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    1. How was your weekend?

      Good morning everyone! It's Monday morning and the weekend is over. How is everyone doing today? How was your weekend and is there anything you're looking forward to this week? I did a post like...

      Good morning everyone! It's Monday morning and the weekend is over. How is everyone doing today? How was your weekend and is there anything you're looking forward to this week?

      I did a post like this last Friday and people seemed to like it. After talking to @PBuddy I decided to do posts like this at the beginning and end of the week to see if we can get people familiar with each other. I love Tildes but it's too new and too spread out for a small communities to start like you'd see in some subreddits. Let me know what you think!

      10 votes
    2. Daily book - Sleeping Giants by Sylvain Neuvel

      Sleeping Giants is a science fiction novel by Sylvain Neuvel in which an unknown interviewer and scientist Rose Franklin attempt to decipher the alien origins and purpose of a giant robotic...

      Sleeping Giants is a science fiction novel by Sylvain Neuvel in which an unknown interviewer and scientist Rose Franklin attempt to decipher the alien origins and purpose of a giant robotic weapon. Told by way of case files – transcripts, diary entries, and other documents – the novel spans the course of four years, beginning with a prologue set when Rose is 11 years old.

      When the novel begins, Rose takes out the bike she has received for her birthday, only to fall into a massive hole near Deadwood, South Dakota, in which is a giant hand. Seventeen years later, Rose now spearheads the effort to determine what the hand is, and to crack the code of the symbols featured on it. At the same time, two American pilots, Kara Resnik and Ryan Mitchell, testing Syrian airspace for radiation, return over Turkey when another body part appears beneath them, activated by the radiation they trail. Because of this, Kara and Ryan are tasked to be a part of Rose’s team. A French-Canadian linguist, Vincent Couture, is brought on board to help decipher the symbols. Scouring the globe, the team completes the robot.

      The team is watched over, protected by, and instigated by an unknown interviewer (to whom the files belong and who appears in most of the files speaking to the members of the team). The interviewer has immense power that spans presidential administrations, and indeed he only has two equals: the sitting president and an unidentified subject whom he meets in Washington D.C. The unidentified subject turns out to be the descendant of alien soldiers who came to Earth as the most far-flung colony of their alien empire, to guard it against the threat of invasion using giant war machines. When the danger had passed, they left one robot behind in pieces so that when humanity advanced enough technologically, it could operate the robot on its own and prove worthy of alien contact – or destruction. The ability to master the atom for war is the sign of humanity’s advancement, and progress by the 2010s has allowed the robot to be found, reassembled, and activated, for it uses radioactive material as fuel. The aliens are now watching to see what becomes of the robot they left behind.

      Kara and Ryan become pilots for the robot, but they are unable to make much progress because the robot only responds to Kara. When Vincent attempts to operate the robot, he is successful, meaning he and Kara are both descendants of the aliens – the only ones who can operate alien machinery because of their genetics. As a result, Greek geneticist Alyssa Papantoniou is brought on board to study Vincent and Kara. But a testing accident on the robot destroys part of Denver International Airport, kills hundreds (seemingly including Rose), and exposes the top secret project to the world. The United States then goes public with the truth about the robot, and sinks it in the Puerto Rico Trench so no country may harness its destructive power. Secretly, the interviewer oversees a consortium of nations other than America which buy into a project to recover the robot.

      The new secret project is overseen by Alyssa. But when the project is exposed because of Alyssa’s incompetence, the United States must intervene – now holding the moral high ground – to take custody of the robot – with everything happening at the workings of the interviewer. The United States then gifts the robot to the UN to form the Earth Defense Corps, a multinational effort to prepare for potential alien invasion. As the novel ends, in an epilogue, Rose wakes up on the side of a road in Ireland, with no memory of the project and no memory of the past four years – though she does remember everything before.

      6 votes
    3. Nice stuff to make in an Instant Pot

      Quite a lot of us will have them. They are pretty damn useful, and make for decent lazy meals. Apart from stock, here is one of the recipes I really like for the IP....

      Quite a lot of us will have them. They are pretty damn useful, and make for decent lazy meals.

      Apart from stock, here is one of the recipes I really like for the IP.


      Japanese pork belly slices. Works brilliantly and stunning flavour. In fact Just One Cookbook is generally a great site, but this was the first of theirs I tried. I make it every time my wife goes away as it's not her thing, but I love it.

      Interested in your favourites!

      15 votes
    4. Games alike to EDF 4.1?

      My friends and I just finished our first run through EDF 4.1, and we had a blast. We each accumulated about 60 hours in the game doing so. Some of that was probably spent goofing around on other...

      My friends and I just finished our first run through EDF 4.1, and we had a blast. We each accumulated about 60 hours in the game doing so. Some of that was probably spent goofing around on other classes or strengthening up a bit for the three or four missions we got stuck on. All in all though, I'm amazed that it took us that long to get through.

      Actually, I'd say that's my response to this game in general. For something I had never really heard of, it was surprisingly good. The game was ridiculous at the start with the giant bugs but as it went it somehow just got crazier and crazier. The scale of the game was just fantastic in terms of enemy variety and size. The hilarity of the B movie writing paired with the outrageous gameplay made it an uproar between the four of us.

      The progression system was decent and probably the weakest point. The sheer amount of equipment was a big plus, since it's always exciting to see something new at the end of a mission and find out if it's any good or not, but it was pretty easy to identify an optimal strategy for each mission. There were some classes of weapons (for ranger at least) that were outright useless in a practical sense, which is disappointing. The variety in weapon design is great, but it's unfortunate that it couldn't be more balanced.

      Are there any other games that really scratch this itch? I can think of a lot of four-player co-op games that don't really fill that void. EDF is too fast-paced, has too many good "wtf moments", and has too enjoyable a progression system. For those of y'all on ~ who have played it: what other games did you enjoy that were sort of alike to EDF 4.1?

      4 votes
    5. Advice for getting into shape

      So I'm a teen and am starting a new school next year. I get a 12 week break so would really like to try and get in shape, mainly to boost self confidence. What types of exercise / diet would...

      So I'm a teen and am starting a new school next year. I get a 12 week break so would really like to try and get in shape, mainly to boost self confidence. What types of exercise / diet would people recommend?

      I don't think I'd ever get skinny but I'd I could swap out some fat for muscle that would be fantastic!

      13 votes
    6. Open external links on ~ in new tabs

      I was missing this feature from Reddit and saw others were as well so I thought I would share a user script I created to solve this issue until it's added (if it's added) // ==UserScript== //...

      I was missing this feature from Reddit and saw others were as well so I thought I would share a user script I created to solve this issue until it's added (if it's added)

      // ==UserScript==
      // @name         Tildes.net: Open external links in new tab
      // @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
      // @version      0.1
      // @description  Opens external links on tildes.net in a new tab
      // @author       SleepyGary
      // @match        https://tildes.net/*
      // @grant        none
      // ==/UserScript==
      (function() {
          'use strict';
          document.querySelectorAll('a').forEach(el => {
              if (!el.href.includes('tildes.net') && el.href !== '') {
                  el.target = "_blank";
      14 votes
    7. GameStop Ireland has made Cyberpunk 2077 available for preorder on Xbox One - Possibly an error? Indicating an E3 announcement?

      Store page: https://www.gamestop.ie/Xbox%20One/Games/45135/cyberpunk-2077 Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/XxgmdXN.png Could be something, could be nothing. But the rumour mill has been strong for...

      Store page: https://www.gamestop.ie/Xbox%20One/Games/45135/cyberpunk-2077

      Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/XxgmdXN.png

      Could be something, could be nothing. But the rumour mill has been strong for an upcoming major announcement at E3, and stores/companies get information so they can put up their product pages early to switch on at the time of announcement. This may be a legitimate mistaken leak.

      8 votes
    8. Open links in new tabs?

      Probably one of my most useful features from Reddit was opening links in new tabs. This way I could keep my main Tildes tab, and not be worried by having to back out multiple times if I went deep...

      Probably one of my most useful features from Reddit was opening links in new tabs. This way I could keep my main Tildes tab, and not be worried by having to back out multiple times if I went deep into the link. I feel that it would be a good QOL settings addition.

      7 votes
    9. Feedback on a federated decentralized git hosting solution

      I have an idea, it's not particularly new. I think git code sharing could integrate very nicely with blockchains. I think it could be done elegantly without modifying the git protocol at all, just...

      I have an idea, it's not particularly new. I think git code sharing could integrate very nicely with blockchains.

      I think it could be done elegantly without modifying the git protocol at all, just as an optional superset (like Github) to provide forks, PR and discussion.

      Something like:

      • smart contract based system
      • something like lightening network for off master chain pushes
      • local node hosting all obtained versions of code, something like PNPM meets zeronet
      • cloning/pushing over DHT with web torrent.
      • client key pairs for collaboration and authentication

      Do you guys think it could be done? Thoughts? Ideas? Criticisms?

      Would anyone be interested in working on something like this? I'd like all the help I can get and any input people have.

      6 votes
    10. Would you support an increase in price of games ($80-$100 standard) in exchange for no microtransactions and free DLC?

      In other words, just having the game be complete, with expansions. Games have gotten more expensive to make over the years, but the price has largely remained the same. This is what has caused...

      In other words, just having the game be complete, with expansions. Games have gotten more expensive to make over the years, but the price has largely remained the same. This is what has caused microtransactions to become so widespread.

      13 votes
    11. How would you describe this person?

      Seeing as we're still a small community, I see a lot of familiar faces in every thread. So if you want to know what other people noticed about you, comment on this post. And reply to others with...

      Seeing as we're still a small community, I see a lot of familiar faces in every thread.

      So if you want to know what other people noticed about you, comment on this post. And reply to others with description of them. I'll try to be active here for several hours also.

      29 votes
    12. Does anyone else get super hungry when a book talks about food?

      Like, not even movies or games, just books. Recently I've been reading this book called A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah, which is about his experiences as a child soldier in Sierra Leone. The book...

      Like, not even movies or games, just books. Recently I've been reading this book called A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah, which is about his experiences as a child soldier in Sierra Leone. The book talks about this root (?) called cassava, and something about the author describing it made me really hungry for it, even though I had never heard of it before. Its really weird, and I don't really know why books incite such a reaction in me.

      3 votes
    13. Who Plays?

      So all the posts so far have been about listening. What about making music? Anyone play? Produce? What styles do you play? Are you in a band? Lets just have a ~music introduction :) Link some of...

      So all the posts so far have been about listening. What about making music? Anyone play? Produce? What styles do you play? Are you in a band? Lets just have a ~music introduction :)

      Link some of your music if you have any online too!

      14 votes
    14. Sort comments by newest leaf, not branch

      Example thread: https://tildes.net/~talk/1gd/how_would_you_describe_this_person At this time, sorting by "newest" has PBuddy's reply to Emerald_Knight (posted 34 minutes ago) listed after my...

      Example thread: https://tildes.net/~talk/1gd/how_would_you_describe_this_person

      At this time, sorting by "newest" has PBuddy's reply to Emerald_Knight (posted 34 minutes ago) listed after my top-level comment (posted 54 minutes ago). I think the "newest" sorting method should place PBuddy's comment (and therefore Emerald_Knight's top-level) above mine.

      [Edit: Por que no los dos?]

      13 votes
    15. Federated?

      At some point reddit had plans to implement a federated protocol and let users run their own instances, but that was throw out of the window to satisfy shareholders interests. Does tildes has...

      At some point reddit had plans to implement a federated protocol and let users run their own instances, but that was throw out of the window to satisfy shareholders interests. Does tildes has plans to implement a federate protocol in the future or is something that hasn't been considered?

      6 votes
    16. Snacking at the Desk

      Like many of you I sit in front of a computer quite a few hours a day, and of course I like to snack. How do you guys go about keeping your hands and/or keyboards and mice (or other accessories)...

      Like many of you I sit in front of a computer quite a few hours a day, and of course I like to snack.

      How do you guys go about keeping your hands and/or keyboards and mice (or other accessories) clean? Use a fork for everything? Keep a napkin/wipe handy? Take snack breaks?

      9 votes
    17. Comment tags: suggestions

      I just showed up yesterday to this great experiment, and find myself with some fresh-minted drama over politics and bans to ingest. While I wouldn't presume to propose a solution to the issues...

      I just showed up yesterday to this great experiment, and find myself with some fresh-minted drama over politics and bans to ingest. While I wouldn't presume to propose a solution to the issues raised in and by those threads, I found myself looking to the comment tagging system and finding some space to improve conversation.

      My intent (as I believe is the intent of this community) is to help foster constructive discussion without outright banning inflammatory topics. I believe that simply ignoring controversial issues because of the problems they raise is at best stifling potentially useful discourse and at worst intellectually dishonest.
      Tags I'd like to see:

      • "Citation Requested" As a tag, it would be a more constructive way of saying "I don't believe you"
      • "Disreputable Source" / "Source Disputed" is a civil way of pointing out issues
      • "Reported" would be a tricky implementation, but useful as a way of flagging comments for removal. Should ideally only be applied to eg. doxxing or incitement

      There should also be a moderation feature for removing tags that are no longer relevant or incorrectly applied. Alternatively, the display of comment tags could be reliant upon a critical mass of "reputation points" which would allow for, say, 100 people with 1 "troll-tagging rep" to get a comment flagged, or 2 people with 50 troll-tagging rep to do so. This of course is dependent upon the reputation system being fleshed out and has the very real danger of creating power users


      @jgb pointed out that this is a lively discussion see these

      Tags I missed that came up in other discussions:

      • "Insightful" as a positive, almost a super-upvote
      • "Solved" for a comment that resolves an issue

      And, according to @cfabbro, @deimos is working on a public activity audit that can then be built upon to improve moderation

      13 votes
    18. What do you guys think about MAD magazine?

      I’ve read it all my life. Learned to read on it actually and I’ve collected it too. Probably have one of the bigger collections for an average joe. Apparently it’s been rebooted or something. It’s...

      I’ve read it all my life. Learned to read on it actually and I’ve collected it too. Probably have one of the bigger collections for an average joe. Apparently it’s been rebooted or something. It’s pretty political, like it’s always been, but I hope it doesn’t go under.

      4 votes