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  • Showing only topics with the tag "self post". Back to normal view
    1. Tildes is awesome

      I just joined, and although it’s not extremely active, I love Tildes already! Firstly, the user interface. This is what the reddit redesign should’ve been. Clean, simple and lightweight. Loading a...

      I just joined, and although it’s not extremely active, I love Tildes already! Firstly, the user interface. This is what the reddit redesign should’ve been. Clean, simple and lightweight. Loading a post on new reddit takes 10 seconds or so, because of all the useless JavaScript, but posts loads instantly here. And there’s no ads here, which is a nice bonus.

      I also like the fact that it’s much calmer here, people focus on through-provoking discussion instead of attacking each other.

      To everyone who works on Tildes, keep up the great work! I’m sure this has been asked many times before, but do you ever plan on allowing anyone to register in order to grow Tildes?

      36 votes
    2. What's a good website for sharing art and computer-generated images?

      I was granted access to DALL-E today and I'm wondering what's a good place to collect and share silly computer-generated photos? I have quite a few places already that will do this, but none seem...

      I was granted access to DALL-E today and I'm wondering what's a good place to collect and share silly computer-generated photos? I have quite a few places already that will do this, but none seem quite right:

      • Twitter - It works, but I'm not sure I want to mix photo sharing with other stuff.
      • Mastodon - My account is mostly inactive and I'm hardly following anyone I actually know, or who does much picture sharing.
      • Facebook - I don't really want to spam the relatives.
      • Google Photos - I use this for sharing personal photos with immediate family. I made an album for MidJourney but it isn't quite convenient enough.
      • Tildes - no direct photo sharing here! I could link to an album, though.
      8 votes
    3. Should I quit smoking right now, or wait?

      I'm an on-again off-again smoker, currently (the past 4-5 months) on-again. Been meaning to requit, but it's been much harder for me this time. Here's the crux. Two of my roommates just tested...

      I'm an on-again off-again smoker, currently (the past 4-5 months) on-again. Been meaning to requit, but it's been much harder for me this time.

      Here's the crux. Two of my roommates just tested positive (for Covid). Not guaranteed, but it's a good bet that, within another 2-3 days, all 5 of us will be symptomatic.

      Am I better off quitting right now, or will that just put added stress on my lungs during the coming illness, and I should wait until after I recover (always assuming I survive it, of course)?

      ETA: Y'all are shooting holes in my, apparently, flimsy justifications to keep smoking. Just switched to vaping now.

      Thanks everyone.

      15 votes
    4. Feel good movies

      Covid finally caught up with me and I'm going to be living like a hermit for the next 2 weeks. It's been a stressful month here so I'm looking to melt my brain (or at least the bits covid hasn't...

      Covid finally caught up with me and I'm going to be living like a hermit for the next 2 weeks. It's been a stressful month here so I'm looking to melt my brain (or at least the bits covid hasn't already melted). I'd love to check out your easy watching, good time having, feel good suggestions!

      10 votes
    5. Is it possible to expand my Windows EFI partition?

      I currently dual-boot Arch and Windows and just use the Windows EFI partition in Arch as well, however I only have about 13 MB of space left on it. I’d like to try installing Gentoo on an extra...

      I currently dual-boot Arch and Windows and just use the Windows EFI partition in Arch as well, however I only have about 13 MB of space left on it.

      I’d like to try installing Gentoo on an extra SSD I have with nothing on it, but don’t really want to have a second EFI partition if I can avoid it.

      So my question is, can I shrink the Windows main partition towards the right and expand the the Windows EFI partition into the newly freed space?

      6 votes
    6. How to edit a podcast on Linux?

      Looking at the available options, I see many programs such as Ardour and Audacity that seems to focus on recording, mixing, streaming, etc. But what should use it to actually edit the thing? By...

      Looking at the available options, I see many programs such as Ardour and Audacity that seems to focus on recording, mixing, streaming, etc. But what should use it to actually edit the thing?

      By that I mean changing the order of things, removing silences, involuntary sounds, and noises, adding music and sound effects, as well as making what I'm saying more concise and intelligible.

      I have a background in video editing, and I'm used to working in the "timeline paradigm" that is common to Adobe Premiere and older versions of Final Cut (I have no idea what Final Cut looks like now...). But I have no idea how to edit stuff using actual audio software, I've only used those to treat audio and then finish editing on other programs.

      I'd use a video editor for that, but I currently don't own any machine powerful enough to use a video editor software comfortably.

      7 votes
    7. Movie recommendation: Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes

      Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes Runtime: 70 minutes. Budget: $27,000 USD. Tomatometer: 98% - 8.3 / 10 IMDB Rating: 7.3 / 10 - 2k ratings Language: Japanese with English subtitles Streaming: Vudu...

      Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes

      Runtime: 70 minutes.

      Budget: $27,000 USD.

      Tomatometer: 98% - 8.3 / 10

      IMDB Rating: 7.3 / 10 - 2k ratings

      Language: Japanese with English subtitles

      Streaming: Vudu (Free with Adds) & Amazon (free with Prime)

      This is an engaging & novel sci fi, filmed in one location, a Japanese cafe, using what appears to be a single shot for all 70 minutes.

      It has comedy, romance, violence, action, and an utterly novel sci fi concept. All in 70 minutes.

      14 votes
    8. Carbon hacking: Least carbon-intensive traveling between US and Europe

      My life is split between the US and the Netherlands, where I have friends and work in both places. I try to fly as little as possible: only one intercontinental flight per year. But even that puts...

      My life is split between the US and the Netherlands, where I have friends and work in both places. I try to fly as little as possible: only one intercontinental flight per year. But even that puts my individual carbon footprint far above the average human's. I buy carbon offsets but that just shifts responsibility.

      I've long been deeply inspired by Greta Thunberg's protest act of sailing from England to New York to attend a 2019 climate summit. But sailing across the ocean in a racing yacht with a crew simply is too extreme.

      So I'm curious what are the options for reducing carbon emissions when traveling between continents.

      I've contemplated hopping on a freighter ship. My thinking is that: freighter ships are extremely efficient cargo-weight-to-emission ratio-wise, so the marginal carbon emission of me as added 'cargo' must be much lower than as another passenger on an airplane. Plus, the freighter ship will be sailing with or without me on board; whereas as a plane passenger I enable the business of a passenger flight.

      6 votes
    9. Having been on Android for over a decade, I just got my first iPhone! What should I know?

      So far I have been having a surprisingly easy time learning iOS. It is incredibly intuitive! Though to be fair, my friend who has always been on iOS said the same thing about Android when she...

      So far I have been having a surprisingly easy time learning iOS. It is incredibly intuitive! Though to be fair, my friend who has always been on iOS said the same thing about Android when she switched.

      There are so many things that are basically identical on the two operating systems. But I am sure I am missing out on a lot of things that my iPhone 13 can do that my Samsung A50 could not do.

      So far I'm really loving the switch, everything feels smooth. But I am very accepting of any tips and tricks that anyone might have up their sleeves! 😊

      19 votes
    10. Do you think an ~engineering group would make sense?

      I think it would, that's something that interests a vast number of users. Things like construction, bridges, buildings, city planning, trains, etc. Right now they can go to ~misc or ~design which...

      I think it would, that's something that interests a vast number of users. Things like construction, bridges, buildings, city planning, trains, etc. Right now they can go to ~misc or ~design which doesn't seem appropriate.

      5 votes
    11. Acapellas

      Does anyone know of any good acapellas or tracks with good vox? I don't really have a specific tone/feel in mind. Anything, really!

      5 votes
    12. Apple references in *Severence* plus a couple others

      I'm really struck with the references in this show. As an aside, it's a really enjoyable show. And this time, unlike Lost, I expect to be let down at the end, and am just appreciating the ride as...

      I'm really struck with the references in this show. As an aside, it's a really enjoyable show. And this time, unlike Lost, I expect to be let down at the end, and am just appreciating the ride as long as I can til it goes dumb. It's also awfully familiar to some other recent shows, like Homecoming and Loki. I've only just finished ep 2. Thank you, red letter media for the introduction.

      Interesting references:

      Mark Scout looks a lot like original macintosh era Steve Jobs.
      Lumon -> Lemon -> Apple
      using a logo without text. Also, the teardrop, if you squint and abstract a little, is like an inverted apple with the bite gone
      corporate aesthetic is like evil Jony Ive Apple (I've heard tell it's not unlike 60's IBM), not counting the old testament painting.
      founder's cult
      I feel like I'm forgetting a couple.

      Non Apple references:
      Portal (and portal 2): opening animation, instruction books

      The Matrix: scary codes on a screen, black goo

      The Cube Series: general plotline (I am only on ep 2, mind you).

      6 votes
    13. no subject

      2020. That's when I met her. To some of my close friends it sounds silly to them when I tell them we loved each other. It's hard for some people to grasp the intensity that a long distance...

      2020. That's when I met her.

      To some of my close friends it sounds silly to them when I tell them we loved each other. It's hard for some people to grasp the intensity that a long distance relationship can have. But I don't have anything to prove to anyone - I truly did love her.

      Being with an ace, I thought, would make things more complicated as I am not asexual myself. But if anything it made things simpler. It made the long distance easier to deal with. It made it easier to be patient. Easier to deal with her not being in my life all the time, because when push came to shove, she was in my life when I needed her to be. In fact, she was the main reason I labeled myself as polyamorous this year. I realised that I didn't want to pretend we were just friends anymore. I cared for her too much for that.

      In so little time, she changed me into a better person. She taught me subtleties about love, sex, relationships but also about life in general. She helped me through mental struggles. She was my first call when we got my SO’s sister out of Kyiv this year. In fact, the day of the war, we talked for over six hours in a row.

      She was always, always positive no matter the challenge. A true constant. Saw the flip side nobody else could see. No matter how ill she would get, she'd always brush it off and get back on her feet. In the two years I knew her, she had never made me cry, and her messages would always put a smile on my face.
      Difficulty tends to make people stronger. She's had an incredibly difficult life, and was the toughest person I knew.

      None of those challenges defined her. She was not defined by her gender, illness, sexuality. She was defined by her constant, absolute positivity. And her unending love for Korea.

      She believed, as I do, that we're all one entity - the universe experiencing itself. That her role here had been to spread love and positivity. I hope everyone here will be lucky enough to meet someone like her, at some point in their life.

      She was 30. The world is worse without her in it.

      33 votes
    14. Am I stupid or is the entire StackOverflow network difficult to navigate?

      I made an account a few years ago but only started contributing recently. Outside of the barrage of awards, levels, limitations, I really just don't get how to find my way around the site. For...

      I made an account a few years ago but only started contributing recently. Outside of the barrage of awards, levels, limitations, I really just don't get how to find my way around the site.

      For instance, Google Sheets is listed in both Web Applications and Stack Overflow. Is there a way to get a consolidated view of all of the networks or do I have to check each one individually?

      6 votes
    15. Any Thunderbird aficionados here?

      I've been using Tbird since forever, the past 6-7 years on Linux (Debian/Ubuntu downstreams). A couple years ago, I think during the 68-71 release cycle, there were are lot of panicky blogs about...

      I've been using Tbird since forever, the past 6-7 years on Linux (Debian/Ubuntu downstreams). A couple years ago, I think during the 68-71 release cycle, there were are lot of panicky blogs about "don't upgrade; the new Tbird will irrevocably screw up your Contacts/Calendar/Other Plug-ins", I may even have tried it and experienced issues myself (I don't recall) ... and as a result, I've held my copy at the 60.something release since then.

      Now the 91 update has been out and stable for awhile, and a major overhaul upgrade to 102 is in the offing ... and I'm looking for feedback ... is it safe to upgrade? Might I still hit breaking issues? Or was it always safe?

      16 votes
    16. Feature suggestion: Non-bumping comments

      Sometimes you want to reply to a comment with a remark that may not be of interest to the wider Tildes audience, but posting that reply is going to bump the post up in the recent changes list...

      Sometimes you want to reply to a comment with a remark that may not be of interest to the wider Tildes audience, but posting that reply is going to bump the post up in the recent changes list anyway. It would be nice if a reply-to-a-reply had a checkbox allowing you to mark it as a non-bumping comment, like the “minor edit” feature on Wikipedia. The drawback is that it might enable more clutter in the form of off topic chatting. The advantage would be that it keeps the top of the recent changes list free of uninteresting updates.

      One implementation detail regards the question of a non-bumping checkbox on replies to an already non-bumping comment. My sense is that once a comment has been marked “non-bumping”, all subsequent replies to it should be non-bumping as well.

      13 votes
    17. Having a terrible ordeal with Flipkart India, no idea where else to vent my feelings

      So I had ordered this Pigeon Induction Cooker from Flipkart as it had great reviews and ratings, but mine arrived yesterday a damaged piece. The damage was that the device simply didn't turn on,...

      So I had ordered this Pigeon Induction Cooker from Flipkart as it had great reviews and ratings, but mine arrived yesterday a damaged piece. The damage was that the device simply didn't turn on, it just gave a beep and then no display, nothing. There was also a slight surface scratch but since the major problem was electrical, I cited "Electrical Problem" as the reason.

      I've been a Flipkart customer since almost a decade, so I thought they'll replace this damaged good for me without any fuss. However, this simple process is turning out to be a nightmare for me! Though my replacement request was approved, the Flipkart person who came adamantly refused to give me the replacement. He said since there was the surface scratch, you should've cited "Damaged Product" as the reason and not "Electrical Problem". Said he simply can't accept the return good as it was "damaged".

      I then contacted customer support who cancelled my replacement request and raised another one citing "Damaged Product" this time. But this time, I had to take a snap of the product through Flipkart App and only once they approve the "damage" will it be processed further tomorrow. I just hope their verifiers will be able to see that tiny scratch on the image and won't cancel this request again!

      Tried escalating by contacting their twitter support but to no avail. They keep following their usual bureaucratic process which is to keep assuring that this will be resolved soon.

      I've somehow lost the sprit to live and faith on this world after this incident. I know it seems stupid having such attitude for a mere induction cooker costing 1500 bucks. However, I'm feeling that the world has become more and more "process oriented" and less human oriented or empathetic. It could be that I'm a bit selfish due to my own personal issue but I remember a time when humans cared about other humans, a time when humans were treated as such and not a mere number or statistic on the issue tracker.

      Edit (Day 2 - 17-05-2022)

      Still unresolved. They haven't yet approved my new replacement request or even done the image verification. Though the app says it should be done by today, God only knows how long this ordeal is going to last.

      Edit: Day 3 - 18-05-2022

      Still no luck. The image verification was going to happen yesterday but it didn't. The return order status is showing as "We are processing your request for return". Might call them in the afternoon if there is no update by then, though I'm not sure how helpful even that would be.

      Edit: Day 3 (08:00 PM):

      Just received a call from Flipkart Escalation Team's executive who approved my return request and assured me that it'll reach by 20th. I just hope it's replaced without any fuss this time! Once again, thanks for staying with me.

      Edit-4 - 20-05-2022 (01:30 PM):

      At long last, the replacement arrived today! It was a 5 day long ordeal which seems to have had some happy ending at the end. In an ideal world, I should have returned this piece too as it had a slight bend on the lower left corner - but obviously, I don't want to put up with the hassle all over again and the device is working perfectly otherwise. Thank you friends, for staying with me during this ordeal.

      8 votes
    18. Some companies like vanguard and blackrock/ishares exclude losing companies from price to earning ratio calculations, where can I find reliable pe numbers?

      For example Vanguard Russell 2000 Growth ETF shows a pe ratio of 19.5 on it's portfolio page, but etf.com (which reportedly calculates PE ratio in the "logical" method we probably all think of)...

      For example Vanguard Russell 2000 Growth ETF shows a pe ratio of 19.5 on it's portfolio page, but etf.com (which reportedly calculates PE ratio in the "logical" method we probably all think of) says it's 236.89.

      There is also the russel 2000 etf, which shows 14.3 on vanguard and 43.63 on etf.com (I saw no clear indication on the vanguard website they are removing losing companies), ishares does say that for it's etf.

      I want to know the PE ratio because economic bubbles (like the dot comm bubble and japan stock market bubble) were characterized by very high pe ratio, and there is historical evidence low pe performs better (probably because of the optimism bias).

      I can use etf.com, but would like another source to validate etf.com is reporting correctly .

      11 votes
    19. Tech recommendations request: looking for a Linux-friendly 13" laptop

      Final update: See here. Update: Thank you ALL for your valuable feedback. I'm definitely looking into refurbished models now and I have a lot better grasp on what what I should be considering. I'm...

      Final update: See here.

      Update: Thank you ALL for your valuable feedback. I'm definitely looking into refurbished models now and I have a lot better grasp on what what I should be considering. I'm going to do some digging and a ridiculous amount of overshopping over the next couple of days, and then I'll let you all know what my final pick is!

      Hey techy Tildes! I'm back with another support request from you knowledgeable and helpful folks.

      I need a laptop that does exactly three things: gets me online, displays PDFs, and runs office software. I have a large number of online courses that I have to take in the coming years, and I need something that I can just grab while on my couch or in bed to work on papers and assignments, hence the 13" size preference. Long battery life would be highly preferable.

      I looked for options that come with Linux preinstalled, but there's really nothing available that hits what I'm looking for -- there isn't much of a market for 13". As such, my plan is to just buy a standard Windows laptop and then put Linux on it, but I have no idea which particular hardware will play nice with a Linux installation. Budget would be sub-$500 (if possible). I don't need the laptop to do anything other than stay on for a long time and let me type, so I have no need for a powerhouse.

      Can anyone point me in the right direction with some recommendations?

      13 votes
    20. Traveling through movies

      One of the things I love most about movies is their ability to transport you to other times, places, or worlds. During the pandemic movies were one of the few outlets where I felt like I could get...

      One of the things I love most about movies is their ability to transport you to other times, places, or worlds. During the pandemic movies were one of the few outlets where I felt like I could get out and explore the world. Movies where the location is almost its own character like Midnight in Paris, Monsieur Ibrahim, or In Bruges can have such a powerful effect.

      What movies do you find yourself returning to time and time again when you're getting the itch to travel?

      10 votes
    21. Playdate handheld console release thread

      Playdate announced on Twitter that they are beginning shipping today: Oh! A new Playdate Update video is here! It recaps the great developer things we've released this year, like Pulp and the...

      Playdate announced on Twitter that they are beginning shipping today:

      Oh! A new Playdate Update video is here!

      It recaps the great developer things we've released this year, like Pulp and the Playdate SDK. Please enjoy it. https://youtu.be/BmrtkBmFSn4

      There's one extra important bit in the update. Playdates in Group One will begin shipping…


      The embargo on reviews also lifted:

      Also, ArsTechnica released reviews of all of the Playdate games. SPOILERS ahead:

      20 votes
    22. Every movie with Oscar buzz coming out in 2022

      I know you all got sick and tired of me talking about awards. But straight after the Oscars happen, award pundits rev up their early predictions. So here's a general list of every movie that has...

      I know you all got sick and tired of me talking about awards. But straight after the Oscars happen, award pundits rev up their early predictions. So here's a general list of every movie that has general awards buzz. It's not every movie, but it's a lot of the bigger ones.

      I'll link a trailer if there is one (or if there is footage), and I'll put the director and what it's about briefly.

      Armageddon Time dir. James Grey (autobiographical drama)

      Asteroid City dir. Wes Anderson (romantic dramedy ensemble)

      Avatar 2 dir. James Cameron

      Babylon dir. Damien Chazelle (Hollywood transitioning from silent to sound loosely based on Hollywood Babylon)

      The Banshees of Insherin dir. Martin McDonaugh (Irish friends break up)

      Bardo (or False Chronicle of Handful of Truths) dir. Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu (Mexican history recreated)

      Black Panther: Wakanda Forever dir. Ryan Coogler

      Blonde dir. Andrew Dominik (Marilyn Monroe dark and twisted biopic)

      Bones and All dir. Luca Guadagnino (coming of age romance horror)

      Broker dir. Hirokazu Koreeda (family road drama)

      Canterbury Glass dir. David O. Russell (period piece comedy)

      Cha Cha Real Smooth dir. Cooper Raiff (coming-of-age)

      Decision to Leave dir. Park Chan-wook (neo-noir)

      Disappointment Blvd dir. Ari Aster

      Don't Worry Darling dir. Olivia Wilde (social thriller)

      Elvis dir. Baz Luhrmann (Elvis biopic)

      Emancipation dir. Antoine Fuqua (slave drama)

      Empire of Light dir. Sam Mendes (romantic-drama period piece)

      Everything Everywhere All At Once dir. Daniels (action-comedy multiverse of madness)

      The Fabelmans dir. Steven Spielberg (autobiographical drama)

      The Greatest Beer Run Ever dir. Peter Farrrelly (Vietnam war drama)

      The Holdovers dir Alexander Payne (dramedy)

      I Wanna Dance With Somebody dir. Kasi Lemmons (Whitney Houston biopic)

      The Killer dir. David Fincher (based on the graphic novel)

      Killers of the Flower Moon dir. Martin Scorsese (western)

      Knives Out 2 dir. Rian Johnson

      Next Goal Wins dir. Taika Waititi (sports dramedy)

      Nope dir. Jordan Peele (aliens invade)

      The Northman dir. Robert Eggers

      Poor Things dir. Yorgos Lanthimos (woman changes brains with a baby)

      Rustin dir. George C. Wolfe (Bayard Rustin biopic)

      She Said dir. Maria Schrader (journalists who uncovered the Weinstein story)

      The Son dir. Florian Zeller (based on his play)

      Thirteen Lives dir. Ron Howard (based on the rescue mission in Thailand)

      Three Thousand Years of Longing dir. George Miller

      Till dir. Chinonye Chukwu (seeking justice for Emmett Till)

      TÁR dir. Todd Field (German pianist)

      The Whale dir. Darren Aronofsky (based on the play, 400 pound man struggles to connect with his daughter)

      White Noise dir. Noah Baumbach (based on the novel, college professor existential crisis)

      The Woman King dir. Gina Prince-Bythewood (historical epic)

      Women Talking dir. Sarah Polley (based on the novel)

      You People dir. Kenya Barris (dramedy)

      6 votes
    23. I just want to take a minute to talk about Jojo Rabbit

      Two nights ago I decided on a whim to watch Jojo Rabbit on Disney+, since I love Taiki Waititi, and I remember hearing good things about it when it was first released a few years ago. But,...

      Two nights ago I decided on a whim to watch Jojo Rabbit on Disney+, since I love Taiki Waititi, and I remember hearing good things about it when it was first released a few years ago. But, weirdly, I didn't actually know much about it other than him having directed it.

      So imagine my shock, horror, and surprise when I finally started watching it and learned it was a comedy-drama about a Hitler youth!!! I thought it was just about boy scouts or something, similar to Moonrise Kingdom. And I was even more surprised when I almost immediately got over my shock and started enjoying it despite how dark and touchy the subject matter was. It had just the right amount of irreverence for the subject to get me past my initial hesitance, and had enough deeply human, incredibly touching, and painfully poignant moments to get me completely engrossed in it. And by the end I was crying like a baby when he noticed the shoes, and again in the final scenes. (keeping it vague in case others haven't seen it yet)

      Several days later and I'm still thinking about it. That's how deeply it affected me. So, needless to say, I highly highly highly recommend watching it, if you haven't seen it yet... especially in light of recent events in Russia and Ukraine, which a lot of the things shown in the movie sadly remind me of.

      Has anyone else here seen it? If so, what did you think about it?

      p.s. Taika Waititi as Hitler was insanely, darkly hilarious, and the final scene with him was incredibly satisfying. "Fuck off, Hitler!"

      15 votes
    24. PC cases without transparent side panels

      Hi folks! I am, unfortunately, probably going to have to build a new PC soon; my beloved Thelio-r1 is slowly failing, and while my original plan was to buy a Ryzen 7 5800X and keep riding this PC...

      Hi folks! I am, unfortunately, probably going to have to build a new PC soon; my beloved Thelio-r1 is slowly failing, and while my original plan was to buy a Ryzen 7 5800X and keep riding this PC for another three to five years, I don't know that I'll actually be able to make that work.

      I like the NXT H510 I used for my boyfriend's gaming build, but the thermal performance isn't amazing and, most importantly, I hate tempered glass!

      Yes, I understand that people want to show off their (ridiculously!) expensive components. I understand that lots of things have RGB. However, metal is cheaper, easier to work with, doesn't shatter, and I can modify it if I need to.

      So, does anyone know of a good mid-tower PC case with decent airflow, up-to-date features (no 5 inch bays, good cable management hardpoints, a cable hiding bay, etc.), and no tempered glass or, preferably, acrylic?

      Thank you!

      16 votes
    25. Beat Saber thread

      I just wanted a pretext to share my first successful Expert+ song on 150% speed + Ghost Notes :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HQIvNCF9RA (two-part video, first half on Ghost Arrows, second...

      I just wanted a pretext to share my first successful Expert+ song on 150% speed + Ghost Notes :)
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HQIvNCF9RA (two-part video, first half on Ghost Arrows, second half on Ghost Notes)

      I got back into Beat Saber a week ago after a 2 months hiatus. I like the new OST and mechanics and I love the new Fall Out Boy DLC. Highly recommend it!

      Has anyone else been playing it lately?

      I'm working on opening a VR arcade in Brussels and thinking of promoting Beat Saber quite a bit there :)

      11 votes
    26. My "final" Oscar winning predictions for the 94th Academy Awards

      I might end up switching things around but these seem pretty solid. Best Picture: CODA Best Director: Jane Campion - The Power of the Dog Best Lead Actor: Will Smith - King Richard Best Lead...

      I might end up switching things around but these seem pretty solid.

      Best Picture: CODA

      Best Director: Jane Campion - The Power of the Dog

      Best Lead Actor: Will Smith - King Richard

      Best Lead Actress: Jessica Chastain - The Eyes of Tammy Faye

      Best Supporting Actor: Troy Kotsur - CODA

      Best Supporting Actress: Ariana DeBose - West Side Story

      Best Original Screenplay: Don't Look Up. Story by Adam McKay and David Sirota. Screenplay by Adam Mckay.

      Best Adapted Screenplay: CODA. Screenplay by Sian Heder. Based on the motion picture La Famille Bélier

      Best Cinematography: Dune

      Best Costume Design: Cruella

      Best Film Editing: Dune (Edit: I switched to King Richard)

      Best Makeup and Hairstyling: The Eyes of Tammy Faye

      Best Production Design: Dune

      Best Original Score: Dune

      Best Original Song: No Time To Die

      Best Sound: Dune

      Best Visual Effects: Dune

      Best Animated Feature: Encanto

      Best Documentary Feature: Summer of Soul

      Best International Film: Drive My Car

      Best Animated Short: Robin Robin

      Beat Documentary Short: The Queen of Basketball (Edit: Switched to Audible)

      Best Live Action Short: The Long Goodbye

      4 votes
    27. Three weeks of Steam Deck game compatibility data

      I've been checking in each Friday since the release of the Steam Deck to see the number of games that have been added to the Deck's different compatibility categories. I felt like it was a bit...

      I've been checking in each Friday since the release of the Steam Deck to see the number of games that have been added to the Deck's different compatibility categories. I felt like it was a bit past time to keep bumping the release thread, so I went with a new topic.

      Here's where we're at currently:

      2022-02-25 2022-03-04 2022-03-11 2022-03-18 Week 1 Change Week 2 Change Week 3 Change
      Deck Verified 433 535 721 798 +102 +186 +77
      Deck Playable 398 471 580 678 +73 +109 +98
      Deck Unsupported 389 711 775 837 +313 +64 +62
      Steam Total Games N/A 67,165 67,399 67,627 N/A +234 +228
      15 votes
    28. How many of this year's Oscar nominees have you seen?

      Hey everyone. I know there's a few people here interested in film, but the majority aren't really. With the Oscars right around the corner, I was curious as to how many of this years nominees you...

      Hey everyone. I know there's a few people here interested in film, but the majority aren't really. With the Oscars right around the corner, I was curious as to how many of this years nominees you have seen. Here's the Wikipedia page to see the nominees.

      I've seen all the Best Picture nominees and most of the acting contenders. Notably I haven't seen Spencer, Parallel Mothers, and The Worst Person in the World which I will try to watch by the time of the ceremony. This year I have seen 4 of the Best Picture nominees in theaters (Belfast, Licorice Pizza, West Side Story and Dune). This is in comparison to last years 0 (obviously) and the year before's 5 (1917, Little Women, Parasite, Joker, and Once Upon A Time Hollywood). The rest I saw through streaming.

      If I had to rank this year's Best Picture nominees, this would be the order:

      1. West Side Story
      2. Licorice Pizza
      3. Don't Look Up
      4. Belfast
      5. Nightmare Alley
      6. King Richard
      7. Drive My Car
      8. The Power of the Dog
      9. CODA
      10. Dune

      What about you guys?

      6 votes
    29. Tildes' 2022 Backlog Burner: Week 1 Discussion Thread

      Use this thread to post about the games that you play! Also, a quick note about thread etiquette: It is fine to make multiple top-level posts throughout the week if you play multiple games. It is...

      Use this thread to post about the games that you play!

      Also, a quick note about thread etiquette: It is fine to make multiple top-level posts throughout the week if you play multiple games. It is also fine to respond to yourself with updates if you're continuing a single game and want to talk more about it as you go!

      Previous threads:


      What is this?

      Your "backlog" is all those games you've been meaning to play or get around to, but never have yet! This event is an attempt to get us to collectively dig into that treasure trove of experiences!

      How do I participate?

      Choose a game (or several) from your backlog and play it/them. Then tell us about your experiences in the discussion thread for the week! If you're not sure what you might write, take a look at a previous backlog post or our previous Backlog Burner event in 2020 to get an idea. Also if you want to keep track of statistics across the whole event or anything else like that, go for it!

      Do I need to finish the games I play?

      Nope! Not at all. There aren't really any requirements for the event so much as this is an incentive to get us to play games we've been avoiding starting up, for whatever reason. Play as much or as little as you like of a given game. Try out dozens for ten minutes each or dive into one for 40 hours. There's no wrong way to participate!

      What's the timeline?

      I will post an update thread weekly, each Tuesday, for the four weeks of February. At the end of the month, I think it would be neat to tally how many collective games we all removed from our backlogs, as well as what the best finds were from our collective digging into our libraries. I expect we'll turn up some good hidden gems, as well as interesting insights.

      Do I need to sign up?

      You don't have to do anything to officially join or participate in the event other than post in these threads! Participate in whatever way works for you. Also, because this is ongoing, it is okay to make more than one top-level post if you're updating the thread with new information.

      10 votes
    30. Is there a way of highlighting comment edits?

      Title. I often think of things to add to my comment after they’ve (presumably) been seen by the OP. Sometimes I end up making a separate comment because I want to ensure visibility. Any way to...

      Title. I often think of things to add to my comment after they’ve (presumably) been seen by the OP. Sometimes I end up making a separate comment because I want to ensure visibility. Any way to give edited comments a similar visibility to new comments?

      10 votes
    31. IWTL financial literacy

      It's a very hard topic to research lately because of the crypto-bros lately and it's very hard to trust a stranger on youtube spouting financial advice. Can tildes suggest any must-read books...

      It's a very hard topic to research lately because of the crypto-bros lately and it's very hard to trust a stranger on youtube spouting financial advice.

      Can tildes suggest any must-read books and/or resources to become more financially literate?

      Background: I'm a software engineer from Germany, I'm making decent salary, but I've always been incredibly bad with money. I just spend what I need and almost never look after my financial state. The result, as you can imagine, is a very low rate of savings and a lot of unrealized gains.

      Honestly, it's kind of embarrassing to ask, I lucked into a great industry, but has been so irresponsible with my money, I guess the first step is acceptance.

      8 votes
    32. RSS feed improvements

      hey tilders, so I mostly read tildes.net content through my RSS reader, and it's 98% great. the remaining 2% is due to two things: HTML entities (fancy quotes, etc) don't degrade nicely; I get a...

      hey tilders,

      so I mostly read tildes.net content through my RSS reader, and it's 98% great. the remaining 2% is due to two things:

      • HTML entities (fancy quotes, etc) don't degrade nicely; I get a lot of &#xxx; in my feed reader - Edited topics (I think) get posted twice to the RSS feed, giving me duplicate items.

      I don't know how hard it might be to fix these issues, but is there anything I can do to help?

      7 votes
    33. Popular subreddit r/antiwork goes private after Fox interview

      Many of you might be familiar with the popular and massively growing antiwork/work reform movement that found a home in the r/antiwork subreddit. Well, recently, the founder of the subreddit was...

      Many of you might be familiar with the popular and massively growing antiwork/work reform movement that found a home in the r/antiwork subreddit. Well, recently, the founder of the subreddit was invited on Fox news for an interview and it went about as well as you could expect (We shouldn't support r/Cringetopia) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yUMIFYBMnc

      Sub is now private, an offshoot called /r/WorkReform has been launched and everyone hates the old mods now.

      41 votes
    34. Tildes' 2022 Backlog Burner Event: It Begins!

      The event has officially started! Let's burn through these backlogs! Use this thread to post about the games that you play! Also, a quick note about thread etiquette: It is fine to make multiple...

      The event has officially started! Let's burn through these backlogs!

      Use this thread to post about the games that you play!

      Also, a quick note about thread etiquette: It is fine to make multiple top-level posts throughout the week if you play multiple games. It is also fine to respond to yourself with updates if you're continuing a single game and want to talk more about it as you go!

      What is this?

      Your "backlog" is all those games you've been meaning to play or get around to, but never have yet! This event is an attempt to get us to collectively dig into that treasure trove of experiences!

      How do I participate?

      Choose a game (or several) from your backlog and play it/them. Then tell us about your experiences in the discussion thread for the week! If you're not sure what you might write, take a look at a previous backlog post or our previous Backlog Burner event in 2020 to get an idea. Also if you want to keep track of statistics across the whole event or anything else like that, go for it!

      Do I need to finish the games I play?

      Nope! Not at all. There aren't really any requirements for the event so much as this is an incentive to get us to play games we've been avoiding starting up, for whatever reason. Play as much or as little as you like of a given game. Try out dozens for ten minutes each or dive into one for 40 hours. There's no wrong way to participate!

      What's the timeline?

      I will post an update thread weekly, each Tuesday, for the four weeks of February. At the end of the month, I think it would be neat to tally how many collective games we all removed from our backlogs, as well as what the best finds were from our collective digging into our libraries. I expect we'll turn up some good hidden gems, as well as interesting insights.

      Do I need to sign up?

      You don't have to do anything to officially join or participate in the event other than post in these threads! Participate in whatever way works for you. Also, because this is ongoing, it is okay to make more than one top-level post if you're updating the thread with new information.

      19 votes
    35. Bitcoins - can't it only go down from here?

      Here is my understanding of Bitcoins, would love to hear from people more knowledgeable than me on what I am getting wrong Only a certain number of bitcoins can be mined if the price of bitcoin...

      Here is my understanding of Bitcoins, would love to hear from people more knowledgeable than me on what I am getting wrong

      • Only a certain number of bitcoins can be mined
      • if the price of bitcoin goes up, it makes mining seem more profitable which encourages more mining
      • If there is more mining, the difficultly of mining eventually increases, & so miners consume more electricity until mining becomes less profitable again
      • Bitcoin is already consuming so much energy that countries are starting to actively discourage mining

      This implies that any substantial increase in bitcoin price will result in substantial regulation of the bitcoin industry as it impacts the supply and price of electricity to other industries

      • Bitcoin is highly volatile, and over time has increased in price substantially
      • A significant portion of bitcoin investors are speculating on an asset rise
      • If the asset stops rising, some speculators may start to sell
      • Increased selling activity will lower the price
      • A lower price will force more speculators to sell

      This implies that if bitcoin does not keep rising, it will start to fall

      • Other crypto currencies are highly correlated with Bitcoin price movement.

      Therefore if bitcoin falls, other crypto currencies fall.

      • Bitcoin is the current default for accepting cryptocurrency as payment
      • Bitcoin has a limited number of transactions it can process (3-7 a second)
      • If too many people want to process transactions, the fee will rise

      Therefore one or more other cryptocurrencies that uses proof of stake, must become the default for accepting cryptocurrency as payment.

      9 votes
    36. What are your favorite movies that came out in 2021?

      We had a wonderful thread where people commented their favorite movies that they watched this year, but they didn’t have to be 2021 movies. I listed a bunch of classics that I watched. But now I...

      We had a wonderful thread where people commented their favorite movies that they watched this year, but they didn’t have to be 2021 movies. I listed a bunch of classics that I watched. But now I wanna know your end of the year top lists. It could be as many movies as you want, 5, 7, 10, etc.

      I’ll start:

      1. In The Heights

      2. Belfast

      3. West Side Story

      4. Licorice Pizza

      5. Don’t Look Up

      6. Last Night in Soho

      7. tick, tick... BOOM!

      8. The Last Duel

      9. Spider-Man: No Way Home

      10. Candyman

      9 votes
    37. Christmas thread

      Thought I'd post a general conversation thread for folks who might not be spending time with family or friends on Christmas. What are you doing on your own for Christmas, or what are you missing...

      Thought I'd post a general conversation thread for folks who might not be spending time with family or friends on Christmas. What are you doing on your own for Christmas, or what are you missing out on?

      23 votes
    38. Email forwarding services

      Hello everyone. The other day, Firefox Monitor warned me that my personal e-mail was found on a data leak from Gravatar (belongs to Automattic; WordPress's parent company). Funnily, I don't have...

      Hello everyone.

      The other day, Firefox Monitor warned me that my personal e-mail was found on a data leak from Gravatar (belongs to Automattic; WordPress's parent company). Funnily, I don't have any account (and never had) with them, but nevertheless, I tried to log in, and it failed. I tried to recover my password, and it said "no e-mail found". Maybe a false positive from Firefox's side?

      Anyway, that situation got me thinking that I should never use my personal email except on super important websites. For example, with Christmas gift buying, I've used my personal e-mail on multiple online websites (I usually try to avoid Amazon) and I shouldn't have done that.

      Of course, Firefox recommended their own service Firefox Relay, which it does look interesting. Afterwards, I've searched on HackerNews to see what other people recommended.

      These were the recommendations (apart from FF Relay):

      A few questions:

      1. Do you use any of these three services?
      2. How happy are you with the service that you use?
      3. Is there something better?

      I actually like Firefox's implementation because it is actually quite cheap (€12 per year), it is an easier way to support Firefox's development (instead of donation to the Mozilla Corporation) and I trust Firefox more on the security side of things. Nevertheless, the other two services seem more feature complete and I actually do not like that FF Relay "forces" you to use a domain like "alias@mozmail.com" or a custom domain like "alias@mydomain.mozmail.com". My goal would actually be "alias@mydomain.com" for my own contact with other people. On website registrations, @mozmail.com is okay, I guess.

      I already have my own domain that I've bought from Namecheap and I think instead of associating an e-mail to my domain, I actually would prefer to use one of these services. The reason is that my website/e-mail domain could be reused if I stop paying. Some websites and/or people could have this e-mail and someone could impersonate me. With an e-mail forwarding service, I can easily and quickly delete/disable/change the alias. I'm not sure if I'm putting too much expectation on a forwarding service, but, I would like to know what do you think. 🙂

      14 votes
    39. I got permanently suspended from Reddit today. Now I know what Reddit has become.

      My account was permanently suspended saying I had violated TOS multiple times, not only is this wrong, my previous suspension was unfair too, but I didn't appeal because it was only 1 week long...

      My account was permanently suspended saying I had violated TOS multiple times, not only is this wrong, my previous suspension was unfair too, but I didn't appeal because it was only 1 week long and I know the state of reddit moderation, I just let it go, now this is getting out of hand, what is wrong? How can an account with so much contribution be suspended unfairly without any valid reason? Something needs to be done, if this continues, it's a matter of time for Reddit to become Facebook, mark my words. Peace ☮️.

      6 votes
    40. Any SF Bay Area mountain bikers? Looking for info.

      Hey all. I just bought my first mountain bike. I don't know much about mountain biking but when I've taken a hybrid out onto logging trails it's been super fun so I'm sure I'll enjoy it. I have a...

      Hey all. I just bought my first mountain bike. I don't know much about mountain biking but when I've taken a hybrid out onto logging trails it's been super fun so I'm sure I'll enjoy it. I have a few questions before I head out into the mountains:

      1. What kind of mountain-biking specific gear do I need?
      2. Where should I go as a beginner? Ideally somewhere with not too many hikers or other cyclists. I have plenty of stamina from my regular uphill cycling routine, but I don't want to get into intense steep riding and jumps right now.
      5 votes
    41. I'm stuck and could use some help, pretty please

      okay tildes here to tell suspended to leave their kid alone about discord on the school computer. that was easy advice to give! But how about a real challenge in what-should-i-do-about-the-boy?...

      okay tildes here to tell suspended to leave their kid alone about discord on the school computer. that was easy advice to give! But how about a real challenge in what-should-i-do-about-the-boy? hold onto your HATS bc I've got a TOUGHIE~!

      see I was tutoring this 13yo last year. He was super isolated and he still is. He deals with a range of insecurity and frustration. He leaps to conclusions and struggles with anger at the people around him, especially his mother. I used to spend time with him daily, but then I moved towns and now our contact is limited to chat and video call. We talk throughout the week but we always video call on wednesdays. His mother asked me if we could switch days, because she wants him to go to after school sessions with a math teacher who has noticed his grades falling. When I talked to him about the possibility of swapping so he could attend the afterschool, he told me that he didn't want go to sessions for dumb kids. I said I was flexible regardless so he can't use the time I reserve for him as an excuse not to go -- but I worry that his perception that the sessions are for dumb kids reflects a stigma that will prevent him from asking for help when he needs it.

      How do I push back on the idea that getting extra help with school could imply that he is somehow inexcusably deficient? I sense that most of his other teachers are setting the bar even lower for him than they did last year; his take-home assignments are uniformly inane, and he knows it. How would you communicate around why it is important to try and to practice trying when so much of what is expected of him is transparently pointless? My friendship with him has become important, I think, but I worry a lot that I have no chance to guide him toward a better life and this episode has been a keen example.

      5 votes
    42. Any good resources on Morphogenesis and related areas?

      I recently began thinking about how plants get their shape and discovered "morphogenesis" after some inept googling. It seems like a fascinating subject so I'd like to learn a bit more. I have...

      I recently began thinking about how plants get their shape and discovered "morphogenesis" after some inept googling. It seems like a fascinating subject so I'd like to learn a bit more. I have some A-level university courses in chemistry and microbiology, but never dug too deep. So I am looking for suggestions on what to read up on in order to gain some understanding of how plants and other organisms get their shape. The ultimate goal is of course to plant my own house.

      4 votes
    43. How do I change my email address without changing the underlying provider?

      I tried to do a quick search and can't find an example of exactly what I want to do. I want to keep my email provider but change how it "looks" or said in another way, change the address itself....

      I tried to do a quick search and can't find an example of exactly what I want to do. I want to keep my email provider but change how it "looks" or said in another way, change the address itself. The reason for that is that I ditched Google to a lesser known email provider but I hate having to spell out my address to everyone because they don't know about said provider.

      My idea would be to create something like myname@personal.com. Is there a name for what I want to do? Is it possible?


      6 votes