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  • Showing only topics with the tag "ask". Back to normal view
    1. Nice stuff to make in an Instant Pot

      Quite a lot of us will have them. They are pretty damn useful, and make for decent lazy meals. Apart from stock, here is one of the recipes I really like for the IP....

      Quite a lot of us will have them. They are pretty damn useful, and make for decent lazy meals.

      Apart from stock, here is one of the recipes I really like for the IP.


      Japanese pork belly slices. Works brilliantly and stunning flavour. In fact Just One Cookbook is generally a great site, but this was the first of theirs I tried. I make it every time my wife goes away as it's not her thing, but I love it.

      Interested in your favourites!

      15 votes
    2. Games alike to EDF 4.1?

      My friends and I just finished our first run through EDF 4.1, and we had a blast. We each accumulated about 60 hours in the game doing so. Some of that was probably spent goofing around on other...

      My friends and I just finished our first run through EDF 4.1, and we had a blast. We each accumulated about 60 hours in the game doing so. Some of that was probably spent goofing around on other classes or strengthening up a bit for the three or four missions we got stuck on. All in all though, I'm amazed that it took us that long to get through.

      Actually, I'd say that's my response to this game in general. For something I had never really heard of, it was surprisingly good. The game was ridiculous at the start with the giant bugs but as it went it somehow just got crazier and crazier. The scale of the game was just fantastic in terms of enemy variety and size. The hilarity of the B movie writing paired with the outrageous gameplay made it an uproar between the four of us.

      The progression system was decent and probably the weakest point. The sheer amount of equipment was a big plus, since it's always exciting to see something new at the end of a mission and find out if it's any good or not, but it was pretty easy to identify an optimal strategy for each mission. There were some classes of weapons (for ranger at least) that were outright useless in a practical sense, which is disappointing. The variety in weapon design is great, but it's unfortunate that it couldn't be more balanced.

      Are there any other games that really scratch this itch? I can think of a lot of four-player co-op games that don't really fill that void. EDF is too fast-paced, has too many good "wtf moments", and has too enjoyable a progression system. For those of y'all on ~ who have played it: what other games did you enjoy that were sort of alike to EDF 4.1?

      4 votes
    3. Advice for getting into shape

      So I'm a teen and am starting a new school next year. I get a 12 week break so would really like to try and get in shape, mainly to boost self confidence. What types of exercise / diet would...

      So I'm a teen and am starting a new school next year. I get a 12 week break so would really like to try and get in shape, mainly to boost self confidence. What types of exercise / diet would people recommend?

      I don't think I'd ever get skinny but I'd I could swap out some fat for muscle that would be fantastic!

      13 votes
    4. Does anyone else get super hungry when a book talks about food?

      Like, not even movies or games, just books. Recently I've been reading this book called A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah, which is about his experiences as a child soldier in Sierra Leone. The book...

      Like, not even movies or games, just books. Recently I've been reading this book called A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah, which is about his experiences as a child soldier in Sierra Leone. The book talks about this root (?) called cassava, and something about the author describing it made me really hungry for it, even though I had never heard of it before. Its really weird, and I don't really know why books incite such a reaction in me.

      3 votes
    5. Federated?

      At some point reddit had plans to implement a federated protocol and let users run their own instances, but that was throw out of the window to satisfy shareholders interests. Does tildes has...

      At some point reddit had plans to implement a federated protocol and let users run their own instances, but that was throw out of the window to satisfy shareholders interests. Does tildes has plans to implement a federate protocol in the future or is something that hasn't been considered?

      6 votes
    6. Best linux distro and/or tiling window manager for a small touch screen?

      There seems to be a solid community of Linux people growing here, so thought I might try asking... I'm building a head unit for my car, using a Raspberry Pi to a 7" (and eventually 10-14") touch...

      There seems to be a solid community of Linux people growing here, so thought I might try asking...

      I'm building a head unit for my car, using a Raspberry Pi to a 7" (and eventually 10-14") touch screen.

      I'd like to have a fast-booting Linux distro with tiling windows that lets me set up a config file to launch a bunch of programs that are tiled perfectly edge to edge, with minimal border (a 1px line us OK), minimal header (just the name of the program? or none at all maybe), and have them all locked in place so I can't accidentally drag one or resize one when touching audio controls, for example.

      The idea is to have a few windows, such as an audio player, a GPS map, 2 dash cam feeds, and an OBDII style sensor readouts, all on screen at the same time, each sized differently.

      I've got each individual program working fine on Raspbian right now, but no idea how to go about the tiling-on-boot, locking them in place, etc.

      Can I do it with Raspbian with some specific window manager? or do I need a different distro?

      Thanks in advance.

      8 votes
    7. Raspberry Pi or Arduino projects

      So I've nearly finished my exams and am going to have a bunch of free time soon. I want to try and learn to do some electronics stuff. I already have an Arduino and Pi and have done the basic...

      So I've nearly finished my exams and am going to have a bunch of free time soon. I want to try and learn to do some electronics stuff. I already have an Arduino and Pi and have done the basic flashing lights projects, but want to try something a bit more interesting (but not too expensive either)

      14 votes
    8. Anyone like Pokemon Go?

      I had this game on my phone for awhile but only just started last night. So far I think it's neat what kinds of landmarks can be pokestops, like a little fountain by a restaurant or a very old...

      I had this game on my phone for awhile but only just started last night. So far I think it's neat what kinds of landmarks can be pokestops, like a little fountain by a restaurant or a very old building. It also reminds me of those pokewalker things from long ago, the ones that counted your steps. It also kills me when a church is a gym.

      Now I'm not walking everywhere or buying plane tickets trying to do this but it's pretty pleasant so far. What are your thoughts, Tildes?

      Edit: I took my first gym at a quaint little church and the Nidorino I left there came back about 6 hours later. There's more people playing this than I realized, also more churches lol.

      13 votes
    9. What is you preferred password manager?

      I use Lastpass at work but don't have experience with any others. Last time I looked into it Lastpass and Keepass were the only two viable options if I recall (though my memory isn't the most...

      I use Lastpass at work but don't have experience with any others. Last time I looked into it Lastpass and Keepass were the only two viable options if I recall (though my memory isn't the most reliable thing). A few quick searches seem to indicate that the market has opened up a bit since then. I'd like to use something open source with Linux, Windows, and Android clients. So, what's your preferred password manager and why?

      45 votes
    10. Becoming an avid reader

      Since AP Lit in high school, I’ve wanted to get into reading. Recently I started making a list of things I want to read (both fiction and non, fantasy and sci fi, bios and commentary), but am not...

      Since AP Lit in high school, I’ve wanted to get into reading. Recently I started making a list of things I want to read (both fiction and non, fantasy and sci fi, bios and commentary), but am not making the slightest dent in it. Im able to read magazine writing and online publications throughout the day, so what do y’all do to read more books?

      9 votes
    11. Let's organize a Tildes "Dwarf Fortress" succession game!

      Let's do it guys! Every good forum/community from Ars Technica to the XKCD forums has had a go taking turns playing the most detailed simulation game I have ever seen. I can generate the world for...

      Let's do it guys! Every good forum/community from Ars Technica to the XKCD forums has had a go taking turns playing the most detailed simulation game I have ever seen. I can generate the world for ideal 44.10 (and hopefully 44.11) settings with my extra adventurer reactions.

      Now that dwarves can get angry and stressed again, now is an opportune time. Who's with me?

      18 votes
    12. What’s Pride month like for you?

      Coincidentally checked right after this went up, hi gay friends! As someone living in the South, Pride is actually a fall/spring thing, so I don’t have much to look forward to offline with Pride...

      Coincidentally checked right after this went up, hi gay friends!
      As someone living in the South, Pride is actually a fall/spring thing, so I don’t have much to look forward to offline with Pride this month.
      What stories and events do y’all have?

      12 votes
    13. Which Hogwarts House is best?

      And why is it Ravenclaw? I figure we might as well get a thread going about the Harry Potter series of books, show that it is popular and that ~HarryPotter needs to be a thing. Which Hogwarts...

      And why is it Ravenclaw?

      I figure we might as well get a thread going about the Harry Potter series of books, show that it is popular and that ~HarryPotter needs to be a thing.

      Which Hogwarts house are you? Find some like-minded friends and start the seeds of a community here.

      14 votes
    14. Hi tilders; In my first relationship ever. Any advice?

      As the title says I got into my first relationship this past week (Im 22; male) and boy do I feel happy. Now I gotta be the best me I can be, any relationship tips for a dude? (I'll take advice...

      As the title says I got into my first relationship this past week (Im 22; male) and boy do I feel happy. Now I gotta be the best me I can be, any relationship tips for a dude? (I'll take advice from all genders).

      Thank you!

      1 week later edit: Thank you to everyone who offered advice based on their experience. I got a taste of different stories however the tl;dr seems to be:

      • be honest, even if the truth is ugly
      • constant open communication
      • stay true to yourself
      • dont rush things; let things happen naturally
      • if things don't turn out well; then thats just life
      31 votes
    15. Ten years of Loss.jpg ~ What was your favorite version ?

      ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣴⡤ ⠀⣠⠀⢿⠇⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢰⢷⡗ ⠀⢶⢽⠿⣗⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⡧⠂⠀⠀⣼⣷⡆ ⠀⠀⣾⢶⠐⣱⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣤⣜⣻⣧⣲⣦⠤⣧⣿⠶ ⠀⢀⣿⣿⣇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠛⠿⣿⣿⣷⣤⣄⡹⣿⣷ ⠀⢸⣿⢸⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠙⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⠀⠿⠃⠈⠿⠆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠹⠿⠿⠿ ⠀⢀⢀⡀⠀⢀⣤⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡀⡀ ⠀⣿⡟⡇⠀⠭⡋⠅⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢰⣟⢿ ⠀⣹⡌⠀⠀⣨⣾⣷⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⢈⠔⠌...



      11 votes
    16. June Book of the Month Suggestions

      What book are you reading currently? What's your favourite book of all time? Suggest books for us to read this month and maybe a short blurb as to why we should read it. I'm currently reading The...

      What book are you reading currently? What's your favourite book of all time? Suggest books for us to read this month and maybe a short blurb as to why we should read it.

      I'm currently reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo, a book that is widely regarded as one of the best recently-released motivational tools for cleaning up and sorting your life and living areas. Ms Kondo puts forward a method of sorting possessions to keep vs ones to discard, one that appears to work for a decent number of people based on discussions I've seen.

      8 votes
    17. Chill early morning albums?

      Anyone have any good stuff to put on for just a chill weekend morning? My usual go-tos are -Salad Days and 2, Mac Demarco -Wakin On a Pretty Daze, Kurt Vile -Random Spotify jazz playlists -What's...

      Anyone have any good stuff to put on for just a chill weekend morning?

      My usual go-tos are
      -Salad Days and 2, Mac Demarco
      -Wakin On a Pretty Daze, Kurt Vile
      -Random Spotify jazz playlists
      -What's Going On, Marvin Gaye
      -A couple of Wilco albums

      What do you guys like to play to start off a morning right?

      16 votes
    18. Are there any people in the industry here?

      New group, new topics, this is all so exciting. I'm a chef myself and enjoy discussing the business and philosophies of what I do. I'm wondering if other people in the industry have found their...

      New group, new topics, this is all so exciting. I'm a chef myself and enjoy discussing the business and philosophies of what I do. I'm wondering if other people in the industry have found their way unto Tildes at this point.

      8 votes
    19. A minor suggestion regarding voting and karma

      I'm grateful for being invited and I'm happy to see the community enjoy a smooth ride so far. I really hope the platform does not follow in the footsteps of Reddit's karma mechanism. I find that...

      I'm grateful for being invited and I'm happy to see the community enjoy a smooth ride so far.

      I really hope the platform does not follow in the footsteps of Reddit's karma mechanism. I find that this cumulative store of points attached to each user to encourages them to seek more points, regardless if they steal content or repost their own old material for another karma-harvesting run. Instead, if users can be appreciated by the actual number of posts they've submitted much like the bulletin boards of old, it would be more fair in my opinion. It'd be a measure of the effort and contribution made by a user, not only what others think of them.

      For example, my profile would say "Eyehigh posted 20,000 posts" instead of "Eyehigh seemed to impress 20,000 people enough for them to leave an upvote, so here's the 20,000 upvotes."

      What do you think?

      12 votes
    20. What do we know about early Tildes demographics?

      I can't be the only one who looks at discussions about moderation, community norms, etc. and wonders who we are and aren't hearing from. What's the strategy for ensuring we have a breadth of...

      I can't be the only one who looks at discussions about moderation, community norms, etc. and wonders who we are and aren't hearing from. What's the strategy for ensuring we have a breadth of perspectives (not talking US electoral politics, here) while setting early (possibly persistent) standards and structures?

      16 votes
    21. Farm to table automation

      I think automation is coming quick and fast and think that a landmark event will be when food can be farmed, packaged, shipped and sold without requiring any humans to be involved. I see the...

      I think automation is coming quick and fast and think that a landmark event will be when food can be farmed, packaged, shipped and sold without requiring any humans to be involved. I see the foundations in place already with Amazon Go and autonomous vehicles and it doesn't seem like too much longer before this kind of automation could be possible in my mind.

      Anybody want to weigh in with thoughts/discussion? What effects might it bring? Will it lead to a sort of monopoly as the food could be sold so much cheaper? When might this scale of automation be plausible? Anything really, just looking to spark some discussion :)

      5 votes
    22. What's your favorite hard science fiction novel?

      I'm a big fan of Peter Watts (Blindsight, Echopraxia) and Greg Egan (Schild's Ladder, Diaspora) and always looking for more to read. That said I find myself a little bit difficult sometimes as I'm...

      I'm a big fan of Peter Watts (Blindsight, Echopraxia) and Greg Egan (Schild's Ladder, Diaspora) and always looking for more to read. That said I find myself a little bit difficult sometimes as I'm not really a fan of massive scope stuff like operas or anything too dated. Granted I really haven't given either of the latter much of a chance as I think I just prefer tight, focused stories with a small cast of characters.

      I recently started The Quantum Thief and am liking certain aspects of it but you're really thrown into a blizzard with that one.

      35 votes
    23. Any other gamblers here?

      I started gambling on sports at the start of the 2016 NFL season. Using a popular offshore site that takes bitcoin for wagers, I managed to get around the stringent US laws against sports betting....

      I started gambling on sports at the start of the 2016 NFL season. Using a popular offshore site that takes bitcoin for wagers, I managed to get around the stringent US laws against sports betting. I got very lucky early on, and I thought I had a knack for picking teams. Obviously, that luck doesn't last forever (a tale as old as time) and now I have to watch games for "fun" instead of relying on the outcome to make money.

      I still throw money on playoff games from time to time. That said, there really isn't a thrill like watching a fuzzy stream of two high school football teams halfway across the country, hoping for a safety to cover the spread. Anyone know what I'm talking about? Or does anyone have an edge on the BIG3 summer league they wanna share?

      6 votes
    24. Path of Exile: Incursion League starts soon! Anyone playing?

      If so, what build are you going to use at the start? I'm relatively new to PoE so really looking forward to this new league. Thinking I may start with Molten Strike or something like that. Still...

      If so, what build are you going to use at the start?

      I'm relatively new to PoE so really looking forward to this new league. Thinking I may start with Molten Strike or something like that. Still undecided, like usual :)

      5 votes
    25. Introductions | May 2018, part 3

      I saw that the 2nd thread by @vibe was dying so I decided to post a new one. Howdy, my name is Odin, or /u/alibyte. I go by alibyte on absolutely everything (except here). I moved here because I...

      I saw that the 2nd thread by @vibe was dying so I decided to post a new one.

      Howdy, my name is Odin, or /u/alibyte. I go by alibyte on absolutely everything (except here). I moved here because I was sick of the blatant political bias on Reddit and the massive echo chamber it became. I'm looking forward to the future of this place :)

      37 votes
    26. What have you been listening to this week?

      It looks like it's been about a week since the last one, so I'll go ahead and post another! @Whom, your post description was great so I'll just borrow that :) What have you been listening to this...

      It looks like it's been about a week since the last one, so I'll go ahead and post another! @Whom, your post description was great so I'll just borrow that :)

      What have you been listening to this week? You don't need to do a 6000 word review if you don't want to, but please write something!

      Feel free to give recs or dicuss anything about each others' listening habits.

      You can make a chart if you use last.fm:


      35 votes
    27. Solo: A Star Wars Story discussion

      Have any of you seen Solo? Possible spoilers if not. Personally, I loved it. After having been dissapointed by The Last Jedi, Solo was refreshing, in my opinion it felt like a classic Star Wars...

      Have any of you seen Solo? Possible spoilers if not.

      Personally, I loved it. After having been dissapointed by The Last Jedi, Solo was refreshing, in my opinion it felt like a classic Star Wars film. I loved all the characters, including Ehrenreich's potrayal of Han which I fully bought.

      Also the humour, compared to The Last Jedi, was far better. Whilst there weren't many laugh out loud moments, I was grinning throughout. And I far preferred it to the eye rolling cheesy jokes of TLJ.

      And as someone who has watched the Clone Wars and Rebels series, I loved the reveal of that certain character.

      Of course there were some cons, but they were relatively minor, in my opinion. The opening was a bit rough, and I got a bit confused at the end with the constant changing sides. And to be honest, I didn't really care for Marauders.

      What did you guys think?

      19 votes
    28. Any other attorneys on ~s?

      I'm a civil litigator in Texas, just curious if anyone else on here practices law! When the site opens up, I see value in creating something akin to the /r/lawyers subreddit where access is...

      I'm a civil litigator in Texas, just curious if anyone else on here practices law! When the site opens up, I see value in creating something akin to the /r/lawyers subreddit where access is restricted to licensed attorneys, and I'd be happy to jump in on setting that up when it does.

      10 votes
    29. Ye listening party afterthoughts

      Anyone who listened to the new Kanye album stream (or, if this thread is still going whenever it's released elsewhere, that), what are your thoughts? Personally this hurt me to listen to. Not like...

      Anyone who listened to the new Kanye album stream (or, if this thread is still going whenever it's released elsewhere, that), what are your thoughts?

      Personally this hurt me to listen to. Not like it hurt my ears, but it's so far below any other Kanye album that I can't help but just be sad.

      12 votes
    30. Travelling to Paris. Stories, advice, and tips?

      Hey folks! I'm travelling with my wife to Paris for about 2 weeks. If you have any Paris stories, I'd love to hear them! Have any travel advice? I'm all ears. Local knowledge or location tips like...

      Hey folks! I'm travelling with my wife to Paris for about 2 weeks. If you have any Paris stories, I'd love to hear them! Have any travel advice? I'm all ears. Local knowledge or location tips like awesome places to eat or places to see off the beaten path would be amazing.

      16 votes
    31. About Prose Novelists: Who writes novels that speak to you because of the quality and style of the writing? How would you describe them or their books?

      I don't mind reading a fast book with lots of action or a twisting plot, but over the years have discovered authors that seem to have a style unique to them apart from what's going on: Richard...

      I don't mind reading a fast book with lots of action or a twisting plot, but over the years have discovered authors that seem to have a style unique to them apart from what's going on:

      Richard Powers seems to play with the sounds and meanings of words strung together like pearls on a necklace(The Echo Maker, Orfeo).

      John Banville (Athena) creates descriptions that sound poetic and deep while remaining clear and visual.

      Donna Tartt (The Goldfinch) puts you into a scene so that you feel the emotion of being there.

      Don Delillo (The Names) makes a continental paradise seem like a dense forest of scholars and bright sunlight all at the same time.

      Those are a few of mine, what are your favorites?

      8 votes
    32. The quest for Dungeons & Dragons groups

      Hello ~games Do any of you have experience finding D&D groups who still play traditional table-top, IRL, Minis-inclusive, dice obsessive D&D in Toronto? I have never played outside of Roll20 and I...

      Hello ~games

      Do any of you have experience finding D&D groups who still play traditional table-top, IRL, Minis-inclusive, dice obsessive D&D in Toronto? I have never played outside of Roll20 and I can never figure out where/what to look for in a group (preferably one that's just starting out like me). Having grown up watching the likes of Acquisitions Incorporated and Critical Role, I've always wanted to experience that sort of camaraderie :(

      12 votes
    33. Dwarf Fortress hype!

      Who here plays Dwarf Fortress? It is such an amazing game that I only got back to playing last night after a weeks-long hiatus while focusing on my job. I prefer playing Adventurer mode with some...

      Who here plays Dwarf Fortress? It is such an amazing game that I only got back to playing last night after a weeks-long hiatus while focusing on my job.

      I prefer playing Adventurer mode with some crafting mods, and exploring the land - socializing, having fun, making NPC pals, and being a hero.

      Maybe we can do a Tildes DF succession game!

      14 votes
    34. Shift work and sleeping

      Hey folks, so I've worked nights for the last two years and it sucked. flat out sucked. I would average 4-5 hours of sleep before and after a shift and now I've moved to afternoons (3pm-10pm) I...

      Hey folks, so I've worked nights for the last two years and it sucked. flat out sucked. I would average 4-5 hours of sleep before and after a shift and now I've moved to afternoons (3pm-10pm) I find my body still thinks 5ish hours is great.
      Often I wake in the middle of the night and then that's it. I'm up. it truly sucks. anyone got advice on how I can change this? I've been on afternoons for a little over a month now, so could it be more I'm still adjusting? appreciate any help and advice.

      edit ** thank you all for the advice. I will have to work out a routine and make sure to sick to it, then just not get too down when only making small steps.

      13 votes