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  • Showing only topics with the tag "ask.recommendations". Back to normal view
    1. Which debut albums from the 2020s do you recommend?

      We’re almost halfway through the 2020s (hard to believe it, I know!). I’m interested in knowing which music newcomers we should be tuning into, instead of listening to all the same old stuff we...

      We’re almost halfway through the 2020s (hard to believe it, I know!).

      I’m interested in knowing which music newcomers we should be tuning into, instead of listening to all the same old stuff we always do from the last decade.

      So, what have been your favorite debut albums of the 2020s so far? What makes them great?

      38 votes
    2. Share your personal dotfile treats and Unix tool recommendations

      I am currently preparing for a new job and cleaning up my dotfile repository. During the process, I had the idea that it would be nice to create a list of amazing tools, aliases, functions, and...

      I am currently preparing for a new job and cleaning up my dotfile repository. During the process, I had the idea that it would be nice to create a list of amazing tools, aliases, functions, and recommendations together.

      I will start.

      First, here is a list of nice tools to apt-get install or brew install that I can wholeheartedly recommend:

      • nvim is just an amazing text editor.
      • fzf is a very good fuzzy finder util. For example, you can quickly find files with it.
      • eza is a good ls replacement (and the successor of exa).
      • bat is a great replacement for cat with nice integrations and many options.
      • stow is great for managing your dotfiles. Thanks to @TangibleLight for telling me about it some while ago. I really love it.
      • tmux is a terminal multiplexer, i.e. you can have many sessions in one single terminal window. It's easy to use and super helpful. (When on a mac, I prefer iTerm tabs, though.)
      • nvm is practically a must if you are working with Node.
      • glow is an excellent markdown reader.
      • tldr is a nice man replacement. (You must run tldr -u after installing it to update available texts.)
      • z, an amazing tool for switching directories quickly.

      Also, I can recommend Oh My ZSH! which I have been using for years.

      Here is a small list of aliases I enjoy (I have 100+ aliases and I tried to pick some others may enjoy as well):

      # Serve current dir
      alias serve="npx serve ."
      # What's my IP?
      alias ip="curl --silent --compressed --max-time 5 --url 'https://ipinfo.io/ip' && echo ''"
      # This should be the default
      alias mkdir="mkdir -p"
      # Nice git helpers
      alias amend="git add . && git commit --amend --no-edit"
      alias nuke="git clean -df && git reset --hard"
      # Make which more powerful
      which='(alias; declare -f) | /usr/bin/which --tty-only --read-alias --read-functions --show-tilde --show-dot'
      # This saves so many keystrokes, honestly
      alias -- +x="chmod +x"
      # Turns your path into a nice list and prints it
      alias path='echo -e ${PATH//:/\\n}'
      # Map over arguments and run a command
      # Usage: map <command>
      # Example: ls | map cat
      alias map="xargs -n1"

      And, finally, here are some fun functions:

      # Get cheat sheets for almost anything!
      # https://github.com/chubin/cheat.sh
      cheat() {
          WITH_PLUS=$(echo $@ | sed 's/ /+/g')
          CAT_TOOL=$(command -v batcat || command -v bat || command -v cat)
          curl "cheat.sh/$WITH_PLUS" | $CAT_TOOL
      # Send everything to /dev/null
      nullify() {
        "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1
      # Create a new dir and enter it
      mk() {
        mkdir -p "$@" && cd "$_"
      # Create a data URL from a file
      # Source: https://github.com/mathiasbynens/dotfiles/blob/master/.functions
      data-url() {
      	local mimeType=$(file -b --mime-type "$1");
      	if [[ $mimeType == text/* ]]; then
      	echo "data:${mimeType};base64,$(openssl base64 -in "$1" | tr -d '\n')";
      74 votes
    3. Eerie video essays

      Hello! I'm currently in the mood to listen to some spooky video essays in the background while I do other things, but I need some recommendations. The general vibe I'm going for would be something...

      Hello! I'm currently in the mood to listen to some spooky video essays in the background while I do other things, but I need some recommendations. The general vibe I'm going for would be something like blameitonjorge, where there's an eerie style of narration and maybe some mood music. The topic doesn't have to be lost media, it can be anything. I'm also familiar with Night Mind, Nexpo, Inside a Mind, and Wendigoon. Any good suggestions?

      20 votes
    4. Where do you get your fantasy football information?

      It seems like Reddit and Twitter are the best for this but they've both gone down hill. Does anyone have a good RSS feed? Im currently using https://www.thescore.com/author/justin-boone...

      It seems like Reddit and Twitter are the best for this but they've both gone down hill. Does anyone have a good RSS feed?

      Im currently using



      I wouldn't mind more tier like lists, but I want to get more breaking news stuff.

      4 votes
    5. Travel recommendations for Japan

      Hey Everyone, My partner and I are headed on a spontaneous trip to Japan in a few weeks and looking for suggestions. We've heard some great things about Piss Alley and Golden Gai in tokyo, as well...

      Hey Everyone,

      My partner and I are headed on a spontaneous trip to Japan in a few weeks and looking for suggestions. We've heard some great things about Piss Alley and Golden Gai in tokyo, as well as the fish markets, and got really excited about the southern island of Kyushu after watching a video from Huckberry. We're hoping to get out of cities for the most part and into nature/sleepier towns, are able to rent a car but would love to explore as much as we can on trains/bikes, and are really excited about the culture/food/onsens. Really excited to hear about anything you'd recommend based on that or really anything that knocked your socks off!!! Thanks!

      25 votes
    6. Looking for chill horror lets players

      I like to listen to mostly horror let’s plays throughout the day and at bedtime because they are good background noise for me. I just want to find more chill options that don’t do any over the top...

      I like to listen to mostly horror let’s plays throughout the day and at bedtime because they are good background noise for me.

      I just want to find more chill options that don’t do any over the top screaming. Preferably some that need a boost and are lesser known.

      I’ll contribute my own to get started. Her name is Hula Noob and she’s very chill, lots of dialogue and commentary which I like.

      I do know about Gab too. Though she’s a little more diversified. Which is fine.

      18 votes
    7. Three days in England - Overwhelmed by options - Looking for ideas

      Looking for ideas - we're two adults in our mid-30's, no kids. We'll be leaving a wedding on a Monday in Ipswich but our flight home from London isn't until Friday. We'll be spending a week in...

      Looking for ideas - we're two adults in our mid-30's, no kids. We'll be leaving a wedding on a Monday in Ipswich but our flight home from London isn't until Friday. We'll be spending a week in London beforehand so we'd like to explore the countryside.

      The only thing we've (sort of) landed on is seeing/staying in the Cotswolds, and touring some castles (holy crap there's a ton to chose from). We're not big drinkers/partiers but I'd like to be able to go hang out in a real English pub and stay at a Lord-of-the-Rings kind of inn (I already found the inn that the Prancing Pony is based on - thought not sure if we want to stay there).

      Other random thoughts. Unfortunately our schedule doesn't seem like it'll line up with any Premier League games. Not planning on renting a car but can if we absolutely must. Would kind of like to stay in one spot since it's only 3 nights.

      18 votes
    8. Is WoW: The War Within worth it for a mostly solo player?

      I thought I should ask this question here, as I value the input of users here more than strictly WoW-focused places. A brief summary of my relevant likes and dislike. Love solo-friendly MMOs, e.g....

      I thought I should ask this question here, as I value the input of users here more than strictly WoW-focused places. A brief summary of my relevant likes and dislike.

      • Love solo-friendly MMOs, e.g. ESO and GW2
      • Haven't played WoW much but love Warcraft's lore, and been a fan of it for over 2 decades
      • Dislike competitive group content and mandatory structured raiding

      Basically, I am mainly interested in solo content, and story and lore.

      The price of the expac is a bit pricey in my country, so it's a significant monetary expenditure if I choose to buy it. However, nowadays I have exhausted my enthusiasm for the other MMOs mentioned (and a lot more others I haven't mentioned). I've also heard a lot of good things about the solo-friendly nature of this expac. But I still have my reservations, as WoW players tend to hop on a bandwagon rather easily, especially at the start of an expac.

      So, the question stands: do you think it's worth it?

      4 votes
    9. What LitRPG Series do you recommend?

      I read through He Who Fights with Monsters and it was not only my first read into the genre, so far it's been my favorite. I've come to absolutely love the characters, especially the protagonist,...

      I read through He Who Fights with Monsters and it was not only my first read into the genre, so far it's been my favorite. I've come to absolutely love the characters, especially the protagonist, and the humor. Interesting and likeable characters are what makes or breaks a book for me.

      I'm waiting on the next book to release, and in the mean time I've tried reading some others, but I've disliked what I've read so far. I read through the first three and a half books of Defiance of the Fall, but not only is the main character just hands down boring and contradictory, it's made worse by the fact that I don't believe the author is a very good writer. The amount of times a character has "snorted" and "rolled their eyes" is honestly a bad running joke.

      After this I tried reading the Iron Druid Chronicles. It's not a LitRPG book, just a fantasy novel that takes place in modern times, but the author spent very little time on anything but the major plot points. Everything happens in such rapid succession that there's no depth given to the characters. I don't think it's poorly written, I just think it's just written for a different kind of reader. The books are also incredibly short for me, and I finished the first three in just a few days.

      I'm halfway through the first book of The Primal Hunter now, and the writing is far better than Defiance of the Fall, the protagonist much better written, except I'm not sure I like him all that much. Very much the "I'm quiet, smart, and better than everyone" kind of attitude you'd get out of the know it all in high school, except supposedly this guy is a grown adult.

      I've read all of these through Kindle Unlimited and they were all suggested to me by the app itself. I've only recently picked up reading again since dropping Reddit altogether, so I'm not super well versed into the best ways of finding new series to read.

      17 votes
    10. Does anyone here do bead crochet? Could you recommend me supplies to get started?

      I really want to try out bead crochet, I found a decent yt tutorial for starting and this pintrest board has enough patterns to last a lifetime, but i have absolutely no idea where to start in...

      I really want to try out bead crochet, I found a decent yt tutorial for starting and this pintrest board has enough patterns to last a lifetime, but i have absolutely no idea where to start in terms of buying supplies.

      Does anyone here do bead crochet? could you point me in the right direction for the correct floss & beads to use? (and also the needed findings, I think each one needs 2 caps and a tube to stabilize it; I have plenty of jump rings and lobster clasps already cos I do chainmaille so that's not an issue) or any other tips would be appreciated too!!

      14 votes
    11. Suggestions for used and modular laptop for language learning

      I've recently come back to studying German, after having taken a small break for a few months for a new job. My main form of study is immersion (I recently stumbled across the books of Walter...

      I've recently come back to studying German, after having taken a small break for a few months for a new job.

      My main form of study is immersion (I recently stumbled across the books of Walter Moers and haven't looked back since) and conversation practice on iTalki.

      Nowadays, I try my hardest to only buy tech second-hand and preferably as future proof and modular as possible. My go-to machines are a fully modded Lenovo Thinkpad T430, and a more humble Thinkpad X230, both running Linux (Ubuntu and PopOS respectively). They work just fine for my basic needs (mostly surfing, some occasional streaming and word processing). But they struggle during my conversation lessons on iTalki or Zoom, most of the time either overheating or freezing/stumbling. I realize this might be a Linux problem, but I have also found the web camera and built-in microphone on both machines to be really inadequate for video calls. I gave up using my own laptops for my language lessons over a year ago, and now have resorted to stealing my partners Macbook, which isn't ideal.

      Do you have any recommendations for any more recent laptops that would offer a better video conference experience, while offering at least a removable battery? Pricewise it would be great to be find something below €500 used.

      5 votes
    12. What toothpaste do you use?

      Heavily inspired by last week's thread as well as my recent dental health kick, I'm looking for some toothpaste recommendations. Previously, I used an imported UK version of Sensodyne, because it...

      Heavily inspired by last week's thread as well as my recent dental health kick, I'm looking for some toothpaste recommendations.

      Previously, I used an imported UK version of Sensodyne, because it was the only way to get the version with novomin. I've run out of that stuff and have started using an interesting toothpaste I picked up from a Japanese store called AcessL from Sato Pharmaceuticals. It's got a unique herbal flavor to it that I like in small bits, but it's not great for my tongue because it's actually pretty salty-flavored, which turns me off of it.

      33 votes
    13. D&D does dystopian children's fantasy: Looking for some ideas

      Hey ho, so I'm taking over running one of my existing D&D groups. I have a campaign in my pocket that I have run part of before, A dystopian Narnia. If somehow my players meet just the right...

      Hey ho, so I'm taking over running one of my existing D&D groups. I have a campaign in my pocket that I have run part of before, A dystopian Narnia. If somehow my players meet just the right overlaps of nerd and techness to have ended up here. Leave now .

      But it's really a set up for a longer campaign that I hope bridges into more worlds. I have the Narnian World really fleshed out, but if somebody feels particularly passionate and has ideas, please let me know. I can provide any detail folks would like into being asked a tricky question just helps me World build so please go for it.

      The general gist is that our adventurers are pulled by a much weakened aslan from faerun or whatever default world we start from into Narnia. There they find it has been a thousand years of winter and rule by The White Witch. I'm familiar enough with the lore that if they decide to leave the country of Narnia or seek out another witch as an ally I have some options. Hopefully they save the day and free Narnia from Christmas-less winter. (I'm leaning hard into all the broad references to mythology in Narnia, Dionysus and the Maenads, the River God

      If they do, they will receive a set of the magic rings used in The magician's nephew to allow people to pop between Narnia and the wood between the worlds. Allowing them to hop into other stories that have been similarly messed up.

      I am looking for One Big Idea But also some other suggestions

      1. The suggestions I'm looking for are other stories from about the same realm of stories that could be similarly messed up, ideas I had included Dinotopia, Wrinkle in Time, The Rats of NIMH, maybe one of the Discworld stories (I feel like half of those characters would be self aware) particularly thinking middle grade books with a dip towards children's or younger YA stuff, particularly fantasy stories, particularly those with some nostalgia for my fellow millennial PCs. I don't want to touch Harry Potter.

      2. My idea for the reason why the story went wrong is that someone is rewriting it, possibly due to hating children or hating happy endings or something. I wanted a BBEG but I can't think of one. Umbridge is out for the Harry Potter reasons, but who else would go to the trouble? I am planning on the villain having acquired "magical book mcguffin" (that I also need to figure out) that's letting them do this. I like the idea of a villain who gets a lot of power but uses it in such a petty way, to rewrite children's stories

      It'll take a long time to get out of Narnia, we don't play very often, and we may not continue depending on how players feel but as someone who's worked this idea over and over in their head for a while, I would love to get past these things.

      15 votes
    14. Which magazines do you read?

      This about sums it up. I'm looking for good magazines to read. I'm probably going to do a Vogue from Italy, UK, etc, some sort of techy magazines... a wide variety. I've been out of the magazine...

      This about sums it up. I'm looking for good magazines to read. I'm probably going to do a Vogue from Italy, UK, etc, some sort of techy magazines... a wide variety. I've been out of the magazine world for a time, though, so all I seem to know are Conde Nast titles.. which is depressing.

      Stuff available in PDF is ideal, since I'll be pulling these from a library. The magazines don't have to be available in Libby or whatever, though.

      some quick titles I've found that I'll queue up
      • Vogue (intl one)
      • The New Yorker
      • Harpers
      • Cooks Illustrated
      • Bon Appetit
      • Variety
      • Frankie
      • GP Racing (UK)
      19 votes
    15. Is there a digital D&D that is turn-based and go at your own pace?

      I miss playing D&D with a group, but hanging out for 5+ hours at a time every week just doesn't fit into my schedule. However, I was thinking about how some mobile games have handled this - Words...

      I miss playing D&D with a group, but hanging out for 5+ hours at a time every week just doesn't fit into my schedule. However, I was thinking about how some mobile games have handled this - Words with Friends has (had?) a mode where you would get notified when it was your turn, and you could play whenever you had free time. I think there's at least one chess game that operated this way as well.

      I can't imagine many human players would appreciate long waits between moves, when D&D is designed to be very immersive. So I'm being realistic and wondering what options there are as a single player.

      Baulder's Gate 3 is fun, but I don't expect anything with that level of graphical fidelity. And something I could play on my phone would be ideal (but not a dealbreaker if I can't).

      Are there options like this out there, or do I just have to accept that D&D doesn't have a place in my life?

      20 votes
    16. Is there an independent, cross-device cloud sync platform for ebooks?

      I used the Kindle ecosystem for a while before souring on Amazon. Now I’m bought into the Kobo ecosystem, which is great in some ways but frustrating in others. I’m curious if there’s a sort of...

      I used the Kindle ecosystem for a while before souring on Amazon. Now I’m bought into the Kobo ecosystem, which is great in some ways but frustrating in others.

      I’m curious if there’s a sort of DIY book cloud platform out there. I’ve come across a few, but they all seem to lack what, to me, is the killer feature of the Kobo/Kindle platforms:

      Cross-syncing between mobile (iOS), ereader, and web reader

      Most of the ones I’ve found can do this with some of those devices, but not all three.

      I ask because I regularly hop between reading on different devices to the point that I avoid reading books that I can’t do this with (e.g. all my DRM free books, physical books, etc.). I’ve even re-bought books I already own in other formats just so I can have them inside the “sync loop” because it’s so much easier for me. I’d rather not have to do that though.

      Are there any independent options out there that cover this use case? I primarily want to use it for DRM free books I got from bundles, as well as books that I de-DRMed from my Kindle. I would also happily buy a different ereader device that supports this (currently I use a Kobo Forma).

      Meta note: wasn’t sure if this topic was better in ~books or ~tech — feel free to move it if needed!

      17 votes
    17. Recommend me a digital clock?

      I have been having a lot of trouble finding a digital clock. I don't even know where to ask for recs, I tried a couple subreddits but there is no /r/digitalclocks so I'm trying a more general...

      I have been having a lot of trouble finding a digital clock. I don't even know where to ask for recs, I tried a couple subreddits but there is no /r/digitalclocks so I'm trying a more general place here and maybe someone can help?

      My requirements (I'm in the USA so that's where the time finding needs to happen):

      1. It autosets the time based on the radio signal
      2. It automatically detects DST
      3. Backup battery so if I get a power failure it doesn't lose the time
      4. The time is the only thing on the display. (Although, this seems to be the hardest one to find, so, if it also shows the temperature or something, that's ok, as long as the time is a lot bigger than anything else)
      5. Not willing to spend more than $50 on a clock
      6. Needs to be LED not LCD, i.e. I want to be able to see the time in a dark room without pressing a light-up button or anything

      Additional bonuses:

      1. If it has a rainbow display
      2. If it has a USB charging port
      3. Big numbers, like at least 1.5" tall

      I don't care about the alarm or any overhead projection features.

      If you have a digital clock that you love that meets these requirements (or at least mostly does) I would like to hear about it!! Thanks!!

      11 votes
    18. What are your favorite Dreamcast games? Any odd or unique ones worth playing?

      I was impressed with our community’s response to this same question for the PlayStation. I’m thinking of focusing my gaming habits on the Dreamcast for the month of September by emulating some old...

      I was impressed with our community’s response to this same question for the PlayStation.

      I’m thinking of focusing my gaming habits on the Dreamcast for the month of September by emulating some old classics and hidden gems. I’d love to hear this community’s recommendations for the greatest underdog console of all time.

      Let me know what games for Dreamcast you think are still worth playing today, especially less well-known ones, and why!

      Homebrew and fan translations are also eagerly welcome!

      25 votes
    19. Looking for a clean, simple phone

      I was asked to recommend a phone to an older relative that is bad with technology and wanted to ask some advice. It is important that the phone is reliable and clean. That is no bloatware, popups,...

      I was asked to recommend a phone to an older relative that is bad with technology and wanted to ask some advice.

      It is important that the phone is reliable and clean. That is no bloatware, popups, adware, nagware or anything like that. Other than that the requirements are simply as good a camera as is available at the budget and maps.

      The options I can see are:

      • standard Android phone - Personally I have Samsung A34 which would fit the hw and price but the sw is horrible. I also have no current experience with custom ROMs as I went with adb(and Universal Android Debloater for ease of use) to remove the worst of it. From what I have heard the Google Pixel comes with least amount of bloat as Android(single source) but they seemed to have different problems with hw each generation and the price would mean an older one. Maybe something else would be better choice here.

      • iPhone - honestly I have zero experience here as I never had it so I don't even know how much it would fit. The price would also mean an older or used model

      • Dumb or KaiOS phone would fail the camera requirement and the minimal phones mentioned here(eg. Light phone, Minimal phone) are expensive for what they are and I am not convinced a good choice here given the usual problems with niche hw and sw(but maybe I am wrong?)

      I am in EU and the budget is less than 500EUR, preferably less than 350EUR.

      23 votes
    20. Looking for some Switch recommendations

      Hey guys, I've had a Switch for a couple of years but I haven't really played it lately because I've kinda been disappointed with the last two titles I've played. I've played God of War recently...

      Hey guys,

      I've had a Switch for a couple of years but I haven't really played it lately because I've kinda been disappointed with the last two titles I've played. I've played God of War recently and I was just blown away by how much fun I had and I kinda of want to replicate that? Sadly, my friend wants his PS5 back so I'm looking for some game recommendations for the Switch.

      I've played BOTW and I just found it so boring. I played maybe two hours and I was at no point entertained. I also played the Link Awakening remake but I didn't really like the graphics and so I just stopped playing after two hours or so. 2D Zeldas are among my favorite games of all time (OOS/OOA; Minish Cap/LADX), I'm kinda scared to say this, but I also didn't really like OOT (although I played it a good 10 years after its initial release). I don't really like open worlds and much prefer having "guided" gameplay, but I do enjoy a mix of both (like God of War).

      I've played Hades and absolutely loved it, just like Rayman Origins, but since I've been disappointed with BOTW and Link's Awakening, I'm kinda scared to buy another critically acclaimed game just to not like it... Looking at the list of games and picking one seems so daunting, I don't really know what to do.

      You guys have any suggestions?

      25 votes
    21. Looking for a decent, but cheap-ass tablet

      Okay -- I am looking for a decent but dirt cheap tablet, manly for recipes, spotify, youtube/VLC, maybe some simple puzzle games. I want the largest tablet I can get for the fewest dollars spent...

      Okay -- I am looking for a decent but dirt cheap tablet, manly for recipes, spotify, youtube/VLC, maybe some simple puzzle games. I want the largest tablet I can get for the fewest dollars spent

      Not a lot. I was looking at the Lenovo Tab M11 or something around there.

      Also, ideally something that can take a crap-free Android ROM.

      quick edit: I gave up on this for a few days because I got into the 'this one is better... but this one is better...' and before I knew it I was hitting a grand for something I'll barely use. I just ordered a Lenovo P11. I don't expect it to be amazing, but it'll be fine for the very basic tasks I'll be using it for.

      Its surprising how much old stuff is for sale on Amazon. iPads from 2018, for instance. Doesn't seem right.

      double edit: I returned the under-powered P11 and got a Lenovo Tab K11 LTE w/ 8gb and 128gb eMMC. Not a big fan of eMMC, but it'll be fine for my uses.

      19 votes
    22. Looking for portable keyboard recommendations: must have USB-C connectivity, not just bluetooth

      TL;DR: recommendations for a small or folding keyboard that in addition to Bluetooth, also connects directly by USB C. Hello all. I'm a contractor who does a bunch of different stuff, and one of...

      TL;DR: recommendations for a small or folding keyboard that in addition to Bluetooth, also connects directly by USB C.

      Hello all. I'm a contractor who does a bunch of different stuff, and one of the areas I occasionally do is on-site IT work.

      I'm always looking for better tools, and while I can and do keep a standard full-size USB keyboard in my van, I'd like something more space efficient that I can fit in a small toolbag. There are tons of mini and/or folding Bluetooth keyboards out there, and some of them have USB-C or mini-USB ports, but so many of them are either only for charging, or just don't tell you if you can connect to a computer by USB. Since most rack servers aren't going to have Bluetooth and I want an option that involves the least number of steps (trying to avoid a bluetooth keyboard and having to use a USB bluetooth adapter), I'd really like a mini or folding keyboard that, while it can do Bluetooth, also can connect to a computer by standard USB. I specifically want a USB C port since I'm trying to standardize my gear on that.

      Thank you everyone!

      23 votes
    23. Any food vlog recommendations?

      Hello, Tildes food community! My husband and I are avid travelers, and particularly enjoy trying new and delicious foods in the places we visit - everything from local street food and mom'n'pop...

      Hello, Tildes food community! My husband and I are avid travelers, and particularly enjoy trying new and delicious foods in the places we visit - everything from local street food and mom'n'pop restaurants to high-end Michelin starred cuisine. It can be hard to narrow down the "best of" in a region, and thus-far have had some amazing meals, and some misses, while doing our own research. I'm hoping for recommendations of food travel vlogs of folks who are: not annoying, know good food and have reliable palates, and are willing to give honest feedback about the best places to eat. Any help and suggestions are much appreciated!

      10 votes
    24. What are online courses could you suggest for starting UI/UX design?

      Hey there, I am asking for a friend who is interested in transitioning from their career of designing print ads (Photoshop and InDesign) to web design. I would imagine they would need some courses...

      Hey there, I am asking for a friend who is interested in transitioning from their career of designing print ads (Photoshop and InDesign) to web design.

      I would imagine they would need some courses on responsive design and Figma? But I'll let the people with experience talk if they're here.

      Free is preferred but willing to pay if needed! And if you have links or specific online courses you really like and helped you, that would be great!

      Thanks in advance!

      15 votes
    25. Looking for adventure(-ish) games to play alongside my 8 years old

      I'm looking for games that I can play and enjoy with my 8 years old son. It doesn't need to be a 2-players game, or even a game that he can play (though if he can take the controller and get...

      I'm looking for games that I can play and enjoy with my 8 years old son. It doesn't need to be a 2-players game, or even a game that he can play (though if he can take the controller and get actively involved, that's better), but just something that he can enjoy as a "backseat player". We have a Switch, a PC, and a PS4.

      tl;dr: "backseatable" adventure-ish games with exploration and a clear direction (different sights to see, and a sense of progression), puzzles (so he feels involved when exchanging ideas), ok with light horror. Low stakes, low stress.

      Here are some games that we played together and both liked:

      • Outer Wilds: loved it so much we did 2 playthroughs in 2 years. He liked the sights, the exploration/treasure hunt aspect, the puzzles, and he asked me questions about our universe and solar system. He was mostly passive as a player both times we played, but we were sharing ideas and he was making suggestions on what to do/where to go next.
      • Link's Awakening remake: we played this one when he was 6 years old, with me taking the lead for the bosses or more complicated puzzles. We finished it together.
      • Stanley Parable: I intended to play it alone, but unexpectedly he really liked watching me play.
      • Strange Horticulture, Grim Fandango, Day of the Tentacle: he liked solving the puzzles with me, and me explaining/narrating what was happening and why.
      • Portal 1 & 2: he was able to play on his own with some help, and the coop levels in Portal 2 were great.
      • Deep Rock Galactic: he's making his own story and narrating along while I (and sometimes random players) play normally.
      • Human Fall Flat: he loves the slapstick humor and finds better (and more creative) solutions than I do
      • Mario Odyssey: probably his GOAT game, the accessibility features helped him a lot to play and enjoy it alone.

      He's also taking an interest in light horror (specifically mascot horror) games:

      • Garten of Banban series: objectively bad games but he really enjoyed the progression, light puzzles, and the liminal level design.
      • Indigo Park: much better production value, mostly a walking sim, but very short.
      • The Complex: a free "Backrooms" game. He didn't play it since he wasn't yet comfortable with mouse and keyboard controls, but liked watching me explore around
      • Crow Country (demo): he backseated and enjoyed it. There's an "exploration mode" that removes enemies. Will probably buy the full game later.

      And some "failed" tentatives:

      • Tunic: since he liked Link's Awakening, I thought he might like Tunic, but no. Probably because of a lack of NPCs or clear indications, and the game is too difficult for him. Not fun to backseat.
      • Zelda BOTW: he tried to play it when he was a bit too young, and had a hard time with it. I'll probably try again soon.
      • Minecraft Dungeons: we played 2-3 games but he got bored of it very quickly.
      • Diablo 3: he saw me playing and wanted to try it. He liked it much more than Minecraft Dungeons but hated seeing villagers getting turned into zombies, so we stopped here.
      • Sandboxes: not his thing (Minecraft, Terraria, No Man's Sky, Animal Crossing)

      So in summary, I highlighted the best experiences we had (with Outer Wilds being the best), and I'm looking for something equivalent.

      EDIT - I'll try to keep this post up-to-date with the suggestions we liked:

      • Superliminal: Excellent, I wasn't expecting such a good game. He's managing most of it alone, and there's even a (harmless) "scary" section
      • Untitled Goose Game: Great suggestion. We actually already played it (not to completion), and he loves honking and absolutely not helping me complete the objectives 😅
      • Layton series: I think he tried the first one on my DS for an hour or two. I'll suggest it again and be the backseat player myself.
      • Luigi's Mansion 3: GOTY
      28 votes
    26. Are there any actual science shows still out there?

      Science has always been a major interest of mine- I majored in a particular branch in college- though I've never pursued a science career. And very recently I saw a couple of movies about sharks...

      Science has always been a major interest of mine- I majored in a particular branch in college- though I've never pursued a science career. And very recently I saw a couple of movies about sharks that got me more interested (Jaws and the Meg, if you're curious). I realize that movies are fictional and HEAVILY exaggerate any actual science... but I still find it cool. And because of those movies, I was reminded of Shark Week on Discovery.

      Which lead to my next thought: I'm out of the US now, and last I knew, Discovery or even things like Nat Geo had become more Reality TV shows. This brought up the nostalgia of the old shows that actually used to be about science- think Mythbusters. Or to go waaaaaaay back, the original Bill Nye and Beakman's world. They were cool (or at least to a kid, they were freakin' cool).

      Now my first thought was to check out anything on Youtube. But not only do I frequently see posts about "how to break away from Youtube", I also realize that the algorithm is completely busted, and overall I'm not sure I can even trust any science content on Youtube because it'll have biases to make money on the platform, more than likely (if I'm wrong about this, please feel free to correct me).

      So... in terms of shows or other video content, what is out there to learn more about science and see cool shenanigans demonstrating science?

      53 votes
    27. Looking for an Android keyboard app

      Hello friends, and thank you in advance for any help on this topic. I am looking for an android keyboard that does not have emoji, stickers or gifs, but also has long press options for special...

      Hello friends, and thank you in advance for any help on this topic.

      I am looking for an android keyboard that does not have emoji, stickers or gifs, but also has long press options for special characters like dashes, slashes and colons etc.

      Searching online for variants of "no emoji keyboard," only floods my results with the opposite and it's beyond frustrating!

      I realize that the answer is likely right under my nose and I'm just missing it for whatever reason.

      I would glady pay money for such an option if only I could find one.

      I'm sorry if this question is silly or posted in the wrong thread, but I'm at my wits end.

      Again, thank you for any help or redirection to my query!


      28 votes
    28. History book recommendations

      Hey all, I'm trying to get into reading historical books - I have a broad range of interests and would be open to trying anything. The only thing that bothers me is when the author is very clearly...

      Hey all, I'm trying to get into reading historical books - I have a broad range of interests and would be open to trying anything. The only thing that bothers me is when the author is very clearly pushing an agenda. For example, last year I read Band of Brothers which I really enjoyed, but I felt there was quite a bit of American propaganda mixed in which detracted from the historical aspect.

      I typically read more fantasy/scifi novels:

      Examples of some of my favorite fiction series:

      • Dune
      • Mistborn Trilogy by Sanderson
      • Cradle series by Will Wight
      • progression fantasy in general
      • LOTR
      • Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

      I'm interested in more historical novels because i've listened to a handful of excellent history podcasts and think I would enjoy getting closer to the source, but I've been struggling to pick a book because I'm afraid of choosing one that is too dry.

      Podcasts I enjoyed:

      • History of Rome by Mike Duncan
      • Revolutions by Mike Duncan
      • Hardcore History by Dan carlin

      Please give me some recommendations!

      17 votes
    29. Recommendations for smart temperature sensors

      It's hot here in Germany at the moment, and I've found a new hobby: experimenting with different ways to keep the flat cool. Unfortunately, right now I'm doing that mostly on gut feeling, and I'd...

      It's hot here in Germany at the moment, and I've found a new hobby: experimenting with different ways to keep the flat cool. Unfortunately, right now I'm doing that mostly on gut feeling, and I'd like to add some data to the mix so I can pretend that this is Serious Research™.

      Does anyone know of some good smart thermometers that I can use both inside and out, and that I can regularly take automatic readings off? My main criteria are roughly:

      • Reasonably waterproof and battery-powered - I'd like to put at least one on my balcony which isn't covered, so I want to be confident that it survives out there.
      • Relatively cheap - I want around 4-6 different thermometers spread around the inside and outside of the flat to see how the sun's position affects the temperature, and I don't want to spend more than around 100€ on this project in total.
      • Scriptable - for the data collection, my plan is to be able to run a script on a spare Raspberry Pi to download all of the data and potentially send alerts when something changes or when it makes sense to start opening doors and windows to cool the flat down.
      • Not too complicated - looking around, some thermometers seem to require smart hubs and online accounts and things. Ideally, I can avoid all that - I want something that I can connect to from my home network and download data from as I need.

      Right now, I've found a few different smart temperature sensors that I can buy off-the-shelf, but these seem to be on the more complicated end of the spectrum, and require central hubs and uploading all the data to clouds and things like that. Ideally I can avoid that. Alternatively, I have some RPi Pico boards at home, so if I can buy some sensors that I can connect to those, I could get those set up more simply. But with the DIY route, I'm worried about weatherproofing, especially if the temperature sensor needs to remain fairly exposed for an accurate reading.

      So: do you have any recommendations either for simple smart sensors that I can buy, or for sensors that I could easily stick to a Pico and leave outside for at least the rest of the summer months?

      15 votes
    30. What shampoo/conditioner do you use?

      possibly irrelevant backstory I grew up with very little guidance about hair products, using Pert Plus or similar 2-in-1 mostly by default. In high school, I didn't know what to do with it so I...
      possibly irrelevant backstory

      I grew up with very little guidance about hair products, using Pert Plus or similar 2-in-1 mostly by default. In high school, I didn't know what to do with it so I started cutting it really short.

      Then one time after college, I found a regular barber who was really good. She sold me a bottle of shampoo and conditioner and told me to wash with the shampoo then leave the conditioner on for a while before rinsing it out. It seemed like it made a difference in how soft and shiny my hair was, so I stuck with that regimen for years, even after I moved across the country. Eventually that product line was discontinued, and I ended up substituting a Redken product that was then discontinued.

      Most recently, I was using Redken All Soft. But now they are up to ~$52 / liter (for each of the shampoo and conditioner), so I am looking for something less expensive. I tried a Tresemme brand that they had at the warehouse store which was super cheap ($4/liter for each). It's been okay, but I feel like there might be something in the middle that is better.

      For reference, I am male and my hair is coarse and wavy and these days about 3 inches long. I would also take recommendations for my wife and daughter, who both have fine wavy hair. I live in western Pennsylvania in the US, so I would need something that can be shipped here if it's not something generally available.

      28 votes
    31. Debit card that matches the protection of a credit card?

      So, I'm debating switching to a debit card for daily purchases, since the mental accounting gets confusing with a credit card and it's easier to overspend. The only thing holding me back is the...

      So, I'm debating switching to a debit card for daily purchases, since the mental accounting gets confusing with a credit card and it's easier to overspend. The only thing holding me back is the fraud protection that comes with a credit card. Are there any (US) checking accounts/debit cards that match the level of protection you can expect from a credit card? Is such a thing possible?

      8 votes
    32. What apps do you recommend for fitness challenges?

      Not quite sure if this is a ~tech question, or a ~sport question, or a ~health question. But at least it's a question! I have a Garmin watch, and so does my wife. They track our activities. We...

      Not quite sure if this is a ~tech question, or a ~sport question, or a ~health question. But at least it's a question!

      I have a Garmin watch, and so does my wife. They track our activities. We would like to compete in challenges, but Garmin's challenge options are quite limited. Through Garmin, you can compete for the number of steps, or distances ran or swam and such, but those don't really work very well for us.

      I was wondering, are there any apps that work on both iOS and Android, sync with Garmin Connect (either directly or through Apple Health / Google Health Connect), have a sensible privacy policy, and offer some or all of the following types of challenges, which I think would be more interesting:

      • Total time exercised (either any exercise type, or specific sports)
      • Time spent in "vigorous" exercise
      • Time spent in "zone 2" exercise (or another zone)
      • Active calories burned (either total, or percentage of your resting calories)
      • Number of exercise sessions
      • Number of consecutive exercise days, i.e who can maintain the longest streak (allowing rest days)

      Does anything like that exist?

      I also have a bonus question:

      Garmin has Expeditions, which track the distance you have walked or run, and once you reach your Expedition goal (say, "walk the distance of the Appalachian Trail"), it tells you that you have reached your goal and gives you a badge. I like the basic idea, but the implementation is quite bland.

      Are there any Expedition type apps where the app not only tracks the number of steps against the total needed, but actually shows on a map where you'd be currently going if you actually were walking the Appalachian Trail or something, and gives you notifications when you reach some interesting points along the way, with pictures and a little bit of information about the place? Now, that would be something!

      5 votes
    33. This feels dumb to ask, but how do you get your news?

      I’m embarrassed to admit that after the whole Reddit shutdown, I’m at a loss on how to get news. The past 10+ years my internet routine has been browse Something Awful for discussions, and use...

      I’m embarrassed to admit that after the whole Reddit shutdown, I’m at a loss on how to get news. The past 10+ years my internet routine has been browse Something Awful for discussions, and use Reddit as a glorified RSS. I would open up Reddit, browse World News, Politics, Technology, Games, Apple, and Electric Vehicles for any interesting articles for the day. Then go to SA for more granular discussions, which I’m now using Tildes to supplement since I love the community here.

      I have tried downloading Inoreader and adding some of their default feeds but it feels super cluttered, not like the quick concise headlines I’m used to casually browsing. I’ll admit I’m guilty of just glancing at headlines and not actually reading news, but it was nice to just have an inkling of what’s going on in the world

      So the question I ask is how (mostly on the internet) do you get your news? RSS? Dedicated news app? Read a site?

      215 votes
    34. Let's build a playlist!

      It's Friday and I'm on a quest to discover new music. The algorithms have been letting me down lately. So let's just build a communal playlist! Playlists links: Spotify Youtube (Thanks,...

      It's Friday and I'm on a quest to discover new music. The algorithms have been letting me down lately. So let's just build a communal playlist!

      Playlists links:

      I'll start by adding my 5 song choices.

      Leave a comment with the names of the songs you would like to have added to the playlist (let's limit it to no more than 5 per user) and I'll add them. There are no other rules -- you could choose your favorite songs of all time, what you're listening to at the moment, or anything in between.

      (I guess the only other requirement is that it needs to be available on Spotify, unless somebody wants to mirror the playlist on other services)

      PS. Deimos, mods, et al, I hope this isn't too gimmicky. I think Tildes is as tight-knit of a community as you can find on the internet these days and I see this as just another small way to further that communal experience.

      61 votes
    35. Help! I need a new fridge (and microwave).

      Help me Tildes! My refrigerator is leaking and I live in an apartment so I need to get a new fridge ASAP so that I don't cause water damage to my downstairs neighbors! Does anyone have a brand...

      Help me Tildes! My refrigerator is leaking and I live in an apartment so I need to get a new fridge ASAP so that I don't cause water damage to my downstairs neighbors! Does anyone have a brand recommendation? All I really care about for this is avoiding brands that are known to be shitty.

      I also will use this as an opportunity to replace the absolutely horrible microwave that came with this apartment. While all fridges are basically identical to me, I am very opinionated about microwaves:

      • There must be a 30 second button that either starts the cooking or adds 30s more to the existing cooking
      • 1-6 must be quick-access "microwave for this many minutes" buttons, so that i can press 1 and then 30 to microwave for 90s or 4 and then 30 for 4:30, etc
      • I would really like a decent popcorn button that has a microphone to determine when to stop
      • Multiple power levels that are actually good at being lower power (I am fine with power level 50 meaning "be on for 50% of the time" etc, I think that works pretty well)
      • idk if this even needs to be said in the year 2024 but a spinning tray
      • auto-stop on door open so I can press just 1 thing
      • If I press 'stop' or open the microwave after it stops it's "haha I'm done" beeping sequence, it STOPS BEEPING (my current microwave keeps beeping even if I press stop and/or open the door and I hate it so so so so much)

      Edit: Thanks everyone! Based on recs here I bought a fridge without an ice machine and not LG, and it will be installed on Monday! I don't live in a rented unit, but usually I just say "apartment" rather than "condo" when I'm talking about neighbors.

      I didn't go for freezer on the bottom cos those all seem to be drawers and I guess I do have an opinion about fridges, which is that I don't want the freezer to be a drawer, I feel like I'd get too cold pulling things out of it. So I got freezer-on-top, fridge-on-bottom.

      There was 1 microwave with all the features I wanted plus the feature I didn't know I wanted where the numbers are arranged the same as a phone instead of [12345][678910] in 2 rows (why would you reinvent how to display numbers like this????) so I bought that one, and everything will be delivered on Monday!

      8 votes
    36. Webcam recommendations?

      Hey there, Title is pretty self-explanatory, looking for some web camera recommendations, USB obviously1, good price to value, higher quality the better, microphone not required, but appreciated....

      Hey there,

      Title is pretty self-explanatory, looking for some web camera recommendations, USB obviously1, good price to value, higher quality the better, microphone not required, but appreciated.

      1 Don't need any MDR-26/SDR-26/CameraLink connectors, or Game Boy Camera recommendations here /s

      15 votes