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    1. Anyone like Pokemon Go?

      I had this game on my phone for awhile but only just started last night. So far I think it's neat what kinds of landmarks can be pokestops, like a little fountain by a restaurant or a very old...

      I had this game on my phone for awhile but only just started last night. So far I think it's neat what kinds of landmarks can be pokestops, like a little fountain by a restaurant or a very old building. It also reminds me of those pokewalker things from long ago, the ones that counted your steps. It also kills me when a church is a gym.

      Now I'm not walking everywhere or buying plane tickets trying to do this but it's pretty pleasant so far. What are your thoughts, Tildes?

      Edit: I took my first gym at a quaint little church and the Nidorino I left there came back about 6 hours later. There's more people playing this than I realized, also more churches lol.

      13 votes
    2. Adding a collapse button at the bottom

      I've been using ~ on mobile to try it out, and although it's great, there's one major inconvenience. If I'm reading through a long comment, I want to instintively collapse it so it won't distract...

      I've been using ~ on mobile to try it out, and although it's great, there's one major inconvenience.

      If I'm reading through a long comment, I want to instintively collapse it so it won't distract me. But on mobile, I have to scroll a long way up to do that. It's even worse with comment chains.

      Can we have a collapse button at the bottom as well? Or a swipe, like on the Reddit app? Or do we have to wait for the development of the app before mobile users get good UI?

      11 votes
    3. Musicians ~ What do you play and what do you do?

      Strings and frets here. I’ve been playing guitar for the last 23 years and will play mandolin, banjo, or uke if there are enough guitar players in the room. Just bought my first bass a few months...

      Strings and frets here. I’ve been playing guitar for the last 23 years and will play mandolin, banjo, or uke if there are enough guitar players in the room. Just bought my first bass a few months ago and it has been lots of fun and of course an easy transition from guitar. I’ve been in a handful of bands playing rock/hard rock, bluegrass, Celtic music, and even a jam band in my younger years.

      I’ve been recording myself and others since ‘99 (Cool Edit Pro v1.5) and I enjoy the creative processes of composing, recording, mixing, etc. I’ve placed music in short films and in commercial applications, and have been working on orchestration with dreams of doing larger scale film scores.

      I started playing because I wanted to learn “Needle and the Damage Done,” and a number of other Neil Young songs. He’s to blame for all this.

      What do you play and do with your musician’s karate chops?

      9 votes
    4. How does Tildes feel about restricting usernames?

      Usernames can be inflammatory or just distract from discussion in general, and especially considering that humor is not a focal point of Tildes, should they be restricted to something...

      Usernames can be inflammatory or just distract from discussion in general, and especially considering that humor is not a focal point of Tildes, should they be restricted to something reasonable/appropriate?

      15 votes
    5. Show who you've invited on your profile

      We already show who invited us on our profile page, so could we show who we've invited on our invite page? There is no need to hide this information. This way we could easily get in touch with...

      We already show who invited us on our profile page, so could we show who we've invited on our invite page? There is no need to hide this information.

      This way we could easily get in touch with people we've invited.

      13 votes
    6. Daily Tildes discussion - is "activity" sort still holding up as the default?

      Howdy. Things are still very busy (which is why I'm falling behind on plans like getting the code open-sourced). The TrueReddit thread yesterday went very well, and I still have hundreds of invite...

      Howdy. Things are still very busy (which is why I'm falling behind on plans like getting the code open-sourced). The TrueReddit thread yesterday went very well, and I still have hundreds of invite request emails piled up from it. We're also now up over 2000 registered users, and activity is very high for such a new site - there have already been over 100 new topics posted today alone, and over 2000 comments.

      As part of that, one of the things I'm trying to get done very soon (in the next few hours, I really hope) is splitting off these "official" posts into their own dedicated group, so people can feel free to unsubscribe from ~tildes without worrying about missing important announcements. There's a ton of activity in ~tildes with suggestions, bug reports, questions, etc. which are all great, but I understand if people would rather not have that filling up their home page and only go to check on it specifically when they feel like it.

      On a similar note, since I asked everybody to read a super long, in-depth talk transcript yesterday, I'll keep it simpler today:

      Do you think the "activity" sort is still a decent default?

      I feel like it's working pretty well (and you can change to other sorting methods and time periods if you like, though it doesn't save your choice yet), but it's definitely leaning the site more towards "forum-like" activity, with the threads more towards the "discussion" end than links, articles, and so on.

      So is this still good for now, or should we think about switching the default over to "newest" or "most votes", and let people just pick "activity" on their own if they're interested in that more forum-like experience?

      55 votes
    7. Crazy Idea: Tildes will likely change as more users join, but what if there was some magical way to use the site as it was back in some point in time?

      Ok, this is less than a half-baked idea, but here goes. I just got here, but I really feel like you all “are my people.” I know there are possible issues with this, echo chamber, etc.. but darn...

      Ok, this is less than a half-baked idea, but here goes.

      I just got here, but I really feel like you all “are my people.” I know there are possible issues with this, echo chamber, etc.. but darn it, I like this group right now. I may like it even after lots of user growth. But.. what if there was some magical way to use the site in the future as it was in the past.

      My initial thought was what if we “forked” the user base at different times. Here is my best thought on how that might be implemented.

      What if there was a user setting called Shrinkage, Time Machine, Good Ole Days, or something. It would be a date field that had a minimum value of your tildes birthday, max value of now. You could set it to n whenever you wanted and then you would see the site with only the posts and comments of the users that existed prior to n + 1 day (so your are included.)

      I think other folks will have this same “good ole days” feeling even when they sign up years from now, they could always go back to their original community.

      OK, I think that this implementation is pretty harmless. Shoot me down. What unintended consequences did I not think of? Do you see any value in this?

      edit: missing word

      18 votes
    8. Pets!

      I can't be the only person on here who is a slave to pets living in her home. Do you have/ wish to have a pet, and if so, what kind? What are they like? Any photos to share?

      12 votes
    9. Trollhunters

      I discovered this series while browsing something on Netflix Kids with my kids and after finishing the first season I already knew it was going to be one of those jewels that you absolutely love....

      I discovered this series while browsing something on Netflix Kids with my kids and after finishing the first season I already knew it was going to be one of those jewels that you absolutely love.
      Both me and my kids waited with anticipation every new season and now that it's ended I sincerly have that bittersweet feeling of something good that ended but that couldn't have ended better than this.

      I strongly recommend everyone to give it a watch, either if you have kids or if you just love animation's movie. It's really something special.

      The series is completed (spoilers in this article) as stated previously, several time, by the creator Gulliermo del Toro and this just proves how it was a labour of love instead of a milking machine (looking at you How To Train Your Dragon").
      Also some info about the two upcoming spin-off, 3 Below and Wizards.

      Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/title/80075820
      uNoGS: https://unogs.com/video/?v=80075820 (seems to be available everywhere)
      IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1734135/
      Rotten Tomatoes: Season 1 - Season 2 - Season 3 - Average 95%

      3 votes
    10. I got my Huawei Matebook X Pro a few days ago and really like it. Here is a mini review from a macbook air perspective and let me know any questions.

      I purchased the Matebook X Pro for 1350 from Microsoft with the student discount. Build: It is a very sturdy laptop and fits perfectly in a backpack. Trackpad: It feels just like the MacBook Air....

      I purchased the Matebook X Pro for 1350 from Microsoft with the student discount.

      Build: It is a very sturdy laptop and fits perfectly in a backpack.

      Trackpad: It feels just like the MacBook Air.

      Keyboard: Great typing. Switches are very similar to the MacBook Air but their noise is lower pitched.

      Screen: The screen is great and I love the thin bezels.

      Software: No bloat besides the driver manager.

      Gaming: People underestimate the mx150. It runs pubg at a playable 40fps at mostly low and a few medium settings and fortnite at 60 FPS

      with medium settings. I would never use it a a primary gaming machine, but it would be very useful for lan party’s.

      Battery life: average

      Dislikes: It can get very loud when gaming.

      Overall, It feels like the spiritual successor to my MacBook Air in design and size. It has a fantastic display and build quality and it is priced competitively. If you are willing to pay a premium for build quality and portability then I would definitely get this laptop.

      I have never done a Reddit review before so ask any questions that I left out.


      size comparison to MacBook Air https://i.imgur.com/xzcLiO0.jpg

      side by side https://i.imgur.com/B4FiTlD.jpg

      front view https://i.imgur.com/yDZCdqm.jpg

      top view https://i.imgur.com/2n0JNSs.jpg

      7 votes
    11. What is Tildes' plan for communities that "get too large?"

      One of the consistent discussion points of why this place is so great is because it's small. Do you all have any mechanics thought up for how communities can limit growth? I think I saw some...

      One of the consistent discussion points of why this place is so great is because it's small. Do you all have any mechanics thought up for how communities can limit growth?

      I think I saw some discussion about parent/child relationships for the ~tildes groups where it looked like you were using dot notation - is that your mechanic? Endless children? Will ~tildes be able to cap their subscribers? I don't have answers, just questions now. :)

      43 votes
    12. Use Song.link when possible to give everyone the link to their favorite music provider

      Hey everyone! I was recently exposed to a new website called Song.Link. You can search for songs, albums, or artists that you like, and generate a link that provides access to the music you found...

      Hey everyone!

      I was recently exposed to a new website called Song.Link. You can search for songs, albums, or artists that you like, and generate a link that provides access to the music you found in all of the major music streaming services.


      I think it'd be great if we could make it standard to post a song.link when possible!

      Edit: learning to markdown

      19 votes
    13. Put a small vote button on the left

      This one is super first world, but it would make the transition from Reddit much easier. The vote button is on the far right of the screen even though the rest of the UI and most people naturally...

      This one is super first world, but it would make the transition from Reddit much easier. The vote button is on the far right of the screen even though the rest of the UI and most people naturally gravitate to the left. I am fine with them keeping the old vote button, but they should put a small one on the left side also.

      8 votes
    14. What is you preferred password manager?

      I use Lastpass at work but don't have experience with any others. Last time I looked into it Lastpass and Keepass were the only two viable options if I recall (though my memory isn't the most...

      I use Lastpass at work but don't have experience with any others. Last time I looked into it Lastpass and Keepass were the only two viable options if I recall (though my memory isn't the most reliable thing). A few quick searches seem to indicate that the market has opened up a bit since then. I'd like to use something open source with Linux, Windows, and Android clients. So, what's your preferred password manager and why?

      45 votes
    15. How's everyone's day going?

      Hey guys I'm just joining Tildes after that last invite wave. I'm sure there's a lot of others just like me trying to get used to the site and I figured this might be a good start for people. How...

      Hey guys I'm just joining Tildes after that last invite wave. I'm sure there's a lot of others just like me trying to get used to the site and I figured this might be a good start for people.

      How is everyone's day going? Any big plans for the weekend?

      24 votes
    16. Becoming an avid reader

      Since AP Lit in high school, I’ve wanted to get into reading. Recently I started making a list of things I want to read (both fiction and non, fantasy and sci fi, bios and commentary), but am not...

      Since AP Lit in high school, I’ve wanted to get into reading. Recently I started making a list of things I want to read (both fiction and non, fantasy and sci fi, bios and commentary), but am not making the slightest dent in it. Im able to read magazine writing and online publications throughout the day, so what do y’all do to read more books?

      9 votes
    17. Let's organize a Tildes "Dwarf Fortress" succession game!

      Let's do it guys! Every good forum/community from Ars Technica to the XKCD forums has had a go taking turns playing the most detailed simulation game I have ever seen. I can generate the world for...

      Let's do it guys! Every good forum/community from Ars Technica to the XKCD forums has had a go taking turns playing the most detailed simulation game I have ever seen. I can generate the world for ideal 44.10 (and hopefully 44.11) settings with my extra adventurer reactions.

      Now that dwarves can get angry and stressed again, now is an opportune time. Who's with me?

      18 votes
    18. What defines a toxic user

      Posting this here because I'm also wondering about how this will affect moderation policy on Tildes going forward As a former Reddit Moderator this has been something I've pondered for a long...

      Posting this here because I'm also wondering about how this will affect moderation policy on Tildes going forward

      As a former Reddit Moderator this has been something I've pondered for a long time: how does one define what a toxic user is in such a way that it can be easily understood as a community standard? I'll post the definition I defaulted to below. But I'd be most interested in knowing how other people think about this.

      26 votes
    19. What’s Pride month like for you?

      Coincidentally checked right after this went up, hi gay friends! As someone living in the South, Pride is actually a fall/spring thing, so I don’t have much to look forward to offline with Pride...

      Coincidentally checked right after this went up, hi gay friends!
      As someone living in the South, Pride is actually a fall/spring thing, so I don’t have much to look forward to offline with Pride this month.
      What stories and events do y’all have?

      12 votes
    20. Suggestion: DAG Groups

      Instead of a tree hierachy, perhaps groups would be better off based on a DAG - a Directed Acyclic Graph. This would allow groups to have multiple parents as well as multiple children. For...

      Instead of a tree hierachy, perhaps groups would be better off based on a DAG - a Directed Acyclic Graph. This would allow groups to have multiple parents as well as multiple children. For example, ~mazda might have ~cars and ~japan as parents, and ~tolkein might have ~fantasy and ~linguistics as parents. I think this could maintain the benefits of the hierachical system while making it easier to find a group that suits the post.

      While potentially complex, a good UI which effectively visualised the DAG to allow a content submitter to hone in on the correct group-node, and potentially create a new one on the fly if none was appropriate, could make this concept reasonably intuitive. This problem has already been tackled by creators of git GUIs, so perhaps some ideas could be adapted from that space.

      One issue is that a node in a DAG is much harder to identify with a text string than a node in a tree-based hierachy. One solution would be that the submitter could choose a 'primary path' which would be displayed to readers, which, upon being clicked, would display the full DAG, including all the potentially numerous paths which would lead to that group-node. For example, I might choose ~linguistics.tolkein.quenya as the primary path, but upon clicking, the reader can discover that ~fantasy.tolkein.quenya and ~linguistics.conlangs.quenya and ~writing.worldbuilding.quenya all lead to the same group-node [edit: ugly illustration]. I feel that this solution could potentially be powerful enough to remove the need for tags entirely. Viewing the homepage of any particular group-node on the DAG would aggregate posts to all child groups, meaning that the effects of community fragmentation are mitigated. Even a post to a really specific group-node, like ~cars.mazda.mx5.na, will still enjoy the same status and priority to the readers of the ~cars homepage as a post made directly to the ~cars group-node.

      28 votes
    21. Is the "Reddiquette" a good idea in principle? What do you think about it?

      I invite you to read the whole thing here, even if you've read it in the past: https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette A couple of prompts for discussion: Are the ideas in reddiquette good? If...

      I invite you to read the whole thing here, even if you've read it in the past: https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette

      A couple of prompts for discussion:

      • Are the ideas in reddiquette good?

      • If everone here followed it, or something similar, would that be a good thing?

      • If only a portion of people here followed it, or something similar, would that still be a good thing?

      • I was thinking about that Evolution of Trust game/article/demo linked here previously and this one came to me: Imagine a personality that would make internet interactions the best possible- what habits and tendencies would that personality have?

      • What are some good values/ideals or goals for a site like Tildes (or its community) to shoot for, in the biggest picture possible?

      27 votes
    22. A couple of the colours on ~ need adjustment

      Now, this is in solarised dark (1 true colourscheme represent), but this specific issue is present in all current schemes - the blue and purple are way too close together. This also impacts...

      Now, this is in solarised dark (1 true colourscheme represent), but this specific issue is present in all current schemes - the blue and purple are way too close together. This also impacts visited vs unvisited links.

      On this same note, the button style for solarised dark is not colour-shifted between schemes.

      14 votes
    23. Instagram feed algorithm seems to take into account your WhatsApp correspondence.

      I've been trying to tame tracking from services like Facebook. I installed many ad blockers and tracker blockers on all of my browser, I don't install FB app on my phone, but I still install...

      I've been trying to tame tracking from services like Facebook. I installed many ad blockers and tracker blockers on all of my browser, I don't install FB app on my phone, but I still install Instagram app and WhatsApp.

      Something creepy (but totally expected) just happened to me. I haven't really been in contact with a friend of mine for quite some time, and we finally chatted again using WhatsApp. Not long after that I opened Instagram, and her photo was the first one I saw haha. It's funny because I don't think I've seen any photos from her in quite some time before this on my IG feed.

      Might just be a coincidence, but with all discussion about how creepy they're trying to make their platform as sticky as possible, I wouldn't be surprised if IG's feed algorithm do take into account your correspondence on WhatsApp as well (I live in a country where everyone uses WhatsApp).

      10 votes
    24. Clicking on a reply should mark it as "read".

      Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I see an notification for a new unread reply. I open the unread replies page. I click on 'link' to go to the thread to see the context, and reply if I feel so...

      Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I see an notification for a new unread reply. I open the unread replies page. I click on 'link' to go to the thread to see the context, and reply if I feel so inclined.

      But that notification doesn't go away. The reply that I clicked on and read is still showing as unread. I have to click on "mark as unread" to make the notification go away. However, if I do that before I click through to the thread, the reply disappears and I can't click through to the thread. So I have to go to the thread, read & reply, then go back to my unread replies page to mark the reply as "read".

      If I've clicked through to the thread where someone replied to me, then you can safely assume I've read that reply.

      31 votes