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    1. Podcast Recommendations

      I was wondering if anyone had any good humor or social commentary podcast recommendations. I've come to a blank when trying to find new ones. Any and all suggestions welcome!

      21 votes
    2. Steam sale - post your recommendations

      The steam sale has been going on for a few days now. I'd like to start a discussion on recommendations for games that might not immediately grab attention or were given bad reviews at launch or...

      The steam sale has been going on for a few days now. I'd like to start a discussion on recommendations for games that might not immediately grab attention or were given bad reviews at launch or really any criteria at all.

      Recommend something!

      30 votes
    3. Do you think "incivility" can be used as a tool for positive change?

      I have been reading a lot of the articles on uncivility. A big complaint is politicians don't like the power it gives people. Which I understand can be bad, but it also seems like for the first...

      I have been reading a lot of the articles on uncivility. A big complaint is politicians don't like the power it gives people. Which I understand can be bad, but it also seems like for the first time in a long time, the average person has a way to impact these high powered politicians. Ordinarily there is nothing we can do, we can't touch them when they continually do things not in the best interest of the people they represent. They do shady things, and we have to go with it.

      They are arguing uncivility is dangerous because it creates the problem of officials being scared to make decisions based on how they will be impacted. If a judge rules one way, and the masses start making his life hard, they say it isn't really fair to the judge. Which makes sense.

      This is the information age. We have access to so much more going on than adults did before us. We actually have platforms to be heard on a large scale. Which means pressuring these people to do right through "uncivility" could be harnessed and used positively to enforce change. If the people making these decisions that are not in our best interest have something to lose, maybe they will finally start doing right by us.

      What are your thoughts on this aspect of the uncivility debate going on right now?

      16 votes
    4. How do YOU prepare for the worst?

      This isn't a preper specific question, but a general preparedness thread. How prepared for general emergencies are you: apartment fires, blackouts, car emergencies, get-out-of-dodge situations,...

      This isn't a preper specific question, but a general preparedness thread. How prepared for general emergencies are you: apartment fires, blackouts, car emergencies, get-out-of-dodge situations, EDC, etc.

      I'm interested in hearing how my fellow tildoes think and prepare :)

      10 votes
    5. Feature Request: Save Button

      I would like the ability to save threads or comments, especially if they have links. Something within the platform that would allow me to go back later and watch a linked video or re-read...

      I would like the ability to save threads or comments, especially if they have links. Something within the platform that would allow me to go back later and watch a linked video or re-read someone's long synopsis would be super useful.

      14 votes
    6. What do you Tilderinos think about chillhop and other down-tempo genres?

      I've been a big fan of down-tempo electronica ever since I discovered Zero 7's Simple Things in an FYE about thirteen years ago. I can pretty much listen to anything (music is fun!), but I've...

      I've been a big fan of down-tempo electronica ever since I discovered Zero 7's Simple Things in an FYE about thirteen years ago. I can pretty much listen to anything (music is fun!), but I've always found myself coming back to down-tempo and the like.

      Lately, I've been digging through various Youtube music compilations, like Homework Radio and ChilledCow, and it's so good. I still like to find new artists (the local college radio is great for this), but I still find myself coming home from work and throwing on a compilation like the one's mentioned above.

      So, I was wondering if any of my fellow Tilderinos liked this sort of music too, and in the spirit of creating discussion, I figured I'd ask! Ya dig?


      15 votes
    7. What's the policy on bug hunting?

      I'm sure as tildes gets bigger, security will continue to be a matter of discussion. The dev GodEmperors of tildes have (quite awesomely) taken a big position on security already by disallowing...

      I'm sure as tildes gets bigger, security will continue to be a matter of discussion.

      The dev GodEmperors of tildes have (quite awesomely) taken a big position on security already by disallowing breached passwords from being used.

      I'm not much of a hacker myself, but it's an armchair interest and I'm sure others more skilled would love to be able to give back to Tildes and help keep the site as secure as possible.

      What's the policy on bug hunting, and searching for exploits?


      14 votes
    8. Where can I look to learn audio mixing? Preferably with a focus on vocals.

      Hey everyone! So I've been writing poetry and ghostwriting lyrics for friends of mine for nearly a decade at this point. Due to recent life events, I've gotten back into the hobby of writing my...

      Hey everyone!

      So I've been writing poetry and ghostwriting lyrics for friends of mine for nearly a decade at this point.

      Due to recent life events, I've gotten back into the hobby of writing my own songs.

      Up til now, it's been entirely topline work. Sifting through instrumentals online until I find one I can't help but write for, then staying up until four am driving around for a couple nights and churning out lyrics. I've recently grabbed an entry-level DAW and a couple courses aimed at producing my own instrumentals. I'd like to be able to go beyond writing lyrics and get to a point where I can cover the whole process. It sounds fun to me to put money aside and casually build up a home studio! :)

      One thing that's caught my attention recently is the different vocal styles that a lot of artists have. Not just in their delivery, accent, etc. but also in the way that the tracks are edited! Pardon the lack of jargon, but for some examples:

      I notice artists like Hålsey tend to have a very "crisp" kind of sound,

      artists like Joji tend to have a more "echo-y" sound,

      and artists like Lil Peep do this cool thing where it sounds like he triple-layers his voice to give a more dynamic sound to his songs.

      Are there any books or courses online I can look into to learn vocal editing? I follow along with YouTube channels like Roomie and Andrew Huang, so I've seen them play around with AutoTune a few times, but that's the limit of my knowledge.


      14 votes
    9. Tildes feels so cozy

      I feel like there's so much going on back at the mothership. The whole vibe and color scheme of this place is just so relaxed, and everyone so far seems so polite and actually interested in...

      I feel like there's so much going on back at the mothership.

      The whole vibe and color scheme of this place is just so relaxed, and everyone so far seems so polite and actually interested in genuine discussion. Like if there was a ~writing or something like that, I could settle down in a sweater with some of my username and just flip through this place for hours.

      thanks for keeping the place awesome!

      30 votes
    10. How do you read?

      I'm wondering what all the different ways people read here are! Do you always buy a new hardcover, or do you get everything from your library on your e-reader? Feel free to share both format and...

      I'm wondering what all the different ways people read here are! Do you always buy a new hardcover, or do you get everything from your library on your e-reader? Feel free to share both format and when/where/what you like to read.

      15 votes
    11. Your Weekend Plans

      Today seems to be crawling by. I'm sitting here daydreaming about what I'll be doing this weekend, which hopefully includes a lot of sleep. Who has exciting or pleasant plans for this weekend?...

      Today seems to be crawling by. I'm sitting here daydreaming about what I'll be doing this weekend, which hopefully includes a lot of sleep.

      Who has exciting or pleasant plans for this weekend? What positivity is coming your way?

      11 votes
    12. Are you following Westworld? What did you think of the way they tied up the second season?

      Just finished watching Westworld S02 Finale, and while it creates more questions than it answers I found the whole experience exhilarating. It's been an amazing ride all the way from S01E01 and to...

      Just finished watching Westworld S02 Finale, and while it creates more questions than it answers I found the whole experience exhilarating. It's been an amazing ride all the way from S01E01 and to the post-credits scene in the finale. I'm glad they left room for another season (or 2, or more who knows) because an AI story shouldn't end when all the fun is just beginning.

      There are a ton of things and references to explore and I'd love to hear what all of you have to say while waiting for that Alt+Shift+X video to drop to clear everything up.

      16 votes
    13. Help! Can't concentrate while reading

      So I am currently reading books to pass time but they aren't fictional books; rather they are books on philosophy, religion, politics, state formation and history. They do require some level of...

      So I am currently reading books to pass time but they aren't fictional books; rather they are books on philosophy, religion, politics, state formation and history. They do require some level of concentration as they contain concepts of varying complexity and most content is invariably causally linked to the previous content but I just can't concentrate. Like at all. I'd read a sentence four or five times and still wouldn't know what's in it because I lose concentration mid sentence. This not only slows me down considerably but is also annoying and causes me to lose interest. I have a bachelors in EE and didn't have considerable problems (only an year ago) reading course books and understanding what was in them and applying the concepts so I don't really understand what's wrong with me. Can someone kindly help me? Thanks.

      11 votes
    14. Budgeting app

      I was scrolling through Instagram when I saw an ad for an AI budgeting app called Cleo I was wondering if anyone had experience with this app or has heard anything about it? I do want to start...

      I was scrolling through Instagram when I saw an ad for an AI budgeting app called Cleo

      I was wondering if anyone had experience with this app or has heard anything about it? I do want to start using budgeting assistants since I'm pretty bad fiscally.

      Does anyone use budgeting apps? If so, what would you recommend?

      10 votes
    15. Summer dinner salads suggestions please

      I always look forward to fresh ingredients for substantial salads during the hot months of summer. Unfortunately, my repertoire is wanting. I make the same basic salad every time just changing a...

      I always look forward to fresh ingredients for substantial salads during the hot months of summer. Unfortunately, my repertoire is wanting. I make the same basic salad every time just changing a few ingredients depending on availability. This consists of greens, sometimes cold penne or other pasta, usually garbanzo beans, sometimes meat of some kind, tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, basil or oregano and/or mint and perhaps hard boiled egg, sometimes pickled beets.

      Thanks for any suggestions or recipes.

      4 votes
    16. What's in a git repo?

      Okay, I know the obvious answer is the history of the files. But how can I, from the command line, really understand what is hiding inside that .git directory? Today I was doing one of my periodic...

      Okay, I know the obvious answer is the history of the files. But how can I, from the command line, really understand what is hiding inside that .git directory?

      Today I was doing one of my periodic disk space audits, trying to figure out where my usage goes. This comes from having a 64GB drive mounted as /home on my Linux laptop. I found some 15G of old video files to delete today, so I'm no longer as pressed for space. But my interest was piqued by one thing I have downloaded from Github that is ~120 megs for a very simple program. Poking around further I find that most of that usage is a single file:

      $ ls -lh withExEditorHost/.git/objects/pack/pack-df07816cd15fb091439112029c28ebc366501652.pack
      -r--r--r-- 1 elijah elijah 102M Mar 14 23:28 withExEditorHost/.git/objects/pack/pack-df07816cd15fb091439112029c28ebc366501652.pack
      $ file withExEditorHost/.git/objects/pack/pack-df07816cd15fb091439112029c28ebc366501652.pack
      withExEditorHost/.git/objects/pack/pack-df07816cd15fb091439112029c28ebc366501652.pack: Git pack, version 2, 299 objects

      Is there a unzip or tar xzf equivalent for Git pack files? Naive usage of git unpack-file is only generating errors for me.

      17 votes
    17. Laura Ingalls Wilder’s name stripped from children’s book award over ‘Little House’ depictions of Native Americans

      I am shamelessly stealing this from the front page of /r/Books, where it has been locked due to shallow and uncivil discussion. I assume we can do better here. "Laura Ingalls Wilder’s name...

      I am shamelessly stealing this from the front page of /r/Books, where it has been locked due to shallow and uncivil discussion. I assume we can do better here.

      "Laura Ingalls Wilder’s name stripped from children’s book award over ‘Little House’ depictions of Native Americans"

      10 votes
    18. Podcasts recommendations for high performance mindset / habits

      Inspired by @Marszalot 's topic about humor podcasts I would like to see you guys have any good recommendations about high performance mindset topic. Recently I stumbled across Cindra Kamphoff's...

      Inspired by @Marszalot 's topic about humor podcasts I would like to see you guys have any good recommendations about high performance mindset topic.

      Recently I stumbled across Cindra Kamphoff's podcast at Spotify and I've been enjoying it a lot. Most of them are short, which suits very well my time to walk from home to the office (20 to 30 minutes), but it's weekly, so I'm searching for more sources to listen about high performance mindset / habits.

      6 votes