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  • Showing only topics with the tag "ask". Back to normal view
    1. Strategies to manage ADHD

      I figured I would help kick off this new subgroup by starting a discussion on how people with ADHD try to manage it. I had a late diagnosis a couple years ago as an adult, and I have been working...

      I figured I would help kick off this new subgroup by starting a discussion on how people with ADHD try to manage it.

      I had a late diagnosis a couple years ago as an adult, and I have been working with a counselor to develop some behavioral techniques (in addition to medication). Not all of them stick, which in my experiences is the primary challenge of this disorder, but I've had good results when I do use them.

      Primarily, I have a calendar where I put reminders and plan things out. If I have parts of a project I need to get done, I lay those out and assign them to certain days of the week. Working in academia, I live my life a semester at a time and this helps me reevaluate certain goals and it feels reasonable to me to plan out a few months at a time.

      One thing I struggle with when it comes to planning is coming up with accurate estimates of how much time it might take to spend something. This was always a big obstacle in my way when it came to planning things out before - I wanted to know the exact time on how long it took to do something so that my schedule would be perfect. My counselor suggested that I come up with an initial estimate of how long something should take based off my intuition, and then double it (e.g. if I think a task should take 30 minutes, plot it out for 60 minutes of my day). This has been great for me because usually it's a win-win. Often, my initial assessment is underestimating how long something takes, so by accounting for slippage in time I can better chunk out my day. On the other hand, if I do get it done sooner I can pat myself on the back and I now have extra time in the day to get other things done.

      I wanna find better ways of trying to stay on track with habits. I've tried some different apps and none are working too well. Recently I picked up Sunsama which has helped in terms of reviewing the day and looking at subtasks, but as I've gotten busy with experiments I've kind of lost track of that. What are some things that you do to accommodate the way your brains works?

      61 votes
    2. What is a subject you could talk for 2+ hours about with a great degree of accuracy and no preparation whatsoever?

      I'll start: as a film major, I could talk in length about several aspects of filmmaking, especially writing and directing. EDIT: I'm overwhelmed with such a high number of interesting responses....

      I'll start: as a film major, I could talk in length about several aspects of filmmaking, especially writing and directing.

      EDIT: I'm overwhelmed with such a high number of interesting responses. You guys and girls know a lot of interesting stuff that goes way beyond my intellectual abilities. This is not an attempt to be modest or to draw empty compliments, it's quite simply the truth. That is the reason I did not answer to any comment yet. I wanted to make a proportional effort (I also got a new dog and he's awesome, but that's unrelated hahaha). I will try to do so tonight, and probably create a related thread to you guys can speak a little more about your awesome obsessions. Cheers!

      39 votes
    3. Cosmetic bug: a.link-group:visited in groups list has same colour whether subscribed or unsubscribed

      See this image. Which groups are unsubscribed? All of the ~sports.X groups are unsubscribed, but american_football, basketball, football, and motorsports have been visited. The link-visited colour...

      See this image.

      Which groups are unsubscribed? All of the ~sports.X groups are unsubscribed, but american_football, basketball, football, and motorsports have been visited.

      The link-visited colour set by a.link-group:visited is taking precedence over the default colour otherwise set by .group-list-item-not-subscribed a.link-group, hiding the colour change associated with -not-subscribed. This is particularly troublesome when unsubscribing from a group, since one must go to the group's page – visiting the link – in order to unsubscribe.

      6 votes
    4. Dumb internet ideas

      Hello people, This is my first post, so if you have any tips, please tell them For a number of years I've thought about the idea that the experiment of the "free" internet has failed. Around...

      Hello people,
      This is my first post, so if you have any tips, please tell them

      For a number of years I've thought about the idea that the experiment of the "free" internet has failed.
      Around fifteen years ago the only goal of social media was to grow and how to make money was an afterthought. Now that investment money is drying up and websites like Reddit and Twitter are trying their best to find a way to become profitable, I'm thinking again of the idea that the "free" internet doesn't exist.
      Small niche websites are able to exist on donations, but they aren't reliable and people aren't willing to pay a random single access fee or subscription for a website they don't know. Streaming has found an audience, but that has become close to the tv model.

      So I thought:
      What if your ISP has to pay a website a fee everytime a user accesses the website?
      Of course you have to think about how that payment works and how this system can be abused.
      I expect the system to work like music streaming, where an artist gets a certain amount of money per stream.
      I am curious how the internet developes with this system. If smaller websites can exist without having to rely on adverstisements or if it might even get profitable. How these websites get paid and how IPS's will handle this (I expect monthly fees to become 10 euros/dollars etc. more expensive).

      What do you think of this idea or do you have your own (dumb) idea?

      13 votes
    5. Question about this plate I found at a yard sale

      I recently got this plate at a yard sale and was curious if anyone has any info on it I did some reverse google image search and couldn’t find much on it. I’m not sure if this is number 28 made...

      I recently got this plate at a yard sale and was curious if anyone has any info on it
      I did some reverse google image search and couldn’t find much on it.
      I’m not sure if this is number 28 made out of so many or number 28 in a set.
      If this is a set I’d like to track down the rest and collect them because look how cool it is!!
      I also apologize if this isn’t the right place to post as I’m fairly new to tildes.


      7 votes
    6. I love space horror and sci-fi with horror elements. Any recommendations around?

      New to Tildes, so I wanted to kick things off by asking—do you have any sci-fi horror recs you reckon I might be interested in? Here's some of what I've read: Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer Solid...

      New to Tildes, so I wanted to kick things off by asking—do you have any sci-fi horror recs you reckon I might be interested in? Here's some of what I've read:


      Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer

      • Solid read, but definitely more about the weird vibes than anything else. Sequels didn't hook me as much.


      Blindsight by Peter Watts

      • I generally try not to DNF my reads. But this was one of them. I'm sorry, I just can't buy vampires in a sci-fi world that's trying to take itself seriously, without proper grounding. It's also incredibly dry.


      Dead Silence by S.A. Barnes

      • A pretty solid read, I like how the narrative is told via flashbacks and then suddenly terminates in a way that makes you want to know more, in the most tantalizing of ways. Unfortunately I thought the reveal of the lurking horror was incredibly meh, and it went mostly downhill from there.


      Diamond Dogs by Alistair Reynolds

      • Fantastic novella with a mysterious locale functioning as the backdrop of the setting, and the horror elements being both external (as in the setting) and internal (how far our characters are willing to go to crack the mystery).


      Paradise-1 by David Wellington

      • A really solid space horror novel, with a pretty interesting protagonist trio (including a self-aware robot with plastic bodies) and it has some genuinely uncomfortable moments of horror that I can absolutely get behind. My main issue though, is that it ends in a cliffhanger and I'm still mad about it.


      Salvaged by Madeleine Roux

      • Decent read, but the horror reveal came super early and in reality, it's less space horror than it is human drama involving horror elements which is basically the Protomolecule from the Expanse. Fun read though, if you're okay with that.


      Salvation Day by Kali Wallace

      • I thought this was somewhat bland, the concept and initial plot were interesting, but it trails off and overall, overstays its welcome with some scenes that pacing-wise, feel like they belong in the middle part of the book. Some solid moments of horror though.


      Ship of Fools by Richard Paul Russo

      • Probably the quintessential space horror book for me. A fantastic setting, an intriguing protagonist narrative interspersed with religious themes and a genuinely solid pacing, horror-wise.


      Six Wakes by Mur Lafferty

      • This would have been an interesting murder mystery in space... if it actually had good and compelling characters. It does not. Everyone feels like a cardboard cutout with One Defining Trait and that's it.


      The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling

      • This was... a disappointment. I still rank it amongst the worst books I've read, simply because the protagonist is unbelievable. I can buy a protagonist doing things under duress or from being manipulated, but I cannot buy a protagonist who constantly flip flops 5 minutes after making a decision and then
        hooks up with the person who was manipulating her, because yay fucked up sexytimes! Look, I want queer representation in my books too, but this came off too much as just doing it for the vibes. Queer rep deserves better than stupid protagonists.


      Walking to Aldebaraan by Adrian Tchaikovsky

      • A great novella; it's a retelling of a really well-known story but reframed in sci-fi terms, and I love that approach.


      We Have Always Been Here by Lena Nguyen

      • A really haphazard book I think; I like some things about it, but others just don't make sense, or contradict it. E.g. the protagonist is a psychologist, but is absolutely horrible at reading human emotion and speech, and a loner who prefers robots. Throw in some Michio Kaku-esque pseudoscience and while it's not a horrible read, it feels like a book that could have been better with a rewrite. The setting and suspense are pretty neat though.


      So, as you can see, I have met the good, the bad and the ugly of sci-fi horror. I'd love to find more! For non-book horror or horror adjacent works I've enjoyed, those include Alien, The Thing, Event Horizon, Sunshine, Underwater and Dead Space. Please don't recommend tie-in novels though; I can find those myself and generally I've found that they're not really up to par.

      27 votes
    7. Share your favourite short animated films with me!

      What short animated films do you really love and why? Here's two of mine: Anna & Bella - says so much without saying much of anything! I love the lack of dialogue and the expressiveness. Makes me...

      What short animated films do you really love and why? Here's two of mine:

      Anna & Bella - says so much without saying much of anything! I love the lack of dialogue and the expressiveness. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy thinking about my relationship with my brother.

      Affairs of the Art - NSFW, love the animation style and character designs, and the overall message on obsessions, passion and art being for everyone!

      14 votes
    8. What mattress brand do you recommend?

      I’m going to be replacing my mattress soon, and there are a lot more options available now, including many that I can order online instead of having to go get from a furniture store. Every time...

      I’m going to be replacing my mattress soon, and there are a lot more options available now, including many that I can order online instead of having to go get from a furniture store. Every time I’ve tried ones out in the store it’s always been a crapshoot as to whether or not I actually like it once I get it home, as I can’t really get a good feel for it there. As such I’m more than willing to go with the convenience of an online brand, but would rather hear from some people besides sponsored YouTubers first.

      What brand of mattress do you sleep on and like? Any brands you had bad experiences with and would avoid?

      22 votes
    9. Best of all time book lists can get repetitive, I'm asking for your top five to ten

      I think the most interesting and individual suggestions come not from someone's absolute favorite book, but from the contenders, the runners up. These are more likely to reflect a niche interest...

      I think the most interesting and individual suggestions come not from someone's absolute favorite book, but from the contenders, the runners up. These are more likely to reflect a niche interest or unique perspective imho. Anyway, if you are willing, please name some of your best lifetime book experiences.

      66 votes
    10. How do you cope with situations beyond your control?

      Specifically you and your methods. And that which is beyond your control could either be on the macro scale such as community-wide or worldwide events, or the more personal side of things such as...

      Specifically you and your methods. And that which is beyond your control could either be on the macro scale such as community-wide or worldwide events, or the more personal side of things such as family, friends or complicated relationships.

      I personally am desperate for distraction right now as a result of crisis with my younger brother. It's beyond my control now (though it never really has been) and it's difficult to focus in this period of waiting. For a while, I found some distracting solace in Diablo IV, actually, because the game teeters just enough into mindless action that it keeps me from overthinking. But I need to be working right now and cut through the noise. I am certainly curious about other methods from other folks.

      Edit: Thank you to everyone who took the time to share your stories and advice thus far. It has truly been helpful and, in a way, creating this post and reading these responses felt like a method of coping I didn't expect.

      30 votes
    11. Does Tildes offer a personalized RSS feed? If not, could it?

      With the introduction of the new groups, I now, for the first time, have unsubscribed from some groups here on Tildes. I've been subscribed to the fire hose feed in my feed reader, but I'd love to...

      With the introduction of the new groups, I now, for the first time, have unsubscribed from some groups here on Tildes. I've been subscribed to the fire hose feed in my feed reader, but I'd love to get a feed that is personalized with only my subscriptions. Does this exist? If not, could it?

      19 votes
    12. Stocks in a class action window

      So, if I have stocks that were purchased during the class window of a class action lawsuit, is it okay for me to sell them? It's not a large amount of money at stake here, but it'd also be nice to...

      So, if I have stocks that were purchased during the class window of a class action lawsuit, is it okay for me to sell them?

      It's not a large amount of money at stake here, but it'd also be nice to be able to recoup some of the losses I had due to the misleading information that caused me to buy the stock and ive filled out the forms but they didnt say anything about future actions just asked when i bought or sold any at the time of the suit. I am not sure if it's okay to sell them or if I should hold them.

      Any one have recommendations? This is US stock exchange, and if I did sell they'd be at a loss and I have sold other stocks at profit so I would be looking at capturing the losses on my taxes.

      3 votes
    13. Opinions on shadow drops vs. announcement ahead of time for games?

      I've seen how some people love when games like Hi-Fi Rush just shadow drop instead of being revealed at some kind of gaming presentation (like a Nintendo Direct or The Game Awards) with a proper...

      I've seen how some people love when games like Hi-Fi Rush just shadow drop instead of being revealed at some kind of gaming presentation (like a Nintendo Direct or The Game Awards) with a proper trailer and a release date set for some point in the future. I personally prefer the latter, since it lets games give me the first impression they want to, while with shadow drops, the first impression can be a big spoiler or some meme or really anything. It also helps me mentally prepare for the game to release, in a sense. So many games release every year, it's useful to know when they're coming out for budget and schedule reasons for many people.

      What do you guys think? Do you have a preference?

      9 votes
    14. Hi ~anime, what do you think about having more discussion threads?

      It seems this is something many of us want, but unsure how to start. I thought the way @TesterJ set up the Community Watchthough is very nice so maybe we could do it that way for current airing...

      It seems this is something many of us want, but unsure how to start.

      I thought the way @TesterJ set up the Community Watchthough is very nice so maybe we could do it that way for current airing shows as well: one thread for each show and every time a new episode drop, someone can pop in to make a new top-level comment (@TesterJ explained in more details here).

      Maybe at the beginning of each season, we can have an ask thread of which shows we'd like to make dedicated threads for (to gauge interest and also avoid bloating up the group feeds with shows that no one watches haha). If this works we could do similar threads for manga series too.

      What do you guys think?

      Edit: According to the Recommend summer anime thread, several people are watching:

      Imma start with these 3 5 next week when the new episodes drop. Do mention if you have any more suggestions!

      20 votes
    15. Any ThinkPad enthusiasts here?

      My T430 has been my main PC for a while now. Since upgrading the ram to 10GB's and switching to Linux Mint, I could not be happier with it. I'm not very tech-savvy, so this whole project has been...

      My T430 has been my main PC for a while now. Since upgrading the ram to 10GB's and switching to Linux Mint, I could not be happier with it.

      I'm not very tech-savvy, so this whole project has been a great excuse to learn more about computers in general.

      What is everyone else's Thinkpad project?

      38 votes
    16. What programming/technical projects have you been working on?

      This is a recurring post to discuss programming or other technical projects that we've been working on. Tell us about one of your recent projects, either at work or personal projects. What's...

      This is a recurring post to discuss programming or other technical projects that we've been working on. Tell us about one of your recent projects, either at work or personal projects. What's interesting about it? Are you having trouble with anything?

      20 votes
    17. Favorite ASMR type?

      The past few years I have been gradually starting to use ASMR to relax. I have had increasing bouts of anxiety and can't take too many kinds of medications since I am on blood thinners. So I rely...

      The past few years I have been gradually starting to use ASMR to relax. I have had increasing bouts of anxiety and can't take too many kinds of medications since I am on blood thinners. So I rely on different relaxation methods to get me through.
      I am fond of shoe and purse tapping but can't take mouth noises. Actually most tapping sounds seem to be the best fit for my ears. Maybe the occasional crinkling here and there. Perhaps even some whispered talking but I prefer just the sounds.
      Some of these folks really go out in their productions. It's been amazing watching the evolution over the years.

      20 votes
    18. WoW Classic Hardcore is the first time I've had fun with WoW in a long time

      I've been out of the game for years. I left midway through Legion, early into BfA, and then finally SLs burnt out any lingering love I had for the world and its lore. Apparently DF is better, but...

      I've been out of the game for years. I left midway through Legion, early into BfA, and then finally SLs burnt out any lingering love I had for the world and its lore. Apparently DF is better, but it's not a world that interests me anymore. Alternatively, Classic was neat, but it's a solved game and mostly a time capsule.

      So I'm surprised how much I look forward to playing classic hardcore when my daughter goes to sleep and I have a bit of time to myself. I'm never bored; even boring walks might have stealthed panthers or stuff, so I have to pay my full attention. Whenever a bag drops, or I get an upgrade, it's the best feeling in the world. Leaving a kobold cave alive is such a rush. Watching your hearthstone finish casting in the middle of an enemy camp and letting out that breath that you're holding is incredible.

      It absolutely sucks when you die, but then it also makes me more likely to try out classes and races that I usually steered away from, because why not?

      Is anyone else on the same boat, or looking forward to the official servers?

      14 votes
    19. Term deposits — are they worth it? At what point are they worth it?

      Now, rationally, I suspect the answer is "Of course!". But I'm looking for general advice, if my fellow Tildesians would be so kind. This question has arisen while investigating opening a Monzo...

      Now, rationally, I suspect the answer is "Of course!". But I'm looking for general advice, if my fellow Tildesians would be so kind.

      This question has arisen while investigating opening a Monzo account. Apparently, you can lock away some money for 12 months and get 5.3% AER interest on it - meaning for every, say, £1,000 I put in, I get £50 back, right?

      My question: is that really worth it, in the grand scheme of things? Even if I put in £10,000, I'd be locking myself out of that much money for a grand total of £500. I understand that's a lot to some people (even me), but it hardly seems worth it.

      Perhaps there's something I'm missing. Perhaps some bad maths on my part or some other type of interest that I don't know about. All advice is welcome and appreciated!

      21 votes
    20. How do you assess your "market value" for a niche role?

      I'm in a fortunate position of being in a reasonably well compensated but very specialised role in the pharma industry, and after some recent layoffs have been casually surveying what other...

      I'm in a fortunate position of being in a reasonably well compensated but very specialised role in the pharma industry, and after some recent layoffs have been casually surveying what other opportunities might be out there.

      However, I'm really struggling to get a sense of my market value, as little to none of the salary info on e.g. Glassdoor or published surveys from recruitment bodies captures anything similar to my position.

      My compensation is way off published ranges I can find, so I don't know if I have "golden handcuffs" or if the data I am looking to is garbage.

      In effect, my position developed organically over a few years, and has bits of middle management as well as governance, project management and individual contributor work. I don't think there is even anyone within my organisation with a similar role, I have several responsibilities which normally you wouldn't concentrate under one individual if you were designing from the ground up.

      I'd be really interested if anyone has been in a similar position, or any recommendations to on how to benchmark yourself when it isn't obvious what you should be benchmarking against.

      18 votes
    21. What are your experiences with leadership and ego?

      Does leadership imply ego? Does it require ego? What are good characteristics of either? Can leadership be altruistic? Can ego and altruism co-exist? Or do all leaders function from a place of...

      Does leadership imply ego? Does it require ego? What are good characteristics of either? Can leadership be altruistic? Can ego and altruism co-exist? Or do all leaders function from a place of self-interest?

      I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences on this.

      19 votes
    22. How are y'all dealing with inflation?

      Everywhere I turn everything is more expensive. I'm spending less and less every month on non-necessities, buying more basic foods, never eating out, spending less on entertainment, etc but...

      Everywhere I turn everything is more expensive.

      I'm spending less and less every month on non-necessities, buying more basic foods, never eating out, spending less on entertainment, etc but everything else just keeps going up and up.

      Electricity just went up 12%, my gas bill is up 20%, rent has gone up 10% year after year, water is somehow 30% more expensive than it used to be, my groceries are more expensive than ever even though I'm buying in bulk and not buying anything fancy, I've stopped eating luxuries I used to enjoy like steak and fancy cheese because they've just gotten outrageous.

      I have a good job that pays decently but my raises have been less than 3% a year and I feel like I'm getting squeezed out of everything I once had. There's no light at the end of the tunnel is there?

      101 votes
    23. What is the oldest TV show you actually enjoy?

      This question came up earlier today, and I am curious to see the variety of responses here on Tildes. What is the oldest TV show that you actually enjoy watching? Not just enjoy it "for its time",...

      This question came up earlier today, and I am curious to see the variety of responses here on Tildes. What is the oldest TV show that you actually enjoy watching? Not just enjoy it "for its time", or respect for its influence, etc, but really enjoy in the same way that you do modern content? I am curious where the cutoff is for most people.

      For me it is probably The Twilight Zone, which 1959 and which I just absolutely ate up. But after that there is probably a few decade gap to maybe the 1970s with Rockford Files or maybe 1980s with a couple of shows, including TNG.

      65 votes
    24. Who's your favorite football team, and why?

      I'm not a follower of the NFL, but I do love NCAA football. When I was a freshman in high school, two of the seniors on the team would come around and pep talk us before games and practice with us...

      I'm not a follower of the NFL, but I do love NCAA football. When I was a freshman in high school, two of the seniors on the team would come around and pep talk us before games and practice with us and such. As an underclassman, this grew into some degree of "idolizing" those guys. The following year, they both were accepted to Clemson, one of them with a football scholarship, the other playing as a walk on. For me, it was super cool to see those guys who were cool with me now on TV, playing for Dabo Swinney, and my fandom for the Clemson Tigers was born. Both graduated and moved on to real life, neither went on the play for the NFL or anything, but I never had a stronger reason to shift my loyalty to any other team afterwards, so they've remained my favorite NCAA football team ever since.

      Who's your team, and what's your story?

      23 votes
    25. What is "that part" for you in any game?

      We all know it. The boss/area/section of any of your favorite games/well liked games that gives you pause whenever you consider replaying it. An area or boss that sucks so much to go through that...

      We all know it. The boss/area/section of any of your favorite games/well liked games that gives you pause whenever you consider replaying it. An area or boss that sucks so much to go through that you may even reconsider entirely. Who/what hurt you?

      For me it'd have to be either Pontiff Sulyvahn from Dark souls 3, or Nyx from Persona 3. Pontiff just straight up sucks to fight. Unless you're a parry god, it's just nonstop aggression with seemingly few windows, and then the second phase kicks in and you're just skewered endlessly. I can't hack it. Did it once, never again. For Nyx, besides being a long and grueling fight, it loves to pull out the ol' Marin Karin making you pull out the ol' Diarahan. Can't do it. There's a reason I emulated it. Thank god for save states.

      52 votes
    26. UFC 290

      Let's talk! Here's some stuff: Weigh-ins complete, Jalin Turner missed weight Volkanovski has a cut that might risk a doctor's stoppage Power slap is still the stupidest thing to ever be televised

      7 votes
    27. What are your favorite webcomics?

      This seems slightly more appropriate in ~arts than ~books, but a mod/admin can move it if need be. I want to know what webcomics you've read through in the past that you've loved, and what...

      This seems slightly more appropriate in ~arts than ~books, but a mod/admin can move it if need be.

      I want to know what webcomics you've read through in the past that you've loved, and what webcomics you're currently reading through. Send me your recommendations, both longform and comedic!

      Currently I'm reading Kill 6 Billion Demons and Third Voice as they update. I've read Evan Dahm's earlier stuff as well (Rice Boy, Order of Tales, Vattu), and I'd recommend those, especially Vattu. Stand Still, Stay Silent was really solid. Shame about how it ended. I tried to give her new stuff a shot, but it is just grating unfortunately.

      As far as the funny ones, XKCD, SMBC, and Oglaf are all fantastic.

      What do you read?

      88 votes
    28. Is Apple's "walled garden" as bad as it was when the first few iPhones came out?

      I've never owned macs for desktop use because of the expense and my general preference for windows pcs. I had a first or second gen iPhone and was incredibly frustrated by how limited it was - you...

      I've never owned macs for desktop use because of the expense and my general preference for windows pcs.

      I had a first or second gen iPhone and was incredibly frustrated by how limited it was - you couldn't set an alternate default browser, access your own file system, customize you home screen, etc, etc. So I've been an Android user since then.

      I'm not really looking to make a switch for either phone or PC, but my brother bought an Apple watch which spurred a conversation that made me realize I don't really know if the issues that bugged me about Apple are still relevant in 2023.

      Anyone want to weigh in?

      32 votes
    29. Vasectomy tips

      I had my 5th kid a few weeks ago and now have a vasectomy scheduled for early August. Any tips or suggestions for prep or recovery? They gave me some general advice regarding compression shorts,...

      I had my 5th kid a few weeks ago and now have a vasectomy scheduled for early August. Any tips or suggestions for prep or recovery? They gave me some general advice regarding compression shorts, ice, rest...

      Related question for those of you don't having kids or firmly decided against kids and didn't get a vasectomy: why not? I'm curious what methods you're using to prevent having kids.

      38 votes
    30. Share your stories thread

      Hey,wanderers of tildes it's time to share your travel stories.Are you on the move right now? What was your last trip like? Favourite food or hole in the walls you have come across around the...

      Hey,wanderers of tildes it's time to share your travel stories.Are you on the move right now?
      What was your last trip like?
      Favourite food or hole in the walls you have come across around the world.
      Share anything and everything.
      Also any tip involving travels and scams you have encountered share it.
      This is a tips thread that was on r/solotravel i found really helpful feel free to add more.
      SHARE AWAY..

      17 votes
    31. Bug with notifications

      Apologies if this isn’t the right place to put bug reports. I’ve noticed an issue where comments which are bookmarked don’t display as such in my notifications. For example: A bookmarked comment...

      Apologies if this isn’t the right place to put bug reports.

      I’ve noticed an issue where comments which are bookmarked don’t display as such in my notifications.

      For example:

      A bookmarked comment displaying as Unbookmarked in my notifications.

      Is anyone else seeing the same ?

      10 votes
    32. Dog's hearing loss

      I have an 8 year old blind silky terrier that seems to have all but lost his hearing after last night. I took him out last night and a neighbor unexpectedly set off fireworks. The display lasted...

      I have an 8 year old blind silky terrier that seems to have all but lost his hearing after last night. I took him out last night and a neighbor unexpectedly set off fireworks. The display lasted for about five minutes and he didn't seem scared. I moved him away, but not completely away.

      Since this morning he's been unresponsive to calls and sounds. He hasn't been wagging his tail much, has been bumping into the things in the apartment, and wasn't interested in his leash.

      I've got a vet appointment for tomorrow morning. Is there anything I can do to help? Is this a common occurrence? He's my first dog and he just seems so lost

      Update (copied from a comment):

      His hearing has been improving tremendously. The carprofen the vet prescribed helped a lot, IMO. He's able to hear about 80% as well as he could before, though it takes him a little bit to understand. At least until he takes his medicine, then he can hear a bit better.

      However, yesterday morning on his walk his front left paw started twitching and spasming uncontrollably. Poor guy was hopping around, could barely stand or even sit. He didn't seem hurt and there weren't any signs of injury (bee sting, bug bite, cuts, etc.). Took him to the emergency room immediately and they prescribed him some gabapentin. Fortunately the spasms went away and he's running and jumping around again

      20 votes
    33. What are your favorite sports anime ?

      I saw the favorite anime post the other day but there weren't many sports anime there, so thought I'd start another thread for them, this is my first post (topic?) on tildes hopefully I didn't do...

      I saw the favorite anime post the other day but there weren't many sports anime there, so thought I'd start another thread for them, this is my first post (topic?) on tildes hopefully I didn't do anything wrong lol and hopefully it's fine to post this here

      I personally haven't been watching sports anime lately but my favorite is probably haikyuu (although I've yet to watch the last season), but I've just begun watching Tsurune too.

      26 votes
    34. Midweek Movie Free Talk

      Have you watched any movies recently you want to discuss? Any films you want to recommend or are hyped about? Feel free to discuss anything here. Please just try to provide fair warning of...

      Have you watched any movies recently you want to discuss? Any films you want to recommend or are hyped about? Feel free to discuss anything here.

      Please just try to provide fair warning of spoilers if you can.

      13 votes
    35. Introductions | June 2023, part 1

      Edit: lots of great discussion here. If you want to post an introduction, please go to the next Introductions topic. It's been a couple months since the previous introductions thread and we're...

      Edit: lots of great discussion here. If you want to post an introduction, please go to the next Introductions topic.

      It's been a couple months since the previous introductions thread and we're getting some new users, so it seems time to start another one.

      This is a place to post an introduction with a few fun facts about yourself. Anyone can post an introduction, new and old members included.

      Also, on the topic of bios, you can read anybody's bio by clicking on their username (if they've posted one), and you can edit your own bio in settings.

      134 votes
    36. What happens if Deimos can't host the site anymore?

      I'm sorry if this was already answered in the docs somewhere but similarly to the question "What happens to my Steam games when Valve goes out of business?" I was wondering what happens to Tildes...

      I'm sorry if this was already answered in the docs somewhere but similarly to the question "What happens to my Steam games when Valve goes out of business?" I was wondering what happens to Tildes if Deimos can't sustain it anymore for whatever reason (e.g. death, prison, going off the grid and starting from scratch in Ecuador...)?

      Is there some kind of backup plan in place?

      79 votes
    37. Progressive metal: What are you listening to?

      My love for progmetal, djent, and related genres has recently been rekindled by an appreciation of the depth, complexity, and even runtimes of progmetal pieces in a world where most music made...

      My love for progmetal, djent, and related genres has recently been rekindled by an appreciation of the depth, complexity, and even runtimes of progmetal pieces in a world where most music made today (more generally) consists of relatively simple 1.5 minutes long tracks.

      I'm out of the loop. I've kept up with Periphery over the years (listened to them in highschool) and not much else. I recently saw Animals as Leaders, Devin Townsend, and Dream Theater live and had a good time.

      Bands I've been listening to:

      • Periphery
      • Erra
      • Animals as Leaders
      • TesseracT
      • Devin Townsend

      What else should I be listening to? What should I know about progmetal; both historically and today? What shows have you been to, which were your favorite? Just a general thread about a genre I've rediscovered.

      45 votes
    38. What might a 'quiet' Pride celebration look like?

      Note: I've had these thoughts for a while, but I didn't think to post until I read @guttersnipe's semi-unrelated comment in another thread. I'm queer, but I'm also a quiet introvert. I don't...

      Note: I've had these thoughts for a while, but I didn't think to post until I read @guttersnipe's semi-unrelated comment in another thread.

      I'm queer, but I'm also a quiet introvert. I don't really drink much, and as of lately, loud events exceed my capacity for sensory input. I just... don't really have it in me to party?

      Yet, everywhere I seem to look, 'queer culture' seems to be heavily equated with partying. My partner's gay best friend goes downtown and parties til the break of dawn for Pride. Pitchfork runs features like "Fear Will Not Stop Queer Nightlife". To celebrate seems to mean to be loud and out and proud, to be bright and neon, to be camp and flamboyant, to let loose. Late nights, clubs, DJs, raves... it's all just... too much for me? In fact, I sort of feel a disconnect with western queer culture as a whole? It just feels so... extroverted...

      I don't want to just do nothing, though, like I've done year after year. I feel left out, like I'm missing out on some sort of collective experience.

      So, what are some alternative ways to celebrate? Do you celebrate Pride in ways that deviate from the norm?

      23 votes
    39. What are your favourite transport maps?

      As a railfan and a graphic designer, the first thing I check out when in a new town with public transit is their transit map. You can tell a lot about a city by how they represent themselves on a...

      As a railfan and a graphic designer, the first thing I check out when in a new town with public transit is their transit map. You can tell a lot about a city by how they represent themselves on a transit map, and I myself have designed more maps than I can count. What's the map of your city look like? Do you have a personal favourite you think is really unknown? Any maps that you just want to rant about because of how terrible it is?

      My personal favourite transit map is Constantine Konovalov's Paris Metro Map, I just love how effortlessly it weaves the lines throughout the Peripherique, and how it's not afraid to break its own established rules on angles and circles. Honorable mentions go to the London Tube and Rail map (an absolute classic), and the Mexico City Metro, which assigns a unique symbol to every station for the benefit of passengers who can't read or write.

      Also, designers, feel free to share your transit diagrams! I miss r/transitdiagrams a lot and would love to see your work, fictional, redesign or otherwise!

      18 votes
    40. What are your favourite lightweight websites?

      I'm a huge fan of lightweight sites. They load super fast on mobile and that's the most important thing for me. I found a number of outdated lists online and wanted to hear what your favourites...

      I'm a huge fan of lightweight sites. They load super fast on mobile and that's the most important thing for me. I found a number of outdated lists online and wanted to hear what your favourites are.

      Here is my list.




      • Lots to think about, thank you everyone!
      123 votes
    41. Place to learn Japanese

      So,this has been on my mind for a long time and i have tried some available/widely known methods to learn japanese language.So far iam not satisfied with my results.Can someone suggest me some...

      So,this has been on my mind for a long time and i have tried some available/widely known methods to learn japanese language.So far iam not satisfied with my results.Can someone suggest me some ways that worked for them preferably for free/cheap.The main problem is the letters or characters.i can comprehend and manage to speak a very basic levels of the language mainly from consuming media from japan,some duolingo and such.....
      any and all advice is appreciated
      Help me out guys

      36 votes