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  • Showing only topics with the tag "ask". Back to normal view
    1. Is there a good microprocessor with 24-bit addressing?

      The original IBM 360 had a 24-bit address space. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_System/360 Microprocessors of the golden age of home computing (Apple ][, TRS-80, Commodore 64, CP/M machines...

      The original IBM 360 had a 24-bit address space.


      Microprocessors of the golden age of home computing (Apple ][, TRS-80, Commodore 64, CP/M machines based on the 8080 and Z80) usually had a 16-bit address space, the 8086/8088 was a bit of an exception because it had a segmentation scheme to access 1 MB. (People thought it was awkward but I liked programming it in assembly language and Turbo Pascal) I remember the PDP-11 minicomputer having a 16-bit address space for user programs as well, the machine as a whole could be a lot bigger but an individual logged into it had access to a virtual "home computer" that ran BASIC and all.

      24-bit was a natural evolution and by the late 1980s you started to see 24-bit chips like the 80286 (PC AT) the 65C816 (Apple IIgs, Ninteno SNES), the eZ80 and such. Even the bigger AVR8 processors (I love AVR8 assembly) can have more than 64kb of program memory (flash, read-only in operation) so they use 24-bit addresses for program memory.

      In my mind we never saw a product of this generation that really took advantage of the address space, the 80286 in particular was called "brain damaged" by Bill Gates and operating systems struggled to exploit it. My take is that most of the chips of that generation were flawed in one way or another and were pretty quickly washed away by 32-bit machines when they became affordable in the early 1990s.

      For an example of the difficulties, there is this project to make a retrocomputer that is a bit better than anything we had in the 1980s,


      they are using the 65C816 but not taking advantage of the 24-bit nature. Instead there is a simple bank switching scheme which I think they thought would be easier to program and probably faster. The 65C816 just doesn't have enough registers and addressing modes for it to be really easy to work with far pointers.

      So my question is, if I am a hobbyist who wants to revive the 24-bit generation and I want to have easy access to a 16MB address space, is there some CPU better that doesn't suck? I'd be happy with a CPU that doesn't have virtual memory or other facilities for an advanced operating system (write everything in "real mode") but something that supports an OS would be interesting too. Any ideas?

      7 votes
    2. Fitness Weekly Discussion

      What have you been doing lately for your own fitness? Try out any new programs or exercises? Have any questions for others about your training? Want to vent about poor behavior in the gym? Started...

      What have you been doing lately for your own fitness? Try out any new programs or exercises? Have any questions for others about your training? Want to vent about poor behavior in the gym? Started a new diet or have a new recipe you want to share? Anything else health and wellness related?

      14 votes
    3. Battlebit Remastered is the most fun I've had with a new game all year

      A little indie game made by three people is currently the 11th most played game on steam. 64k players playing at the time of writing, just 10k behind Activision's Modern Warfare 2. Anyone else...

      A little indie game made by three people is currently the 11th most played game on steam.
      64k players playing at the time of writing, just 10k behind Activision's Modern Warfare 2.

      Anyone else having a great time in BattleBit?

      26 votes
    4. Any theatre creatives in the house?

      Any stage actors, agents, designers, directors, managers, playwrights, producers, stage managers, etc. in the house? What are you working on right now? How's it going? Sincerely, A fellow theatre...

      Any stage actors, agents, designers, directors, managers, playwrights, producers, stage managers, etc. in the house?

      What are you working on right now? How's it going?

      A fellow theatre person

      24 votes
    5. How do/did your pets save you?

      I haven't seen a post talking about or sharing pets on Tildes yet. My pets are a huge part of my life, and I'm sure others are the same way. Tell their stories, and post some pictures! Lily was my...

      I haven't seen a post talking about or sharing pets on Tildes yet. My pets are a huge part of my life, and I'm sure others are the same way. Tell their stories, and post some pictures!

      Lily was my wife and I's first pet. We got her at an adoption event, and she was a wonderful animal. Unfortunately, she did not like getting a lot less attention when we had kids. It got to the point where we gave her up to a new home because she was violent with our children. She needed lots of attention, and we couldn't do that for her, she found an only-cat home and is much happier.

      Solo was our second pet, and the old man of the house, being now 10 years old with FIV. My MIL fed the neighborhood cats before they moved, and we noticed this guy in terrible condition. He had no chip, and it looks like no home for a while. My wife originally said we would keep him until he got better, then we would put him up for adoption. Instead, we decided to keep him. At night he comes upstairs and lays on me before bed, purring heavily. Best anti-anxiety medicine ever!

      Aurora is our newest addition to our family. She's a total goofball and brings joy and silliness to our home. even though she's a Husky, she doesn't "talk" much, but all the other melodrama is still there. She always wants to hold my hand as a sign of affection, and wants all the love all the time, just like she gives. She helps me stick to my running regiment being my running buddy, and has done noticeable wonders for my mental health, something both my parents and siblings have told me.

      23 votes
    6. How are you reacting to the current climate in the product design and UX space?

      I have been a product designer and experience architect since before “UX” even meant anything. I’ve never wanted for work, and I’ve always been confident in my skills as a leader both on the...

      I have been a product designer and experience architect since before “UX” even meant anything.

      I’ve never wanted for work, and I’ve always been confident in my skills as a leader both on the product and business strategy side.

      But especially recently, I’ve started to feel some tremors I’ve never felt before:

      1. A massive amount of young talent has flooded the industry via UX programs and boot camps - and much of them are quite talented!
      2. Layoffs have further upped the available workers
      3. AI and Automation have made good designers even more efficient, and even inexperienced designers can now move at the speed of light.

      I also have some personal situations at play:

      1. I took the last few years to launch and grow my own product business - scaling that eventually to an exit. So I’ve been out of the “product designer” game a bit - as I’ve been immersed in everything that comes with being a founder and startup growth.
      2. I now have a family - I can’t grind as hard as I used to.

      All this gives me some qualms about the ability to find work in the future.

      With an industry now flooded in talent, and AI that commodifies and democratizes UI design - making it easier than ever to spit out good design - is there job security for product designers the next few years?

      What does that look like? How will pay be affected? Where will the opportunity be?

      14 votes
    7. Any Tasker users around?

      I just recently joined Tildes (absolutely loving it so far, by the way) and also recently left Reddit. r/Tasker will probably be the hardest for me to let go of since I'm an avid Tasker fan/user,...

      I just recently joined Tildes (absolutely loving it so far, by the way) and also recently left Reddit.

      r/Tasker will probably be the hardest for me to let go of since I'm an avid Tasker fan/user, so I'm just trying to gauge the audience for that type of discussion and topics here on Tildes.

      I'm not as big of a power user in phone automation as I would like to become but I'm fairly savvy and am learning more all the time.

      15 votes
    8. Any writers in here?

      My absolute favorite sub even before getting defaulted was writingprompts. Basically people posted a prompt to spark an idea, and everyone would type up little stories. It's be cool to see some...

      My absolute favorite sub even before getting defaulted was writingprompts. Basically people posted a prompt to spark an idea, and everyone would type up little stories. It's be cool to see some stories here so if you guys wanna try it, let's make Top Level Replies restricted to prompts, Second Level Replies the stories, and Third nested can just be the comments.

      I'll post a prompt to get started, and a reply (I emailed these to myself back in 2015 so I don't have the username on hand). Don't be shy! And for any non-prompt replies just post a reply to the comment I made below for just that.

      PS: Luna_Lovewell if you somehow find this please come back and write just a few more :]

      15 votes
    9. COM+ alternatives in 2023?

      We are small company and have utilized COM+ on the server for the last 20 years. Strictly Windows and all LAN based communication. We are rewriting in c#. What are some alternatives that I can...

      We are small company and have utilized COM+ on the server for the last 20 years. Strictly Windows and all LAN based communication. We are rewriting in c#. What are some alternatives that I can look in to that may be better in terms of speed or management for COM+?

      7 votes
    10. What are your favorite sports, how they're different from other sports, and what do you like about them?

      Here, I am asking you to talk about the sports you love. They may be either obscure or popular and well-known. What is their place in your life? Have you practiced those sports, or are you simply...

      Here, I am asking you to talk about the sports you love. They may be either obscure or popular and well-known. What is their place in your life? Have you practiced those sports, or are you simply a fan and an expectator? What people don't get about the sport you love? What are some common misconceptions you would like to dispel? How would you convince someone to learn more about those sports?

      15 votes
    11. Slush Idea Bin

      Here's something I want to try, a sort of here's an idea thread for things you want to write down or think that are a good idea, but have no intention of exploring. All top level posts should be...

      Here's something I want to try, a sort of here's an idea thread for things you want to write down or think that are a good idea, but have no intention of exploring. All top level posts should be similar to shower thoughts in spontaneity, but allow you to further explore them should you choose to. Effectively, it's an Adopt a Thought!

      22 votes
    12. What was your favorite older social media site/app? What did you like or dislike?

      +1 for slashdot, mainly because of intelligent topics and conversations about science, technology, scifi, games and all that fun stuff. Community participation and quality discourse made it...

      +1 for slashdot, mainly because of intelligent topics and conversations about science, technology, scifi, games and all that fun stuff. Community participation and quality discourse made it interesting.

      Everything on popular social media "out there" now is about click bait and sound bites, even comments and replies. Posts (and communities) are reduced to nothing more than grabbing a few seconds of attention.

      69 votes
    13. What anime are you looking forward to for the summer season?

      Let me be totally honest: this is kind of a weird thread for me to make, considering I haven't kept up with new seasonal anime (or even continuing sequels!) in a looooooooooong time. However, my...

      Let me be totally honest: this is kind of a weird thread for me to make, considering I haven't kept up with new seasonal anime (or even continuing sequels!) in a looooooooooong time. However, my absolute favorite anime is getting a remake, and because I actually live in Japan with an active-at-night schedule, I might even be able to watch the TV broadcast.

      Basically, despite all the controversy and Problematic Elements with the author, I'm absolutely excited for the new Rurouni Kenshin anime. In fact, I'm kinda glad that anime discussion no longer exists on Reddit, because I could see discussion about it being turned into a Comment Graveyard/ Locked Thread.

      But this is just one anime (that will have stances both for and against it). What about YOU- what are you excited for in summer for anime?

      14 votes
    14. What are your easiest vegan meals?

      I specifically say "easiest" not "best", because sometimes we're tired after work and just want a five/ten minute thing. I'm currently eating a bowl of my easiest salad, consisting of: Ingredients...

      I specifically say "easiest" not "best", because sometimes we're tired after work and just want a five/ten minute thing.

      I'm currently eating a bowl of my easiest salad, consisting of:

      Can of chickpeas
      Bunch of roquette (aragula for the Americans here)
      Couple of handfuls of green beans
      Couple of tomatoes
      Alfalfa if you have it

      2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
      Olive oil
      Swish of red wine vinegar (white wine vinegar would work as well, as would balsamic probably)
      Lemon juice
      Dried dill (optional)

      Looks like a lot, but if you have the ingredients it's super easy.

      1. Drain the chickpeas, put in a bowl, add all the dressing stuff.
      2. Stir, and also maybe mash some of the chickpeas for texture (I just use a fork and do both at the same time)
      3. Roughly chop up the tomatoes and green beans, add them and the roquette/alfalfa to the chickpeas, then eat.
        Takes like five minutes.

      What are yours? I am so so often lazy and hungry. I need easy recipes.

      45 votes
    15. A brief thought on “prestigious” employers and “career downgrades”

      I currently work for a “prestigious” company (you’ve heard the name) and have for a few years now. As a college student, my peers, friends, and my parents friends kept telling me how jealous they...

      I currently work for a “prestigious” company (you’ve heard the name) and have for a few years now. As a college student, my peers, friends, and my parents friends kept telling me how jealous they were of me for getting into such a great company.

      I am quickly finding out that the “prestige” this company has was in reality really great marketing and that I do not particularly enjoy working there. I work way too much (12 hour days, 5am - 5pm are not uncommon) and I don’t like the toxic culture. It makes me anxious and depressed.

      Is it really worth it? Should I apply to the local government jobs that pay $20k less but offer actual pensions (not 401k), are chill (my friend does Azure/AWS trainings and scrolls Reddit, and 40 hours a week if that? Everyone I bring this up to says it’s a total career downgrade and a bad idea.

      43 votes
    16. Anchor text at the top to reply without scrolling?

      Edit — thanks to all who replied and educated me on this. I thought I'd do this rather than pollute the thread with single thank you posts while I learn the ropes here. Hi, I'm brand new here so...

      Edit — thanks to all who replied and educated me on this. I thought I'd do this rather than pollute the thread with single thank you posts while I learn the ropes here.


      I'm brand new here so this could well be answered and I'm just being stupid. Very probable tbh!

      I'm on a macbook and iphone and one thing I noticed was it's a bit of a trek scrolling down to comment. Not that I've done that much.

      Now I love, really love, the lightweight and speedy nature of this site (and incidentally looking forward to brushing up on my Markdown) and am hoping that with the influx feature bloat doesn't happen but would a small anchor text link somewhere up top be in order to quickly get to the comment field?

      Let me know how idiotic I am and why or.. if I'm lucky.. how much of a genius I am!



      6 votes
    17. Should retail businesses be required to accept cash?

      inspired by a law my local county council has been debating (local news article, press release from January from the sponsoring councilmember, and actual text of the proposed law) from the press...

      inspired by a law my local county council has been debating (local news article, press release from January from the sponsoring councilmember, and actual text of the proposed law)

      from the press release:

      During and even before the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses in the Seattle area and beyond began shifting to cashless operation, leaving people who rely on cash with fewer options to purchase goods and services. Research, however, shows that cashless businesses most impact communities of color, seniors, people with disabilities, undocumented residents, refugee and immigrant and communities and low-income communities.


      At least 2.1% of Washington residents are unbanked, meaning they don’t have bank accounts, credit cards or other typical financial services, according to the 2021 FDIC Household Survey. Five-year estimates put that number even higher – at 3.1%. More than 17% of residents are underbanked, meaning they might have a bank account but often rely on alternative financial services, such as money orders, check-cashing services and payday loans.


      The legislation would require businesses in unincorporated King County to accept cash for most retail transactions, and to not charge higher prices than for another form of payment. It would allow for retailers to only accept up to $250 in cash payment for single transactions larger than that amount. It would allow for civil actions to be brought by someone whose cash payment was refused.

      what do you think about requiring this?

      (especially interested in responses from around the world and not just the US, since I think cash vs. card reliance varies considerably by country)

      51 votes
    18. Just One's "land mine" cards

      My friends and I have been striving for the perfect score of 13 in Just One, and there's almost always one or two cards which make it seemingly impossible unless you're very lucky. Just One if...

      My friends and I have been striving for the perfect score of 13 in Just One, and there's almost always one or two cards which make it seemingly impossible unless you're very lucky.

      Just One if you're unfamiliar, is a game where your teammate wants to guess a word -- and you each independently give a one-word clue, "Donkey", "Dreamworks", "Ogre". If two or more players write the same word, all those clues get hidden -- so your clues can't be too obvious.

      The words vary absurdly in difficulty from words like "Wine" and "Snake" where you can basically break the game by listing wines and snakes -- to words like "Mexico" and "Strawberry" where you can come at them from a few directions. ...But about 10% of the words are things like "Grotto", "Couscous" and "Ramses" where honestly, you could possibly sit down with someone for 30 minutes describing them in excruciating detail, and they might still not come up with those particular words. Could you describe "Couscous" to your 10-year-old nephew who lives on Chick-fil-A and Mcdonalds? Could you disambiguate a "Grotto" from a cave, cavern, bunker or lair? Sometimes it's a vocabulary thing but more often, it's just words with a lot of synonyms.

      I call these "land mine" cards and I'm curious if anyone else has noticed this phenomenon. Have any of you gotten a perfect score in Just One? If so did you randomly dodge these land mines or did you overcome them with a really perfect clue?

      5 votes
    19. How can an operations manager break into tech?

      I'm a few years out of college and just landed my first "career" job last fall as an operations manager at a non-tech company. I enjoy the work and am learning a lot, but the work/life balance...

      I'm a few years out of college and just landed my first "career" job last fall as an operations manager at a non-tech company. I enjoy the work and am learning a lot, but the work/life balance leaves a bit to be desired with very limited PTO days. My girlfriend and I want to move to the Denver area about a year from now and I want to try to get a job in the tech industry doing operations or project management.

      Have any of you been in my position before? What kind of jobs can someone with about 2 years of operations management experience find to get them on the project manager track at a tech company?

      7 votes
    20. Any suggestions for getting into DnD?

      I've been interested in getting into it for the last few years but haven't managed to get started, no one I know personally is into it, and within online communities I'm a part of I sometimes miss...

      I've been interested in getting into it for the last few years but haven't managed to get started, no one I know personally is into it, and within online communities I'm a part of I sometimes miss dates for campaigns, often due to my work schedule.

      18 votes
    21. Series finales and a lack of closure

      I just finished a show, and it, like a lot of shows that I've watched recently, ended rather abruptly. As soon as "the point of the show" concluded, so did the show itself. I don't know if this is...

      I just finished a show, and it, like a lot of shows that I've watched recently, ended rather abruptly. As soon as "the point of the show" concluded, so did the show itself. I don't know if this is a more recent trend or just something I've noticed recently, but I find nine times out of ten I really dislike it. It feels like they just don't give the viewers a chance to sit with the ending and this universe they've come to love. No time to sit and enjoy the view from the peak, no last drink with the friends you made along the way, no five years later "where are they now?". Just a kind of ambiguous ending that can be taken either way and a feeling of "there's gotta be one more episode right?"

      Do people actually enjoy this? I feel like they must because how often I see it in movies and TV, but at the same time, I sorta just feel like it's a cheap way to add some depth to the ending without actually pinning yourself down to actually ending the show/movie. If people wanted it to end with A they can read into the ending that A happened, if they wanted B, same case.

      19 votes
    22. Classical music for working out? (Also, ambient/trance recommendations?)

      What's your classical music playlist when you hit the gym? Lately, I've been enjoying classical minimalist composers for my workouts. I like that the pieces are long and build gradually, which...

      What's your classical music playlist when you hit the gym? Lately, I've been enjoying classical minimalist composers for my workouts. I like that the pieces are long and build gradually, which matches the energy and intensity I feel in a cardio workout. Also, the minimalist pieces I select have no rubato, so I can get in a groove. They often lack variety in dynamics, which is good because I want to be able to hear the music over gym noise. Most importantly, they are droning and repetitive in a way that doesn't demand constant attention. They allow me to enter a meditative state.

      Here's my playlist these days:

      More than suggestions, I'm just curious to hear what classical music is on your playlist. But also I'm curious about ambient/trance suggestions, as I suspect that there's a lot in those genres that might fit my criteria, but I'm ignorant on the topic.

      7 votes
    23. Best grill brush?

      So I'm a new grill owner (gas) and don't yet have an actual brush to clean the grates off between use. So far I've just been scraping them clean with whatever I have nearby (foil has worked well...

      So I'm a new grill owner (gas) and don't yet have an actual brush to clean the grates off between use. So far I've just been scraping them clean with whatever I have nearby (foil has worked well enough) but I want to buy an actual brush.

      Thing is, I keep hearing all this horror talk about wire brushes getting lodged in your gut due to them shedding. Any recommendations for a good brush? Either a wire one that is known to be high quality, or a nylon one that is built well? Any other tools you use often on your grill that I should invest in?

      8 votes
    24. With rising costs of just about everything, what are some frugal things you do to save some cash?

      I'm new to tildes and thought I'd start a topic about frugality, as it's something constantly on my mind. (hopefully ~life is the right place, apologies in advance if not!) I try to look at...

      I'm new to tildes and thought I'd start a topic about frugality, as it's something constantly on my mind. (hopefully ~life is the right place, apologies in advance if not!) I try to look at spending a few ways; cost, environmental impact, and time. The time is important, because some frugal tips take up so much time that they end up not being very frugal in the long run. So here are some of the things I've done or started doing in the past few years to try and bring our monthly budget down without giving up much.

      Started using Flipp, Ibotta and Flash Food.

      These three apps aren't going to save you a ton but enough to make a difference without much effort. Flipp uses your location to gather all the circular ads for stores near you so you can compare prices on items more efficiently. Ibotta is a rebate app that is quick and easy, just claim anything you might buy and once you hit 20 bucks you can redeem for gift cards or cash. The key is to only buy things if it ends up being cheaper than the option you normally buy, or stuff you buy already. Flash Food is a new favorite and isn't everywhere but can be really beneficial for produce particularly. Participating stores list items that are overstock or near expiration for significant discounts. You buy right on the app, and head to the the flash food station in the store to pick them up. Mine is by the self checkouts, there's a big freezer with the logo stationed there. They have huge produce boxes often for only 5 bucks! The assortment of goods will vary by store and time of day so I check every so often if I know I'll be near or going grocery shopping anyways.

      *If you don't have flash food, there's another called Too Good To Go, It's not in my area so I can't say how useful it is. However, it works similarly for stores but also includes restaurants.

      Switched to a double edged safety razor

      with a bit of practice, they are just as easy to use as a cartridge razor. The best part is after the initial cost they are CHEAP and you aren't throwing away plastic cartridges anymore.

      Vacuum Sealer and Deep Freezer

      I slept on a vacuum sealer for far too long, theses keep frozen goods better for so long without worry of freezer burn. Combine that with Flash Food, and you can really save without much effort.

      Switched to a Menstrual Cup

      I did this many years ago and never looked back. I will be upfront and say that it isn't going to be for everyone, we are all shaped different! However there are many more options for reusable products these days if a cup just doesn't work (discs, cloth pads, and period panties to name a few.) I have endometriosis and I'm a heavy bleeder so this has easily saved me thousands in disposable costs and worked better for me anyhow.


      This one is tough because it's easy to go over board with costs, but if you get creative with containers and boxes, buy loads of dirt instead of bags, and start from seed indoors and it can be a pretty cheap way to have fresh produce. Add in the vacuum sealer or canning and you can make it even more worth the time. To go with that, I collect rainwater. This is dependent on your local regs of course so find that out first!

      Instead of going out to dinner with friends, host pot lucks instead.

      This saves everyone money, you still get to see your buds and have a super nice meal. Throw in some board games and it's sure to be a good evening and only cost you the price of a dish.

      Rotate your streaming services and other subscriptions

      You can't watch them all at once, so why pay for them all the time? I'm sure they are all about to make it harder to share following in Netflix's footsteps so it's a good time to sit down and look at what you are paying for and what you are actually using. You'd be surprised how easy it is to shave off some costs.

      Eliminate single use items where you can

      I've already touched on this, but things like paper towels, paper plates, plastic storage bags etc add up if you are using them frequently. There are so many things that fill our landfills just for convenience and you are paying for the privilege! There are so many great reusable items these days, it's become more affordable for upfront costs. Coffee pods, makeup wipes, razors, swiffers, bottled water -- it's never ending and all cost more than their frugal alternatives. For instance, I drink tea and switched to a reusable diffuser and loose leaf as well as using an electric kettle instead of turning on the stove or microwave using much less energy and the used tea is good compost and breaks down faster than the bagged variety.

      Use your dishwasher

      It seems silly, and obviously not everyone has one, but a relatively newer dishwasher is going to use a lot less water than handwashing and it disinfects better.

      Feeling like you need that decor item? Try moving decor around instead

      You should be deep cleaning your home anyways, and if things feel stale and you are itching to spend try moving things around instead. You'll often find that you are just bored with the current layout of things. So while cleaning, switch it up!

      Keep inventory of your freezer

      Deep freezers are easy to lose things in, or forget are in there when you go shopping. I use a notes app shared with my husband with a list of stuff in the freezer so we don't buy things we already have and it's easier to figure out a meal at a glance at the list.

      At least try to fix or mend things instead of buying new

      It's certainly not feasible with some things anymore, and sometimes it ends up being more expensive but it never hurt to take a second look at something before rebuying. Mending clothing, buying a cheap part etc can save you some money and keep things out of the landfill.

      I'm excited to read any ideas you guys have. My next venture is going to be meal prepping, so any tips for that would be extra awesome!

      105 votes
    25. Upgrading power bank with modifications?

      Hello ~tech, I have a Mi Power Bank 2C (PLM06ZM) and wish to upgrade it to able to charge or be charged with a 65W USB C port, with minimal damage, harm and according to USB C PD standards. My...

      Hello ~tech,

      I have a Mi Power Bank 2C (PLM06ZM) and wish to upgrade it to able to charge or be charged with a 65W USB C port, with minimal damage, harm and according to USB C PD standards.

      My chargers use 9V, 12V, 15V and 20V, the last one which my ThinkPad X280 uses.

      Online searches for a 65W power bank enclosure without the batteries yield no suitable results, so I might need to use a PD Decoy board.

      Are there any advice, links to guides and resources I could use to accomplish my objective?

      Thank you.

      7 votes
    26. Everything about air frying

      I think with new users from Reddit coming up to Tildes is time for a new thread about air frying!. What's your favorite accessory, trick, blog, recipe you like to use with your air fryer?.

      28 votes
    27. I'm buying a new build house in the UK and want advice

      As the title says I'm a first time buyer buying a new build in the UK. It's built by the council and a reputable builders and has the standard warenty and such so I'm not too worried about quality...

      As the title says I'm a first time buyer buying a new build in the UK. It's built by the council and a reputable builders and has the standard warenty and such so I'm not too worried about quality but it's still a huge life change. I'm getting the keys and moving in in a fortnight. I don't have too much stuff to move in as I've been lodging for a while, lots of furniture to aquire! For those who've done this before, what did you wish you knew at the time and what should I look out for?

      14 votes
    28. SEO for niche topics

      Hi All, As yet another reddit transplant (YART) I've been watching the drama on that other platform and reflecting on what the most important aspects of successful online discussions are for me....

      Hi All,

      As yet another reddit transplant (YART) I've been watching the drama on that other platform and reflecting on what the most important aspects of successful online discussions are for me.

      One of the things that I value(d) most about reddit was the ability to use the keyword reddit in DuckDuckGo or Google searches to help me find more relevant and helpful content about a variety of niche subjects. So far, it seems to me like Tildes has some potential to fill this role based on its emphasis of thoughtful text content. Also, these types of searches add credibility to a site when random internet browsers stumble across a thread discussing their exact question.

      One thought that I had along these lines was that people who care about this type of thing could make a concerted effort to transport content from reddit and other sites to be shared here. I don't think it would be appropriate to just copy and paste text without adding at least a bit of original thoughts or context. However, I often find myself researching niche products or ideas to such an extent that I could write up a nice summary of all my findings. A post like that could be a nice crash course to others or a fun way to introduce people to ideas they didn't know about.

      Would people here be interested in consciously doing this type of thing? We could all make nice amalgamations of information we think is important as we independently research topics and post them here to boost discussion and boost Tildes threads in web search results.

      18 votes
    29. What music documentaries have you enjoyed?

      I've realized recently how much of a throughline music documentaries and behind-the-scenes features have been in my life. Like watching whatever VH1 "Behind the Music" was on or watching Prodigy's...

      I've realized recently how much of a throughline music documentaries and behind-the-scenes features have been in my life. Like watching whatever VH1 "Behind the Music" was on or watching Prodigy's "Electronic Punks" VHS for the umpteenth time.

      What music docs have you really enjoyed historically or recently?

      I've been working my way through Hip Hop Evolution on Netflix and it has been a real joy re-familiarizing myself with 90s and aughts hip hop and diving deeper into the 70s and 80s. I feel like they've done a really good job covering the history and the context for the different styles emerging.

      Sound City details the history of the prolific LA studio where many well-known rock artists have recorded. There is a palpable reverence for analog recording and the Neve Electronics 8028 mixing console specifically. I thought it was interesting to learn about and hear from the different bands about their experiences there.

      I'm guessing most people have seen Peter Jackson's recent one, Get Back, so for something more obscure... if you're a Depeche Mode fan there's a series of short docs on YouTube, one for each album up through Exciter I think. Really cool history on the band and the process of creating each album, cut together from interviews with the band members as well as many of their team and recording collaborators.

      26 votes
    30. Keyboard thread

      Hey guys, anyone else into keyboards? Would love to hear about what you use or experiment with, I've only been into the hobby a few months so I am still pretty new. I'd love to hear your guys set...

      Hey guys, anyone else into keyboards? Would love to hear about what you use or experiment with, I've only been into the hobby a few months so I am still pretty new. I'd love to hear your guys set up and what got you into it, how it's evolved.

      Currently rocking a Keychron Q2 (65%) with Tecsee purple panda switches and Drop MT3 Cyber keycaps - Co piloting this is a KBDcrafts Addams numpad with their s2 engine switches.

      I do also have a keychron Q8 (Alice) in transit - I plan to swap the switches to the KBD s2 engine switches as I am really liking them on the numpad. I ordered this model because my carpal tunnel issues are what awoke me to the mechanical keyboard world, the alice layout isn't perfect but better than standard for ergos it looks like.

      Early on in the hobby I was convinced I'd be a tactile switch guy, but the s2 engine switches really changed my mind on liking linear, eager to try a full board with them.

      This got rambly, but would love to hear from others into the hobby!

      71 votes
    31. Show recommendations for my parents

      Would anyone who watches more TV than I do (not hard) like to help me pick some shows for my parents to watch? On their own they just watch whatever's on cable/satellite channels and don't enjoy...

      Would anyone who watches more TV than I do (not hard) like to help me pick some shows for my parents to watch? On their own they just watch whatever's on cable/satellite channels and don't enjoy it very much. They're conservative-leaning boomers, but I like to give them subtly progressive stuff. In the past they have praised The Good Place (but, crucially, lost interest before the end of season 2). They really loved the first two seasons of Ted Lasso (will watch the third one soon) and of Only Murders In the Building (I believe they'll watch season 3 of that as well, when it's out).

      Some more information about their tastes: Probably no recurring kid stuff whatsoever (a side character or two in their late teens are probably fine). Good humor is fine but nothing that gets too goofy (might be why The Good Place was dropped). Nothing that's too heavily horror or mystery; no police procedurals (Only Murders was skirting that line). Anything that feels like generic, quintessential hollywood will probably be rejected outright (european shows will get more of a pass). And definitely, absolutely, not a hint of high fantasy, sci-fi or space travel of any kind. Some light romance is good; travel is good; places around the world instead of LA-is-everything.

      I'm looking for modern shows with good writing and actors, don't necessarily have to be famous. Modern shows - especially shows made for streaming - are more likely to have portuguese subtitles available, which are a must.


      EDIT: A clarification re: children - My parents love children. They have toddler grandkids and spend an unreasonable amount of time with them. They're just the kind of TV watchers who aren't at all interested in kid POV/kid centric episodes, because they don't identify with their worries and dramas anymore, so these quickly make them lose interest. I know there are people right here on tildes who feel the same way.

      It's still OK for children to exist in the story, though. Don't overthink it too much :)

      22 votes
    32. How do you manage your finances?

      Always curious what others peoples finances look like, what they use to manage it, etc. Do you use budgeting software? Do you follow a certain "method" to achieve your financial goals? How strict...

      Always curious what others peoples finances look like, what they use to manage it, etc.

      Do you use budgeting software? Do you follow a certain "method" to achieve your financial goals? How strict are you with your budget? Do you automate your retirement investments/contributions?

      45 votes
    33. What are some noteworthy games that aren't available through traditional/common means?

      I originally asked this three years ago and got some great responses. Now that we have a lot more users active here and we're living three years in the future, I'd love to ask it again and see...

      I originally asked this three years ago and got some great responses. Now that we have a lot more users active here and we're living three years in the future, I'd love to ask it again and see what comes up!

      I'm interested in hearing about games that exist off the main map of gaming: games that I can't buy from any of the common storefronts and games that aren't easily playable through an emulator.

      Examples of things I'm interested in hearing about:

      • Long-forgotten abandonware
      • Homebrew games for consoles
      • Romhacks
      • Legally dubious fan-games
      • Total conversion mods
      • ARGs
      • Web games (not ones on sites like Kongregate/GameJolt though)
      • Independently distributed games (that you can't get through, say, itch.io)
      • Games for systems that aren't currently emulatable
      • Games that have been removed from distribution
      • Games with servers or content that are no longer operational
      • Anything else you think fits the question, really

      Tell me about the game(s) you know of and what makes them noteworthy.

      82 votes
    34. Any "The Leftovers" fans on Tildes?

      One of my favorite subreddits was about the show "The Leftovers". I don't know anyone in real life that has watched it and seeing what people thought while watching the show / after their first...

      One of my favorite subreddits was about the show "The Leftovers". I don't know anyone in real life that has watched it and seeing what people thought while watching the show / after their first watch was great.

      My first watch (and rewatch). Beware, it includes spoilers! Like 99% of it is spoilers.

      When I first watched season three had just came out. I was ~20 year old and quite impatient person. I binge-watched it eager to find out where the 2% all went. I finished it and didn't think much of it... or so I thought. I put it in the same "basket" with Lost and that was it.

      Few weeks after finishing it I was catching myself thinking about the characters, about their story, about the feelings I had while I was watching the show... I am a huge fan of Max Richter (and cinematic music, in general) and every time youtube plays me The departure, it's like I am seeing the hopelessness in the eyes of most of the characters. It's the only show that has affected me that much so far.

      I recently rewatched it, and having known the end, the entire journey through the seasons was totally new experience. I knew what happened to everyone and I was just observing all of their emotions, behavior, choice of words... I found the show somehow better than my first watch.

      Of course, besides the story, the cast had a crucial part to how great this show was for me. Everyone played their role beautifully. The only character that was somehow redundant (in its current state) was Jill.

      So, has anyone here seen the show and what are your thoughts about it?

      26 votes
    35. Simple, ethical, decent shoe recommendations

      After several years, my current pair of shoes has finally fallen apart. I don't need to look cool, or any other bells and whistles. I am looking for a simple pair of men's shoes. I want something...

      After several years, my current pair of shoes has finally fallen apart. I don't need to look cool, or any other bells and whistles. I am looking for a simple pair of men's shoes. I want something that preferably doesn't use sweat shops.

      Any suggestions?

      36 votes
    36. How to get back into recording music?

      Many years ago I used to record a variety of music on an old Macbook and a dodgy copy of Logic Pro with various Native Instruments VSTs. I had so much fun playing the drums badly on my midi pads,...

      Many years ago I used to record a variety of music on an old Macbook and a dodgy copy of Logic Pro with various Native Instruments VSTs.

      I had so much fun playing the drums badly on my midi pads, tightening them up in Logic, and then doing random stuff with the beat editor (changing velocity curves for specific notes like hi-hats, adding in random hits) to make it sound less rigid. Then maybe I'd record my acoustic guitar with my crappy mic, throw some reverb on it, add some vocals. Man, it was a blast!

      It's been over a decade since I did that, and now I'd like to get back into that world again and produce some of my own backing music for my YouTube and TikTok videos, but I honestly don't know where to start.

      I guess the big difference now is that I'm on Windows, and there is no Logic Pro here. The Ableton and Maschine layouts don't really make sense to me (I think these are more loop driven?). Reaper seems quite spartan compared to how I remember Logic (I know this is probably not actually the case, but the discoverability is not great imo).

      If anyone has any suggestions about where I should start - I'm mostly looking for something that has the same layout as Logic did 10+ years ago (or at least, something that would feel similar and intuitive)- a big timeline where I can drag stuff around and try different arrangements, a piano editor I can break out at the bottom, a drum editor I can break out, set the note length and just drag my left-clicked mouse across to have a million hi-hat hits and then play around with deleting different hits until I get the right vibe, the draw the velocity across all of them easily.

      The gear I have right now:

      • Maschine MK3
      • Some M-Audio super mini midi keyboard
      • An old-school Metric Halo ULN-2 (this thing STILL costs a thousand bucks?!)
      • A few Shure mics and a Wave 3 USB mic

      Thanks in advance!

      18 votes
    37. Are any AI virtual assistants actually useful?

      AI Virtual Assistants are on the rise, and logically it seems like I could use one to support productivity, small business, neurodivergent accomodations, etc., BUT, when reviewing what's out there...

      AI Virtual Assistants are on the rise, and logically it seems like I could use one to support productivity, small business, neurodivergent accomodations, etc., BUT, when reviewing what's out there they don't seem super useful.

      Otter seems the most useful because it can attend web meetings and record, contextualize screenshares, and sift the transcripts into action items, but it cant go to all webinar services and I'm not sure I can log into this in a corporate platform. Others seem to be able to check a calendar or make a reminder, but nothing I would pay for.

      Some use cases might be gathering basic info from clients, scheduling meetings (calendly can handle this), blocking time for my task lists, writing basic email drafts, adding up expenses each month, sending reminders for customers, etc.

      All of this could happen with various tools, but seem like good territory for an AI Virtual Assistant.

      So, have you found any AI VAs that would be worth paying for? Anything that saves time or makes life easier?

      23 votes
    38. TV Tuesdays Free Talk

      Have you watched any TV shows recently you want to discuss? Any shows you want to recommend or are hyped about? Feel free to discuss anything here. Please just try to provide fair warning of...

      Have you watched any TV shows recently you want to discuss? Any shows you want to recommend or are hyped about? Feel free to discuss anything here.

      Please just try to provide fair warning of spoilers if you can.

      13 votes
    39. Any coin roll hunters on Tildes?

      I was just in the thread about if stores should stop accepting cash, and to my horror there was many people advocating to getrid of small change So are there any coin roll hunters here that would...

      I was just in the thread about if stores should stop accepting cash, and to my horror there was many people advocating to getrid of small change

      So are there any coin roll hunters here that would be mega bummed out if we got rid of small change?

      Here in canada, there's still some neat coins you can find in circulation

      with nickels you can still find old laureate crown portraits and even older king George the 6th, and if your super lucky to hit a collection dump, king George the 5th nickels

      With dimes there was still many silver dimes you can find in circulation, I recently hit 4 rolls of silver dimes on a hunt, awesome collection dump, thats $370 worth of silver for $20, I rode that high for days

      Quarters still have some old silver coins in circulation, but not as many as dimes

      And Canada has something bad the americans dont have ARP, alloy recycling program, you see in canada all modern coins are made of steel on this inside, with plating of other metals,like nickel plated steel or bronze plated steel

      So dimes and quarter pre 2000 are 100% nickel, and ARP takes them out of circulation

      Nickels pre2000 are same alloy American nickels and pre 1982 are 100% nickel, ARP takes both these out of circulation

      So in canada us coin roll hunters are scrambling to get the coins we want before ARP does

      If there are no coin roll hunters to speak up on tildes, AMA about coin roll hunting

      14 votes
    40. K-pop thread

      There's a whole lotta normal music threads, but kpop seems more popular recently. Any songs that people like? Any comebacks you're excited for?

      12 votes
    41. Quote-only orphan comments: useful context or noisy clutter?

      Some of you may have noticed that the threads under some topics include a comment which consists only of some paragraphs quoted from the article posted in the topic, posted by the same user who...

      Some of you may have noticed that the threads under some topics include a comment which consists only of some paragraphs quoted from the article posted in the topic, posted by the same user who posted the topic. (I’m choosing not to link to any examples, because I don’t want to single anyone out for special attention, in case they feel persecuted by this.)

      @cfabbro and I were discussing this in a quiet corner of an old thread, and we came to the conclusion that this was a topic which should be discussed by more than just us two, in the hope of finding a Tildes-wide consensus about a consistent way to treat those quote-only orphan comments.

      The Context

      These quote-only comments are a side-effect of a deliberate feature of Tildes. When you create a topic there are three fields to be completed. The combination of fields you complete determine the type of topic you’re making.

      • Title All topics must have a title. This is compulsory.

      • Link A field for a URL linking to an article or video or other off-site content. This is optional.

      • Text A field for adding text to your post. This is optional.

      If you complete:

      • Link but not Text - this creates a simple link topic: the topic consists only of an off-site link.

      • Text but not Link - this creates a simple text topic: the topic consists only of user-provided text.

      • Link and Text - this produces a complex link topic: the topic consists of an off-site link plus user-provided text. However, the user-provided text is not incorporated into the actual topic, but is split off into a stand-alone comment.

      Some people who post links also like to include a relevant quote to summarise the article they’re posting, to let readers know what the article is about before they click the off-site link. But, as above, this quote gets split off as a stand-alone comment. It is no longer part of the post. It becomes an orphaned comment consisting only of the quote.

      The Question

      Given that these quote-only orphan comments exist, the question arises: how should we treat them?

      It has been observed that there are two diametrically opposed approaches to this:

      • Some people vote on them, seeing them as useful summaries of the posted article, providing some context for the discussion.

      • Some people label them as ‘Noise’, seeing them as pointless extracts from the article, cluttering up the discussion thread.

      In one recent extreme case, a quote-only orphan comment had both 16 votes and was collapsed due to ‘Noise’ labels.

      This is creating some confusion among newcomers to Tildes (as well as some of the old-timers). How are they supposed to vote/label these comments? Well, there’s no clear precedent for them to follow.

      @cfabbro and I decided to put it to all of you. Maybe by discussing this, we can come up with a consistent treatment for these comments.

      So what do you think about these quote-only orphan comments? Are they useful context or noisy clutter? Should we be giving them votes or labelling them as noise?

      37 votes