they have a really hard time giving me content I want to see. There's usually like 3 videos in the feed I'm down with and the rest is just garbage. They're good about not showing me things I said I'm not interested in but they can't seem to pinpoint what I actually want.

      15 votes
    3. Best way to browse/use Tildes on mobile?

      Hi fellow Tildes Beta users! I primarily do my browsing on an iPad or my iPhone. Currently I'm using Chrome. Until an app is made, what do you all find the best way to browse Tildes is? The...

      Hi fellow Tildes Beta users!

      I primarily do my browsing on an iPad or my iPhone. Currently I'm using Chrome.

      Until an app is made, what do you all find the best way to browse Tildes is? The formatting is a little wonky for me, which is perfectly understandable. It's not exactly a deal breaker, but it would be a lot easier having a more optimized experience.

      I doubt I'm alone, so what're y'alls preferences?

      22 votes
    4. What are some of your favorite game mechanics?

      What mechanics are the most fun, innovative or immersive? I'll start with my list. Enemies reacting to your gameplay choices in MGS V I still think that game is a masterpiece when it comes to...

      What mechanics are the most fun, innovative or immersive?

      I'll start with my list.

      Enemies reacting to your gameplay choices in MGS V

      I still think that game is a masterpiece when it comes to stealth gameplay and generally reaxtive gameplay but I thought that the system of enemies adapting to your gameplay choices was particularly clever.

      The parkour system in Dying Light

      I don't think any other game has pulled this off that well. Combined with the stressful night sequences this made that game a sleeper hit for me.

      The lack of weapons in Subnautica

      This is what turned this into one of my favourites of this year. It really makes you feel vulnerable, especially in the beginning, making for some very atmospheric and creepy gameplay.

      16 votes
    5. Will creativity become valued more highly than STEM skills in the near-term future?

      I'm doubling down here folks :) My prior post was called-out for being click-baity and rightfully so. The title was especially poor. I'll try to do better moving forward. I'm starting a discussion...

      I'm doubling down here folks :) My prior post was called-out for being click-baity and rightfully so. The title was especially poor. I'll try to do better moving forward.

      I'm starting a discussion here because my hope is that we can talk about the ideas within the article, rather than the article itself.

      Here was the original post for those interested: https://tildes.net/~humanities/3y1/mark_cuban_says_the_ability_to_think_creatively_will_be_critical_in_10_years_and_elon_musk_agrees

      I posted the article because at it's core are several interesting observations/propositions from two billionaires, Mark Cuban and Elon Musk, that presumably know a lot about business, and in Musk's case, a lot about STEM, and have a history of making winning bets on the future.

      The article supposes that:

      • Many (most?) STEM jobs will become automated
      • This will happen very quickly; more quickly than we anticipate
      • Creative skills will soon become more highly valued than STEM skills

      There was a time when parents told their kids to "become a lawyer or a doctor" but after enough time we end up with too many people going into the same profession and there is more competition for those jobs as the market becomes flooded. I know anecdotally that's happened for lawyers (not sure about doctors).

      I can see this happening with STEM as well.

      Should parents encourage kids to pursue STEM but pair this with equal study in the humanities? Is STEM the next target of automation? Will creative skills be more highly valued? Will engineers find themselves in the bread line?

      18 votes
    6. So what are you guys' opinions or hopes/fears of Disney aquiring the rights to X-Men?

      For me personally I'm excited because I really like what they've done with the MCU. It's not perfect but I think they've done a fine job so far and would prefer them to have a go at the X-Men (and...

      For me personally I'm excited because I really like what they've done with the MCU. It's not perfect but I think they've done a fine job so far and would prefer them to have a go at the X-Men (and FF) franchise. As a long time fan the movies have been hit and miss with the Fox X-Men for me so far. For example:


      First Class


      The Wolverine

      Don't care for whatsoever:

      Wolverine Origins

      So really Fox did okay with the rights but not as good as they could have. The Fantastic Four specifically movies are laughable. Hell the Roger Corman flick was better than it's successors. I didn't even bother with the most recent as you could tell it was slap dashed together.

      So what do you guys think?

      9 votes
    7. Does anyone, or everyone, else suffer from second screen syndrome?

      A long time ago I saw my friend watch a video while he worked on a second monitor at home. I thought wow, that's terrible, how can he focus? Fast forward a few years, and these days I work from...

      A long time ago I saw my friend watch a video while he worked on a second monitor at home. I thought wow, that's terrible, how can he focus?

      Fast forward a few years, and these days I work from home. There is often a video of some sort playing on a tablet while I work.

      Probably more commonly, most of the time when I'm watching a TV show or movie on a big screen I have my phone in my hand and I'm scrolling through some feed. It basically turns the HD video I'm supposedly watching into an audio book-like experience.

      Does anyone else do either of these things? Any theories as to why we do this? What are the effects of this behavior? Are we basically doing 2 things terribly instead of 1 thing well?

      edit: spelling: think=thing (I blame the video playing in the background)

      28 votes
    8. Posting AMP links in new topics?

      I have a question about AMP links in new topics. I posted this with the AMP link as an experiment. After a few days of life at 2G data speeds I have begun to appreciate the benefits of AMP. Also,...

      I have a question about AMP links in new topics.

      I posted this with the AMP link as an experiment. After a few days of life at 2G data speeds I have begun to appreciate the benefits of AMP. Also, fast load times seem to be in line with light and quick philosophy of Tildes.net.

      One downside of AMP is that it is a mobile layout which is not ideal layout on desktop with high resolution.

      What do you all think of using AMP links in topics?

      12 votes
    9. What's something annoying that happened to you this week?

      Yesterday my phone completely broke its SIM card settings and I had to do a factory reset. I thought the backups that my phone did to my Google Drive backed up everything I needed, but apparently...

      Yesterday my phone completely broke its SIM card settings and I had to do a factory reset. I thought the backups that my phone did to my Google Drive backed up everything I needed, but apparently they don't! So now I get the pleasure of remembering every little configuration change I've done over the past three years. Maybe it's time for a new phone...

      What about you? What do you want to complain about? Please, complain with me.

      12 votes
    10. Need help dispelling myths about how hackers access websites

      I hope I’m posting this in the correct place. I’ve been having a disagreement with someone over the abilities of hackers. I kinda hope Deimorz pops in because he wrote automod. I said that the...

      I hope I’m posting this in the correct place. I’ve been having a disagreement with someone over the abilities of hackers. I kinda hope Deimorz pops in because he wrote automod.

      I said that the only way for someone to gain access to a subreddit to make changes is if they steal a moderator’s account password or they are added to the mod team. The person I’m having a disagreement with believes that adding text to the wiki for users to view (like the extensive wiki r/skincareaddiction has) would make it easier for hackers to insert malicious code in order to gain access to the sub. This person also mentioned being able to change the subreddit through browser tools. She insists the sidebar and wiki are potential access points for scripting attacks. Automod just so happens to be enabled which is why I mentioned Deimorz.

      I’m not an IT professional. My brothers currently are which helped me learn most of what I know. I’ve supplemented that over the years with whatever info I came across online. What she’s saying sounds like crazy town to me. But since I’m not a hacker, is there a way to use the sidebar or wiki area to hack into a subreddit?

      Thanks in advance to anyone who pities me by providing a detailed answer to this thinly veiled request to help me win an internet argument 🙇🏾‍♀️.

      10 votes
    11. How does the comment removing work?

      Someone posted comment, I wrote a response (here), but when I wanted to send it, I got this message: Comment not found (or it was deleted). After I refreshed, the comment was gone, not even...

      Someone posted comment, I wrote a response (here), but when I wanted to send it, I got this message: Comment not found (or it was deleted). After I refreshed, the comment was gone, not even something like [deleted comment].

      Do someone know how the comment removing work?

      9 votes
    12. For any given product, why is the iOS client often the best client?

      Background: I was deciding what to do since we use Atlassian’s Stride and it will be sunsetted. For us, the options are Teams or Slack. I’m going to give Teams a try since we already pay for it....

      I was deciding what to do since we use Atlassian’s Stride and it will be sunsetted. For us, the options are Teams or Slack. I’m going to give Teams a try since we already pay for it. Someone I know also happens to be a PM there. I texted him “wow, Teams iOS has a 4.7 rating in the App Store!” He said, yes, it’s probably our best client. It made me realize that this is very often the case. The iOS client is often the best client for many services.

      Do you all find this to be true as well?

      If so, why do you think this is? iOS itself? iOS app guidelines? iOS devs are more product minded? Android device fragmentation?

      Any and all thoughts appreciated.

      note: I am mobile OS agnostic, I use them all (both) regularly.

      12 votes
    13. Bingeable book series - light reads for summer.

      You know the kind I'm talking about - a series of fiction novels (generally falling into urban fantasy/sci fi/straight fantasy) based around a main character (or small group of characters),...

      You know the kind I'm talking about - a series of fiction novels (generally falling into urban fantasy/sci fi/straight fantasy) based around a main character (or small group of characters), nothing overly serious, though they may sometimes touch on serious topics. Fun, fluffy reads with engaging characters that leave you wanting more. The main drawback of a lot of these series is that the starring characters can turn into Mary Sues REAL FAST (Looking at you, Harry Dresden), but I'm ok with that.

      A few examples:

      • Jim Butcher - The Dresden Files
      • Kim Harrison - The Hollows

      What series have you enjoyed?

      8 votes
    14. What is something you've never done, that most people probably have?

      I've never broken a bone! I've probably had minor fractures before and played it off when stubbing my toe for example, but as far as I know, I've never broken a bone. Tildes, tildites, tilidians?...

      I've never broken a bone! I've probably had minor fractures before and played it off when stubbing my toe for example, but as far as I know, I've never broken a bone.

      Tildes, tildites, tilidians? What is something you've never done?

      24 votes
    15. Players of Instruments, what are you having fun with lately?

      Anything you guys have been having great fun/difficulty with lately? Any riffs/songs you're making? I've been trying to improve on Bass guitar and I learned that RHCP's Torture Me has a really fun...

      Anything you guys have been having great fun/difficulty with lately? Any riffs/songs you're making? I've been trying to improve on Bass guitar and I learned that RHCP's Torture Me has a really fun bass line. That whole 1-2-2-1 structure is challenging but satisfying as hell to pull off

      6 votes
    16. RuneScape clan chats?

      Since RuneScape (both RS3 and Old School) currently has a free month for those of us using Twitch Prime, is anyone here playing? I find that despite it being one of the best games I've ever...

      Since RuneScape (both RS3 and Old School) currently has a free month for those of us using Twitch Prime, is anyone here playing? I find that despite it being one of the best games I've ever played, I tend to drift away from OSRS after some time because it's so enveloped in that YouTuber meme culture that gives me a headache. So, to any players here, are you hanging out in a friendly clan chat or Discord server to escape that? Would we want to start our own?

      Or, more generally, how do you deal with the toxic nature of the game's community?

      7 votes
    17. Favorite one-hit wonder artists?

      There's tons of one hit wonder artists out there. Those who made one or two hits but then faded into obscurity. Have any of you ever pursued these artists' other music, and if so, who stood out to...

      There's tons of one hit wonder artists out there. Those who made one or two hits but then faded into obscurity.

      Have any of you ever pursued these artists' other music, and if so, who stood out to you the most?

      10 votes
    18. Are there situations where donating items in a box can be as helpful as cash?

      When it comes to disaster relief, I often hear the refrain that it is best to donate cash, and donating boxes of things often hurts more than it helps. Is this universally true, or are there...

      When it comes to disaster relief, I often hear the refrain that it is best to donate cash, and donating boxes of things often hurts more than it helps. Is this universally true, or are there situations where donation boxes are actually helpful?

      Search results on the subject ("disaster relief donation box vs cash"), all saying that boxes of stuff hurt more than help, due to the logistical costs of shipping, sorting, and storage:

      4 votes
    19. ~Random acts of Steam Sale

      So I was thinking since we're still a smaller community things like this could actually foster some decent games talk and make friends the best way I know, begging for stuff! Post a want with some...

      So I was thinking since we're still a smaller community things like this could actually foster some decent games talk and make friends the best way I know, begging for stuff!

      Post a want with some bullshit reasons for being a cheap wanker, see if someone might be willing to toss some virtual things your way! If you do get your wish, be sure to give a write up on what you thought of it.

      If you want to gift someone, pm for steam nick plz.

      W:https://store.steampowered.com/app/332200/Axiom_Verge/ - Just saw this awesome Metroidvania at SGDQ and would love to play it but the cash I'm throwing at the screen is not working. Oh yeah did I mention it's available for Linux? I NEED THIS NOW. I'll pay it forward tomorrow when I can stick some of these biĺls into a proper slot!
      Gee thanks sxo, great gift. I'll report back when I have some time to play it!

      46 votes
    20. Rewriting History: what one decision would you go back and have someone change?

      I like thinking about alternative history. There are people like Harry Turtledove who write extensive alternative histories based on whether the South's main general's war plans got to the...

      I like thinking about alternative history. There are people like Harry Turtledove who write extensive alternative histories based on whether the South's main general's war plans got to the Northern armies' general in time for the Battle of Antietam. For me there's something appealing about thinking back through complex events in world history and finding critical moments and critical decisions that might have gone another way. I'm also quite taken with the idea that some historical events end up in hindsight looking like perfect storms, where a number of complex variables make the world we now know, but where any one of those variables would have produced a massively different result.

      But I'm less interested in thinking about waving a magic wand to change the weather of some day or to change facts on the ground or morale or something like that. What I'm most interested in are situations where someone's individual decision might have dramatically altered the world. Can you identify one decision that happened in the past that you would have that person making it change? How might that set us up in a different reality?

      A small note on housekeeping before I let you go. I know this might be a type of topic that walks the fence between something designed for ~talk and something best suited in ~humanities. I think of this as kind of an experiment to see how best to handle topics that straddle two different tildes.

      18 votes
    21. Americans who expatriated from the US to Canada--or Canadians who know them--how are you/they faring?

      I'm interested in all responses, but if the answer is "well" or better and the following are factors that contributed to that sense of well-being, could you divulge your job industry, if...

      I'm interested in all responses, but if the answer is "well" or better and the following are factors that contributed to that sense of well-being, could you divulge your job industry, if applicable, and/or the Canadian city where you currently reside? (If privacy-minded or jealously guarding a secret utopia, province would suffice. Thank you.)

      About me: besides the current political and lazy-to-anti-intellectual climate of the US, I'm pressingly concerned about global warming; after a dozen years of living in and around refreshing Seattle (compared to southern California), I had to give in and buy an air conditioner this summer. Anecdotally, it seems to be a trend.

      11 votes
    22. Choosing to not have children

      I hesitate to even use the term "childfree" for this post, as the reputation the community has gathered on reddit isn't the greatest. For good reason tbh - there's a reason I don't post on that...

      I hesitate to even use the term "childfree" for this post, as the reputation the community has gathered on reddit isn't the greatest. For good reason tbh - there's a reason I don't post on that sub.

      I knew from a very young age that I wasn't cut out for kids. I didn't want to play "house", hated baby dolls (especially the gross ones that "peed" so you could change the diaper), babysitting was done only under duress, and the noise that came from being around a crowd of kids made me crazy. I grew up with dozens of cousins, of which I was one of the oldest girls, so "taking care of the young ones" was kind of an expectation. But while the other cousins in my age range were happy to do so, I was off in a corner with a book, avoiding the entire thing.

      As I got older and started dating, the conversations about weddings and having kids were the last thing on my mind. I went off to university, got a job, moved out on my own, and just didn't really think twice about it to be honest. I guess I always assumed it'd happen one day, and the urge to settle down would kick in, but it never did.

      Now as I'm past the ever so major gate of 30 (that crucial age where everyone says you'll change your mind), nothing's changed. I have a large circle of friends who feel the same way (none of us have or want children) and we're enjoying our lives in a way I didn't think was possible. We enjoy our dinners with each other, traveling on weekends to spontaneous destinations, last minute concerts, festivals, and many other events that keep us busy and engaged. The thought of giving it up and settling down just doesn't hold any appeal.

      The accusations of selfishness, shallowness, leading an unfulfilled life are all just water off a duck's back. If I'm selfish, it hurts no one but myself. If I'm shallow, well, I'm not shallow so that's not an issue. My life is my own, and it's exactly how I want it - full of friends, spontaneity, and peace and quiet when I want it.

      41 votes
    23. What negative trait or quality in a person do you find attractive?

      Something that I believe others would find to be a negative trait or personality is a person with a sense of dark and morbid humour. I tend to use dark humour a lot more than I should and...

      Something that I believe others would find to be a negative trait or personality is a person with a sense of dark and morbid humour. I tend to use dark humour a lot more than I should and sometimes have to be pretty careful around who I say it. Having friends who can take in jest with the things I say without any repercussions is great, otherwise they wouldn't last that long as friends!

      What do you consider a negative trait, quality, factor, and that you find attractive?

      7 votes
    24. Ask ~games: what strategy games has a big focus on terrain tactics?

      I really like playing Civ5, when a city is behind a mountain, if properly guarded, it's nearly impenetrable. A strategically placed city on choke points can be a shield of your whole empire. Enemy...

      I really like playing Civ5, when a city is behind a mountain, if properly guarded, it's nearly impenetrable.

      A strategically placed city on choke points can be a shield of your whole empire. Enemy settlers or scouts can't access a vast majority of land. Also people have fun with canal cities with trading routes shortcuts, etc.

      However games like civ5 only have mountains, the river tactics is weak, historically many battles were carried over river and controlling a bridge is vital.

      Are there any games that focus on terrain tactics? I think combined with some aspects from Tower of Defense, the game can be quite fun.

      I know games like Total War where terrain plays an important role, but it's more campaign focused. RTS is too short-lived.

      10 votes
    25. Thoughts on a ~comp survey of some sort?

      After seeing the "what OS do you use?" thread earlier, I was wondering what everyone here on ~comp would think of a sort of group demographics survey. I think that it would be super interesting to...

      After seeing the "what OS do you use?" thread earlier, I was wondering what everyone here on ~comp would think of a sort of group demographics survey. I think that it would be super interesting to see the data on things like preferred OS, main programming language, preferred text editor/IDE, device OEM, etc.

      14 votes
    26. Have we talked about alts? Are they OK to have?

      Hi, I have but two accounts on Reddit; one for posting stuff I make, having fun discussions, and maybe small debates about stuff that doesn't matter (games, movies, etc.); and another for...


      I have but two accounts on Reddit; one for posting stuff I make, having fun discussions, and maybe small debates about stuff that doesn't matter (games, movies, etc.); and another for political discussion/debates, because sadly, my progressive views (and admittedly abrasive tendencies when the party I'm talking to is themselves abrasive) tend to get me enough negative attention that I've been doxxed twice (admittedly over the course of 12 years, so not much).

      Are alts allowed? If so, doesn't that just provide me with another 5 invites (that I will totally not abuse on account I've only used but one of the ones I've got/don't know enough friends to care about leaving Reddit)?

      If not, totally understandable-- I'll just avoid posting stuff I make in the event I find myself getting into a political debate.

      Thanks for the time/info either way,

      9 votes
    27. I haven't logged into Tildes for four tendays! What have I missed?

      I stopped checking the site so regularly, and as tends to happen with not-yet-solidified habits, I fell off the Tildes wagon for a bit. What interesting updates, news, changes, drama, or...

      I stopped checking the site so regularly, and as tends to happen with not-yet-solidified habits, I fell off the Tildes wagon for a bit.

      What interesting updates, news, changes, drama, or discussions would you say has highlighted the past two months?


      4 votes
    28. Is the current media boost of RPGs a good thing for the hobby?

      There are two big unrelated things giving gaming a lot of exposure right now. One is people broadcasting gaming sessions (e.g. Critical Role). The other is that a lot of shows are doing an RPG...

      There are two big unrelated things giving gaming a lot of exposure right now. One is people broadcasting gaming sessions (e.g. Critical Role). The other is that a lot of shows are doing an RPG episode (e.g. Community).

      How much of this is a good thing? What happens to the community when the vast majority of fans don't actually play the game? And is anything being done to transition people from audience to participants?

      4 votes
    29. Has anyone done an on the job/industry PhD?

      Tildes, I'd like some opinions please! I work in a genetics lab as a research assistant and I've got the opportunity to pursue a PhD under the supervision of the lab director whilst maintaining my...

      Tildes, I'd like some opinions please! I work in a genetics lab as a research assistant and I've got the opportunity to pursue a PhD under the supervision of the lab director whilst maintaining my current position and salary, with work I'd probably be doing anyway contributing to my thesis.

      I feel like this is a pretty good opportunity: I'm not getting any younger and I have a young family, so going back to school to do this on a studentship is not an option, and my employer is willing to fund half the tuition fees and cover materials/ reagents etc. Word in the media is that there is a glut of PhDs at the moment, but I don't have my heart set on an academic career, so I won't be crushed if I end up in industry. I'm based in Europe, so would be looking at taking 3 years for the whole degree, which is coincidentally when my current contract is up.

      Has anyone pursued a PhD under similar conditions? What was your experience like? Was getting your PhD worth it (especially in the life sciences/biotech)?


      7 votes
    30. Is Hacker News suppressing leftist articles? Or just a conspiracy of poor point scoring?

      There was a story posted to Hacker News, The Return of the Super-Elite from Jacobin magazine. It was on the front page for a little bit of time. I refreshed and it was on the 2nd page. 5 hours...

      There was a story posted to Hacker News, The Return of the Super-Elite from Jacobin magazine. It was on the front page for a little bit of time. I refreshed and it was on the 2nd page.

      5 hours later and it's down to #113, page 4. It has 88 points. The second youngest submission on page 4 is 16 hours old. On page 3, the youngest item is 6 hours old, and has only 7 points. So this article is newer, has a respectable amount of points but within 5 hours has been relegated to page 4, whereas an item that has fewer points and is 1 hour older is sitting on page 3.

      edit: the rank keeps dropping, when I first wrote this post it was at #111, then #112, and when I submitted it was at #113, I just refreshed and it's at #114. Other submissions near the range of points and hours are ranking on page 1. On page 5 all items are from 1, 2 or 3 days ago.

      I've noticed that any pro-unionization talk seems to disappear much more quickly than other stories.

      So let's get our tinfoil hats on and ask is Hacker News suppressing leftist articles or suppressing articles of a certain type altogether?

      Or maybe it's just a conspiracy of a bad algorithm for determining where submissions rank?

      26 votes
    31. Has anyone here backed the Librem 5?

      For those unaware the Librem 5 is an upcoming Linux smartphone developped by Purism that seems to be doing everything right. Frankly I think this might be humanity's last chance to have a Libre...

      For those unaware the Librem 5 is an upcoming Linux smartphone developped by Purism that seems to be doing everything right. Frankly I think this might be humanity's last chance to have a Libre mobile option before the Google/Apple duopoly gets too far ahead.

      I really, really want to back the thing but after going through the exchange rate, duties and customs I think it works out to nearly 900CAD which I just can't afford right now, though I might end up pulling the trigger anyway. Call it 400$ for a phone and 400$ to support a worthy cause, eh?

      12 votes
    32. How much is seeing your favourite band worth?

      On June 18th 2018, it was announced via StubHub's ticketing website that Rammstein would play songs at their Puerto Vallarta, Mexico show from their new album set for release later in 2018. These...

      On June 18th 2018, it was announced via StubHub's ticketing website that Rammstein would play songs at their Puerto Vallarta, Mexico show from their new album set for release later in 2018. These are the only two announced tour dates for them for 2018.

      They haven't toured North America since 2012, other than the odd spot at festivals, and usually only do special shows in Europe at this point. I've seen them once before, and it was the best concert I've ever been to. But in order to see them I'd have to spend money on a ticket, plane ticket, and resort hotel so I'm extreeeemely torn on it. On the one hand, I don't know how many chances I have left to see them. On the other hand, it'll cost a lot of money.

      What's the most you'd pay to see your alltime favourite band?

      12 votes
    33. I need help with execution and impulse control

      The short version is throughout my life I've seemed to be unable to execute sustained action towards any kind of meaningful forward momentum. I know very well all the things I need to be doing,...

      The short version is throughout my life I've seemed to be unable to execute sustained action towards any kind of meaningful forward momentum. I know very well all the things I need to be doing, but in that precious moment called the present things always seem to slip. I can't gain traction. All reagent and no catalyst.

      It goes without saying that the irony isn't lost on me of asking for advice, more information, more data, when what's really needed is action, but I simply don't know what else to do.

      The details;

      I think by far my biggest character flaw so to speak is a lack of an ability to execute under normal circumstances. Obviously procrastination and other related behaviours plague most people to one degree or another but I think in my case it's at a point where it presents an arguably existential risk to any kind of real future.

      I'm in my late twenties working a relatively low paying job with moderate technical skill. Like many other children in the 1990s I was diagnosed with ADHD and medicated, though with little to no success. I stopped in my late teens but have recently begun to experiment anew consulting with my family doctor. I've since failed to renew my latest prescription but I think there's some small potential there. That said I think the buik of the change will still have to come from within.

      I'm reticent to frame my experience within the pathology of a medical condition and would prefer to describe my experience without the artifacts and assumptions I feel would otherwise flatten the anecdotes. For years now I've been meaning to study when I get home from work, go to the gym (hell, just get a subscription), eat healthier, etc. There's a burnt out light in my kitchen I've been wanting to change for the past 3 weeks and haven't gotten around to. Everything slips. If I remember I need to do something I'm walking to the grocery store, or on the bus to work, or at a friend's house. I've been meaning to return a friend's call for over a month. Again, everything slips.

      I feel like I'm at a point where I really need discipline and this scares me. I dropped out of college 10 years ago, live alone and work full time. I have no academic backing to speak of and feel this severely limits my future prospects as far as both lucrative, enjoyable and fruitful future employment goes. They say that when trying to plot future human behaviour the best predictor by far is past behaviour; so I'm at a point where personal success is probably unlikely, so I'd also be content being in a position where I can positively impact the lives of others. I feel all else aside this should even be a priority; I need not necessarily find success or happiness if I can be some part of the catalyst for a multitude of people to find it. Net positive for the cosmos and all that.

      I've got a relatively strong foundation of knowledge for doing IT work, having administered a handful of Linux desktops and servers for personal use for the past 5 years (with previous albeit inconsistent dabbling prior to that). I generally believe in open source software and try to use it wherever I can. Unless something Very Bad happens computers are going to be a huge part of the human experience moving forward and if we are to truly prosper for the coming millennia it's probably best if this part of humanity wasn't closed off in boxes held by duopolies with the power to rival governments.

      In regard to IT work I also want to stress that I'm not kidding myself either, there would still be a lot of work to do in terms of certifications, an exponential increase in experience, etc. Dunning–Kruger looms its head here I think. Also, though it's probably my best asset to convert into a career I'm not sure I like the culture that surrounds IT at least as far as I imagine it, and I don't have a particular fascination with things like networking or server administration which has me a bit worried. For what it's worth I'd say my true passion lies in the Sciences, namely Astronomy. Fusion seems to be the main attraction in the Universe so I like to pay attention. Words fail me a bit here but suffice to say the latter is the only subject which I feel truly fascinates me.

      The world isn't lack for the musings and moans of uncomfortable souls, and this turned out much more long-winded than I intended it to. I can't imagine anyone reading this to derive much value here so I'll cut it short.

      If you've made it this far and have any kind of feedback I'd appreciate hearing it.


      17 votes
    34. General music recomendations thread.

      I've never really listened to very much music beyond video game soundtracks, but i'm interested in getting more into it and finding what I like. Do you have any general recommendations or "genre...

      I've never really listened to very much music beyond video game soundtracks, but i'm interested in getting more into it and finding what I like. Do you have any general recommendations or "genre starter" music?

      5 votes