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    1. Do companies have an ethical (not legal) obligation to disclose how they track employees?

      Companies can technically and legally track just about everything you do at work digitally, from your entire browser history to even particular usage patterns on company web apps. Should there be...

      Companies can technically and legally track just about everything you do at work digitally, from your entire browser history to even particular usage patterns on company web apps. Should there be an expectation that companies disclose what they do/do not track to employees? Or should employees have to just live with the fact that companies can and will spy on them as a cost of doing business?

      17 votes
    2. Hi tilders; In my first relationship ever. Any advice?

      As the title says I got into my first relationship this past week (Im 22; male) and boy do I feel happy. Now I gotta be the best me I can be, any relationship tips for a dude? (I'll take advice...

      As the title says I got into my first relationship this past week (Im 22; male) and boy do I feel happy. Now I gotta be the best me I can be, any relationship tips for a dude? (I'll take advice from all genders).

      Thank you!

      1 week later edit: Thank you to everyone who offered advice based on their experience. I got a taste of different stories however the tl;dr seems to be:

      • be honest, even if the truth is ugly
      • constant open communication
      • stay true to yourself
      • dont rush things; let things happen naturally
      • if things don't turn out well; then thats just life
      31 votes
    3. Idea: show a random comment at the top of the thread

      One thing that hacker news does that I really like is seemingly randomly bumping up certain comments to the top, temporarily. They are likely doing this based on the number of interactions the...

      One thing that hacker news does that I really like is seemingly randomly bumping up certain comments to the top, temporarily. They are likely doing this based on the number of interactions the comment has received. Crucially, it doesn't always happen and you often can't even tell it's happening, since it looks like just another top comment.

      This solves a number of problems:

      • it brings possibly counter-circlejerk opinions to the top (and makes people actually read them seriously, since they are at the top where they expect a high-rated comment to be)
      • it causes less "freezing" of the comment hierarchy over time
      • it gives users the chance of making comments that get read and voted on, even if they are late to a thread.
      • it raises the long tail of high-quality comments. Usually, there are a few high-rated comments, and a large "swamp" of both good and bad comments with little views after that. This feature would likely increase the number of good comments that get out of the "swamp", while also increasing the number of low-quality comments that get flagged as such.
      26 votes
    4. Option to hide "invited by" in user page

      Not because this is a problem yet, but because it will be. We're all familiar with the flavour that some usernames have, when someone with the name I_RAPE_CATS invites people and they are entirely...

      Not because this is a problem yet, but because it will be.

      We're all familiar with the flavour that some usernames have, when someone with the name I_RAPE_CATS invites people and they are entirely unaware of this being on the userpage forever and ever it's going to become something people will want.

      My invitees so far have both remarked "Looks like I have you on my userpage forever" which is fine, but for some it won't be.

      11 votes
    5. How does/will subscription work with sub~s? How do you think it should work?

      Currently, I am e.g. subscribed to ~tildes.official and ~tildes. That gives me a number of questions: if you subscribe to a tilde, do automatically you see content from sub-tildes? if you...

      Currently, I am e.g. subscribed to ~tildes.official and ~tildes. That gives me a number of questions:

      • if you subscribe to a tilde, do automatically you see content from sub-tildes?
      • if you subscribe to a tilde and a sub-tilde, does it have any effect? Intuitively, I'd expect the subtildes content to be shown more, even if it's not as highly voted.
      • What about a reverse-subscription/blacklist?

      Just some thoughts, I'm curious what the status quo is and what you people think might make sense.

      13 votes
    6. I Feel Lonely

      I don't get it. I have plenty of friends, and i'm happy with my lot in life, but I wish I had romance or even just physical attraction in my life. I broke up with my ex last month and i've just...

      I don't get it. I have plenty of friends, and i'm happy with my lot in life, but I wish I had romance or even just physical attraction in my life. I broke up with my ex last month and i've just felt alone after that, chasing for love.

      11 votes
    7. Ten years of Loss.jpg ~ What was your favorite version ?

      ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣴⡤ ⠀⣠⠀⢿⠇⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢰⢷⡗ ⠀⢶⢽⠿⣗⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⡧⠂⠀⠀⣼⣷⡆ ⠀⠀⣾⢶⠐⣱⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣤⣜⣻⣧⣲⣦⠤⣧⣿⠶ ⠀⢀⣿⣿⣇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠛⠿⣿⣿⣷⣤⣄⡹⣿⣷ ⠀⢸⣿⢸⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠙⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⠀⠿⠃⠈⠿⠆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠹⠿⠿⠿ ⠀⢀⢀⡀⠀⢀⣤⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡀⡀ ⠀⣿⡟⡇⠀⠭⡋⠅⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢰⣟⢿ ⠀⣹⡌⠀⠀⣨⣾⣷⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⢈⠔⠌...



      11 votes
    8. You can't see your own user info

      Other people's profile has join date and invited by on the right : https://i.imgur.com/OBQG9BH.png You cannot see this on your own profile : https://i.imgur.com/6F8Fj1V.png Not that important, but...

      Other people's profile has join date and invited by on the right : https://i.imgur.com/OBQG9BH.png

      You cannot see this on your own profile : https://i.imgur.com/6F8Fj1V.png

      Not that important, but probably worth sticking at the bottom of the to-do list.

      25 votes
    9. June Book of the Month Suggestions

      What book are you reading currently? What's your favourite book of all time? Suggest books for us to read this month and maybe a short blurb as to why we should read it. I'm currently reading The...

      What book are you reading currently? What's your favourite book of all time? Suggest books for us to read this month and maybe a short blurb as to why we should read it.

      I'm currently reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo, a book that is widely regarded as one of the best recently-released motivational tools for cleaning up and sorting your life and living areas. Ms Kondo puts forward a method of sorting possessions to keep vs ones to discard, one that appears to work for a decent number of people based on discussions I've seen.

      8 votes
    10. Chill early morning albums?

      Anyone have any good stuff to put on for just a chill weekend morning? My usual go-tos are -Salad Days and 2, Mac Demarco -Wakin On a Pretty Daze, Kurt Vile -Random Spotify jazz playlists -What's...

      Anyone have any good stuff to put on for just a chill weekend morning?

      My usual go-tos are
      -Salad Days and 2, Mac Demarco
      -Wakin On a Pretty Daze, Kurt Vile
      -Random Spotify jazz playlists
      -What's Going On, Marvin Gaye
      -A couple of Wilco albums

      What do you guys like to play to start off a morning right?

      16 votes
    11. Are there any people in the industry here?

      New group, new topics, this is all so exciting. I'm a chef myself and enjoy discussing the business and philosophies of what I do. I'm wondering if other people in the industry have found their...

      New group, new topics, this is all so exciting. I'm a chef myself and enjoy discussing the business and philosophies of what I do. I'm wondering if other people in the industry have found their way unto Tildes at this point.

      8 votes
    12. A minor suggestion regarding voting and karma

      I'm grateful for being invited and I'm happy to see the community enjoy a smooth ride so far. I really hope the platform does not follow in the footsteps of Reddit's karma mechanism. I find that...

      I'm grateful for being invited and I'm happy to see the community enjoy a smooth ride so far.

      I really hope the platform does not follow in the footsteps of Reddit's karma mechanism. I find that this cumulative store of points attached to each user to encourages them to seek more points, regardless if they steal content or repost their own old material for another karma-harvesting run. Instead, if users can be appreciated by the actual number of posts they've submitted much like the bulletin boards of old, it would be more fair in my opinion. It'd be a measure of the effort and contribution made by a user, not only what others think of them.

      For example, my profile would say "Eyehigh posted 20,000 posts" instead of "Eyehigh seemed to impress 20,000 people enough for them to leave an upvote, so here's the 20,000 upvotes."

      What do you think?

      12 votes
    13. What do we know about early Tildes demographics?

      I can't be the only one who looks at discussions about moderation, community norms, etc. and wonders who we are and aren't hearing from. What's the strategy for ensuring we have a breadth of...

      I can't be the only one who looks at discussions about moderation, community norms, etc. and wonders who we are and aren't hearing from. What's the strategy for ensuring we have a breadth of perspectives (not talking US electoral politics, here) while setting early (possibly persistent) standards and structures?

      16 votes
    14. With new groups just being added, is almost impossible to see what you are subscribed to at a quick glance.

      You have to look for the (d) at the end of Subscribe on the Browse The List Of Groups page. Please change the wording to say Unsubscribe, put a dashed box around it, change the color or something....

      You have to look for the (d) at the end of Subscribe on the Browse The List Of Groups page. Please change the wording to say Unsubscribe, put a dashed box around it, change the color or something.

      Edit: Someone in my house mentioned that they are different colors. Please choose a different color as it is not color-blind friendly :)

      10 votes
    15. Absence of geographic or political groups

      The absence of geographic or political groups is notable. Is this because of the early stages of development & growth? Is it a deliberate choice? I'm as keen as anyone for this place to not become...

      The absence of geographic or political groups is notable. Is this because of the early stages of development & growth? Is it a deliberate choice?

      I'm as keen as anyone for this place to not become yet another den of intolerance. Does not having those groups help in avoiding such a descent or does it risk becoming a feel-good but ultimately uninformative echo chamber?

      13 votes
    16. Are noise tags turning into a de facto downvote?

      I'm fairly new to the site as I came in from the hackernews post a fortnight ago. I enjoyed the fact that this site doesn't have downvotes. However, when I am reading through posts I am seeing the...

      I'm fairly new to the site as I came in from the hackernews post a fortnight ago. I enjoyed the fact that this site doesn't have downvotes. However, when I am reading through posts I am seeing the noise tag on multiple posts that don't seem to merit it, with examples linked below. The comments aren't literary masterpieces by any stretch, but they are concerning the topic on hand. The noise tag appears to be getting used as a downvote or "I disagree" button.

      I know the user that was the first ban also used the noise tag this way, but this seems to be a more wide spread issue than one user. We can't prevent a de facto downvote tag from appearing organically everywhere. Eventually sub communities will form around a tilde and adopt a tag as a downvote, the same way all online communities change the meaning of some word or tool they already have. I don't think that we want this to be a standard tildes wide behavior however.

      How should we go about preventing the use of tags as downvotes like this? Stricter moderation? Removing tags with negative connotations? Making tags visible only if they reach a certain threshold?


      46 votes
    17. How do you motivate yourself to make incremental progress?

      Something that has always been tough for me is embracing incremental progress. I get bursts of productivity followed by time periods of inactivity. When I think about my shortcomings, they...

      Something that has always been tough for me is embracing incremental progress. I get bursts of productivity followed by time periods of inactivity. When I think about my shortcomings, they sometimes seem too large to overcome with this strategy, so I know I need incremental progress to get there. Reflecting on examples of incremental progress that I've made, they have all happened with a good amount of outside influence. For instance in sports and in school growing up, I was forced to go to practice or do homework by parents, etc.

      Are there strategies for gaining motivation for big projects like getting in shape or completing a coding project--especially now that I don't have things like deadlines or authority figures forcing me to do these things? Or does it more come down to discipline?

      Would love to hear everyone's thoughts!

      19 votes
    18. Are trade wars good (and for whom)?

      Recent news has made it plain that President Trump intends on going through with his much discussed plan of implementing tariffs on many sources of steel and aluminum imports to the US. This seem...

      Recent news has made it plain that President Trump intends on going through with his much discussed plan of implementing tariffs on many sources of steel and aluminum imports to the US. This seem as good a time as any to ask a question that begs for evidence: Are trade wars good, and who benefits?

      There is good reporting out there that analyzes the likely impact of this particular steel tariff, so feel free to find it and use it in your own argument (there are figures the administration has produced and figures that other studies have produced using the same source material). There are also plenty of other tariffs out there throughout history that have been studied and discussed. Because these sources can sometimes conflict, please be aware that your choice of what sources to use may need to be justified.

      16 votes
    19. Farm to table automation

      I think automation is coming quick and fast and think that a landmark event will be when food can be farmed, packaged, shipped and sold without requiring any humans to be involved. I see the...

      I think automation is coming quick and fast and think that a landmark event will be when food can be farmed, packaged, shipped and sold without requiring any humans to be involved. I see the foundations in place already with Amazon Go and autonomous vehicles and it doesn't seem like too much longer before this kind of automation could be possible in my mind.

      Anybody want to weigh in with thoughts/discussion? What effects might it bring? Will it lead to a sort of monopoly as the food could be sold so much cheaper? When might this scale of automation be plausible? Anything really, just looking to spark some discussion :)

      5 votes