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  • Showing only topics with the tag "ask". Back to normal view
    1. What artists really surprised you?

      Have there been any musicians you didn't think much of at first, but upon closer inspection, really surprised you? I've recently listened to Barenaked Ladies' album Maroon and it's a surprisingly...

      Have there been any musicians you didn't think much of at first, but upon closer inspection, really surprised you? I've recently listened to Barenaked Ladies' album Maroon and it's a surprisingly introspective and melancholy record, but with upbeat sounds. Off The Hook and Conventioneers are fantastic songs that I've heard nothing about

      11 votes
    2. Is there a mod that lets me play Doom 1/2 in Doom 3's engine?

      I don't mean with remastered graphics. I just mean the original Doom games. The reason for this is to have a better interface, some good gameplay tweaks (ie. freelook) and a way better multiplayer...

      I don't mean with remastered graphics. I just mean the original Doom games. The reason for this is to have a better interface, some good gameplay tweaks (ie. freelook) and a way better multiplayer framework. I know GZDoom does most of those things but it doesn't have a very good multiplayer framework (lots of desyncing) and it would have an even better interface. Another solution to this problem that's not running Doom 1 in Doom 3 if also very welcome. Thanks and sorry for the wall of text.

      4 votes
    3. FOSS Alternatives

      I got into FOSS recently and have been researching replacements for common proprietary software. Along with reddit (r/privacytoolsio) I have used alternativeto.net & privacytools.io. I would love...

      I got into FOSS recently and have been researching replacements for common proprietary software. Along with reddit (r/privacytoolsio) I have used alternativeto.net & privacytools.io. I would love to make a list on Tildes for anyone that is also interested in this stuff.

      Telegram -> Signal: signal.org
      Discord -> Riot: riot.im (surprised this isn't as popular)
      Google -> FindX: findx.com (there are many others but this is my favorite)
      .................searX: searx.me
      Reddit -> Tildes: tildes.net (obviously)
      Chrome -> Firefox: mozilla.org (there are many others but this is my favorite)
      LastPass -> Bitwarden: bitwarden.com (my personal favorite but there are others)
      Photoshop -> GIMP: gimp.org
      FireAlpaca -> Krita: krita.org
      Microsoft Office -> LibreOffice: libreoffice.org
      Windows Media Player -> VLC: videolan.org (Best FOSS ever)
      uTorrent -> qBittorrent: qbittorrent.org
      ...................Deluge: deluge-torrent.org
      Adobe Illustrator -> Inkscape: inkscape.org
      Adobe Premiere Pro -> Blender: blender.org (mainly 3d stuff but can be used as animation)
      Windows -> Linux: ubuntu.com (ubuntu is just one distro, there are so many)
      Adobe Audition -> Audacity: audacityteam.org
      ..............................Ardour: ardour.org
      Github -> Gitlab: gitlab.com
      Trello -> Taiga: taiga.io
      Fraps -> OBS: obsproject.com
      Gmail -> ProtonMail: protonmail.com
      Youtube Client -> NewPipe: newpipe.schabi.org
      Outlook -> Thunderbird: thunderbird.net
      Adblock+ -> uBlock Origin: (you can get it in your browser's addon store)
      Unity -> Godot Engine: godotengine.org
      USD -> Bitcoin: bitcoin.org (I would suggest an altcoin like Stellar though)
      ... anything else? any programs you don't know a FOSS alternative to that I can find?

      66 votes
    4. Private dog cloning, what are your thoughts?

      I had a discussion today about the ethics of cloning your pets. It's a thing you can currently pay (a lot) of money for, but I don't really see much discussion about it, even though it's absurdly...

      I had a discussion today about the ethics of cloning your pets. It's a thing you can currently pay (a lot) of money for, but I don't really see much discussion about it, even though it's absurdly sci-fi and a little crazy to me that it's a real business.

      So what are your thoughts? Is it ethical? Is it a bit weird? Is it perfectly healthy?

      17 votes
    5. What are everybody's thoughts on archiving?

      Do you think it should be a thing or not? Explain your answer. I personally don't think it should be a thing because it indirectly encourages reposts. I also think a thread can always be relevant...

      Do you think it should be a thing or not? Explain your answer. I personally don't think it should be a thing because it indirectly encourages reposts. I also think a thread can always be relevant as long as people are bringing new information to the table.

      12 votes
    6. Night/Dark interface request!

      Hi there! I do not know how to program anything and I am writing this from my android- has anyone created a night/dark mode with a black screen and light lettering yet? If so, please post the...

      Hi there! I do not know how to program anything and I am writing this from my android- has anyone created a night/dark mode with a black screen and light lettering yet? If so, please post the link!

      I suffer from chronic migraines- it would likely help more than just me!😄

      9 votes
    7. Any Rustaceans in the House?

      I'm just starting to get into the ecosystem by going through the Book of Rust, and then maybe playing with Parity. Just wondering if anyone else has been through this yet and is up for some...

      I'm just starting to get into the ecosystem by going through the Book of Rust, and then maybe playing with Parity. Just wondering if anyone else has been through this yet and is up for some conversation!

      11 votes
    8. Is there any interest in a weekly movie review thread?

      So this is something I've been thinking about doing for the last couple weeks, but I've been super busy working on a project and haven't had too much time, and I didn't want to start something if...

      So this is something I've been thinking about doing for the last couple weeks, but I've been super busy working on a project and haven't had too much time, and I didn't want to start something if I couldn't commit to it. Now that my project is almost finished I've got more time to both watch movies and talk about them with random internet strangers, which is why I'm here now asking about a weekly movie review thread.

      I watch maybe two or three films a week, but often struggle to find anything worth watching. And so for all of you out there with the same problem, I'd like to start a discussion thread where users post a movie review on one film they've watched recently and children comments are free to discuss the review, the movie, or just ask questions in general about the movie.

      Here are some questions I have about how this would function, and I'd like your opinion on them.

      Is this something that users here actually want?
      Like I said earlier, I feel like this could be a helpful tool for people wanting to watch a few things but not knowing what to watch, but there are plenty of reviews and things like that out there, and this might not be something that users here want.

      What should be included in the review?
      To me what immediately comes to mind is a very imdb style review (with no spoilers) that comments on directing, acting, set, camera angles, etc. Maybe giving it a rating out of 10? How long should it be? I don't read a whole out of reviews though so I'm not 100% sure the best way to go about this.

      How often should we have a discussion thread?
      I'm thinking a weekly thread would be nice, probably on Monday for two reasons. First, it allows anybody who's busy over the week day but has some time off on the weekend for films and writing reviews to write one, and secondly, it means we can call it Movie Monday, which sounds better then Movie Tuesday :p

      Any other questions or things that need to be discussed for this to work well?

      18 votes
    9. Any good text adventures?

      I've been starting to play some interactive fiction and I was wondering if any of you have any suggestions for good games. So far I know about Zork and Anchorhead.

      10 votes
    10. What do we want as a community?

      Just got invited here and looking at the content of the front page, Tildes is basically a "poor-man's version" of reddit right now. That's OK: it's a new community and I imagine a big part of...

      Just got invited here and looking at the content of the front page, Tildes is basically a "poor-man's version" of reddit right now. That's OK: it's a new community and I imagine a big part of users are coming here from reddit so they're doing what they're used to doing on social networks, that's only fair.

      However, more than that, looking at the groups, they are set up pretty much similarly to reddit's default subs - if not on a 1:1 basis, at least in the general tone: pretty casual, daily life topics, big focus on entertainment media, etc. Maybe again this is, by design catering to the people who are bound to be incoming from reddit, so they can immediately relate to a similar user experience. Good.

      So I think it's fair to say that it's proven that Tildes can be "like reddit". It kinda looks like reddit, it kinda feels like reddit. That part of the deal is covered. Now, what can makes us different? I doubt anyone here has no ambition besides being a soft-fork of reddit.

      What topics make you tick? What sort of online discussion makes you go "that's the good stuff"? What subjects are you truly passionate about? I'd like to know what the community here is all about, whether the current ~groups represent their interests and passions or not and, hopefully we could come up with some less generic ideas for new ~groups out of the discussion.

      EDIT I realize Tildes has a specific policy of "lesser active groups are better than a billion inactive groups" but at this point in time a good selection of groups would really help define the identity and content, not to mention promote quality discussion that actually aligns with people's interests. Hopefully seeing common trends in the replies would allow us to identify a few potential new groups, perhaps.

      36 votes
    11. Concatenated tags - how do they work?

      I have a question about the technicalities of tagging, now that this ability is going to be spread around. I don't understand how concatenated tags work. I've seen occasional instances of tags...

      I have a question about the technicalities of tagging, now that this ability is going to be spread around. I don't understand how concatenated tags work. I've seen occasional instances of tags that look like "abc.xyz", and I've seen technical discussions about tags like this, but I've never really been clear about what this does. What does a tag like "abc.xyz" mean? How does it work?

      7 votes
    12. How will Tildes work with bans?

      Basically, with groups being admin controlled rather than the reddit system of mods, will all bans be site wide or should group bans be possible? Let's say somebody is harassing or being an...

      Basically, with groups being admin controlled rather than the reddit system of mods, will all bans be site wide or should group bans be possible? Let's say somebody is harassing or being an asshole on ~LGBT, should they be banned from ~LGBT or from the website?

      21 votes
    13. How malleable are personality traits, if at all?

      Under the right inputs opinions and worldviews can be changed relatively easily, but what about the more subtle stuff underneath? Can a workaholic with a strong drive later in life become...

      Under the right inputs opinions and worldviews can be changed relatively easily, but what about the more subtle stuff underneath? Can a workaholic with a strong drive later in life become lethargic? Can an innately introverted person later in life become innately extroverted?

      Those aren't the best examples, but that said my intuition would be that these tendencies are too deep rooted to be significantly altered and can only be superficially mitigated against one way or another.

      If this is to a degree incorrect I'd love to hear some anecdotes.

      10 votes
    14. Making an apk that just links to a Hermit Lite app

      I've been using the Hermit app for Android to make a lite app for Tildes. It's awesome. Just one main problem. Because of some Android limitation shortcuts aren't allowed to be put in the app...

      I've been using the Hermit app for Android to make a lite app for Tildes. It's awesome. Just one main problem. Because of some Android limitation shortcuts aren't allowed to be put in the app drawer. I wanted to keep it there to make everything more organized. Does anyone know if it's possible to make an apk (so it can go in the app drawer) that will just link to my Tildes lite app?

      6 votes
    15. Users thoughts on groups?

      As of right now of course, users can not create their own groups, however this may change in the future as is stated here. What do the users think about this? Although tildes is similar to reddit,...

      As of right now of course, users can not create their own groups, however this may change in the future as is stated here.

      What do the users think about this? Although tildes is similar to reddit, it's obviously not got the same goals in mind, and I think it makes sense to keep groups up to the admins.

      13 votes
    16. What have you been listening to this week?

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something! Feel free to give recs or discuss anything about each others'...

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something!

      Feel free to give recs or discuss anything about each others' listening habits.

      You can make a chart if you use last.fm:


      Remember that linking directly to your image will update with your future listening, make sure to reupload to somewhere like imgur if you'd like it to remain what you have at the time of posting.

      14 votes
    17. Anyone want to do a young adult fiction swap with me - two books - details in post

      I really like YA fiction. I like contemporary stuff. Fante is my favorite author period, so maybe that helps understand what I like even if he is definitely not YA. I really like Cormier's...

      I really like YA fiction. I like contemporary stuff. Fante is my favorite author period, so maybe that helps understand what I like even if he is definitely not YA. I really like Cormier's Chocolate Wars, but his other stuff not so much.

      I have: (both links go to Goodreads)

      Both are just sitting around and I'd like to swap them out. So if one or two people want to swap, I'll send them to you and pay for postage if you send me a book in return. One for one please. Continental US only please. I am in OK if it helps you estimate shipping.


      I think True Diaries is amazing and a way better book, but both are good.

      8 votes
    18. At what point is a post too old?

      I wanted to make another post asking about podcast recommendations. I last asked this 3 months ago, is it worth just reviving discussion on that post, or at this point is it better to just make a...

      I wanted to make another post asking about podcast recommendations. I last asked this 3 months ago, is it worth just reviving discussion on that post, or at this point is it better to just make a new post?

      I know Tildes values long-lasting discussion, but when a post is that old, isn't there value in starting over, especially since there are a lot of new people who haven't answered before and might benefit from a bit more visibility on their answers?

      23 votes
    19. If a campaign gets fully derailed, how should the DM/players handle it?

      In the latest DnD 5e session, we basically invalidated about 10 sessions of prep, due to jumping over a lot of plot points. Should the DM have railroaded us a bit, or was it a good decision to...

      In the latest DnD 5e session, we basically invalidated about 10 sessions of prep, due to jumping over a lot of plot points.

      Should the DM have railroaded us a bit, or was it a good decision to just let us say fuck it, and do what we want?

      21 votes
    20. Good open source projects for beginners to contribute to?

      I'm looking for a project to contribute too. I'm not that experienced with programming, so I want something that isn't too complex. I'm also looking for a fairly young project. Big, mature...

      I'm looking for a project to contribute too. I'm not that experienced with programming, so I want something that isn't too complex. I'm also looking for a fairly young project. Big, mature projects don't really have much that a newbie can work on.

      27 votes
    21. Tonight is the launch night for the 7th expansion to World of Warcraft! Who else is hyped for Battle for Azeroth?

      There's been a bit of drama regarding the direction of the general story, but I reckon they know what they're doing - I'm mostly excited for the new zones anyway. And quests, storylines in new...

      There's been a bit of drama regarding the direction of the general story, but I reckon they know what they're doing - I'm mostly excited for the new zones anyway. And quests, storylines in new zones, etc.

      WoW has been on a slow and steady downward trend in terms of popularity, and it's not very talked about in gaming communities - but hey, it's now 14 years later and it's still going strong with millions of subscribers! Although mildly annoying that we can no longer see exactly how many there are, it's understandable - if nothing else for the beauty of an updated version of this graph!

      So who's excited for BfA?

      16 votes
    22. Point-and-click adventures?

      Any recommendations of modern or not so modern point-and-click adventures (for PC)? Just finished all of Wadjet Eyes games (loved Blackwell series!) and I'm craving some good stuff. I'm interested...

      Any recommendations of modern or not so modern point-and-click adventures (for PC)? Just finished all of Wadjet Eyes games (loved Blackwell series!) and I'm craving some good stuff. I'm interested in not-orthodox games too if there's some experimental stuff that you like. Are the telltale games worth it? I'm also tempted by the Sherlock Holmes games.

      Incidentally, any advice on how to find (and make work) some old(ish) adventures? In particular looking for Discworld II and Noir, EcoQuest, Simon the Sorcerer, Hollywood Monsters, Runaway, or the older (EA I think) Sherlock Holmes games (they are not in GOG I think).

      Extra bonus points if there's a way to make them work in Mac and Linux!

      13 votes
    23. Voltron: Legendary Defender - Shiro and Adam

      I don't have a long write up for this or anything, mostly because I'm just confused... I have to admit, watching season 7, I don't remember Adam if he was ever brought in before, and his part was...

      I don't have a long write up for this or anything, mostly because I'm just confused...

      I have to admit, watching season 7, I don't remember Adam if he was ever brought in before, and his part was so short and seemingly inconsequential, I honestly have no strong feelings for it. Shiro is all about burying his feelings and putting the needs of others above his own, so it's not at all out of character for his personal life to basically never show up. Still, we're finally getting more of his backstory, and I can't help but feel it's lacking.

      So, I guess my question is - why? Why bring in a character they're not going to develop and kill off screen? Would it be better just to have a random mention of Shiro being gay and just moving on, which I guess is pretty much all that happened anyways? Guess they could have done it as part of his backstory with Keith. Does this count as queer-baiting?


      Correction: guess he didn't die off screen. I just didn't recognize the random pilot as Adam...

      7 votes
    24. Buffy's Spike: Death as redemption

      For most stories, when you have an evil or otherwise irredeemable character, death is the only form of satisfactory redemption. Anything less is simply not convincing for most audiences. I'm sure...

      For most stories, when you have an evil or otherwise irredeemable character, death is the only form of satisfactory redemption. Anything less is simply not convincing for most audiences.

      I'm sure a lot of people can write novels on Spike's character arcs, but I just wanted to discuss a little bit of his redemption arc.

      Interestingly, his sacrifice at the end of Buffy season 7, is the beginning of his actual character. Sure, he's helped out Buffy before that, but he was far from "the greater good" until then. So death, and boom - character redeemed.

      So how's the redemption arc when he's brought back in Angel. It's harder now because now he's up and walking and possibility doing things that negate his redemption. He now has to live the life he supposedly wanted to when he made his sacrifice.

      Not saying that's what happened, but I think the writers went out of their way to show this.

      (Going off memory now, so please feel free to correct me, if I get any details wrong...)

      Not long after he's ghost-Spike, he starts feeling like he's pulled to "Hell", and develops a friendship with Fred, who ultimately saves him from that fate. This establishes his "goodness" for the rest of Angel.

      Thoughts? Other characters that share something similar you want to talk about? How would Spike feel without this episode? Anyone just want to gush about Spike in general?

      3 votes
    25. What have you been listening to this week?

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something! Feel free to give recs or dicuss anything about each others'...

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something!

      Feel free to give recs or dicuss anything about each others' listening habits.

      You can make a chart if you use last.fm:


      25 votes
    26. "Dungeons & Dragons" and other TTRPGs are pretty misunderstood. What questions about the hobby would you like answered by those who play?

      Since D&D gained prominence in the late-70s, it's been a game that outsiders to the hobby don't really understand. It has held the stereotype as that weird maths game where kids play as wizards in...

      Since D&D gained prominence in the late-70s, it's been a game that outsiders to the hobby don't really understand. It has held the stereotype as that weird maths game where kids play as wizards in basements, or to some: a game that trains you in black magic to be devil worshippers.

      D&D is experiencing a boom right now in popularity as the nerdy is becoming cool and many people who would never have dreamt of playing have found themselves with a new hobby. Whether you hold one of those views previously mentioned or are otherwise curious: What would you like to know about D&D and by extension - Tabletop Role-Playing Games?


      31 votes
    27. Need advice about Tomboy notes and note apps in general

      I'm looking for some advice on what note programs people recommend. Not a basic text editor, but something capable of doing some basic categorizing, chronological sorting, that sort of thing. I've...

      I'm looking for some advice on what note programs people recommend. Not a basic text editor, but something capable of doing some basic categorizing, chronological sorting, that sort of thing. I've used Evernote most recently, but I'm becoming less and less of a fan. I don't need cloud sync necessarily, although device sync could be handy. A pleasant UI (not fettered with extraneous crap) would be nice, but aesthetic appeal takes a backseat to navigation and stability. Target OS is mostly likely going to be windows 10.

      What are you experiences with note apps, what are your favorites?

      (A bit of context for anyone interested)
      Years ago, I used tomboy notes in Ubuntu for keeping track of timesheets/daily logs. It seemed like a good program to set up for my step dad to use as well. A few years later, Tomboy notes petered out without much fanfare. I've kept his laptop running with that setup for as long as I could, but the hardware is just getting worn out (it's about 10 years old now).

      So! Time to get him an upgrade. This time around, I don't think I'm gonna set up up with Linux. He isn't really up to the task of doing his own troubleshooting in linux (i.e. when an automatic update breaks something), and I haven't even been keeping up on Linux for the past few years myself. So I'm probably going to set him up on a Windows machine.

      I should be able to export the tomboy notes database fairly easy, but it would be a huge load off my mind if I could settle on a decent program to migrate to first.

      Thanks in advance for any input!

      11 votes
    28. The mainstream media always says "the n-word", but what will happen when we have tape of Trump saying it?

      Will they censor it? I sort of imagine when the "shit hole" countries thing and the "Grab them by the pussy" thing happened it will be similar. I'm just watching the news and they have not once...

      Will they censor it? I sort of imagine when the "shit hole" countries thing and the "Grab them by the pussy" thing happened it will be similar. I'm just watching the news and they have not once said the "n-word" YET

      12 votes
    29. Learning to pentest

      Hi, I need your help to learn pentesting. I'm programming for several years. I'm really good in C# and can write moderately complex apps in Dart, Python and JavaScript. I'm in highschool and work...

      Hi, I need your help to learn pentesting.

      I'm programming for several years. I'm really good in C# and can write moderately complex apps in Dart, Python and JavaScript. I'm in highschool and work for software development company as backend developer. But general programming starts to feel so boring...

      I've started to watch LiveOverflow on youtube (no link, there is no wifi here and I don't want youtube to drain my data) and it was so interesting - so I tried it. I've tried few CTFs, read many writeups, and now I've discovered CTF hack the box.

      When I know what to do, I have no problem googling and researching and later applying my knowledge. But I often discover, that I just don't know what I don't know.

      There is one CTF challenge that I haven't completed yet. It's 20 line html page, no javascript, nothing suspicous. No cookies. It has just form with password input, which sends post request to server. Here's the problem - how do I get the flag (the password)? I can bruteforce it, but it clearly isn't the correct way. I know that the php runs on apache, debian. I've tried getting some files, I've tried going up (../), sql injection, nothing works.

      And here's the general problem - what am I missing? What to learn? What should I google? I don't want ideas what I'm missing on this one example - Instead I need some sources where I learn generally about vulnerabilities I can exploit. Some blog, some website, something like this.

      Could someone here recommend me some sources where I learn about this? How did you start and what things do you generally check when you face something you have to break into?

      Thank you

      16 votes
    30. What are your thoughts on Wikileaks?

      I'm curious to see what the public consensus towards the site is nowadays. They have been controversial since their inception, but no matter what you think of them, there is no denying that the...

      I'm curious to see what the public consensus towards the site is nowadays. They have been controversial since their inception, but no matter what you think of them, there is no denying that the information they've released has sparked massive debate around the world.

      13 votes
    31. Let's talk about collectible non-card games

      I'd like to start a discussion around collecting-based games, with the following prompt question: What non-card-based alternatives to TCG/CCGs exist which satisfy the same criteria? This...

      I'd like to start a discussion around collecting-based games, with the following prompt question:

      What non-card-based alternatives to TCG/CCGs exist which satisfy the same criteria?

      This "criteria" is my understanding of what makes TCGs/CCGs appealing, and includes but is not limited to:

      • collectible/tradable (not necessarily monetized),
      • portable/relatively self-contained (this could include apps, handheld consoles),
      • the constant drive to expand the collection (whether it's through the randomness of distribution not ensuring particular collectibles, or an appealing reward system like in the Pokemon games).

      I wish to divorce these criteria from the card format. Of course, the list of criteria not extensive and I am actively seeking a deeper understanding of what makes these card-based games so appealing. Discussions on the nature of gambling-addiction and the impact of secondary market values also very welcome.

      The best example I can think of is the Pokemon games for handheld consoles. These games pre-dated the Pokemon card game and are a great example of the appeal of card games existing and thriving in a non-card format (which ironically led to the card game adaptation).

      Another is Warhammer and the tabletop wargaming family. This is interesting to me but really seems to be in a completely different ballpark because it lacks agility and thus is far less appealing to many players.

      Note: my reference point to what makes games like these appealing" is very biased by card games, specifically the current "big three" of TCG/CCGs: Magic: the Gathering, Pokemon, and YuGiOh. I'd appreciate suggestions of other relatively successful or simply well-designed games which employ collectibility as a core mechanic. They don't even have to be portable, as long as you're clear about that.

      tl;dr: let's talk about alternatives to card games which depend on collecting as a core mechanic

      Edit: formatting.

      8 votes
    32. Feature Idea Survey and Discussion - Browse by Topic Tag List - please vote in the comments

      This feature already exists to a large extent thanks to Deimos's implementation of discovery by clicking a topic's tag. However, it might also be useful to list all of the topic tags aside from...

      This feature already exists to a large extent thanks to Deimos's implementation of discovery by clicking a topic's tag. However, it might also be useful to list all of the topic tags aside from specific topics as a user may not find a topic with their favorite tags very easily. As I understand it, Deimos wants to keep the group list from growing too quickly, and this would allow another way to discover one's micro-interests.

      Mockup of the 1 button added in the sidebar.

      On click of that button the user would go to a page similar to https://tildes.net/groups - but it would list topic tags. In place of subscribers count, there could be a total count of topics with that tag. In place of subscribe/un-subscribe buttons could be Filter/Un-filter buttons. I think that the list should be sorted by count of related topics, descending.
      1 This new tildes.tld/tags page would likely require pagination, and maybe a text input for a super-simple filter/search that would just change the SQL query where clause.

      Once the user clicks the name of the topic tag the user would go to the existing page tildes.tld/?tag=tag-name. example: https://tildes.net/?tag=linux

      What do you all think of this? Any other ideas on implementation? Any issues I did not consider?

      As in my last post in this group, please vote on the comment which best reflects your views on the feature. Then add any comments as to why you feel that way, or qualifications on your vote in a reply. If you have questions or ideas prior to voting, please make another top-level comment.

      If you want me to add an Ambivalent vote, let me know, but I thought that it was not that useful of a metric last time.

      edit: added 1

      edit2: Took a while to bring it back home, but:

      The impetus for making this feature proposal was this new user's topic. This user was looking for specific content which did exist on Tildes, but it was not obvious to them. It was only organized by tag, and they were looking for it by group. How were they to find it in the current top-level org? Specifically, here is my comment that relates to this feature.

      12 votes
    33. Where are my fellow rhythm gamers hiding?

      From the old-school Beatmania and Dance Dance Revolution, to the widely popular Guitar Hero and Rock Band, to more recent additions like Crypt of the NecroDancer, and Thumper, I've been a fan of...

      From the old-school Beatmania and Dance Dance Revolution, to the widely popular Guitar Hero and Rock Band, to more recent additions like Crypt of the NecroDancer, and Thumper, I've been a fan of rhythm games for years. Hopefully a lot of you out there feel the same way, and we can share and discuss our favorite games in this post.

      I think it might be a good idea to keep top level posts about single games (or game series / similar games, i.e. Dance Dance Revolution, Pump It Up, and In The Groove can all be one topic, Guitar Hero, and Rock Band can be one topic, etc.), so they can be discussed in that thread specifically to try and keep the discussion organized. This post should work until there's enough of us to make a ~games.rhythm sub-tilde.

      I'll make a couple topic posts below to get things started, but feel free to add your own for any games you want to discuss as well. If you do make a top level post, please provide a brief description of the game for those unfamiliar with it.

      Edit: I updated my post to read ~games.rhythm above, as I originally posted in ~hobbies. Deimos has now moved it to where it should have been. Cheers!

      11 votes
    34. Why are voter ID laws controversial in America?

      In France, we all need two identity documents to vote, a voter's card and a national identity card (or passport). It is not at all controversial, even at the far left of the political spectrum. In...

      In France, we all need two identity documents to vote, a voter's card and a national identity card (or passport). It is not at all controversial, even at the far left of the political spectrum. In America, people say it's voter suppression.

      17 votes