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  • Showing only topics with the tag "ask". Back to normal view
    1. What is everyone using for managing their contacts?

      Hi everyone, I'm struggling with contact management and was wondering if anyone could recommend some good solutions. My Google Contacts and iOS contact management has become unmanageable and I...

      Hi everyone, I'm struggling with contact management and was wondering if anyone could recommend some good solutions. My Google Contacts and iOS contact management has become unmanageable and I personally find them very awkward to use.

      15 votes
    2. A "low-risk" AMA thread for everyone

      Historically, I've found the most interesting AMA's came from seemingly "ordinary" people. (touchmyfuckingcoffee's vacuum AMA's come to mind!) I think that most everyone has one or two life...

      Historically, I've found the most interesting AMA's came from seemingly "ordinary" people. (touchmyfuckingcoffee's vacuum AMA's come to mind!) I think that most everyone has one or two life experiences, points of view, or specialized knowledge that would be fun to share or fun to learn about.

      I've toyed with the idea of hosting an AMA for awhile, but I've been afraid that maybe I wasn't "interesting" enough. Then, I realized that others might be in the same position! So instead of hosting my own AMA, I wanted to make space for a collective "Low-Risk" AMA, that I think would work especially well with Tildes' philosophy and format.

      With that preamble, I'm wondering if you would like to join me in an experiment? Let's make mini-AMA's out of top-level comments, with the Q's and A's as child comments.

      Edit: Wow! I wasn't expecting this thread to have so much staying power! Love all the conversations that are being had. FYI The early posters including myself are still answering questions, so don't be shy!

      191 votes
    3. I'm generally confused about dating women

      Tale as old as time, I suppose. Straight man doesn't understand women. I'm hoping this site will provide a healthy place to discuss my feelings and get wholesome input from others without it...

      Tale as old as time, I suppose. Straight man doesn't understand women. I'm hoping this site will provide a healthy place to discuss my feelings and get wholesome input from others without it turning into a pity party or cesspool.

      I didn't have any interest in dating until after I'd graduated college. Unfortunately, I immediately moved to an area of the country notorious for its unfavorable gender ratio. There are many more men than women here which means I'm starting on hard mode. I do at least have some traits which make things easier than for most. I am high earning, reasonably fit (not super cut but I work out most days), tall and I believe mentally healthy. However I can tell that my approach doesn't really catch with most people.

      I've had limited success out here. Some of my failures are mine to own. Getting started from nothing means I'm venturing into the unknown. I'm a naturally anxious person and never felt any intuition in social situations. Thankfully I've managed to figure out a way of being that jives with some people and learned the hard way the things I do that don't jive so well. But dating seems to have its own social rules - and they're harder to learn due to all of the misinformation.

      To sort out a lot of the misinformation I look to the people I see with the greatest degree of success. The older couples that are clearly deeply happy. My parents do pretty well in that regard. They've been married for 30-ish years with nothing more than a short argument between them. Or maybe I'll talk with an older co-worker who loves his wife the same way he did decades ago. People say that all happy families are the same, and unhappy families each broken in their own way. It's clear that there are some things in common with the happy couples - a universal recipe for happiness and success.

      • Forgiveness
      • Consistent effort
      • Flexibility
      • Similar values

      I try to take these virtues with me when dating.

      Of course, mutual attraction is a black box and also plays an important role. I've tried dating women that are just outside of what I would consider attractive. I think it's important to know what truly is important to me. But I found that things did not feel right and I can't compromise in that way. I'm not looking for a 10. But if I know they are not attractive to me it won't work.

      In the normal world (outside of online dating) I think the odds of a random person being instantly notably attractive are very low. Someone needs to be sufficiently aesthetically attractive, but also have the right mind and soul. Without the latter two I have no interest. So for me when I've met a nice woman from a dating app the process of learning more about this person begins - and it can take a while to truly get to know someone. But I draw on the virtue of effort and am more than willing to make that an active process as we get closer.

      There are actually some people out there that this all seems to align with. I think it's mostly a matter of time before I find the right person - so I'm not entirely discouraged. But the vast majority of women I meet seem to have the same feedback. They don't feel a connection - maybe that translates to "they're not attracted enough to me", maybe it's something else. But what I call a "connection" is something that can't be absolutely determined after one date.

      Given my profile pictures are representative of my appearance, I don't think they're all saying I'm aesthetically unattractive to them. Sure, some might decide after meeting me that they aren't as attracted in person. I experience that for myself some of the time. But I suspect that much of the time this is more of a mismatched approach. I really want to know either how better to find my kind of person, or what ways I can adapt to be flexible for the women I'm dating.

      Edit: Thank you everyone for your thoughts!

      A lot of people said a lot of things, many of which sounds right to me but only a few I think are applicable as next steps.

      1. My own reflection leads me to believe that being more present and less analytical will make dates more enjoyable and productive for both people.
      2. Keeping a very long term goal in mind cripples the dynamic of early dating. It requires future prediction abilities beyond what a human can do.
      3. I don't know if I can be the "fun guy" all the time but I can definitely increase the amount of fun.

      I wrote up a journal entry about what I wrote here and everyone's responses. I'll bring up my thoughts with my therapist later. Maybe this is weird but I threw the journal entry into ChatGPT. If nothing else it was positive and cheerful, which is helpful. But I was able to drill down on a few different things and got answers that sound reasonable. This is surely a common enough topic that it's got good training data for it.

      I'd also like to say, for whoever reads my comments, that much of what I wrote is more about following a thought as far as it will go more so than putting my internal constitution into writing. I'm here to be as malleable as I need to be.

      70 votes
    4. Anyone else feel/used to feel that they will be alone both platonically and romantically, forever?

      I have cptsd and comorbid-depression, am gay and trans, and i have bad social skills (i cant even maintain eye contact with someone). I feel completely hopeless for the future and i just wanted to...

      I have cptsd and comorbid-depression, am gay and trans, and i have bad social skills (i cant even maintain eye contact with someone). I feel completely hopeless for the future and i just wanted to know if anyone else here related, or if they've recovered. Thanks
      Edit: Thank you all very much for the great responses. Maybe i'll make it :)

      37 votes
    5. Midweek Movie Free Talk

      Have you watched any movies recently you want to discuss? Any films you want to recommend or are hyped about? Feel free to discuss anything here. Please just try to provide fair warning of...

      Have you watched any movies recently you want to discuss? Any films you want to recommend or are hyped about? Feel free to discuss anything here.

      Please just try to provide fair warning of spoilers if you can.

      9 votes
    6. Any people here who are also interested in a "low-tech lifestyle?"

      As an ex-Redditor, I only subscribed to 3 subreddits: /r/dumbphones /r/nosurf /r/simpleliving As someone who is incorporating more of an "offline" vs. "online" life, and downgrading some elements...

      As an ex-Redditor, I only subscribed to 3 subreddits:

      As someone who is incorporating more of an "offline" vs. "online" life, and downgrading some elements to live a lifestyle that's more focus on the present and get out of the house more (family, kids, pets, walking, etc.) instead of just reading and absorbing tons of information on my laptop.

      Are there any people here who are interested in this or is there a section on Tildes for this already? (I know Reddit is a much bigger site, just dipping my toes in the water to see if there is something like that on here already.)

      36 votes
    7. Any good places to find old (but good condition) hardbacks?

      So, I’ve recently remodeled my home office and added a big Murphy bed and bookcase wall unit. It is massive, amazing, and not nearly full enough for my literary standards. :) I’ve been hunting for...

      So, I’ve recently remodeled my home office and added a big Murphy bed and bookcase wall unit. It is massive, amazing, and not nearly full enough for my literary standards. :)

      I’ve been hunting for older, good condition, hardbacks from some of my favorite authors. I’m a massive Clive Barker fan (Imajica, Weaveworld, The Great and Secret Show, etc) and have been trying to track down good editions on eBay. I find it’s really hit or miss, and Amazon is really no better. Short of exploring Etsy for stuff (and my local thrift stores, which have not been remotely useful) are there any good places on the internet I should check out?

      There was a time when googling for this worked, now it’s rather useless.

      Thanks, all!

      15 votes
    8. Which audio drama podcasts do you recommend?

      You might be able to tell by my username which is my favorite audio drama. If you haven't heard of it, Wolf 359 is a space opera dramedy focused on a cast of deeply likable characters who find...

      You might be able to tell by my username which is my favorite audio drama. If you haven't heard of it, Wolf 359 is a space opera dramedy focused on a cast of deeply likable characters who find themselves carrying out mysterious research onboard a space station owned by a soulless corporation. Heads up, the whole thing is very enjoyable but the creators say the real story doesn't get going for real until about episode 9 and I would agree. It's funny and entertaining but gets pretty serious around there. Don't worry, the early episodes are super short and still good.

      Other audio dramas I highly recommend are:

      Edict Zero FIS
      Station 151
      Archive 81
      The Magnus Archives
      Theater of Tomorrow
      The Hyacinth Disaster
      Life After / The Message

      37 votes
    9. How do you hang stuff—from the walls or ceilings—around your house when you're decorating?

      It took me a while to find a good, non-destructive way to put up posters in my living room. I think I started with blu-tack, which dried in a few months and the posters came down. Then I tried...

      It took me a while to find a good, non-destructive way to put up posters in my living room. I think I started with blu-tack, which dried in a few months and the posters came down. Then I tried 3M's hanging strips, which stayed on the wall for longer, but was pretty expensive for what it was. A year ago I had the idea of using velcro that has adhesive tape on the other side. So far this has worked near perfectly for me.

      I know I'm not breaking new ground here, but I was happy to finally find a decent solution. Well, at least for light objects on walls (and elsewhere).

      23 votes
    10. Do you have an anime that serves as your guilty pleasure?

      Do you have a show that you secretly enjoy, but wouldn't speak about it openly? Perhaps it's terrible and ridiculous, but you love it anyway. I have a buddy who has loved SAO since its first...

      Do you have a show that you secretly enjoy, but wouldn't speak about it openly? Perhaps it's terrible and ridiculous, but you love it anyway.

      I have a buddy who has loved SAO since its first season. He knows it kinda sucks, but it makes him happy and imo that's great.

      It would be Detective Conan for me. The quality these days is horrible, but I get a kick from watching them anyway- even though you can predict the culprit 00000.1 seconds into the episode.

      And I know this is ~anime, but I'd also like to see ones that aren't limited to anime. Let us know!

      47 votes
    11. Night-shifters of Tildes, what tips do you have?

      In a few weeks I'm starting a new position at work that will be 7p-7a, 2 days in a row (each week, so work for 2 days, off for 5). It'll be a sort of "on call" type position that will have busier...

      In a few weeks I'm starting a new position at work that will be 7p-7a, 2 days in a row (each week, so work for 2 days, off for 5). It'll be a sort of "on call" type position that will have busier spats at the beginning and end of the shift, but the middle tends to be slow, occasionally no work at all. My employer doesn't have any major restrictions as far as work downtime, I have a lot of freedom there.

      What tips do y'all have for managing sleep surrounding overnight shifts, and also maintaining alertness/awakeness during the overnight shifts?

      30 votes
    12. Why did you select your username for Tildes?

      I always try this name first when signing up for accounts but it is always taken. Listen closely, my friend, because I'm about to blow your mind wide open. You see, 'King of the Hill' isn't just...

      I always try this name first when signing up for accounts but it is always taken.

      Listen closely, my friend, because I'm about to blow your mind wide open. You see, 'King of the Hill' isn't just some ordinary animated series. It's a diabolical government project aimed at documenting every aspect of my life! They've been watching me, tracking my every move, and mocking me through the fictional character of Hank Hill. It's all a clever ruse to hide the truth from the masses!

      In every episode, they carefully weave in details from my life, the people I know, and the secrets I've uncovered. The creators are agents of the government, skillfully disguising their surveillance operation as a simple sitcom. They want the world to think it's just entertainment, but it's so much more!

      Think about it! The show portrays Hank as a patriotic, average American, while I, Dale-ahem uh, Rusty Shackleford, the one who truly understands what's going on, am portrayed as a paranoid conspiracy theorist. It's a calculated move to discredit me, to make the truth sound like fiction!

      Every time I see the show, I feel their eyes upon me, laughing at my expense. The characters, the scenarios, they're all just tools to manipulate public perception. It's a mind-control experiment! MAKE SURE YOUR MOUNTAIN DEW IS SAFE.

      But don't worry, my friend. I won't let them silence me. I'll continue to expose the truth, fighting against this government conspiracy, no matter how deep it goes. They can't hide forever!

      Sha-sha-shaaaaa! pocket sand

      103 votes
    13. Suggestions for a short trip to Denver?

      I have a business trip to Denver in a few weeks, but I'm planning on staying a couple extra nights in order to see the city. My SO is also coming along. Neither of us have been to Denver -- any...

      I have a business trip to Denver in a few weeks, but I'm planning on staying a couple extra nights in order to see the city. My SO is also coming along. Neither of us have been to Denver -- any favorite things to do/see/eat?

      • We both enjoy art museums.
      • I've heard good things about Wings Over The Rockies, but I'm not sure how it compares to other aviation museums across the country.
      • Food: We are both kind of foodies, but it doesn't have to be fancy. Any cuisines to look for, or unique places to go?
      • Natural things: We might visit Rocky Mountain National Park or something like that. We have a rental car and don't mind driving if the destination is worth it.
      23 votes
    14. Do you use a puzzle mat for jigsaw puzzles? Is it necessary?

      I've been doing some high-ish quality wooden jigsaw puzzles, and I'm a bit worried about them getting damaged, so I'm using a puzzle mat. And...I hate it, so much. It's crazy hard to move...

      I've been doing some high-ish quality wooden jigsaw puzzles, and I'm a bit worried about them getting damaged, so I'm using a puzzle mat. And...I hate it, so much. It's crazy hard to move completed sections around if you need to rearrange, which is often an issue since i always solve without looking at the image. This is the primary irritation, but it's significant, and there's also some secondary irritations like the board is just kinda annoying to deal with and it's itchy lol.

      So, to people who do jigsaw puzzles, how do you protect your pieces? Do you use a puzzle mat? Something else? Just do it on a hard surface and all is fine?

      (also meta-note: this is my first topic post here so I hope I've done this correctly, tell me if I haven't!)

      15 votes
    15. Tildes multiplayer games

      I think the population of the site has likely grown to the point where we could get some multiplayer gaming going. While I don't currently have anything in mind, I figure there will come a time...

      I think the population of the site has likely grown to the point where we could get some multiplayer gaming going. While I don't currently have anything in mind, I figure there will come a time when I do so I thought I'd try to get things rolling.

      So, what multiplayer games would you like to try but lack the people for? What is your general availability for playing? Is there anything else people need to be aware of? Interest permitting, a recurring thread may be appropriate, though the exact interval would depend on the level of interest.

      64 votes
    16. When did VPS hosting get so expensive?

      I recently looked around at VPS pricing on DigitialOcean, Linode and Vultr. Everything seems much higher than I'd expect - way over the inflation rate. It looks like a 2 core 8GB VPS is being...

      I recently looked around at VPS pricing on DigitialOcean, Linode and Vultr. Everything seems much higher than I'd expect - way over the inflation rate. It looks like a 2 core 8GB VPS is being priced between $45 and $60 per month. Maybe I don't remember correctly but I recall being able to get 2 core VMs around $20 a few years ago!

      31 votes
    17. What are your thoughts on the European Union centralizing into something more akin to an early United States

      As a preface, this comes from the perspective of an American looking in on Europe. I'm curious in particular what any Europeans (please include your country of origin/ethnicity if you feel so...

      As a preface, this comes from the perspective of an American looking in on Europe. I'm curious in particular what any Europeans (please include your country of origin/ethnicity if you feel so inclined) feel about this post and the future of the EU.

      Europe is a unique region, to put it lightly. The extremely high level of development relative to the rest of the world over this last millennium as well as so many technological innovations in that period of time led to a Europe ready to exert its influence upon the rest of the world. We can comfortably say that, while examples do still exist, colonialism as an institution has largely faded. Europe is a much more varied continent culturally and ethnically despite a space roughly equal to that of the USA. We've all heard the common sayings about 200 miles is long in Europe where 200 years is long in America and generally speaking that does hold true.
      That said, Europe in the modern era really does feel like many small countries functioning as one big entity with the European Union. The EU has only gained credibility and legitimacy and it is now the institution I expect to hear from on matters within the EU first, even ahead of any individual nation state.
      All of this to say, I think a united Europe is the strongest possible future for Europe. No individual state in Europe is large enough to exert an influence upon the world without the rest of Europe behind them. Globalization, while diminished in recent years, is still happening and I don't see a decentralized Europe as "winning" globalization as dozens of individually tiny states.

      I could continue writing, but I think you understand my position. Now I would like to point to the article I found that really made me think about this, here.

      I would also like to ask, what do you see Europe and the European Union standing for? Should it continue to centralize or is the current level of control enough? Too much? I didn't mention Ukraine or defense in this post but obviously that has a huge impact on all of these questions and I would love to hear if that has impacted your perspective on this admittedly grandiose idea for a united Europe.

      People from all countries welcome to discuss, but please do mention your country if you feel comfortable doing so!

      Edit: More reading for anyone interested.

      53 votes
    18. What are some ways I can make my Illegal Slivers EDH deck more illegal?

      Hey there! I posted this on r/magictcg a while back, but I've seen and received many new ideas for cards and I'd love to see if you have any new ones. I had my Japanese copy of Sliver Queen in my...

      Hey there! I posted this on r/magictcg a while back, but I've seen and received many new ideas for cards and I'd love to see if you have any new ones.

      I had my Japanese copy of Sliver Queen in my wallet for years because my friend found it for $2 in a bargain bin, and I thought I could just buy another - not knowing it was Reserve List. Whoops. So I decided to build an Illegal Slivers EDH deck where every card is somehow not quite legitimate, with a few restrictions - no power 9, no OG duals, and if I can help it try to make as much variety between restrictions as possible, all while trying to keep it as a legitimate deck that aims to use Queen as the wincon. But I'm only about a quarter of the way there. Here's what's up:

      • Cards from other games with the same or similar names are used; Swamp from Wyvern, Island from Dominion, Ancient Tomb from Pokemon, Xiahou Dun the One-eyed from Wixoss, Karoo from One Piece, Duel Masters copy of Muscle Sliver...

      • I'm using relevant illegal MtG prints - World Championship decks, Mystery Booster playtests, an art copy of the Unearth Sliver I keep forgetting the name of, silver borders / acorns, etc. Also Clickslither (from Legions!) instead of Quick Sliver (from Legions!).

      • I was looking for a Wheel of Fortune tarot card before I found that lööps sticker and decided to go with that.

      • My favorite is that someone originally stole the shipment of Crystalline Sliver promos before they were going to give them out... So if you had a copy of it at one point, it was literally-illegal stolen goods. Eventually they retrieved them and distributed them.

      I've got other ideas, and I'm trying to break each rule. Looking for:

      • The best single thing from the ban list

      • Lutri as companion, or one card used twice

      • One ante card

      • Planechase and Conspiracy

      • The card Unquenchable Fury, to be confused with Unquenchable Fury

      • A 30th Anniversary card

      • Some oversize cards as regular-size proxies

      • An AI generated Sliver as a proxy

      • Some configuration of Unfinity Stickers to make a new Sliver card of my own

      • A World's Smallest for something like a Night's Whisper

      • An Armageddon trading card for Armageddon, a Hearthstone from WoW TCG, a Force of Will from L5R TCG, a whole bevy of cards from LotR card game... I still also need Sliv-Mizzet.

      And once this is all done... Find 100 different card sleeves to wrap these in. I'd also love - LOVE - to get the Queen graded and still use it as my Commander.

      So, Tildes - how else can I make this deck even worse? Thanks!

      21 votes
    19. 2022/2023 Formula E - Round 16, London (Season End)

      Anyone watch Formula E? The 2022/2023 season, or Season 9, just ended in London. Round 16, London results Nick Cassidy, Envision Racing Mitch Evans, Jaguar TCS Racing Jake Dennis, Avalanche...

      Anyone watch Formula E? The 2022/2023 season, or Season 9, just ended in London.

      Round 16, London results
      1. Nick Cassidy, Envision Racing
      2. Mitch Evans, Jaguar TCS Racing
      3. Jake Dennis, Avalanche Andretti Formula E

      Full Race Results

      2022/2023 Season 9 Final Standings

      2023 Teams Championship
      1. Envision Racing -- 304 pts
      2. Jaguar TCS Racing -- 292 pts
      3. Avalanche Andretti Formula E -- 252pts
      2023 Drivers Championship
      1. Jake Dennis, Avalanche Andretti Formula E -- 229pts
      2. Nick Cassidy, Envision Racing -- 199pts
      3. Mitch Evans, Jaguar TCS -- 197pts

      Full, Final Standings

      I missed most of the second half of the season, but at least caught the last race!

      I was really hoping rookie Jake Hughes (Neom McLaren Formula E) would do well, but he turned out to be more of a quali driver; could never keep race pace. But he did finished 12th in the standings, ahead of his teammate, Rene Rast. I suppose that could be viewed as a solid first season.

      Overall I've only been watching Formula E since about 2021, but it seemed like this year was less bumper cars than the last two. The poor racecraft definitely turned me off from the series at times.

      Looking forward to Season 10!

      9 votes
    20. A thread for news and discussion about UFO/UAP related topics

      ##NEWS## "A bipartisan group of lawmakers on the House Oversight Committee says a high-profile hearing on UFOs is just the start of their push for answers. And they are threatening to use...

      ##NEWS## "A bipartisan group of lawmakers on the House Oversight Committee says a high-profile hearing on UFOs is just the start of their push for answers. And they are threatening to use heavier-handed tactics if the Pentagon and intelligence agencies stand in their way." (The Hill) ##

      What's this?

      This topic header is updated to link to the newest top-level comment link post so it's visible through the sneakpeek.

      Since many people are upset about the homepage getting swamped with UFO/UAP news, maybe a dedicated thread to contain all the discussion would help.

      Edit: also please keep the conversation civil

      Direct links to each sub-thread:

      What's this?

      Currently the thread is dominated by meta discussions, making it hard to find the actual news. I'm thinking maybe having a short list of top-level comments directly from the thread's main body can help browsing to find relevant discussions more manageable.

      The comments will be categorized into link posts and text posts, emulating the way the site works (though I suspect there'll be mixed cases where judgement call will be needed).

      I'll try to keep the list (as well as the header) updated. Hopefully this will alleviate somewhat the worry that topics in megathreads aren't visible.

      Link posts (newest first)

      Text posts (newest first)

      Off-topics (newest first, posts are placed here only after it's noticeably clear that comment labels have taken effect)

      56 votes
    21. Lets talk roguelikes!

      Roguelikes have a special place in my heart. When you know that your character is mortal, the stakes feel so much more real, and your progress feel so much more earned. You can’t second-guess the...

      Roguelikes have a special place in my heart. When you know that your character is mortal, the stakes feel so much more real, and your progress feel so much more earned. You can’t second-guess the level design, because random, and sometimes things are simply not unfair, like when you get transformed into a cute mushroom, while your otherwise generic foe get transformed into a god. I consider unfairness, uncertaincy and chaos to be core gameplay components.

      Here’s some roguelikes I liked, in no particular order:

      Sort of like Slay the Spire with retro aestetics combined with the gritty feel of the SAW franchise. The most atmospheric and foreboding deckbuilder I've ever played. It is sort of a meta-game where you play a retro computer game in which you play a tabletop roleplaying game with a deranged dungeonmaster.

      Looks like a rather generic pixelart side-view dungeoncrawl, but beneath the humble surface lurks Finnish folklore, a revolutionary physics engine and an insanely versatile magic system, likely the best in any game. The game is vast, both in sense of game world but also the numbers of monsters, spells, perks and secrets. I consider this the best roguelike, full stop.

      Don't Starve
      Craft to survive in an unforgiving wilderness, battling wildlife, hunger cold and insanity. Having to constantly collect resources makes this game a bit on the grindy side, but the hand-drawn artwork and a rich world to explore and unlock makes this stay fresh.

      Jupiter Hell
      This, the successor to DRL (Doom Roguelike), is the only classic roguelike I could ever get into. The top-notch visuals makes me literally forget that I'm playing a grid-based turn-based rogue-clone. Still, the game is rather lacking in variation, and there's no lore or story choices. While I think this is by design, the DOOM roots and whatnot, I'm missing the sense of exploration and wonder found in other roguelikes. But even with that, the game is cool and ever so dark, and there's quite a lot of depth despite the simple controls.

      Simplistic and neat pixelart space exploration game. The meat of the game is space combat in real time with pause, between which you plan your route on a node-based overworld and make various choices. The game, while cozy, is quite intense. You're trying to escape a vastly superior fleet while fighting off incoming attacks and trying to not run out of fuel while hopefully improving your ship to survive as the stakes rises. Every choice you make feels like a life or death decision. The fights offers a lot of different tactics. There's various ships to unlock by completing various missions. The one downside is that you have seen all the different encounters way before you have everything unlocked, but the mod FTL Multiverse adds a lot of new content.

      Into the Breach
      Simple tactical turnbased on 8x8 fields, by the folks behind FTL. The main gimmick is that you can see how the enemies are going to attack in their turn, and try to counter it. This works surprisingly well and offers a lot of depth.

      Depth of Extinction
      Underwater turnbased tactical. The game feels like watching a cheap action movie from the eighties. Sometimes the missions can feel a bit samey, and the underwater setting could be more in forefront but this doesn't stop the game from being quite a lot of fun. I'm hardly an expert here, but I've heard people who prides themselves of their expertice at turn-based tactical gaming giving this one a lot of praise.

      Arena-shooter with a very stylish retro aestetics which doesn't confuse you in the fast-paced chaos. This, combined with a RPG fantasy theme really make this stand out from the other twin-stick offerings. This is a game I consider a spiritual successor to the original twin stick shooter, Robotron 2084. Of course, you need to play the Hunter, the other characters doesn't have the Robotron-trademark mashine gun fire. There's a dash function which is quite handy when you're about to be cornered. There is not really any character building, although by scoring enough points you can unlock various pickups. I guess it is designed for local multiplayer (there's four characters to choose from) but I haven't tried this. Plays excellent with controller.

      The Wrath's Den
      This is basically Dungeonkeeper, but simplified into a turnbased pixelart game with keyboard controls. You use space to switch between minions, arrow keys to move them, X to do various actions. Besides the random room choices, everything follow simple strict mechanics, which sometimes requires a bit of observation to grasp. The one major downside is that you cannot save your game. Much suck! But other than that, this humble little game is quite easy to fall in love with.

      90 votes
    22. Where do you all go for gaming news?

      I love keeping up with industry announcements and new trailers, but a lot of game news websites are too full of fluff. Is there a good videogame news aggregator or a journalism site that you like?...

      I love keeping up with industry announcements and new trailers, but a lot of game news websites are too full of fluff. Is there a good videogame news aggregator or a journalism site that you like? I used to like IGN and Kotaku but I find their content more useless than not.

      41 votes
    23. Which show kickstarted your interest in anime?

      It doesn't necessarily have to be your first show. Which one sparked your interest? Do you still like it? Hunter x Hunter (2011) was the one that introduced me to weeb culture. From there, I...

      It doesn't necessarily have to be your first show. Which one sparked your interest? Do you still like it?

      Hunter x Hunter (2011) was the one that introduced me to weeb culture. From there, I branched out- the earliest I remember are Fairy Tail, Blue Exorcist, Magi, etc. Weirdly enough, I still haven't finished Naruto.

      I recently rewatched HxH, and I can still say it's very charming. I can now join the Hiatus x Hiatus gang.

      60 votes
    24. Help with educational resources - Non bio parents reveal

      Does anyone know of any good resources for helping kids understand when their dad is not their bio dad? My brother is not his eldests bio dad. Some bullying/ nastiness means my Bro and his Mrs are...

      Does anyone know of any good resources for helping kids understand when their dad is not their bio dad? My brother is not his eldests bio dad. Some bullying/ nastiness means my Bro and his Mrs are sitting the kid down today (on an expedited schedule) to tell him and explain hes not a mistake etc. Are there any good educational bits anyone might know of?

      8 votes
    25. What are your favorite recipes to showcase garden- or farm-fresh produce?

      Now that the summer bounty at the farmer's market is in full swing, I'd love to hear about your recipes that showcase the fresh fruits and vegetables you get from the farmer's market, or the...

      Now that the summer bounty at the farmer's market is in full swing, I'd love to hear about your recipes that showcase the fresh fruits and vegetables you get from the farmer's market, or the garden if you grow your own. I'm thinking of the recipes that really let the flavors of the produce shine.

      Two of my favorite farmer's market items are sweet corn and tomatoes, and I've come to realize the corn and tomatoes you can buy at the grocery store are just sad imitations of the real thing. My favorite recipe right now is a simple sweet corn and cherry tomato salad, with a little basil, flaky salt, lime juice, and good olive oil. I'll add mozarella or feta and pepitas sometimes for a little extra oomph, but the simplicity and flavors are heavenly. What are your favorites?

      16 votes
    26. I need more albums like Imaginary Sonicscape by Sigh

      I think this album might be a unicorn, but I'm gonna put this out there anyway. Please suggest more prog/avant black metal that is this good. I've done a few cursory google searches, but the only...

      I think this album might be a unicorn, but I'm gonna put this out there anyway. Please suggest more prog/avant black metal that is this good. I've done a few cursory google searches, but the only thing I've found that even comes close is The Sham Mirrors by Arcturus. Maybe Beneath the Lights by Enslaved too.

      IS is just such a masterpiece. I love the keyboards, the clear but muddy sound, the guitar work. It's just so god damned good. Please give me some more good albums to check out in the same general space.

      5 votes
    27. NSFW/profanity adult filter?

      EDIT: Post-locked topic I didn't get the chance to reply or explain myself, ironically, as I posted this topic last night and then woke up this morning to 42 comments this topic being locked. In...

      EDIT: Post-locked topic

      I didn't get the chance to reply or explain myself, ironically, as I posted this topic last night and then woke up this morning to 42 comments this topic being locked.

      In short, I didn't want to block swearing from Tildes, I just wanted to find out if there was a NSFW filter, as I had my first one pop up in the feed yesterday. Reddit and other sites allow you to block NSFW content from the get-go. And yes, it is the minority by far on Tildes.

      As for the swearing, I don't know why I assumed that the NSFW would remove that, I must have been tired when posting this topic. (And yes, I know that this is the internet and it's filled with non-friendly content, so it is naive to expect otherwise, sadly.)

      I guess it would just be nice to have a place where you can have both great quality posts (such as on Tildes), as well as the comments be free of some unnecessary, low-quality words. I think Twitter and others allow you to block some words or topics.

      I apologise for @Deimos that he had to step in to bring the peace, I didn't mean for this to happen. And apologies to the community for bringing any unrest. This was never my intention.

      Hi everyone, only been on Tildes for a few weeks now.

      First off, I love the quality of the content and the community's camraderie.

      The only question is whether there is a way to filter NSFW, adult or profane comments. There is such great content on here, with amazing contributors, but sometimes you just get the people who like to use profane language like it's an adjective, and it has no place in the topic or discussion. I know we can't block people, but is there a way of filtering out such content, comments, or users?

      21 votes
    28. T20 bits and screws, what am I doing wrong?

      I am putting a new surface on my Deck. I am using Trex and 2.5" composite specific screws. These are small head screws with a T20 torx bit. [img]https://i.ibb.co/MchtXPx/20230628-175119.jpg[/img]...

      I am putting a new surface on my Deck. I am using Trex and 2.5" composite specific screws. These are small head screws with a T20 torx bit.


      I am 7.5 boards in out of 25 boards and I have destroyed 5 bits, 3 of them brand name impact rated bits. I am making sure to stay cammed in, and weight on top of the screw. I am lining the drill up with the angle of the screw. I am also predrilling every hole.

      I feel like I have to be doing something wrong. I just don't know what else to do.

      Edit - these are the exact screws I am using - https://www.homedepot.com/p/Grip-Rite-9-x-2-1-2-in-Brown-Star-Drive-Pan-Head-Coarse-Composite-Deck-Screw-10-lbs-Pack-N212CSB10BK/207193648

      16 votes
    29. Homework tunes

      What are your favourite songs to play while doing work? Personally I mostly like songs with no lyrics that have calmer instrumentals or ambient video game soundtracks. I made this Spotify playlist...

      What are your favourite songs to play while doing work?
      Personally I mostly like songs with no lyrics that have calmer instrumentals or ambient video game soundtracks. I made this Spotify playlist with some friends and I'm curious what resonated with other people :)

      17 votes
    30. Where can I find translated Japanese light novels?

      I have dug around the net for a little while now, and other than direct purchase from Japan I am having trouble finding light novels. Specifically for several anime series I liked and want to read...

      I have dug around the net for a little while now, and other than direct purchase from Japan I am having trouble finding light novels. Specifically for several anime series I liked and want to read the originals for. Anyone know where I can find light novels in general for purchase or otherwise?

      12 votes
    31. What’s an unrealistic expectation you feel pressured to meet?

      Anything goes. This can be in your job, in an interpersonal relationship, a societal pressure, or something else entirely. It can be something significant or something minor. It can be something...

      Anything goes. This can be in your job, in an interpersonal relationship, a societal pressure, or something else entirely. It can be something significant or something minor. It can be something externally applied to you, or a pressure you put on yourself.

      • What is the unrealistic expectation?
      • What makes it so unrealistic?
      • Who/what is applying the pressure?
      • Is this expectation specific to you, or does it apply to a larger group/role/identity?
      • Why do you think the pressure exists in the first place?
      • What could be done (if anything) to change the expectation?
      68 votes
    32. Recommendations for Rome in September

      Hi tildes My GF and I are coming to Rome in a couple of months to celebrate our 5th anniversary :) I was wondering if you have any recommendations, we have 5 full days i the city, and we would...

      Hi tildes

      My GF and I are coming to Rome in a couple of months to celebrate our 5th anniversary :)

      I was wondering if you have any recommendations, we have 5 full days i the city, and we would love to explore some of the local gems, beyond the must-see tourist destinations

      9 votes
    33. What happened to the light crime-comedy genre of the 2010s?

      Burn Notice, White Collar, Chuck, Psych... List probably goes on. Suits fits the mold in my head tonally (at least the earlier seasons), though less about action. Nowadays even the comedies are...

      Burn Notice, White Collar, Chuck, Psych... List probably goes on. Suits fits the mold in my head tonally (at least the earlier seasons), though less about action.

      Nowadays even the comedies are turning into serious drama than light pick-me-ups. So... let's talk about that? What happened? Do you miss them?

      48 votes
    34. Which board games have you been playing? (to 24th July)

      What have you all been playing this week? My Saturday night games got cancelled by an impromptu family gathering, so I didn't play anything other than a couple of Unlock games with my daughter. We...

      What have you all been playing this week?

      My Saturday night games got cancelled by an impromptu family gathering, so I didn't play anything other than a couple of Unlock games with my daughter. We played the first two of Escape Adventures called The Formula and Squeek & Sausage. Definitely preferred S&S out of these two and a couple of the puzzles fitted the comic book styling very well.

      Share your gaming sessions!

      14 votes
    35. Why don’t electric vehicles have alternators?

      Why aren’t electric vehicles fitted with an alternator that can charge the battery while one drives; similar to how a gas engines recharge their batteries? With all the advancement in technology...

      Why aren’t electric vehicles fitted with an alternator that can charge the battery while one drives; similar to how a gas engines recharge their batteries? With all the advancement in technology it would seem that they have figured it out and won’t implement it to force people to pay for electricity or my own lack of knowledge on the subject.

      13 votes
    36. An American traveling to Spain/Portugal

      I am taking my 70 year old mother on a guided trip to Spain and Portugal. She is very excited. The trip starts in Barcelona, goes down the cost and over to Lisbon and Porto and then ends in...

      I am taking my 70 year old mother on a guided trip to Spain and Portugal. She is very excited. The trip starts in Barcelona, goes down the cost and over to Lisbon and Porto and then ends in Madrid. We then plan on taking a train to the coast. Before going back to Barcelona and traveling home

      I have three main questions

      1. Can I bring my unlocked pixel 5a and add a secondary sim card? How does that work?
      2. Are there any must have items I should pack that I may not think of?
      3. Anyone have any advice for me?

      This is my first trip to mainland Europe, and probably her last international trip so I want it to be easy, stress free and memorable.

      23 votes